
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Thursday, May 23, 2024

🧙‍♂️(Georic Gazetteer) The Three Kingdoms of Khemmet

(Author's Notes: Despite my desire to complete this guidebook as a Gazetteer for all things related to the continent of Talaishia, I have receive an inordinate amount of correspondence asking me to make a short dissertation on many of the major countries outside those geographical boundaries.  I feel that placing such a limited amount of information to fit the format of my original work would be akin to dipping your thumbnail in pitch and saying you blend in with the night.  However, some of these fine folks, have felt the need to provide me with a certain amount of coin, I am unable to return it, and would feel tugs at my moral compass if I did not add something as an appendix, possibly a hint of things to come for future books.)

The Three Kingdoms of Khemmet

Pantheon: Strictly Khemmet Ra
Ruled:  Thumotis IX, Pharoah 
Capital:  Waset 
Other Cities: Inebuhed (Religious City, 1,000,000), Yebu (Capital of the Upper Kingdom, 150,000), Napetea (Capital of the Nubian Kingdom), Bolbintine (Port City), Tanis
Language: Khemmet
Flag/Emblem: (FLAG) Golden Winged Schier Disc, on a blue field. (EMBLEM) Khemmet - Ankh, Lower Kingdom - Uraeus, Upper Kingdom - Vultyre, Nubian Kingdom - Scorpion.
Coinage: Khemmet, other coinages are permitted in coast cities, but in the interior, use of foreign coin without conversion is punishable by death.
Important Personages: Prince Kheraptis of Nubia (Nubian Oversight),  Viziers running the day to day of the “Three Kingdoms” Archpriest of Ra, Mashalls of Khemmet, bureau ministers Chiefs of the Pharoah (recognized tribal leaders).
Alliances: Aethope, hasur (trade), Xellnic League (trade), Keshu, Emron (magic and technology)
Hostilities: Lybbos, Yarbay, Meroe
Open Warfare/Skirmishing: Border incidents on all sides,, raiders on the western desert.
Intrigues:  Too many to mention, mostly in palace, amongst nobles, governors.  The political dealings and affairs to finally marry off Princess Nefurera.
Demi-Humans: Nubian Agogwe (thinner warrior halflings) 2%.   
Magickal Devices:
A host of defensive, offensive, and divination devices from thousands of years of existence. The convergence of the pyramids and ley lines generate enough Heka for maximum effectiveness. Nine Nehru Axxes, Ur_Hakau of Imhotep, Aten Anhk, Mace of Narmer, Grimoire of Pharoah Nectanebus,, Golen Crock, Ebon Faili, The Sphinx Legions Talisman.

Capital City of Waset

Thumbnail Sketch:  Most adventurous children have heard stories of the majestic four Great Pyramids, the ominous Twin Sphinxes, the Teru River, whose waters circle the world, or tall tales of ancient Khemmet mummies coming back to life to lead undead legions to regain their rightful throne.   Even though it's across the Mer Med in Kufrik, one does not have an Empire for 5,000 years and not influence the greater world.  

Yes, dear reader, the Khemmet Empire, the Three Kingdoms, is at LEAST 5,000 years old.   Even the Senzar Empire, which refuses to concede superiority in anything, acknowledges two lands in their history which are older than their empire:  Hyperborea and Khemmet.  
Inebuhed, City of Rah

As other greater empires, in numbers, in power, and in territories have grown and vanished countless times.  Thanks to their religious traditions... and being surrounded by desert from three directions, Khemmet has retained their borders, and  allowed them to keep their culture largely intact from outside intervention.  Citizens of the Three Kingdoms will remind of that, and remind you that you a guest of Khemmet Ra, the sun god, and principal god of their pantheon.  Good manners and good coin will keep one from being subject to the rampant street crime or the overzealous religious authority.  

Khemmet is divided into three kingdoms.  The Lower Kingdom encompasses the Teru Delta and most of the population resides there.  The Upper Kingdom is known for its mining and river-adjacent agriculture.  The Nubian Kingdom was a recent addition (600 years ago) of the empire that simply was assimilated, but still retains their own governor and religious officials.  It is the most diverse of the kingdoms, a more welcoming entrance to the empire for the other Kufrik lands.

A Khemmet emissary travels to visit the southern kingdoms of Kufrik.  The writer is unsure why the artist created them all paler than a Wyrmnalian winter.

The one and only true boundary, of course, is the great Teru.  It is the massive river that bisects all the Kingdoms, and gives it life. It's floodwaters are responsible for the fertile land that is able to feed it's people, and it's breadth and depth remain the finest transportation system for its citizens.

While quite restrictive, the schools and universities of the land are of great repute. Although many deal with religious subjects almost exclusively, there are a considerable number of courses in all manner of subjects, ranging from architecture to zoology, and considerable topics such as the divine and the arcane.   Khemmets's two schools of illusion and enchantment bring in thousands of prospective students every year, from Senzar to Azir. 

The population is 65 % True Khemmet, 20 % Nubian, and 13% from various Mare Med stocks.

Other languages spoken may include Xellnic and Phobic

Slavery is legal and is 5% of the population, largely criminals are enslaved.  Many are native Khemmet. 

Khemmet controls a large standing army to fight off the threat and a navy for the Mare Med and Mare Ruge.  Their Nubian forces are renowned bowmen

Khemmet has maintain their culture and influence by growning insular and isolationist, knowing many of its traditions are backward but yet thriving. They actively engage with some countries for magicks and technology they are lacking:  Argivian artifacts, Emron arcane magicks, and windship tech.

Order of the Black Star: Mystic Secrets of Khemmet, loosely based collection of magi, clerics, and prophets supporting the Pharaoh, weakening by their unswerving loyalty

Order of the Forbidden Star: Society to hunt down those who use magic against the Pharaoh.  

Let the reader beware and traveler beware.  Learning the word heresy while in Khemmet is much advised.  Despite the true power and effectives of the Pharaohs being blessed by the gods, the priest control the influence. Power has accumulated in the church, mostly under the Priests of Rah. The Theocracy is absolute, but has learned through the millennia to treat its citizenry well.
Open, active worshipping of any god, deity, or entity within Khemmet is considered heresy and is punishable by death.  Only the worship of active gods within the Khemmet mythos is permitted. 

Geography of Note: 
The Great Teru River - This massive river, both in length and girth, is the true lifeblood for all the kingdoms.  If something is beyond it's life-giving influence, it is either a attempt to fleece you or your coin... or your life, or it's far too dangerous for a casual visitor to experience.  Rent a boat, pay your stff well, and your are almost guaranteed safe passage until such time as you're finally ready to leave.
The Great Pyramids of Inebuhed - While only four qualify as "Great" there are dozens of pyramids in and surrounding the holy city.  Visitors should denote the the number of guards around a pyramid to its importance.  Well organized security is usally a tourist trap, but a safe area.  Sparse or no security means the traps are usually in place. 

Cleopatra's Twin Sphinxes -  While the Great Sphinx is best known, the largest tourist destination is the site of Cleopatra VII's non-pyramid tomb, specifically the large twin sphinxes guarding them.  This  Cleopatra fought off outside incursions from Danaan, Feraso, and Senzar and created not only the foundation for the modern Khemmet, but also 500 years of female primogeniture succession.

Recent Intrigue: 
It is but a footnote in the long history of Khemmet, and it could resolve itself well before publication of the gazetteer is completed, but few tales have amused, if not excited, the world but the situation with Princess Nefurera.  

Princess Nefurera

Princess Nefurera (b.1122) is the eldest child of Thumotis IX.  As Khemmet uses male primogeniture for the line of succession, she would normally be married to a rich noble or an inept uncle to avoid a threat to the throne.  On her twentieth birthday, Thumotis IX sent messengers from every known kingdom, announcing that the Princess was looking for suitors of royal birth, worthy of the hand of a Khemmet princess in marriage.  Dozens of potential suitors have traveled to Khemmet to woo or earn her hand, eight years later, none have succeeded.  

When she was 22, assassins for the temple of set tried to kill her.  Not only did she thwart the attempt, but she brazenly escorted the eunuchs carrying the bodies of the would-be killers, and personally dumped them on the step of the temple.  No further attacks have ever been reported.

The Princess is now 28, and still without a husband, but not for a lack of the royal community trying.  Most countries have sent at least one of their royal sons to try to become betrothed to her. There are many stories as to how to with the princesses heart, including breaking a curse, special dances, and slaying a sphinx.  The author might be out of line and is much too old to partake in such shenanigans, but if the men learned the language and a proper level of respect to a woman who can dispatch her own assassins, they might not leave the country with a bride, but a potential ally with influence in the court.  

Princess Nefurera, allegedly with a very prominent and single king of the north...

Mentions of Khemmet in the Blog: 
Mutumbo Detki-Muletuki: The focus of the Journey of Mutumbo and further adventures, the Nubian from Meroe travelled through the Three Kingdoms in his journey to deliver the great hourglass.  In his journey through the Old Ways, he picked up a smattering of Khemmet by "Prince Clarence" to survive.  
In the Journey of Mutumbo #2 - In their very first adventure, the party encounters a Priest of Thoth, Kamen-Non, who was searching Crosedes for the Sceptre of Amun-Ra.
Lost Dispatches of Feraso #39 - Elsderth Greyhawk mentions the contemporaries of the early days of the First Ferasean Empire as "the Argivians Artificers, the Pharaohs of Khemmet, and the Ancient Parthian tribes" 
Lost Dispatches of Feraso #74 - In the notes section, I mention the Akana Crusaders "liberating" the Myridius City-States from Parthian and Yarbay inflence.  The Akana pillaging may have touched neighboring tribes of Yarbay, but there is no documented case of the Crusaders entering Khemmet.  At least none that lived to tell the tale.
Lost Dispatches of Feraso #84Elsderth Greyhawk "interviews" Ned Overland.  Ned mentions spending a number of years.  He mentions an affinity to the "Old Ways", the ancient Magicks, the warm temperatures, the malady reducing sea air, and of course, the topless women.

GM Notes:  I realized in writing this, that I'm doing some revisionist history for my old games.   If I were run anything based in an Africa-centric setting, I would start with the d20 Nyambe setting.  The sourcebook was a good start, but I still like the impression the halfling Agogwe gave me.  Given that they would be from Meroe and parts south, it explains why Mutumbo always had a good disposition to the smaller demi-races, from Prince Clarence the gnome  to the numerous gnome titans he fought alongside.

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