
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Monday, August 17, 2020

#RPGaDay2020: Day 17 - Comfort at the Extremes

Day 17 of #RPGaDay2020 demands "Comfort."  I've previously discussed the comfort of gaming areas and fantasized about gaming locations and situations, so I guess all that's left is my true comfort zone for gaming.

What systems puts ViscountEric at ease like his grandmothers' cooking?

In my current week-to-week gaming, RISUS: The Anything RPG
I run it about as simple as one can, I'm delighted with the results I get, but the elegance in the add-on rules always gives me pause if I could get more out of the system.

Then I remember, no matter how much I fanboy the system, I don't think any of my players have ever downloaded the FREE rules, or else they would be inquiring on their own.

I've used Risus for hard-sci-fi Mars Colony missions, gonzo pulp action, Southern BBQ/Taxidermy business battles,  COVID-19 Supermarket Chaos, Spice Girls Espionage, and of course, my favorite comfort game, GURPS-IOU, with slightly easier character creation.

And yet, deep down, if I needed a respite in some comfortable cabin in the far recesses of Iceland in the middle of the winter (with five select friends), I would revert back to Hackmaster 4th Edition.
There's something about the deluge of crunch, with a thin coating of parody that still calms my soul, and it's more than a decade since I've last run it.   Hackmaster required pre-game prep, required in-game bookkeeping, and post-game bookkeeping, but most importantly IT WORKED.  I don't necessarily have that sort of time nowadays, but part of me dreams that I could.   Of all my crazy dreams, reviving the original HM group, correcting the wrongs that were not righted during the campaign and working the characters up into double-digit levels is one I will not let die.

The two HM campaigns that make the great game I remember fondly:
The Journey of Mutumbo
The Burning Trogs Rule!

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