Mike continues to tinker with All Things Zombie - Final Fade Out, and has already sent a second report using his Lego minions. When we last left our
heroes(?), Sally had successfully killed a zombie but Stan was too cowardly to help her when she was outnumbered so she became one
of them (Mwhwhahaha).
The Adventures of Stan and Sally
Part II
Now where is our intrepid hero Stan?
Running Scared.... With a Giant Wrench |
Terrified from the horrifying events back at the store, Stan runs in panic deep into the woods. The thoughts of his own cowardice in the face of danger and his failure to protect his girlfriend, Sally, from the monsters are almost too much to bear.
Into the woods.... |
Wiping tears from his eyes, he spots a camper nearby. Maybe there is someone there that can help or maybe he can find food and shelter.
Oh no! Not again! |
One of those things is shambling right outside the camper!
Another is lurking in the woods to his right. |
With the pent-up anger powered by his previous failures, Sam races toward the nearby monster to take his revenge.
"This is for you, Sally!" |
A massive blow from his huge wrench knocks the creature to the ground
Who da man? I'm da MAN! |
Two more of those things appear nearby |
Surprisingly, the creature Stan had knocked to the ground with a crushing blow, stands back up, apparently unharmed!
What the.... AAAAIIIIIEEEEE! |
The creature lunges at uncomprehending Stan and procedes to bite out hunks of his flesh
mother.... |
The others join in the ghoulish feast
Today is just the "Stan"-dard Buffet |
Later that day, by some strange twist of fate, Stan is rejoined by his love, Sally.
And they ate brains happily ever after. |
The End
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