
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, March 7, 2024

The Mike Lung Gallery #87 - The Adventure of Ollie

 It's been quite some time since we've had a post dedicated to friend of the blog and Gaming with the Gnomies correspondent, award-winning GM Mike Lung, but Mike has given us some updates that are perfect to fill in the lack of Cold Wars commentary in March.  

Ten years ago, Mike sent me the first two games of All Things Zombie (ATZ) using LEGO.  Those games can be found here and here.  Mike was nice enough to forward the rest of the games from back then, so today, I present The Adventures of Ollie.

The Adventures of Ollie

Ollie had spent the day repairing the lines after the recent violent storm.  Late in the afternoon he received a call from one of his colleagues back in town telling him that everyone in the town had gone crazy.  People were getting murdered in the streets!  At first, he thought it was a joke. But then, his cell phone stopped working.  None of his calls were going through.   Now scared and not knowing what to do, he pulled up by a campsite hoping the campers knew more. 

The camper

Ollie getting out of the truck.  Being scared, he wasn’t taking any chances, so he pulled out his pistol that he kept under the front seat and also took a crowbar just in case he needed to break his way into the camper. 

Suddenly, a man or what had once been a man, appeared out of the trees.

The man approached menacingly towards Ollie.

Remembering what his friend had said, Ollie pleaded with the man to stop.  But he kept coming.  Then, Ollie panicked and shot him.   

At first Ollie thought he had killed the man.  But then the man sat back up and growled!

Ollie fired his gun again and again, but the man kept coming after him!  Ollie fled from the man.

With one last parting shot, Ollie hit the man in the head, and he seemed to be down for good.  But then, two more people appeared out of the woods.

They were crazy, too!   So, he shot at them!  But they kept on coming!    “BRAAAINS” they moaned as they stumble forward.

The things were getting too close.  Ollie took his crowbar and bashed their brains!

Another appeared!  This time Ollie was more accurate with his gun.

The carnage was horrible

Still more poured out of the woods!  There are just too many!  Ollie is knocked to the ground.

Momentarily, he pushes one away and regains his footing. 

But he can’t escape his horrible fate.

The End

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