
The World of Georic 1989-Present

Friday, August 16, 2024

#RPGaDay2024 - Day 16 - RPG That's Quick to Learn

 Day 16 of #RPGaDay2024 and we're working towards a trick question:  "RPG That's Quick to Learn."

As a guy who espoused the virtues of TWERPS and Risus, I'm going to tell you, sometimes folks just don't grok the simplicity of the systems.   

I use Risus for a lot of our impromptu one shots, from Illuminati University to COVID Supermarket games, and I have a few players who simply do not comprehend the concepts of cliches as stats, much less trying to use inappropriate cliches for greater effect.  So much so, that I'm afraid to run an IOU game and make them create a full-blown Freshthing.   

After years of experience, the quickest game to pick up is Call of Cthulhu, any edition.  

The characters are normal humans, the rolls are percentile and the biggest change from 6th to 7th is moving to division instead of multiplication (or is it multiplication instead of division?)   The only thing a neophyte needs to know is that in Trad Cthulhu investigation is usually preferred over violence... to start.  In 35 years, I've never seen people not get the system.  

Now that doesn't mean players necessarily get the setting.  We've all had stories of powergamers and either their rude awakening to CoC, or actually succeeding in solving the secrets with superior tactics and lucky dice rolls.  

For those players, I introduce them to Delta Green, with the same hilarious results.

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