
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

(Star Wars d6) #100 - The Nostromo Clinic on Ubrikkia

 The Crew of the Pretio in This Week's Episode 

Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise, majority owner in the Pretio.  Currently missing after the Pretio's abrupt stop.

Duk'k - Sipsk'ud Bounty Hunter, recently rescued by the crew. Offering his services in order to get off this barely existing hunk of mud. His warning shots are dead center mass kill shots.

Sqarl - Quarren ex-whaladon hunter, recently hired onto the crew.

Evus - Twi'lek male, former slave, then former associate of Ne'vets, who has found his way back to the Pretio but caught back up in the nonsense of the Pretio.  Former lover and boy-toy to the feared Rebel terrorist (and former Pretio crewmember), Latorna Savvn.   

"Sid" - A peculiar woman who has shown to be a better pilot than the previous one. Possible Imperial ties, but a far better shot.  Recent victim of a werewolf attack and (as of a few minutes)  below the knee amputee,  thanks to the ship's medical droid, Dr P3PP3R.  She has recently left her room and assumed the controls of the partially crippled ship.

"Ship Tarrie" - With the recent catastrophic failure on the Pretio, the subsequent reboot has an awoken an AI to the ship that seems to believe it is previously MIA/KIA pilot, Tarrie Prolek

R2-H8(r) - "H8R"  Astromech with a confusing history, and harsh attitude towards most of the crew. 

"Cousin Rancor" - Social media guru, famous for foolish holo-vids across the galaxy.  Lone survivor of last failed expedition to obtain a 'werewolf'.  Attacked by the xenomorph lagomorphs and is fighting for his life.

Reboot and Restart
After a disastrous affair to search for an elusive 
Space werewolf on the planet Belkain, and a 
Subsequent infestation of xenomorphic lagomorphs,
The crew of the Pretio have a barely functioning
Ship and two critical but barely stable patient on board.

The next stop for the crew is the neutral 
Kwenn Space Station, just outside of Hutt space,
But will they be welcomed?
And what of the mysterious social influencer employer
and their deal with footage? 
Will this sour the relationship and force 
Ne'vets Aharo to feel the full force of 
social media???

Once the Pretio reached hyperspace, Sid worked down the ladder and went back to the makeshift medical bay for a quick check-up.   Social media star "Cousin Rancor" laid on a table, Dr P3PP3R still fussing over the body.  He had been attacked by the deadly rabbits while still handcuffed in the lounge.  

"Again, I must re-state that unless we can reach a full medical facility in the near future, Mr Rancor will die."

Sqarl had other ideas, "Keep him alive Dr P3PP3R.   If he's infected with the same stuff that turned the bunnies, we have that chick's werewolf right here, ready for delivery.  I know the rest of you aren't on board with that idea, but c'mon!"

"Normally, I'd subscribe to your space telegram," Ne'vets half-joked, "But we first and foremost have an obligation to get him healed up.  Not a big obligation, but one I'd like to follow.  When he turns into a werewolf, we'll cross that bridge then."

"At the same time we'll need to partially dismantle the ship to extract all the grenades those Bioxin Azures dumped into the structure," Duk'k quipped.

"Good news guys," Evus broadcast over the ships coms.  "Ship's sensors picked up no additional life forms."

Sid hopped over to the wall com, "Evus, that's what the ship was reading before we discovered them.  It's faulty at best, useless at worst."

Sqarl questioned the group, "Should we invest in Womp Weasels to take care of the rabbits."

Evus was incredulous, "Great, until they get infected.  That's how we get Were-Weasels."

Duk'k was more confused, "Are Womp Weasels a thing?"

Ne'vets just sounded like he was talking out his behind, "They are omnivores with four sets of teeth, two in the front, two in the back.  The back ones are far sharper."

"Two sets in the teeth in the back of what?"  Sid asked.

"I'd rather not think about it," was all Ne'vets could answer.

"Where are we going?"

"Kwenn Space Station..."

A conversation devolved into the specifics of Cousin Rancor's issues, his influence across the galaxy, and if everyone should just join together to ruin their employer, Amber Kincaid.  There was no consensus whether Kincaid had simply wanted a werewolf, or had far sinister goal.  They also questioned whether the space station, and the location of Kincaid associate/videographer was a good idea.

With some reference on the ship's computer, Duk'k suggested to drop out of Hyperspace and re-route to the planet Ubrikkia.  

"It's an industrial world, it has Ubrikkian Private Shipwrights as one their main industries, so we'll definitely have ship facilities, and one of their other products is medical droids, so I suppose they would have a few hospitals to boot.  Kwenn is actually a satellite office, so we'd be going to the larger, hopefully better facility."

Ne'vets nodded, "Sounds good, let's go!"

After reaching the hyperlane at Kwenn, they recalculated and within a day had reached Ubrikkia.  Sid shot the credentials over and the Pretio landed in a bay without issue.  

They descended the broken ramp, even more awkward due to the missing landing gear and were met by a small droid, who provided directions for the closest medical facility and began the repairs on the gear.  Duk'k would stay on ship to ensure the droids didn't "invite" any ne'er do wells from the planet.

The crew loaded Sid and Cousin Rancor into the Piscopo and they headed off to a heavier populated area for the closet medical clinic. 

After some conversations and greasing of palms, Cousin Rancor was pushed ahead of the queue for emergency surgery, and Sid was transferred for a mechanical lower leg, "Stock, black and white."

The procedures would take hours, so they positioned themselves in the waiting room, watching holovid broadcasts.


Imperial broadcasts gained permission to speak with Major Windan Lorimer, Imperial Marines, who recently returned from six months of duty as a captain of Imperial auxiliaries  engaged in counter insurgency action on the planet Efate.  Expected by all to be an Imperial-scrubbed fluff piece to raise morale and further vilify the rebellious factions, but some interesting tid-bits come out.

Lorimer revealed that, four months ago, his battalion became engaged in a firefight and subsequently captured twenty rebel fighters, two of which were female officers.  Subsequent medical examinations revealed that one of the officers was, in fact, a Chiss.

Word has been received from two weeks ago, that the Imperial Star Destroyer Adamdun mistakenly engaged and destroyed the merchant craft Bloodwell of the Oberlates Line.  The Bloodwell, according to official reports, was approaching the Adamdun, although not in a trajectory that would threaten the Star Destroyer.  The Bloodwell refused to accept communications beyond the initial hail, and would not transmit any credentials when requested.  The ship was under full acceleration, and it did not change its vector after initial warning shots.  

Oberlates claims a cover-up, with spokesman Marc Oberlates noticeably biting his tongue and lip during pauses of their official statement.  "Even if there was an emergency on board the Bloodwell, all of our merchant ships automatically send ship credentials to any vessel that identifies as an Imperial vessel."

The Bloodwell

As  Ne'vets reviewed all the clinic paperwork, everyone noticed a sudden change with the environmental system.  Instead of air blowing out, the vents appeared to be sucking air in.  Medical staff were unable to swipe into the back area.  Then the alerts were broadcast.


"That's a lot of alerts," Evus said.

"It's went from combative person to person with weapon, then immediately to mass casualty..."

No security came into the area, but folks trying to leave found the main doors shut.  Even the employees stuck outside wandered about confused.   Ne'vets carefully glided to the doors leading back into the procedure, to be surprised by a lone staff member bursting through the doors.  He flew into the front counter.  A star-shaped pattern was on his face, and significant acid burns were on his arms.

Evus ran over to him...  He could only mutter, "Something... exploded.  Something... biologic"

Evus yelled out, "Hey, we need some help here, this guy needs a hospital."

GM Notes:  A early veer in the session moved some plot devices from Kwenn, to a far more sedate Ubrikkia... for now.    The last half-hour of the session, before the big surprise, was Sid talking with the medical droids prior to the procedure.  Properly robotic both ways...

Next: #101 - Clinical Self-Extraction

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