
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

(Star Wars d6) #83 - An Honest Day's Work

The Crew of the Pretio in This Week's Episode 

Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise, majority owner in the Pretio.

Duk'k - Sipsk'ud Bounty Hunter, recently rescued by the crew. Offering his services in order to get off this barely existing hunk of mud. His warning shots are dead center mass kill shots.

"Sid" - A peculiar woman who has shown to be a better pilot than the previous one. Possible Imperial ties, but a far better shot.
Latorna Savvn - Rebellion pilot and saboteur, trying to lay low from the Empire after a series and destructive attacks.

Evus - Twi'lek male, former slave, then former associate of Ne'vets, who has found his way back to the Pretio but caught back up in the nonsense of the Pretio

Contact-High Delivery
Needing to keep a low profile while still
In the company of hunted Rebel Saboteur
Latorna Savvn, the crew of the Pretio have 
decided to find some work going to
The Outer Rim, and far away from glaring
Imperial eyes.

As luck would have it, 
They found a simple job
From their old colleagues, 
the Vargr of the Tuktaar Empire. 

Transport a full shipment of the highly 
Addictive Highleaf to Tatooine, and the 
Palace of one particular, Jabba the Hutt...

Bright and early the next morning, the crew of the Pretio flew out of Mos Eisley and headed towards Jabba's Palace.   Sid landed just outside the "service entrance."  
There was no sign of activity around the entrance, so Sid jumped out of her pilot's chair and ran to the cargo hold to prepare the crates of Highleaf for delivery.  By the time the first collection were together and she lowered the cargo lift to the surface, she was just as surprised at the five Gamorrean guards who had since wandered out and were inspecting the undercarriage of the ship.

The guards grunted at Sid, gesturing wildly and pointing spears.  They were just as confused as Sid's blank expression on her face.  Luckily, Ne'vets had noticed the Gamorreans and safely jumped down to meet them.  Duk'k quickly followed suit, using his jet pack at the last second to cushion the fall and allow for a dramatic entrance. 

The guards were quite impressed with the bounty hunter's entrance and turned all attention to Duk'k.  

"That was quite impressive, but what's your business here?"

"We're supposed to deliver this here, according to Bornn Gnott."

"Okay, stay here..."  and with that, three of the guards turned and walked into the entrance.

Latorna and Evus finally walked down the main ramp to engage in small talk with the rest.  Meanwhile, Sid went back up the lift to bring down the rest of the shipment.  

A few minutes later, the Gamorreans re-appeared give the signal to go for everyone to make the deliver.    It took a few trips down the long hallway to a designated delivery spot.  They passed a number of various starfighters using the entrance as a hanger.  Latorna did not see any that particularly worried her, given her bounty status.  Finding her status safe for now, she turned to more pressing matters. 

"Is there a place here where a girl can get a drink?"

"Once the deal is done."

As that finished the stacking the last crates everyone could here the loud, echoing sound of stone grinding on stone.  Do one besides the party stopped their work, a few of them shaking their heads.  A large primal roar of beast could be heard, followed by the screams of a sentient being, then the sound of grinding stone, then finally silence.

"Should we be concerned?  Who was that?'

The Gammorreans scoffed at Duk'k and stared at Latorna, "Probably someone who came in for a drink."

Ne'vets' ears perked up and his eyes went wide open.  He hadn't heard the Lesser Dathomirian Rancor since they had been stuck on the Dathomirian moon of Volturnas.

"Huh, I still want to transport one of those.  Heck, I'd just like to turn a profit by selling one!"

Duk'k was confused, "What exactly did we hear?"

"A rancor."

"A rancor?  Let's.. get a drink somewhere else."

"Nonsense, they're actually quite docile."

A pale Twi'lek descended from a nearby staircase, escorted by a quite obese Gamorrean and a Jawa.

"Jabba appreciates the timeliness of the delivery, especially since his pet's appetite has been already satiated for the day. "

The Twi'lek continued, "If you are as satisfied with your delivery as I am, let us go upstairs to give you payment and have that drink you talk of.  You may stay as long as you wish."

The Twi'lek led the crew up the stairs and into Jabba's throne, and left, to retrieve payment.  The Gamorrean and Jawa stayed within arm's reach.  Off in the corner was a lone Gamorrean keyboard player playing smooth jizz.  

The Gamorrean and Jawa spoke in the loudest whisper in the corner.

"That's a lot of kriffin' drugs!  They won't miss a little bit, would they," the Jawa hopped with excitement.  

The Gamorrean was less enthused, "I guess if we can guard it, you can take a little."

The crew ordered their drinks and wander amongst the various trophies within the throne room.  Numerous being were huddled within the shadows of the room, but none dared to interact with the new visitors.

Eventually the pale Twi'lek and a Vargr emerge with sufficient payment for the Highleaf.   The Vargr was more pleased than the Twi'lek.

"Good to see Bonn's crew found a competent alternative.  If you have any contact info, we'd be happy to get back in touch for any other inventory transfers."

Duk'k took a step back, "Thank you, but I think this was a one-off venture."

The crew returned to the Pretio and left Tatooine.  

While R2's calculations, and ship positioning for the jump to hyperspace, Duk'k and Latorna sat in the lounge, Latorna waiting on a space Salisbury steak dinner. 

"Hey, Duk'k?  How do you set up a bounty?"

"Whad'ya mean, Latorna?  Who are you interested in putting a bounty out for?"

"Tarrie.  That's why I was checking out Jabba's trophy room, just to see if he reached Tatooine."

"Was he in trouble with the Hutts?  Cause.... there's a significant distance between Naboo and there."

"Well, I can submit one, how much are you willing to put up?"

"I've got 4,000 credits, heck I'll even take info on him."

With that, Ne'vets divided the spoils of the drug run, and a casual jump was plotted.

Destination: Anywhere but Tatooine.

GM Notes:  While Duk'k set up a bounty for Tarrie, he glanced over to the rest of the group.  The usual crew continued to be clean, but Latorna's long-standing, massive bounty had shrunk to a barely respectable 15K.

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