
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

(Savage Pulp) #3.6 Meanwhile, Back in Sweden....

For most of season three of the this pulp game, the plot has centered around a never-ending series of cults, gangs, private armies, and general hooligans fighting for control of the desert town of Sohai.  

The big question most readers of the series might be asking is, "Where have all the good guys gone?"

After returning to Europe with three artifacts from the Lost World, most of our heroes triumphantly traveled between the lecture circuit and royal dinners with most of the continent's elite.  In fact, some of the finds attracted the attention of certain prize-givers in Stockholm, so a portion of them are staying in the Swedish Countryside.
With the help of friend and ally, Ted Mosby, Aviator, they've been traveling to some locations by biplane.  Famed treasure seeker Maja Millie had planned on an overnight stay in town before heading back to the estate, but she directly received a warning telegram from her friend Bob Njano in Sohai, so she rushed back in the twilight to warn the others.

With Ted taking care of some matters with the aircraft, Maja Millie dashed off through the woods to the estate, unaware of danger lurking within them.
 A group of cultists of unknown allegiance and unknown origin were waiting in those woods, waiting to pounce on the unsuspecting adventurer.  Two were near the barn and two, plus their leader and a strange Serpent Man Sorcerer (hereafter called the "Lizard Wizard") were closing in on her from the opposite side of the estate.
Maja Millie was alerted to some sound in the woods, and immediately investigated it, only to be surprised  by (and surprising) the cultists.  
"This isn't where I left my gravy boat!"
Back at the estate, Maja's long time friend, Nils Ligonberry, Swedish Adventurer and three of the esteemed locals (let's call them the "Noble Committee") were peacefully napping in the house. Only Nils was awoken by the unscheduled aircraft landing nearby.  He went outside and paced nervously for a bit before investigating, which may have been wasting precious time.

Meanwhile, Maja Millie's sprinter-like reflexes allowed her to dash away from the cultists, hurdle a stone wall and get halfway to the main road, when a ninja jumped out of the bushes.  Hired by the cultists to kidnap her, the ninja got overexcited and tried to plunge a sword into her chest.  Somehow, she barely avoided the blow, only suffering some superficial cuts.
On the other side,  cultists Barry and Clarence were stealthily moving along the main road when they notice an odd area of woods, investigating, Barry stepped into an old, rusty bear trap!
With the noise of the steel trap shutting and his associate screaming, Clarence thought it best if he put him out of his misery.   The first gunshot rang through the town, alerting everyone, including the awakened Noble Committee to trouble ahead.

The worst part was, his shot missed Barry.

Nils charged the ninja firing from behind.  The wounds were superficial, and the ninja came to his senses and tried to properly waylay Maja.

The Noble Committee also sprung into action, but not too fast as to break a hip....
The leader and the cultists finally reached Maja, as well as a second ninja lurking in a different bush.  Maja Millie was able to stun a number of them, but could not knock any out. 

Nils' gunfire finally took out the original ninja, the Committee took out the second, and a shocked Ted Mosby, Aviator, killed the lizard wizard, but it was too late.  Maja Millie had been knocked out, half stuff in a bag, and being hauled away by two surviving cultists.
The cult leader shot some mystic ray of energy straight into the Swedes chest, but Nils only staggered back a few steps and continued his charge.  

Alas, despite the Committee killing one of the kidnappers, their leader quickly took his place carrying Maja Millie, and in a flash they were gone.  

Confused by their failure, the group searched the area for clues, only to find two of them trying to steal Ted's plane!  

Cultist Clarence could not leave his friend Barry, broke the chains holding the beartrap, and unwisely carried his friend to the bi-plane, in hopes of stealing it, ditching their cultist gear, and finding a proper hospital.  Luckily, one of the Committee was a doctor and could keep Barry alive, albeit with the loss of his right foot.  

Knowing their goose was cooked, Clarence admitted to everything he knew.  The local cultists were hired by someone else to kidnap Maja Millie and force her to translate some hieroglyphics that had recently arrived.

Destination: The Royal Swedish Museum of Antiquities in Stockholm

Notes: This was the annual Father's Day game I run with Maja (age 10) and Millie (age 8) each year.  No silly premise or desire to recreate a classic wargaming battle (see list below), but I did need to jumpstart the stalled pulp campaign

Millie played our heroes, and Maja played a vicious, but somehow caring set of cultists.  While Millie's reserves couldn't be woken up by dynamite under their chairs and Maja's cultists futility tried to waylay Maja Millie, it was the drama of Barry and Clarence that took center stage. 

I'm proud and terrified that upon discovering that the failed search roll resulted in the deadly bear trap springing, it was Maja that suggested a single bullet in Barry's head to keep from screaming and attracting attention.   But even as I made her make a roll to see if she did it, she started to backtrack, "He's going to drag him to to the airplane to get to the hospital.  

Of course, in hindsight, the heroes' sedan was parked alongside the barn, only three quick turns to drag Barry to, rather than across the board.

Previous Father's Day games.

Yes, the ninjas are Japanese Gnomes from Brigade Games' Gnome Wars line.

And inspiration for the session came directly from "Ninjas at the Vicarage" from The Land of Counterpane

Next: #3.7  A different take on the kinapping...

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