
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

(Kickstarter) Tribes by Steve Jackson Games

 Steve Jackson Games has launched a limited production/short campaign Kickstarter for Tribes, a prehistoric board game/rpg.

From the Kickstarter:
In Tribes, you and your fellow players will become cave men and women, facing the challenges of survival in a prehistoric world. Hunt and gather food, craft the basic tools you need, establish tribal laws, and deal with natural disasters, all while protecting and caring for your most precious resource: your children. The goal is simple but vital – have the most children who live to grow up! You have to put your offspring first, but a strong tribe benefits everyone too . . . balancing cooperation and self-preservation is the key.

And hey, any excuse to promote GURPS Ice Age as a pdf only add-on is cool in my book.

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