
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Sunday, December 31, 2023

New Year's Eve 2023!

It has been a year here at Gaming with the Gnomies, and for the near future, the unwanted troubles seems to continue into January.  

Still, I've seen a lot worse troubles on some of the blogs I follow, and I don't mean just a decrease in gaming time.  Thanks to everyone who's commented, whether on the blog, while talking to me at the HMGS cons, or even my Monday night online group.  The waves of life can capsize your ship in an instant, and sometimes a word at the right time is all that's needed to keep it upright.   

2024 will be a celebration of ViscountEric's 50 years on the planet (give or take some reincarnation).  More to come!

Project 350:  The final tally for 2023 is 483 (316/167)  from  477 (316/161)  .  The December holidays clear off a number of scheduled posts, but so long as I remain on social media, they are usually replaced with future holiday posts.  Plus I did need to start compiling days for the #CharacterCreationChallenge

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