
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, April 3, 2021

2021 Mid-Year Review

I've always tracked my gaming progress like the US Federal fiscal calendar (October through September. Don't ask why, it's always been like that, I'm not going to change now.

That being said, it's the midway point in that year, and a perfect time for a quick, bullet-point style review of how I'm doing and what I still need to do.

  • Actual Plays: Besides the Star War Actual Play, Adventures in Gulluvia's run is near completion, and the Burning Trogs Redux storyline was completed early (ready for publication around Christmastime).  The Georic Gazetteer is probably a back-burner item, with Star Wars and the GSM dominating my time..
  • COVID: The dread Coronavirus has killed most conventions and other face-to-face gaming (and almost me), but the kids still got a winter full of basketball, even if it wasn't as convenient as prior years.  AAU started up this month, and so far my wife taking the kids to Monday night practice, then hitting the gym until their ready to go home, has given me not only a little scheduled piece and quiet, but just enough prep time for Star Wars.   Here's hoping it stays like this through June.  I'll take them anywhere on any other night. 

Checklist for the Second Half
  1. More Gnomish Space Marines painted!
  2. Painting with the kids
  3. Gaming with the kids
  4. Maybe a ViscountEric 47th Birthday Lockdown Throwdown with select face-to-face gaming.
  5. Finish the Pulp Game, Season Three
  6. Slowly prep Pulp Alley (Season Four)
  7. Slowly prep Planet 28 
  8. Try not to buy too many more Space Dwarves on Kickstarter

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