
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, June 1, 2023

The Historicon 2023 PEL is UP!!!!

 In an act more like Christmas FOR July, the Preliminary Events List (PEL) for Historicon 2023 is finally up!   (I've linked the main events page for Historicon.  Any corrections to the PEL will create a new address to a new file, thus killing that link).

As always, I'm simply posting all the events that I'm interested in.  If games have multiple sessions, I may not list them, all, your mileage may vary.

T09:464 : Exploring the Frozen City 
Thursday, 9:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Heritage: HR-12 GM: Cliff Brunken & Del-Val Sponsor: Windsword LLC, Prize: None Period: Fantasy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Frostgrave II Description: It is an evil and dangerous place. To the locals it is called 'Frostgrave', and It is shunned by all right thinking people. For those who seek power and riches, however, it is an unparalleled opportunity, a deadly maze concealing secrets of knowledge long forgotten. Come seek your Fame and Fortune in the Frozen City. Kid Friendly Game

T09:121 : Racing in Germany
Thursday, 9:00 AM, 3 hrs, Players: 12, Location: Commonwealth: CW-22 GM: Jon Lundberg Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Pulp, Scale: 28mm, Rules: VSF Races Description: A light opener to the convention. A race of various contraptions and creatures through a German town past a creepy castle on the hill - what could go wrong. These races are run each convention timed to finish before the dealer hall opens.

The Defense of Carf 
Thursday, 9:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Independence: IN-2 GM: Eric Jacobson & HMGS Next Gen Sponsor: Brigade Games and Wiley Games, Prize: None Period: SciFi, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Fistful of Lead.  Description: On a world without hope, the free town of Carf focused far more on scum than true villainy. As outside factions attempt to fight for control, and the Gnomish Space Marines are sent in as peacekeepers, can the citizenry fight back, or is there something worse over the horizon? Novices and children welcome. 

T10:219 : Conan the Avenger!
Thursday, 10:00 AM, 3 hrs, Players: 19, Location: Freedom A: FA-2 GM: Peter Panzeri & MBA Sponsor: WarGators, FL, Prize: Prizes from mba Period: Ancients, Scale: 30mm, Rules: Conan Rules! Ancient Warfare of the Hyborean Age Description: An ancient quest & battle like you never saw. Conan is once again king in Aquilonia, & once again has a beautiful queen. Life is sweet & times are good... Until they aren't. A Demon abducts his Queen Zenobia - and 3 other Princesses - as Conan begins an epic quest to rescue them. Huge Armies and Conan's special forces are ready. The fate of the ancient world rests on his success. Random events, cheers and mayhem. Many say "THIS is the BEST CONAN SCENARIO EVER!" Come see! A War Game, a Strategy game, a Survival game. What's not to love? NOTE: The 3 scenarios are different & a special prize for those who play in all 3! For a free PDF copy of the rules and scenarios stop by the game table or mba anytime.

T10:560 : Into The Darkness: WARHAMMER 40K: DEMO'S
Thursday, 10:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 12, Location: Commonwealth: CW-75 GM: Lorenzo O'Branty & LXG Gaming Club, THE MECHANICON and Gaming Garage Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: SciFi, Scale: 28mm, Rules: WARHAMMER 40K and House rules. Description: A new edition makes planet fall. Ravening aliens strike at a desperate Imperium in the new edition of Warhammer 40,000. Discover one of the world's most popular miniatures game. Come join us in learning this new edition of Warhammer 40,000. All are welcome and all materials will be provided.
40K demos are all weekend long.

T10:242 : Khartoum! the Wargame
Thursday, 10:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 12, Location: Commonwealth: CW41/51/61 GM: Jim Purky Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Colonial, Scale: 54mm, Rules: War Along the Nile Description: You have seen the movie Khartoum, Charlton Heston as General Gordon versus Laurence Olivier as The Mahdi, now play it in full 54mm splendor across a vast table top surface area. The game features the Dervish assault on Khartoum and the Egyptian defense of the city and the Sudan. The Dervish will attack the city walls with scaling ladders and lots of D6 dice. Arab Dhows and Egyptian paddle wheel boats will fight it out on the Nile River. So, will you help Gordon defend Khartoum or will you take up the Black Flag of The Mahdi? Oh, and did I mention scaling ladders? 

T10:438 : Renown for Rome or Death of a Legion
Thursday, 10:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Commonwealth: CW-73 GM: Edward Watts & HAWKS Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Ancients, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Fistful of Lead - Might and Melee Description: Celts in revolt. This is a chance for your Centurion to win renown and promotion evacuating a noble family while Celts attempt to destroy this Roman outpost rising in stature within their tribe. Rules taught at table, children with an adult companion. 

T10:362 : Saving Sagebrush Gulch
Thursday, 10:00 AM, 3 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Heritage Foyer: HF-2 GM: Donald Holly Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: World War I, Scale: 15mm, Rules: All Quiet On The Martian Front 1st Ed Description: The Martians are advancing towards Sagebrush Gulch, and the Humans have literally "drawn a line" with trenches to halt the Martians. Will the Martians take Sagebrush Gulch and restock their food larder, or will the Humans force the Martians to retreat to their hole in the ground? Beginners welcome. Gamers under the age of 14 are welcome with an adult.

T10:249 : The Crystal Forest of Goratak
Thursday, 10:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Heritage: HR-41 GM: Troy Nowak Sponsor: Your Hobby Place, Prize: None Period: SciFi, Scale: 25mm, Rules: West End Games Star Wars Miniatures Battles Description: Lead heroic Imperial troops and their allies, or pirate and rebel scum, through the Crystal Forest of Goratak in their quest for a lost droid. Learn basic game mechanics and the use of heroes playing this official scenario for West End Games Star Wars Miniatures Battles using vintage 25mm miniatures; kids under 14 welcome with a playing adult. No food at the table.

T11:524 : Battletech - Grinder 1
Thursday, 11:00 AM, 2 hrs, Players: 10, Location: Heritage Foyer: HF-10 GM: Mark Yingling & Battletech Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: SciFi, Scale: 1:285 micro, Rules: Total Warfare Description: The Grinder is a free for all Battletech Demo game where new (or returning) players will be taught using the Introductory Rules. You start out with a Light Mech and as you die, you advance up to the next weight class. All materials, miniatures and dice will be provided. Beginner Friendly & Rules Taught. 
Grinder events are all weekend.

T11:485 : Tekumel - The Battle of Butrus
Thursday, 11:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Heritage Foyer: HF-6 GM: Steve Braun Sponsor: Second Saturday Scrum Club, Prize: None Period: Fantasy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: To the Strongest Description: Join the forces of Tsolyanu or Mu'ugalavya as they fight for control of the Chaka region at the Battle of Butrus. Players will be using "To the Strongest" to simulate the battle. Each general will lead a variety of troops to decide the fate of the Petal Throne. Over 13 please.

HU943: Beginner painter 
Thursday, 12:00 PM, 1.5 hrs, Students: 6, Location: Conestoga: CO-3 Instructor: Jim Stanton Description: Teaches a unique painting style using all Craft paints and of all things Brown primer to create incredibly crisp, clean paint jobs that look amazing on the gaming table. 6 people. Instructor: Jim Stanton 

T13:848 : Oh Gnome You Don't! 
Thursday, 1:00 PM, 2 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Commons on Vine: BGL GM: Anthony Dewall & Boardgame Library Sponsor: None, Prize: Prizes to be determined based on number of players Period: Fantasy, Scale: Other, Rules: Standard rules
Yes, this isn't a wargame, and we aren't running it, but it is gnome-related.  Also Saturday at 5pm.

T14:495 : Gnome Wars: The Assault on Fort Lockhart - September 12, 1897 
Thursday, 2:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Independence: IN-2 GM: Jim Stanton & HMGS Next Gen Sponsor: Brigade Games, Prize: Gnomes! Period: Fantasy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Gnome Wars Description: Sikhs and British on the Northwest Frontier. The relief column was due two days ago, supplies and ammunition are running low. A dust cloud on the horizon brings hope, but it is the enemy. The remaining ammunition is divided and letters to loved ones are written because the defenders are doubtful that they will see another sunrise. Anyone bringing a painted Gnomes at War unit from Brigade games does not have to preregister.

WAR COLLEGE “HMGS Wants You!—Volunteering At HMGS” 
Thursday, 3:00 PM, 1 hr, Speaker: Frank Luberti Location: Montgomery House - 3rd Floor Type of Talk: Industry, Period: Other, Description:  To borrow a phrase, "ask not what HMGS can do for you, ask what you can do for HMGS." A Question and Answer session on opportunities to volunteer with HMGS. Sign up sheets will be available. HMGS members and non-members of all ages welcome.

T16:455 : Space Apes vs Captain Curt: A Star Schlock Battle 
Thursday, 4:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Freedom A: FA-1 GM: John Sears Sponsor: Second Saturday Scrum Club, Prize: Miniatures Period: SciFi, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Star Schlock Description: The space apes of the interplanetary Simian Kingdom have launched a full scale assault on the colony world of Bonobos! Only Captain Curt and his crew of Explorer Corps red shirts stand in their way! Try the new Star Schlock Battle Game (now on Kickstarter!) in a game that pulls inspiration from scifi of the 1970s and 80s. No rules experience necessary, we'll teach you everything! Ages 13+

T17:198 : Go for the Gold 
Thursday, 5:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 4, Location: Heritage Foyer: HF-4 GM: Christopher Jachimowicz Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Fantasy, Scale: 1:1000th, Rules: Games Workshop Man O' War Description: We'll throw down old-school fleets from Games Workshop's classic sea battle game, Man O'War. Players will choose between the forces of the Empire and the High Elves. Each player will manage one or more Men O' War and/or Ship-of-the-Line Squadrons. Fleets will compete to obtain three chests of gold. The force possessing the most gold at the end of the game will be victorious! The Empire is transporting a cache of gold on open waters. The High Elves don't intend to let it reach port. Use might and magic to claim victory!

T18:446 : BTech - Fast Play Battletech 
Thursday, 6:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Heritage Foyer: HF-8 GM: Dennis Perlot Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: SciFi, Scale: 1:285 micro, Rules: Simplified Battletech Alpha Strike Rules Description: The Davion Guards battle the Perlotti Pursuers mercenary unit to keep them from making off with valuable data cores. Battletech Alpha Strike Rules simplified for convention play and more carnage! All mechs, terrain, dice, rulers supplied.

T19:122 : A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Vienna 
Thursday, 7:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Commonwealth: CW-22 GM: Jon Lundberg Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Age of Reason, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Fistful of Lead Description: The Holy Roman Emperor is dead. It's time for an election. The Heir Apparent is divisive and there are rumors that information about him would scuttle his candidacy. An infamous assassin has also bee sighted in town. Skullduggery and shenanigans are in the offing. All of Europe has sent diplomats and teams to town to influence events.

T19:246 : Camels in the Kalahari (German South West Africa, 1908) 
Thursday, 7:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Commonwealth: CW-12 GM: Roy Jones Sponsor: Recreational Conflict, Prize: None Period: Colonial, Scale: 25mm, Rules: The Sword and the Flame (Modified) Description: 100 camels on the game table! The dry desert sands of the Kalahari protect Simon Kopper and his Nama forces from an assault by standard horse-mounted Schutztruppen. In order to get at Kopper in his desert fastness, the Germans form a special camel-mounted Expeditionskorps (expeditionary corps) under the command of Hauptmann Friedrich von Erckert. On March 16, 1908 at the Battle of Seatsub Simon Kopper and his Nama troops clash with Hauptmann von Erckert and his camel-mounted Schutztruppen. From the upcoming scenario book "The Nama Wars".

T19:515 : Test of Honour - The Shimonoseki Incident 
Thursday, 7:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 20, Location: Federal Foyer: FF-1 GM: David Hill Sponsor: Things from the Basement and Your Hobby Place Ltd., Prize: None Period: Boshin War/Samurai, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Test of Honour - Quick Play Description: Test of Honour is a fun, fast-paced 28mm samurai skirmish game and my alterations have made it even more fun and faster-paced (at least I think so). Don t be scared by the high player count, this is really 5 four-player games at once with alternating turns (i.e. your turn is every other minute!). The award winning Yamashiro (mountain fort) will be making its seven HMGS appearance (and last until Historicon 2024). Five different battles to fight (including samurai with Gatling guns), with two brand new sections for returning players. Quick play rules (one piece of paper!) will be taught. Kids welcome with accompanying adult. All miniatures and materials provided, just bring a fun attitude.

T19:491 : The Defense of Carf 
Thursday, 7:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Independence: IN-2 GM: Eric Jacobson & HMGS Next Gen Sponsor: Brigade Games and Wiley Games, Prize: None Period: SciFi, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Fistful of Lead Description: On a world without hope, the free town of Carf focused far more on scum than true villainy. As outside factions attempt to fight for control, and the Gnomish Space Marines are sent in as peacekeepers, can the citizenry fight back, or is there something worse over the horizon? Novices and children welcome. 

T19:370 : The First Boer War: Will the mail get through? 
Thursday, 7:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Commonwealth: CW-84 GM: David Wood & HAWKS Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Colonial, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Cot Patrol Description: A mail escort on its way to Newcastle had been attacked by the Boers. Will the British hold the field? Or the Boers overwhelm them? Players control sections of infantry in a short, sharp engagement. Combat Patrol uses cards to resolve not only activation but combat in a fast, diceless, and chartless, but not simplistic system.

T19:225 : Who ARE these Albanians? 
Thursday, 7:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Hickory: HK-2 GM: Jim Mauro Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Medieval, Scale: 15mm, Rules: To the Strongest! Description: After the failed siege of the Albanian fortress at Kruje, the retreating Ottoman army under Sultan, Murad II, is goaded into open battle by the "Lord of Albania"... Skanderbeg. The rules are easy to learn, yet rich in unit character with challenging command decisions. Ages 14 and above welcomed.

T20:216 : The Wicked Witch Rules! Baum's Classic Oz - Theme
Thursday, 8:00 PM, 2 hrs, Players: 16, Location: Freedom A: FA-2 GM: Peter Panzeri & MBA Sponsor: WarGators, FL, Prize: Prizes from mba Period: Fantasy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Wicked Witch Rules! Baum's Classic OzDescription: Wait!? Didn't we MELT that Witch already? And we already dropped a house on her sister? Just when Dorothy & the Gang thought it was safe to re-decorate that Castle? The Witch is BACK! Invading Oz with a whole new Army of Flying Monkeys, Spooks and Winky-Guard du Corpses! Can the Wizard's Balloon Corps, Oz-Green-Dragoons, Munchkins & ALL help the Lion, Tin-Man, and Scarecrow? Or is it REALLY always up to Dorothy and a water-bucket? "I DO believe in spooks! I DO believe in spooks!" Songs, Witch Laughs and funny quotes are not optional. Special Prizes for the trivialists! NOTE: The 3 scenarios are different & a special prize for those who play in all 3! For a free PDF copy of the rules and scenarios stop by the game table or mba anytime. PARENTS: Not suitable for kids


F09:492 : The Defense of Carf   
Friday, 9:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Independence: IN-1 GM: Eric Jacobson & HMGS Next Gen Sponsor: Brigade Games and Wiley Games, Prize: None Period: SciFi, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Fistful of Lead Description: On a world without hope, the free town of Carf focused far more on scum than true villainy. As outside factions attempt to fight for control, and the Gnomish Space Marines are sent in as peacekeepers, can the citizenry fight back, or is there something worse over the horizon? Novices and children welcome.

F09:381 : Wars of Ozz: Learn to Play
Friday, 9:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Commonwealth: CW-72 GM: Christopher Palmer & HAWKS Sponsor: Old Glory, Prize: None Period: Fantasy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Wars of Ozz Description: Take part in this big battle set in the post-apocalyptic horse & musket world of Ozz. Various factions, including Munchkins, Quadlings, and Gillikens fight for control in this fun fast-paced game. Beginner welcome. Also, if you want, players are invited to bring their own 25-point brigade of Old Glory's official Wars of Ozz figures (Figures must be painted.), any faction to command: or you can use one of our brigades. Rules will be taught. Children under 13 only with playing adult.

HU944: getting tabletop ready 
Friday, 10:00 AM, 1.5 hrs, Students: 6, Location: Conestoga: CO-1 Instructor: Jim Stanton Description: Teaches a unique painting style using all Craft paints and of all things Brown primer to create incredibly crisp, clean paint jobs that look amazing on the gaming table. 6 people. Instructor: Jim Stanton 

WAR COLLEGE  - “Wargaming For World War I” 
Friday, 10:00 AM, Speaker: Albert Nofi Location: Montgomery House - 3rd Floor Type of Talk: Gaming, Period: World War I Description: Come join Dr. Al Nofi as he examines wargaming World War I. Dr. Nofi is a distinguished author and game designer. He has designed or co-designed such WWI games as 'The Great War: 1914- 1918' and 'The Great War in the East: Four World War 1 Battles.' In addition to Dr. Nofi, the Q&A session will be hosted by HMGS War College Director Frank Luberti, playtester and gamemaster of the 'Trench Wars' rules for WWI skirmish games, available from Old Glory. Both Al and Frank are Directors of the New York Military Affairs Symposium (NYMAS). For more on NYMAS, please go to 

F10:243 : Khartoum! the War Game
Friday, 10:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 12, Location: Commonwealth: CW41/51/61 GM: Jim Purky Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Colonial, Scale: 54mm, Rules: War Along the Nile Description: You have seen the movie Khartoum (1966): Charlton Heston as General Gordon and Laurence Olivier as The Mahdi. Now play it in 54mm splendor across a vast desert of table surface featuring the Dervish assault on Khartoum and the Egyptian defense of the city. The Dervish will attack the city walls with scaling ladders, and lots of D6 dice will be thrown. Arab Dhows and Egyptian paddle wheel boats also fight it out on the Nile River. So, will you rescue Gordon or take up the Black Flag of the Mahdi? Oh, and did I mention scaling ladders

F10:516 : Test of Honour - The Shimonoseki Incident 
Friday, 10:00 AM, 3 hrs, Players: 20, Location: Federal Foyer: FF-1 GM: David Hill Sponsor: Things from the Basement and Your Hobby Place Ltd., Prize: None Period: Boshin War/Samurai, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Test of Honour - Quick Play Description: Test of Honour is a fun, fast-paced 28mm samurai skirmish game and my alterations have made it even more fun and faster-paced (at least I think so). Don t be scared by the high player count, this is really 5 four-player games at once with alternating turns (i.e. your turn is every other minute!). The award winning Yamashiro (mountain fort) will be making its seven HMGS appearance (and last until Historicon 2024). Five different battles to fight (including samurai with Gatling guns), with two brand new sections for returning players. Quick play rules (one piece of paper!) will be taught. Kids welcome with accompanying adult. All miniatures and materials provided, just bring a fun attitude. 

F11:199 : Shore Fort Shootout
Friday, 11:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 4, Location: Heritage Foyer: HF-4 GM: Christopher Jachimowicz Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Fantasy, Scale: 1:1000th, Rules: Games Workshop Man O' War Description: Another round of old-school gaming with fleets from Games Workshop's classic sea battle game, Man O' War. Players will choose between the Bretonnians and the Dwarves. Each player will manage one or more Men O' War and/or Ship-of-the-Line Squadrons. Fleets will attempt to break the blockade around their opponent s shore fort and reduce it to rubble. Protect the shoreline and destroy that fort! But wait. Who is protecting YOUR fort? Bretonnians versus Dwarves in a race to reduce a fort to rubble

WAR COLLEGE - “Adaptation and Improvisation: Logisitics in East Africa, 1914- 1918”
Friday, 12:00 PM, 1 hr,  Speaker: Jeff Schultz Location: Montgomery House - 3rd Floor Type of Talk: Historical, Period: World War I Description: Join us to learn about the fascinating logistics and other challenges faced by the combatants in East Africa during World War I. These included, but were not limited to climate, weather, insects, disease, blockade runners, dependence on human porters and use of excommerce raider naval guns pressed into action as artillery.

WAR COLLEGE - “Wargaming And The Army War College” 
Friday, 1:00 PM, 1 hr, Speaker: Brian Foster Location: Montgomery House - 3rd Floor Type of Talk: Gaming, Period: Other Description: Come join Army War College Professor Brian Foster as he discusses the study and uses of wargaming by the U.S. Military. In addition to his Army career, Professor Foster has served as a Wargame Analyst (Strategic) at the U.S. Army War College, Center for Strategic Leadership.

F14:498 : Return to the Forbidden City 
Friday, 2:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Independence: IN-1 GM: Mike Lung & HMGS Next Gen Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: SciFi, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Fistful of Lead Wasteland Warriors Description: For generations, the City of Ancients has been feared and taboo. No one would go near the place because those who did quickly sickened and died horrible deaths. But recently, a few foolhardy souls have gone there and survived. They have brought back tales of ancient wonders and incredible treasures waiting there for the taking. Are you willing to lead your brave band into the unknown to gain fabulous riches and fame? 

HU925: Shoebox Skirmish 
Friday, 4:00 PM, 1.5 hrs, Students: 8, Location: Conestoga: CO-1 Instructor: Don Goddard Description: Shoebox Skirmish. Lecture: Learn several techniques for downsizing storage space required for gaming materials. Instructor: Don Goddard 

F18:531 : The Meandering Missile Affair 
Friday, 6:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Commonwealth: CW-74 GM: Edward Watts Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Modern, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Fistful of Lead Core Rules & Galactic Heroes Description: The men from the United Network Command For Law Enforcement (U.N.C.L.E.) are ordered to investigate a plot by several criminal organizations planning international extortion and encounter a British MI-6 team dispatched to foil the same villains. Will good or evil prevail? Rules will be taught at the table.

F18:382 : Wars of Ozz: Battle of the Pyramid 
Friday, 6:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Location: GM: Christopher Palmer & HAWKS Sponsor: Old Glory, Prize: None Period: Fantasy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Wars of Ozz Description: Take command of one of the new desert factions for Wars of Ozz, or one of their allies, as the Kingdom of the Whim and their Munchkin associates attempt to bring stability to the unruly nomadic tribes of the Temujicans and their allied Gilliken cousins; as they clash in the shadow of the Great Pyramid of the Impassable Desert. Come take part in this big battle set in the post-apocalyptic horse & musket world of Ozz. Beginners welcome. Rules will be taught. Children under 13 only with a playing adult. Commonwealth: CW-72

F19:555 : Car Wars: Double Drum Arena
Friday, 7:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Commonwealth: CW-76 GM: Frank Osborn & LXG Gaming Club, THE MECHANICON and Gaming Garage Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Future, Scale: 1/64th, Rules: Car Wars 6th Edition and House rules. Description: Amateur Autodueling comes to Lancaster! The Double Drum Arena features two mini-arenas. When there are only four competitors remaining, the gates open and only the survivor may leave. Winners on Amateur Night will receive an Uncle Albert's sponsorship package and get their first start with the pro's.

F19:517 : Test of Honour - The Shimonoseki Incident 
Friday, 7:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 20, Location: Federal Foyer: FF-1 GM: David Hill Sponsor: Things from the Basement and Your Hobby Place Ltd., Prize: None Period: Boshin War/Samurai, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Test of Honour - Quick Play Description: Test of Honour is a fun, fast-paced 28mm samurai skirmish game and my alterations have made it even more fun and faster-paced (at least I think so). Don t be scared by the high player count, this is really 5 four-player games at once with alternating turns (i.e. your turn is every other minute!). The award winning Yamashiro (mountain fort) will be making its seven HMGS appearance (and last until Historicon 2024). Five different battles to fight (including samurai with Gatling guns), with two brand new sections for returning players. Quick play rules (one piece of paper!) will be taught. Kids welcome with accompanying adult. All miniatures and materials provided, just bring a fun attitude.

F19:250 : The Crystal Forest of Goratak 
Friday, 7:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Heritage: HR-41 GM: Troy Nowak Sponsor: Your Hobby Place, Prize: None Period: SciFi, Scale: 25mm, Rules: West End Games Star Wars Miniatures Battles Description: Lead heroic Imperial troops and their allies, or pirate and rebel scum, through the Crystal Forest of Goratak in their quest for a lost droid. Learn basic game mechanics and the use of heroes playing this official scenario for West End Games Star Wars Miniatures Battles using vintage 25mm miniatures; kids under 14 welcome with a playing adult. No food at the table. 

F19:106 : Battle of Las Guasimas 1898 Spanish American War - Theme
Friday, 7:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 4, Location: Commonwealth: CW-46 GM: Jeff Whitlock Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Colonial, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Blood and Steel - Firelock Games Description: Can the Cuban Insurgents and US Forces under the command of General Wheeler break the Spanish line and push on Kettle Hill and take Santiago?! Or will the Spanish be able to stop the Upstart American Advance Kids welcome with an adult 

F20:501 : The Joust - Teachers Program 
Friday, 8:00 PM, 2 hrs, Players: 24, Location: Independence: IN-3 GM: Elizabeth Stanton & HMGS Next Gen Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Medieval, Scale: 28mm, Rules: To Cry a Joust Description: The classic Jousting Tournament. Rules taught. Quick, easy, Fun, and prizes! No one under 14 without a playing adult.


S09:499 : Return to the Forbidden City 
Saturday, 9:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Independence: IN-1 GM: Michael Lung & HMGS Next Gen Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: SciFi, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Fistful of Lead Wasteland Warriors Description: For generations, the City of Ancients has been feared and taboo. No one would go near the place because those who did quickly sickened and died horrible deaths. But recently, a few foolhardy souls have gone there and survived. They have brought back tales of ancient wonders and incredible treasures waiting there for the taking. Are you willing to lead your brave band into the unknown to gain fabulous riches and fame?

S09:383 : Wars of Ozz: Battle of the Pyramid 
Saturday, 9:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Commonwealth: CW-72 GM: Christopher Palmer & HAWKS Sponsor: Old Glory, Prize: None Period: Fantasy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Wars of Ozz Description: Take command of one of the new desert factions for Wars of Ozz, or one of their allies, as the Kingdom of the Whim and their Munchkin friends attempt to bring stability to the unruly nomadic tribes of the Temujicans and their allied Gilliken cousins; as they clash in the shadow of the Great Pyramid of the Impassable Desert. Come take part in this big battle set in the post-apocalyptic horse & musket world of Ozz. Beginners welcome. Rules will be taught. Children under 13 only with a playing adult.

S10:518 : Test of Honour - The Shimonoseki Incident 
Saturday, 10:00 AM, 3 hrs, Players: 20, Location: Federal Foyer: FF-1 GM: David Hill Sponsor: Things from the Basement and Your Hobby Place Ltd., Prize: None Period: Boshin War/Samurai, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Test of Honour - Quick Play Description: Test of Honour is a fun, fast-paced 28mm samurai skirmish game and my alterations have made it even more fun and faster-paced (at least I think so). Don t be scared by the high player count, this is really 5 four-player games at once with alternating turns (i.e. your turn is every other minute!). The award winning Yamashiro (mountain fort) will be making its seven HMGS appearance (and last until Historicon 2024). Five different battles to fight (including samurai with Gatling guns), with two brand new sections for returning players. Quick play rules (one piece of paper!) will be taught. Kids welcome with accompanying adult. All miniatures and materials provided, just bring a fun attitude.

WAR COLLEGE -  “Chinese Military History: Part 1—Ancient To 1928” 
Saturday, 10:00 AM, 1 hr, Speaker: Ching Chin Location: Montgomery House - 3rd Floor Type of Talk: Historical, Period: Ancients Description: First hour of a two part lecture on the Chinese Military from the Ancient period to the 21st Century. The presentation traces China's history from Ancient Hegemon to Failed State to Superpower Challenger.

WAR COLLEGE -  “Chinese Military History: Part 1— 1928 to Present” 
Saturday, 11:00 AM, 1 hr, Speaker: Ching Chin Location: Montgomery House - 3rd Floor Type of Talk: Historical, Period: Ancients Description:  Second hour of a two part lecture on the Chinese Military from the Ancient period to the 21st Century. The presentation traces China's history from Ancient Hegemon to Failed State to Superpower Challenger

S11:502 : How do I run a game? - Teachers Program 
Saturday, 11:00 AM, 1 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Independence: IN-2 GM: James Stanton & HMGS Next Gen Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Other, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Seminar
Description: So you want to run a scenario but don't know how? Experienced GMs and Educators will share their experiences putting on games. Rules, miniatures, terrain, dice, etc will be discussed. All participants will then be invited to participate in a game following the seminar where they can see theory come to life.

S13:347 : Armies for Kids - American Civil War - Theme 
Saturday, 1:00 PM, 2 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Commonwealth: CW-81 GM: Eric Schlegel & HAWKS Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: American Civil War, Scale: 20mm, Rules: Milk and Cookies Description: Come and fight a Civil War battle using the quick and easy Milk and Cookies rules and then take the troops home. Join the Yankees and fight to save the Union or join the Rebs and fight for independence. Players under 11 only please, but adult helpers are welcome.
Not one of "my" events, but one of the most awesome things the HAWKS do during Historicon.  They assemble enough figures so the kids can take the armies and play with them at home, hopefully adding to them. 

WAR COLLEGE -  "Writing Historical Miniatures Scenario Books” 
Saturday, 1:00 PM, 1 hr, Speaker: Timothy Tilson Location: Montgomery House - 3rd Floor Type of Talk: Gaming, Period: Other Description: If you have ever thought about writing a historical miniatures scenario book, this presentation is for you. It will provide you with all you need to know to get started and see you through to completion. Areas to be covered will be: Choosing a topic; Doing the research; Designing the scenarios; Playtesting the scenarios; and Publishing your book. There will be a Question and Answer session as well. The presentation slides will be distributed.

S13:556 : Car Wars: Double Drum Arena 
Saturday, 1:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Commonwealth: CW-76 GM: Tony Spino & LXG Gaming Club, THE MECHANICON and Gaming Garage Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Future, Scale: 1/64th, Rules: Car Wars 6th Edition and House rules. Description: Amateur Autodueling comes to Lancaster! The Double Drum Arena features two mini-arenas. When there are only four competitors remaining, the gates open and only the survivor may leave. Winners on Amateur Night will receive an Uncle Albert's sponsorship package and get their first start with the pro's.

HU945: Creating a Jousting Cloth 
Saturday, 2:00 PM, 1.5 hrs, Students: 6, Location: Conestoga: CO-4 Instructor: Jim Stanton Description: A Hobby University class where we make a jousting cloth. Everyone who attends will leave with what they need to run a joust. Instructor: Jim Stanton

S14:244 : Khartoum! the War Game 
Saturday, 2:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 12, Location: Commonwealth: CW41/51/61 GM: Jim Purky Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Colonial, Scale: 54mm, Rules: War Along the Nile Description: You have seen the movie Khartoum (1966): Charlton Heston as General Gordon and Laurence Olivier as The Mahdi. Now play it in 54mm splendor across a vast desert of table surface featuring the Dervish assault on Khartoum and the Egyptian defense of the city. The Dervish will attack the city walls with scaling ladders, and lots of D6 dice will be thrown. Arab Dhows and Egyptian paddle wheel boats also fight it out on the Nile River. So, will you rescue Gordon or take up the Black Flag of the Mahdi? Oh, and did I mention scaling ladders?\

S14:111 : Pony Wars
 Saturday, 2:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 4, Location: Commonwealth: CW-46 GM: Walter Leach Sponsor: Old Glory, Prize: Old Glory 15mm US Cavalry Period: Western, Scale: 15mm, Rules: Pony Wars Description: Come along and help get the settlers to the fort as hostiles are raiding the territory. Try and stop gun-runners, and be aware of roaming Buffalo herds and cattle drives. There might be a sighting of the Lone Ranger and Tonto or the War Wagon. Help protect the Wagon Train and Stage Coach to their destination

S14:475 : Sort of Midnight Massacre Part 2 - Theme 
Saturday, 2:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Heritage: HR-22 GM: Jeff Kimmel & Rogues Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: American Civil War, Scale: 15mm, Rules: BFF Description: The original late night classic is back with a three (actually 4) part game dedicated to one of our original GM's the late Gwen Reeves. This midday version of the game will feature some of the "Madness" you have come to expect from the & Rogues including the original Brigade Fire and Fury Rules, the usual taunting and abuse from the GM's as players try to do something with their armies, and lots of pushing lead and killing things. Enjoy the fun and camaraderie of an "old school" Historicon game. Pre-reg gets you an Elite Command.

S14:519 : Test of Honour - The Shimonoseki Incident 
Saturday, 2:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 20, Location: Federal Foyer: FF-1 GM: David Hill Sponsor: Things from the Basement and Your Hobby Place Ltd., Prize: None Period: Boshin War/Samurai, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Test of Honour - Quick Play Description: Test of Honour is a fun, fast-paced 28mm samurai skirmish game and my alterations have made it even more fun and faster-paced (at least I think so). Don t be scared by the high player count, this is really 5 four-player games at once with alternating turns (i.e. your turn is every other minute!). The award winning Yamashiro (mountain fort) will be making its seven HMGS appearance (and last until Historicon 2024). Five different battles to fight (including samurai with Gatling guns), with two brand new sections for returning players. Quick play rules (one piece of paper!) will be taught. Kids welcome with accompanying adult. All miniatures and materials provided, just bring a fun attitude.

S15:596 : Battletech: Wolves at the Gate 
Saturday, 3:00 PM, 5 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Heritage Foyer: HF-10 GM: Ian Gordon & Battletech Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: SciFi, Scale: 6mm, Rules: Battletech Alpha Strike Description: The year is 3147. Alaric Ward and the Wolf Empire have begun their push toward Terra in an attempt to capture it to become the ilClan. The Republic of the Sphere stands in their way and are trying to mount a defense of Alaric's next target; the super heavy mech factories on a planet called Devil's Rock. The Republic's forces have been anticipating an invasion and have made preparations, but will it be enough? Come join this pivotal battle as either a Clan warrior or a Republic soldier. Rules will be taught and all materials will be provided. 

S15:421 : Plastic Pirates Pilfer Perilous Powder 
Saturday, 3:00 PM, 2 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Commonwealth: CW-82 GM: Geoff Graff & HAWKS Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Age of Piracy, Scale: 40mm, Rules: Plastic Pirates Description: The Little Lego Looters have heard there is a new shipment of gunpowder in the town. We KNOW what they are going to do. But what other mischief can they find. Are you a Perfidious Pirate, a Steadfast soldier, or a Terrific Townsperson? A game for those of the younger set. Reading would be helpful. 

S15:294 : Rescue Lt. Sharke from the Place of Blood – Flintloque Universe 
Saturday, 3:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Commonwealth: CW-16 GM: Douglas Austin & Mark's Game Room Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Napoleonic, Scale: 30mm, Rules: Dragon Rampant Description: Britain's Duke of Wheeling-Turn and Lt. Sharke have been kidnapped in Flintloque's Middle East universe by forces from the Otterman Empire and their Undead allies. Worse, the captives face ritual execution at the stroke of midnight at The Place of Blood! Effective interrogation of wounded Otterman kidnappers abandoned to their fate has tipped off the British in time to send a rescue party. Will the hostages be rescued alive or meet their doom on the altar? Come and find out!

S16:388 : Historicon Deathrace 2023 
Saturday, 4:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Heritage: HR-31 GM: Michael Colton Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Future, Scale: Other, Rules: Gaslands Refuelled Description: Through the shimmering haze of the broken, steaming asphalt, we see our steel-eyed competitors lined up, with engines rattling and teeth gritted, waiting for the checker flag to wave in the start of the Summer 2023 racing season. Ages 13 and up. Minimal experience required. Rules will be taught at the game

S16:500 : Teaching Game: Teachers Program 
Saturday, 4:00 PM, 2 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Independence: IN-2 GM: James Stanton & HMGS Next Gen Sponsor: Brigade Games, Prize: Figures Period: Other, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Trench Wars Description: Teacher Program: This is the game where we take the theories discussed in the "How do I run a game?" workshop and see them in action on the tabletop. This is your opportunity to play a game to see what it's all about and ask questions.

WAR COLLEGE - “Weapons of the Herero War (German South West Africa, 1904)” 
Saturday, 4:00PM, 1 hr, Speaker: Roy Jones Location: Montgomery House - 3rd Floor Type of Talk: Historical, Period: Colonial Description: The 1904 war pitted rifle-armed Hereros, armed with Mauser 88s and expertly concealed via smokeless powder, against German infantry, machine guns, and cannon. The combat ranged in scale from big battles with thousands of Hereros against hundreds of Germans, with Mausers, Martini-Henrys, Maxims, Krupp guns, and autocannon spewing explosive shells, down to individual hand-to-hand combat pitting German rifle butt against Herero "kirri" war club. This talk focuses on the weapons of the Herero War.

WAR COLLEGE - “1932 Battle of Shanghai”
Saturday, 5:00 PM Speaker: Ching Chin, Location: Montgomery House - 3rd Floor Type of Talk: Historical, Period: Inter-War Description: The Battle of Shanghai in 1932 was a small battle in China which could have stopped World War 2. This lecture is also a preview of a Battle of Shanghai wargame for a future HMGS convention.

S18:487 : Aliens vs Colonial Marines 
Saturday, 6:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 7, Location: Commonwealth: CW-84 GM: Harry Kogelschatz & HAWKS Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: SciFi, Scale: 152mm, Rules: Home Rules Description: Hadley's Hope, the Weyland-Yutani terraforming colony on LV426 has gone silent. Join an elite squad of marines aboard the USS Sulacco to investigate this loss of communication. 

S19:251 : Like Rats in a Trap 
Saturday, 7:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Heritage: HR-41 GM: Troy Nowak Sponsor: Your Hobby Place, Prize: None Period: SciFi, Scale: 25mm, Rules: West End Games Star Wars Miniatures Battles Description: Alliance forces received information that a large Imperial arms shipment is being assembled in a commercial hanger on Tatooine. Capture the weapons to help restore the Republic or secure the hanger and defeat the rebel scum. Learn basic game mechanics playing this official introductory scenario for West End Games Star Wars Miniatures Battles using vintage 25mm miniatures; kids under 14 are welcome with a playing adult. No food at the table.

S19:248 : Owiumbo: Vengeance of the Hereros (German South West Africa, 1904) 
Saturday, 7:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Commonwealth: CW-12 GM: Roy Jones Sponsor: Recreational Conflict, Prize: None Period: Colonial, Scale: 25mm, Rules: The Sword and the Flame (Modified) Description: In the thick thorn bushes of Owiumbo, Hereros equipped with Mausers and smokeless powder have assembled a huge army. The Herero mission: ambush, outflank, and encircle the outnumbered German Main Field Force and then destroy it with close-range rifle fire! The German mission: push the German column forward, get in the Hereros faces, and shut down the Herero reinforcement machine with bullet, cannon, and bayonet! 

S20:496 : Gnome Wars: The Assault on Fort Lockhart - September 12, 1897 Saturday, 8:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Independence: IN-2 GM: James Stanton & HMGS Next Gen Sponsor: Brigade Games, Prize: Gnomes! Period: Fantasy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Gnome Wars Description: Sikhs and British on the Northwest Frontier. The relief column was due two days ago, supplies and ammunition are running low. A dust cloud on the horizon brings hope, but it is the enemy. The remaining ammunition is divided and letters to loved ones are written because the defenders are doubtful that they will see another sunrise. Anyone bringing a painted Gnomes at War unit from Brigade games does not have to preregister.

S20:476 : Sort of Midnight Massacre Part 3 (Land) - Theme 
Saturday, 8:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 12, Location: Heritage: HR-22 GM: Dave Reiners & Rogues Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: American Civil War, Scale: 15mm, Rules: BFF Description: The original late night classic is back with a three (actually 4) part game dedicated to one of our original GM's the late Gwen Reeves. This midday version of the game will feature some of the "Madness" you have come to expect from the & Rogues including the original Brigade Fire and Fury Rules, the usual taunting and abuse from the GM's as players try to do something with their armies, and lots of pushing lead and killing things. Enjoy the fun and camaraderie of an "old school" Historicon game. Pre-reg gets you an Elite Command. 

S20:468 : Sort of Midnight Massacre Part 4 (Naval) - Theme 
Saturday, 8:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 12, Location: Heritage: HR-12 GM: Scott Landis & Rogues Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: American Civil War, Scale: Other, Rules: BAPS Ironclad Description: The original late night classic is back with a three (actually 4) part game dedicated to one of our original GM's the late Gwen Reeves. This midday version of the game will feature some of the "Madness" you have come to expect from the & Rogues including the original Brigade Fire and Fury Rules, the usual taunting and abuse from the GM's as players try to do something with their armies, and lots of pushing lead and killing things. Enjoy the fun and camaraderie of an "old school" Historicon game. Pre-reg gets you an Elite Command. As always, 2 drink Minimum ;o)

10:00 PM S22:441 : Midnight Massacre - Prokhorovka/Kursk 
Saturday, 10:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 24, Location: Commonwealth: CW-51 GM: Matt Fisher Sponsor: Your Hobby Place, Prize: None Period: World War II, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Bolt Action Description: Come take part in the social event of the convention and blow up some tanks in the largest tank battle of history! As part of the Battle of Kursk, the Soviet 5th Guards Tank Army attacked the German II SS-Panzer Corps. Over 900 tanks took part in the battle so take command of a squad and crush your opponents. Two drink minimum for players and lots of unique rules are in effect for some midnight madness! Adult Game.


Z10:348 : The Isle of Dread
Sunday, 10:00 AM, 2 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Freedom A: FA-4 GM: Eric Schlegel & HAWKS Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Fantasy, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Blood & Swash (Fantasy) Description: Rumors that an ancient red dragon has died in the far South and that his horde is there for the taking, so every adventuring band within 1000 miles headed for the Southern Ocean. Unfortunately, a hurricane destroyed most of the flotilla and the survivors have become shipwrecked on the Isle of Dread. Players under 13 welcome with a playing adult.

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