
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, December 30, 2023

#CharacterCreationChallenge 2024

 It has been confirmed that TardisCaptain will again be hosting the 2024 #CharacterCreationChallenge.

The idea of creating 31 new characters over the course of a month might seem easy for some, but most people have resorted to careful planning and some early prep time to get things going smoothly from the get-go.  

I've got a couple themes for this year, a lot of varied Call of Cthulhu characters, some statted out for Savage Worlds instead to start, then a bunch of fantasy at the end.  The middle I might stat out some un-original characters into one of the zine RPGs I own: Pew-Pew.  The serial numbers will only be partially filed off, but I'd like to see if it works better than the licensed RPG products.

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