
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Popular Old Posts from History (2022-23)

After I completed my annual Year-End-Gaming-Review, I still do further crunchy dive in my overall traffic.  While it appears that bots are hitting particular posts, reviewing ALL of my posts since 2009, I didn't see any one that seemed ungodly elevated.  

It's a bit of a repeat from last year, so I decided to mix things up.  Last year, I broke things down by year, but for this year, I've tried to categorize them by popular types of posts.  

Actual Plays
  1. (Risus) The Search for Pumpkin Spice (2019) - This Spice Girl secret agent style game may have legs forever.  Not only is it the #1 older post for the year, but it still obliterated anything new from this past year.  The name might have something to do with it, but I've found it linked at other legit RPG sites.   Now to see if I take another look at that Spice Girl RPG I was slowly plotting.
  2. (Star Wars d6) #10  The Great Pirate Outpost (2021) - I think this one did get hit with bot traffic, but it is a great episode of the Star Wars game, essentially the climax of the Nevets Aharo's crew's trials and tribulations on Volturnus.
  3. (Call of Cthulhu) Curse of Nevoz #3 - Fourteen Beers at Chili's  (2018-) Based entirely off of a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure parody cover, my 90's Canadian College Cthulhu game was a perfect place for ninjas(!) to fall through the ceiling. 
  4. (Ballad of the Pigeon God) #5 - Bell of Chardastes  (2017) - The episode ends the "Welcome to Eding" arc for my AD&D 2nd edition campaign from college.  
  5. (Star Wars d6) #44 - Tuktaar Connections (2022) - Delivering a shipment of endangered Blue Azure Bunnies to the Tuktaar Empire was ripped directly out of a Traveller scenario in JTAS.  That might have triggered some searches, but the bunnies that escaped into the ship wrecked havoc fifty or so episodes later.
Never need an excuse to post this picture.... Halloween is coming.
The only other RPG post that pulled considerable views was my quick reference document converting Traveller to Star Wars d6.

  1. Contemptible Little Armies (2011) 
  2. My Little Pony: Tails of Equestria RPG (2017)
  3. Pulp Alley: Lost World of Lemuria (2018)
  4. Dungeon Depths Terrain by Mantic (2017)
  5. Lettow Vorbeck  (2016)

The only other item of import in the top ten is an article about Gnomes and Fungus for Gnome Wars.    Some mixed fluff and crunch pieces like that were supposed to be my bread and butter for the blog, but only a select few ever get traction.  Time to review the gnome art and postcards hiding in the back and see what I can do with it.

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