
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Saturday, August 5, 2023

#RPGaDay2023 - Day 5 - The Oldest Game I've Played

Day 5 of #RPGaDay2023. The modern prompts are deviating from the original questions, thus far.  Maybe I'm doing my best rules lawyer impression, but it's creating some interesting posts. 

For each day I'll be answering the question provided, and for fun, review how I answered a similar question during #RPGaDay a decade ago.  Scout's Honor, I have not peeked at the older answer.

Day 5's prompt is "The Oldest Game I've Played"

This one finally sent me down a rabbit hole, and an enjoyable one at that.  

Short Answer: Since I never played from the White Box, the next closet thing according to Wikipedia's chronology of RPGs would be Tunnels & Trolls (1975).  I played it in 1993, and it was most certainly the 5th Edition, codified in 1979, so that's pretty old school.

Then I perused the rest of the early games and had an out of body experience.    

While I would have loved to admit to playing the original Bunnies and Burrows, the next game listed is Knights of the Round Table, which after extensive research, not only did I play the original rules, with the same crew I did T&T with, but I actually owned a (reprinted) copy.  

I was in community college in 1993, taking accounting classes, avoiding economics courses, and playing away most afternoons with the gaming club.  I'm certain the story of TWERPS "The World's Easiest Role-Playing System" will have its own day dedicated to it, but I purchased a number of their pamphlets through mail order from Gamescience, which of course, was through Zocchi Distribution, which was supported by man himself, Colonel Lou Zocchi.  The catalog that came with my order was a odd collection of wargames, TWERPS products, fighter combat games, Star Fleet Battles, and, course Tegel Manor.  I ordered another pile of stuff, and according to my ridiculously detailed gaming records I kept, we tried out Knights of the Round Table.

Very few pictures of the game online, but whatever Lou Zocchi sent me had this exact red cover.

In a different group, we could have made a campaign out of it.  Sadly we had one positive session, and moved onto the next game, as we were wont to do back in those days. 

Ten Years Ago Retrospective: "Most Old School RPG Owned"   sent me down a path of the oldest RPG item I own.  Since I haven't picked up an original T&T, and the copy of Knights of the Round Table is lost to time, I'll stick with my copy of Thieves of Fortress Badabaskor as the oldest relic I own.

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