
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Federal League 1920: The Prequel I May Actually Have Needed

With everything else going on, the craziest idea I've had is not restarting my Dice Baseball campaign... from the very beginning.  

Early on for the blog, I expressed my love for Dice Baseball, and even admitted that I ran my Federal League for 22 years, right up until the birth of my first daughter.   The old desktop didn't survive its time in the garage, and although I recovered a lot of RPG material when the hard drive was salvaged, the 2009-2016 seasons I did not have hard copies of just could not be retrieved.  A bit despondent over that loss, I shoved everything back onto the shelf in their binders and longed for a way to restart thing.  

It took the freaky snowstorms in March to ponder things, but akin to that show Yellowstone, I'm doing a prequel!

My Federal League always started after the failure of the original Federal League, so to build out teams for a new league was a cinch.  After years of worn out notebooks, dated word processers, and MS Works for the last storage, I have doomed Google Drive now, as everything will be stored in an online folder.  I even have a binder full of inexpensive loose-leaf to maintain all scoresheets.  

And, to avoid flooding the Gnomes with America's pastime, I started up a new blog: Federal League 1920.  Expanding things to eight teams, but maintaining 50-game seasons is gong to be chaotic, so I might as well write up very short recaps (sometimes in old-timey newspaper speak, other times), and help keep myself alert of other trends and issues each team is facing. 

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