
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, August 20, 2023

#RPGaDay2023 - Day 20 - What RPG Will I Still Play in Twenty Years Time?

Day 20 of #RPGaDay2023 and I'm definitely looking deep into the abyss of my own mortality with today's topic.

For each day I'll be answering the question provided, and for fun, review how I answered a similar question during #RPGaDay a decade ago.  Scout's Honor, I have not peeked at the older answer.

Day 20s prompt is "What RPG Will I Still Play in Twenty Years Time." 

When this question came up when I was 39, it was an easy one, regardless of my answer.  

At 49, with a "traditional gamer body" and a few trips to the hospital in 2020, and way too many funerals for healthy folks, ages 55-70, I really hope I'm around at 69 and slinging dice.  

Gotta get those extra steps after it cools off tonight. 

If I'm still around into my retirement, I can still see the Del Boca Vista on the Susquehanna Senior  Community Role-Playing club showing up for a Wednesday afternoon game of Star Wars D6  (West End Games)

With the exception of maybe massive dice pool Jedi games, it still works with your movies/shows/comics/non-canonical fanfiction of your choice.  Until West End went belly up in 1999, they made a sourcebook for just about every movie topic, every novel, and is still used as reference material and inspiration for current material.

(And let us not loudly of the spice smugglers who may have not only pdfs of the old product, but fan-made D6 sourcebooks covering everything from Episode 1 on.  I can neither confirm nor deny their existence, but if they did, exist, having stats for Naboo vehicles and *cough cough* Gungans might have been a great help during my Star Wars campaign, which I finally added a link to my main page.)

Ten Years Ago Today:  I gave three options:  

#3 - Hackmaster, and it still might take another twenty years to get that band together.  

#2 - Call of Cthulhu.  Masks of Nylarahotep was done in some twenty-odd mega-sessions and the campaign given a soft retirement.  Post COVID, we're slowly talking about revisiting 1926/27 New York City.

#1 - AD&D 2nd Edition (Core books only) 

It's still not a bad choice.

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