
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, June 2, 2023

Painting Bench Update

In all the craziness of my life, May was sort of a bust for all sorts of gaming.  Sure, I actually finished painting something, and my events for Historicon are in, but outside of three sessions of Gamma World, a cutthroat game of Chinese Checkers for Maja's birthday, and an experimental game of TWERPS Gamma World in the car driving to a basketball event, there was no chucking of dice, dealing of cards, or tangible gaming activity. 

Dork Tower - John Kovalic
Two weekends in June are already swamped with basketball.  I have missing players due to vacations for half of the month, so we may need to shift gears and return to Gulluvia.  The month at least provides me with the annual Father's Day Game, but it appears that Maja's last dance recital ever may complicate matters.   I'm going to blink and discover one kid in high school, the second in junior high, and dust accumulating on everything, which might explain while I'm researching Magic cards to possible visit the local shop and be non-basketball social.  

Painting Queue: Now that cat's out of the bag, and I'm running "The Defense of Carf" using the Fistful of Lead Sci-Fi Rules, the list is still pretty simple:
  1. Chaos Space Gnomes
  2. "Blue Martian" Orglings
  3. Anything else sci-fi, including straight GSM.  
  4. I have a Battle Valor order arriving next week.  Doubtful I'll get them on a table.
  5. I also have the "Dollar Store 'Nids" primed and ready for paint.  No timetable for that.

Project 350: 465 (310/155) from 467 (313 drafts /154 scheduled).  Thanks to two cancelled sessions, I'm caught up with Gamma World actual plays.  Weekends are booked solid and work is ramping up, but I believe I could get things down to 451(301/150) without too much effort.  A couple smaller craft projects, sci-fi figures for Historicon, and working on one Blue Book 20 Questions per week should do the trick.  Broken record, but I'd love to get down as much as possible before Historicon so when #RPGaDay hits, I can complete that 

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