
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, August 4, 2023

#RPGaDay2023 - Day 4 - Most Recent Game Bought

Day 4 of #RPGaDay2023. Promoting goodwill within the hobby, even if I mention basketball in two straight posts

For each day I'll be answering the question provided, and for fun, review how I answered a similar question during #RPGaDay a decade ago.  Scout's Honor, I have not peeked at the older answer.

Day 4's prompt is "Most Recent Game Bought"

I have a host of Kickstarters for RPGs and Zine-RPGs at some stage of fulfillment, but the last actual ruleset might actually be Rebel Scum, that I mentioned in yesterday's post.  

So, if I tweak the inquiry to "Most Recent RPG Product Purchased," the story is oddly similar.

Again the kids play AAU basketball, and a more recent tournament had their schedule done by noon, with no games until noon on Sunday.  A perfect time to go home, avoid hotel prices, and sleep in my own bed, but first... another trip to the Complete Strategist.  

The Saturday I came in was #FreeRPGDay, and contrary to the search function on the website, the Strategist was participating.   There's just enough of a conscience in me that I can't simply grab a free Starfinder module and split, so I did pick up A Fallen Star for All for Mutant Crawl Classics.  I'm hoping to mine it for cool stuff from my Gamma World game, and the free Starfinder module for my Star War d6 game, 

Ten Years Ago Retrospective:   A decade ago, I had purchased Ripples from Carcosa for Call of Cthulhu.  It was an interesting concept and good read, but I'm barely a fan of the Yellow King, so this item went the way of some convention auction or flea market table. 

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