Key: (Alphabetical by first name) - Race and Class - description - (#episode of first, then subsequent appearances) - Specific episodes of note
A. Warren Corkbarrel - former halfling sheriff of Corkbarrel (#13-14, 32, 44, 55, 72), kidnapped by spider-people in 1053, Rescued from spider-people in Lansluck Monastery (#13), Elected Mayor of Lowdale (#32), Last Hurrah (#72)
Abn Qua - NPC - Kasmirin Trapsmith and Merchant in Talislanta - contact of Kannex (#16-18, 20)
Adophus, Archbishop - NPC - Leader of the worldwide Church of Akana. (#5, 10, 30, 56, 65, 72), Spider person doppleganger of the body double killed at Athelstane/Iris wedding (#10)
Aetex: Ferasean Infantryman, kidnapped by spider-people 250 years ago. Rescued from spider-people in Lansluck Monastery (#13, #29) became farm hands at the Chateau. Left for Hydincall after Eding revolt (#29)
Aiko (surname unknown)- Female Thief. Disappeared prior to the expedition to Elwyn's Sanctuary in the Nightwood Forest (#3-5, 14)
Allegra Riverbend - NPC - Half-Ogre serving wench, mother of Sterling (#38)
Alexi - Sarista Gypsy - Agent of Abn Qua (#18-24), Psychotic episode in Durne (#19), Episode of Madness (#23) Death (#24)
Andre David Ambra - NPC - Prominent Emron wizard. Married Magdelina De Sephora m. 1072 (#50-51)
Angus Helenek - NPC - Former proprietor of Eding Trading Post, left prior to 1072.
Antian, Prince - NPC - Prince of Nouvelle Avennio Recently deceased as of 1071 (#49-51)
Argenta, Princess - NPC - Princess and Ruler of the Valley of Haven circa 443. Married to Sir Ellis. (#7)
Argus - NPC - Blacksmith of Eding (#29) Left after Echelon became Baron.
Ariel - Human Bard, wanderer (#31-32, 35-37, 39, 42-43,48, 54-55, 68-71) Moves out of Chateau (#42) Conversation with Mo (#42) Relationship with Fayette (#46), Last Hurrah (#68-71)
Ashe (Winnebago) - High Elf Ranger - Drifter within the pine barrens and swamps of Crosedes, elven cloak (#1-7, #9-13, 15-20, 22-26, 30-33, 35-37, 39, 42, 66-67, 72-73) Eaten by a dragon (#12), Transported to Talislanta (#15-26) Talislanta Pox (#19), Hair Turns White (#23) Episode of Madness (#23-25), Return to the Chateau (#30) Conversation with Mo (#39) Missing with Brother (#42), Arrives at Lake Apotheosis with Winnebago Tribe (#66), Last Hurrah (#72), Returns to Agenmoor (#73)
Athelstane, Lord - NPC - Landed Red Knight of Crosedes. His holdings include the village of Eding, surrounding farms, and the Southern Moors. Hero of the Goblin Invasion of 1062. Died 1070 in Spider-People Incursion. (#4, 9, 10)
Babette of Hydincall: Sreet thief from Hydincall (#15-26,30, 34, 36-37, 39-42, 48, 51, 53-54, 68, 73) caught picking Rolf Wolfsblood's pocket. Transported to Talislanta (#15-26) Talislanta Pox (#19), Pregant with Darius' child (#22) Episode of Madness (#23-25) Arrival at the Chateau (#30), Gives Birth (#34), Conversation with Mo (#40), Purchased Chateau d'Echelon in 1090 (#73)
Bantarn - NPC - Famed painter of the White Plume Mountain painting b. @820.
Barrak Tenslow- Commander of the Eding Militia, Owner of the Blue Wizard Inn (#3, 10, 28) Gives Inn to Daughters (#10) Assasinated (#28)
Basil LeCounture - NPC - Art expert at Hydincall Magic Lyceum (#36)
Benvorho - NPC - Mage- "Ambassador of the Little People" (#30-31)
Beourn - Ghost of Paladin of Akana that haunts Caldwell Manor (#2)
Beourn - PC - Ranger from Ras-Prythax (#63-67, 73) Death (#67) Funeral (#73)
Billo - Halfling, Former adventurer with Prince William Died in Eding Revolt (#28)
Binklen (Binkley) - NPC- Elf, brother of Ashe (#34, 37, 39, 42, #66, #71-73) Missing with brother (#42), Returns to Agenmoor (#73)
Boluke - NPC - Ass of Ozark (#55)
Boson - King of Masgoth (#75)
Bricot Avennio - NPC - high level cleric, Ovate of Yotia, part of de Sephora family. d. 1072 (#51)
Brutus - NPC - Ex-gladiator that befriended the party (#15, 28-29,32-33, 44, 53, 68-72) Left for Hydincall after Eding revolt (#29) Returns to Chateau (#32) Named Tax Collector (#39), Last Hurrah (#68-72)
Carthon (surname unknown) - NPC - Captured by the Dread Lord for unknown reasons, he was released by the party in the Temple of Alasku. (#3-5, 9-10, 13, 29-30, 32, 34, 37, 39, 41-43,45) Somehow convinced Echelon to watch his animals for a paltry sum (#3-5). Married to Jenny. (#9) Runs Chateau d'Echelon after the death and first resurection of Echelon. Adopts local orphan, Timmy. (#10), Killed by Dew's spider-person doppleganger (#43) Funeral (#45) d. 1071
Celeste Silvershield - NPC - (#3, 15, 36) mysterious twenty-year old female residing in the Temple of Alasku (#3), dated Talis Makolin (#15), mage and daughter of the Dread Lord! (#29), Hiring brigands to steal paintings (#36), Made Duchess of Hydincall (#75)
Cervinal Silvershield - NPC - Prince of Crosedes, brother of King Nevin of Crosedes (See DREAD LORD) #29, #41, #45, #48, #56, #61-66 Became King of Crosedes 1071 (#41) At Lake Apotheosis (#64-66) Death (#66)
Cesmir - NPC - Grand Wizard and Headmaster of the Hydincal Lyceum. (#31)
Cesmir Reptilius - NPC - 1st King of Crosedes (y.846). Slightly scalely skin. Painting reference (#35, 48)
Christiana Caldwell, Lady - NPC - normal human - daughter of the late Clifton Caldwell. Owner of a manor house off the South Farm Road (#1-2)
Cilito - NPC - armed attached of the Senzar Empire, kidnapped by spider-people in 827. Rescued from spider-people in Lansluck Monastery (#13,29) became farm hands at the Chateau. Left for Hydincall after Eding revolt (#29)
Cornelius Riverbend - NPC - Human Thief - Father of Sterling (#38)
Cullen DeFinch - NPC - Backstabbing thief (#11)
Dag di Velandro - NPC - Kobold, married, two kids. Sworn follower of Velandro. (#6-7, #9-10, 13-15, 30,32-33, 35-37, 39, 41, 45, 48, 50, 67, 71, 73) went off to study with Velandro (#15) Return to Chateau (#30), Conversations with Mo (#50) Last Hurrah (#71), Sets up Kobold Monastery in Ispatlia (#73)
Darius - Sarista Gypsy - Agent of Abn Qua - Father of Babette's children - SEE YURI (#20-22, 24)
Darius - b. 22 DuoDec 1071 - Son of Babette and Darius the Gypsy (#34, 37, 40-42, 48, 51, 53, 68, 73) Manages Chateau d'Echelon after 1090 (#73).
Daschelle di Velandro - NPC - Kobold - daughter of Dag. (#37, 39, 45)
Dew Xyclone - portly noblewoman of estate of Ipan, kidnapped by spider people in 827. Rescued from spider-people in Lansluck Monastery (#13) became housekeeper at the Chateau. Great cook (#13, 28-30, 32, 35,37, 39-44), becomes a spider-person (#43), killed (#43) Funeral (#45) d.1071
Dimitri Kobblecraft - Gnome Cleric met group in Rowand City (#49-51) Death d.1072 (#51)
Drakos, Lord - NPC - Duchal Advisor to Duke Stephen of Ruuna (#39, 44)
Dread Lord, The - NPC - Mysterious evil fellow spreading chaos throughout Eding. Outposts in the Southern Moors and the Temple of Alasku. Part of the Eding Revolt (#29)
Duane Alberhold - NPC - Cousin of Maloran, owner of brothel in Hydincall/Cyrmil (#15-26, 28)
Eccentricity - NPC - Talis' horse (#51, 58)
Echelon Riemann - Cleric of Tshang-Hai Sheng. Pigeon enthusiast. Collector of a menagerie of farm animals. Technically owns a Chateau on the northwest outskirts of Eding. (#3-14, 28-33, 35-51, 60-73) Backstory (#8) Baron of Eding (#30-41) Mission to Ruuna (#39-42, 44) Declared dead/Lost Barony (#41), Maless Manor (#47-49), Rowand City (#49) Emron (#50-51) Death d.1072 (#51) Brought back to life in White Plume Mountain... with Wave (#60), Triumphantly returns to Eding (#63) Lake Apotheosis (#64-67), Last Hurrah (#68-72), Moved to Maless Manor (#73), Transformation into the God of Sea... and Pigeons (#73)
Ellis, Sir - Knight of the Order of the White Drake, Prythax, circa 443. Married to Princess Argenta of Haven. (#7)
Elwyn - NPC - Rogue cleric of Akana. Known for stealing the Bell of Chardastes... twice. Controls a citadel of iron dead within the Nightwood Forest (no actual appearance)
Emeretta Tenslow- NPC - Daughter of Barrak of Eding, co-owner of Blue Wizard Inn with sister Fayette (#13, 42)
Emesinda - (#75) Queen of Aragain, married to Sanzo I.
Ernest II (#75) 1st Pretender King of Ras-Prythax after the death of Fiame II.
Esdath - NPC - Sister of Kannex, cousin of Loorina (#16)
Fayette Tenslow - NPC - Daughter of Barrak of Eding, co-owner of Blue Wizard Inn with sister Emeretta (#13, 42, 48) Relationship with Ariel the Bard (#48)
Evalayne - NPC - Queen of Aragain (#58) Affair with Talis.
Felix Homsburg, Baron - NPC - Baron of Homsburg. kidnapped by spider-people in 730, Rescued from spider-people in Lansluck Monastery (#13, 29-30, 32. 35, 37, 40-42.45, 48, 51, 53-56, 63, 68-73). Became farm foreman at Chateau. Took ownership of the Chateau (#46) Last Hurrah at Chateau (#68-72), Rebuilt Chateau (#73) d. 1090
Ferrex: Ferran Thief from Talislanta (#16) Associate of Abn Qua.
Fiame (Runyon) - NPC - Cleric of Akana, Former adventurer with Prince William (#28-29, 56, 66, 70-72, 75) Mopping up the PCs actions (#56) Named High Priest of Eding (#56), Last Hurrah (#70-72) Backstory (#71), Wedding to Rurik (#72), Coronation as Empress (#72), Became solo Empress (#75) d. 1115.
Genevive de Sephora, Lady - NPC - Mother of Prince Etienne of Nouvelle Avennion (#49-50)
Gorg Horsebreaker - NPC - Ogre Blacksmith, grandfather of Sterling. (#38)
Groeta - NPC - Kobold, wife of Dag (#37, 40, 45)
Heirylat: Father of Lady Iris. former crime enforcer kidnapped by spider-people in 1050, Rescued from spider-people in Lansluck Monastery (#13, 28-30, 32, 45, 53) became foreman at the Chateau. (#13), named Tax Collector (#39), back to foreman at th Chateau (#45) back to regular farmhand (#53)
Gunter Reikhoff, Sir - Duke Ostverk (Ras-Prythax), High Commander of the Knights of Feraso (#72)
Henri de Sephora - NPC - brother of Antian, son of Genevieve - Prince of Nouvelle Avennio
Henrik (the Follower), King of Ras-Prythax (#75)
Holverton the Brave: NPC - Halfling hero of Elmshire d TriDec 1072. (#55)
Horatio: (#53-54, #62) owl familiar of Mellandria. Death (#62)
Horotio the Half-blooded: Grandson of Babette of Hydincall.
Iris de Heirylat, Lady - NPC - Red Knight of Crosedes. (#4, #9, #13, #15, 30, 32, 34, 39, 42-45, 48, 68-69, 72). Resides in Eding. Agent of Lord Athelstane. Hero of the Goblin Invasion of 1062 Discovered to be a spider-person doppleganger during the Spider-People incursion of 1070. (#10) Rescued from Spider-People in Lansluck Monastary (#13) Assistant to the King (#15, 34) Royal Overseer (Seneschal and Regent) of the Appointment of Baron Echelon (#30-33), Baronial Magistrate of Eding (#39-40), Baronial Regent to Baron Timmy (#41-42), Attack on Eding (#68-69, 72)
Jakob - NPC - High Priest of Cult of Goodness and Light (#48)
Jenny (Bircann) - NPC - Eding militia sergeant, reports to Torm Touchberry. (#3-4, 9-10, 13, 29-30, 32-33, 39-43, 45, 48, 68-69, 72), Married to Carthon d'Echelon (#9), Adopts local orphan Timmy (#10), Lieutenant of Baronial Militia (#39-40) Mother of Baron-to-Be (#41), Assault on Eding (#68-69, 72)
Johannes Brant - NPC - Gentleman of Ruuna asking Echelon for help in Ruuna (#39)
Kane - Human Cleric - Monk of Eastern Mysticism - (#1-2, 4-7, 9-26, 35-36, 45, 53-67, 69-73) Transported to Talislanta (#15-26), Episode of Madness (#23-25), Arrival at Chateau (#30), Conversation with Rolf (#36), Conversation with Mo' (#54), Last Hurrah (#69-72)
Kannex of Cymril - NPC -Tanasian Wizard. (#9-13, 15-26, 66-67) Destroyed a large portion of Eding by fire (#10), Teleported Duane Alberhold's brothel to Talislanta (#15) Researching a way to transport brothel back to Hydincall (#16-26), Knocked out by Rolf (#25), Completes Ritual (#26), Returns to Georic to fight Baraxus (#66-67)
Kyrill Stonehammer - Dwarven Warrior (#14, 30)
Kizi - NPC - Danelek first mate to Captain Perris of the Ardan.
Laurencia, Baroness of Poitou - NPC - (#31)
Leonid - NPC - Brigand Commander (#35)
Loorina - NPC - Cousin to Esdath and Kannex
Luke Alberhold - NPC - Son of Maloran Alberhold and Zoe Loup-Alberhold 23 Quadec 1070. (#44, 53, 68, 73) Became courier in adulthood (#73)
MacKay - NPC - Aging myrmidon, Former adventurer with Prince William (#28-29, 56, 66, 73) Mopping up the PCs actions (#56), Death (#66) Funeral (#73)
Magdelina De Sephora - NPC - daughter of Genevive de Sephora. Married Andre David Ambra m. 1072 (#50-51)
Maloran Alberhold - Human Fighter. Eye for women and booze is about the same. (#1-7, #9-13,15-17) Shorsword +2 (#12) Expectant Father (#13) Transported to Talislanta (#15-17) Died in Talislanta by Land Kra, 8th of Phandir, 150 NA. (#17)
Markas Homeforger - NPC - Halfling mayor of Lowdale (#55)
Markuus Brighthelm - Wild Elf Cleric - (#63, 69, 71, 73) Returns to Eding for first time in ten years (#63), Assault on Eding (#69), Death (#71), Funeral (#73)
Mellandria - Human Mage - Graduate of the Magic Lyceum in Hydincall. Baronial Scribe of Eding (#30-32, 34, 36-37, 39-42, 44-51, 53-62, 73) Conversation with Mo (#37) Mission to Ruuna (#39-42) Declared Dead (#41), Maless Manor (#47-49), Rowand City (#49), Emron (#50-51), Returns to the Chateau (#53), Story of Horatio the Owl Familiar (#54) Death by Betrayal (#62), Funeral Service (#73)
Meudsopu - Half-Orc Cleric/Thief - Translator for the party in their expedition to Elwyn's Sanctuary. (#5) Died.
Merovec Puddinfoot - NPC - Halfling furniture maker in Elmshire (#55)
Mersene Riemann - NPC - Prositute from Omsjik - mother of Echelon (#42)
Michael - NPC - Mysterious friend of Mellandria's at Maless Manor (#47, 62) made foreman of the remodeling effort.
Mohammad - NPC - (#8-10, 12, 28-30, 32, 35-37, 39-43, 45, 50-51, 53-54, 56, 63, 68-69,71, 73) Echelon's mentor on the pirate slave ship. Was eaten by shark trying to escape (#8) Actually survived, but lost his legs and became proprietor of the Brimming Stein in Lansluck (#9-10, 12) Moved into Chateau (#28) Fires of Tshang Hai Shing (#29) Conversations with Mo (# 36, 37, 39-42, 50-51, 54) Fortelling the Apocalypse (#56), Last Hurrah (#68, 71), MIA (#69) d. 1080 (#73)
Montain - NPC - High Priest, Cult of Light (#55)
Nebuchadnezzar Tinpenny - NPC - Hydincall Moneychanger with lien on Chateau (#29) Loan paid in full, robbed on the road (#30) Conversations with Mo (#35-37)
Nevin - NPC - High Priest of the Cult of Apotheosis (#56)
Nevin Silvershield the Ogre Slayer, King - NPC - King of Crosedes. (#31-32, 37, 41) d.1071
Nobquin Silvershield II, NPC - Crosedes Minster of State (#31, #75), (Second Cousin Twice Remove of Nevin and Cervinal. Count of Ferrand (1070-1105), Made Council Regent (Nobquin I) (#75)
Nobquin Silvershield III, NPC - Count of Ferrant (1105-1132), Council Regent of Crosedes (Nobquin II) (1105-1108)
Norm Dingleberry - failed mushroom farmer who spoke only Dwarven (#14, 20-22, 24-26, 30-33,35, 39-43, 52-53, 56-61, 63-73), Mysteriously Arrived in Talislanta (#20-26), Learns to Speak Common (#22), Windship Pilot (#21,24) Arrival at Chateau (#30), Knight of the Pigeon (#39) Mission to Ruuna (#39-41), Red Knight of Crosedes (#41), General of the Southern Army (#41), Conversation with Mo (#41) Shaven by Dwarves (#41), Killed Dew's Spider-Person doppleganger (#43). Left to command the Southern Army at Lansluck (#43), Talis' letter to Norm (#52), Mad Norm invades Ruuna! (#53), Returns to Eding! (#56), Obtains Overwhelm Single-handedly! (#59), Leaves for Lansluck (#61), Returns to Eding with Army! (#63) Lake Apotheosis (#64-67), Last Hurrah (#68-72), King of the World (#70), Imperial Duke of Mercadia (#73)
Odrune - human magic-user - recent graduate of the Magic University in Hydincall. Appointed by Archbishop Adolphus to accompany the party to Elwyn's Sanctuary. (#5) Died in Elwyn's Sanctuary
Oko - NPC - Gnomekin Guide in Talislanta (#19)
Otto Baldung - NPC - Gentleman of Ruuna asking Echelon for help in Ruuna (#39)
Ottolucke - NPC - Wizard d. 1069
Ozark - 70 year old half-orc cleric from Elmshire, maxed out at 4th level. (#55-60, 73) Died in White Plume Mountain (#60), Funeral Service (#73)
Paludis - Ancient Black Dragon (#66)
Pathfinder - grey wolf, magically charmed by a permanent Charm Animal spell by Echelon (#3-7, 9-13, 29-30, 39, 44, 53, 63, 68-71, 73) gained psychic connection to Echelon (#6), Last Hurrah (#68-71) Painful last days (#73)
Perris - NPC - Captain of the Land Ark Ardan. (#17)
Petit-Singh - NPC - Agent of Lady Genevieve de Sephora (#49-50)
Poipon - NPC - Royal Noble Notary. Estate near Pojunct. Murdered (#31)
Quimak: NPC - Human Fighter, second in command in Elwyn the Ardent's cult. (#5), was killed by a second group of adventurers, led by Rurik Bloodblade (#13)
Rosabelle and Rosalina - NPC - Witches living on Monastery Hill across the river from Lansluck (#11)
Rogard - NPC - Captain of Prince Williams' "Baronial" Guard of Eding who attempted to overthrow him from power (#28-29)
Roland: Con man and charalatan impersonating a tax collector in the Halfling villages (#32) Execution ordered by Baron Echelon.
Rolf Wolfsblood - Human Fighter - Temperamental bald barbarian from the Plains of Galmar. (#1-2, 4-7, 9-13, 15-22, 25-26, 28, 30, 32,36, 39, 63, 67, 71-73) Transported to Talislanta (#15-26), Thrall Tattoos (#22, 24), Visit to Taz (#24) Return to the Chateau (#30), Rolf leaves Chateau (#39), Untrue rumors of his return (#63), Arrival at Lake Apotheosis with barbarian clanmates (#67), Last Hurrah (#71-72) Talis is Alive? (#73)
Rurik Bloodblade - NPC - Viking warrior of Wyrmnal. Former adventurer with Prince William (#28-29, #56, #66-67, 70-73, 75) Mopping up the PCs actions (#56) Last Hurrah (#70-72), Wielding the Blood-Brand (#71-72), Coronation as Emperor of Feraso (#72) d. 1105 (#75)
Sanzo I (#75) First cousin twice removed from King William I. Became King of Aragain, 1073.
Scrag di Velandro - NPC - kobold - Son of Dag (#37, 39, 45)
Sigard of Slate Gap - PC - Paladin of Akana (#63-67, 69-70, 72-73) - Wedding of Fiame and Rurik (#72), Coronation of Fiame and Rurik (#72), High Priest of Akana in Eding (#73)
Stanislav - NPC - Archbishop of Flucton. Removed 1071 (#39)
Stephen - NPC - Crazed Duke of Ruuna (#39, 44)
Sterling Riverbend - Quarter-Ogre Fighter - (#37-38, 45, 51, 53-62) Origin (#38), Betrays Mellandria (#62)
Talis Makolin - hard-partying, hard-lovin' bard. Hummingbird, +1 Dagger, +3 when thrown. (#3-7, #9-13, 15, 27-32, 35, 39-52, 57-59, 73) (Backstory #27) Knight of the Pigeon (#39), Mission to Ruuna (#39-41) Lost voice (#40), Presumed Dead (#42), No longer presumed dead at Carthon's Funeral (#45), Maless Manor (#47), Rowand City (#47), Emron (#50-52), Ditches the party (#51), Letter to Norm (#52), Rescued from Cloud Giant Castle (#57) Shamed Royal Minstrel (#58) Dies in White Plume Mountain (#59), Funeral Service (#73) Talis is Alive? (#73)
Tanqueman the Elder - NPC - 140 yr old Halfling cleric mayor of Elmshire (#55) Mentor to Ozark
Theodard the Historian - NPC - Archivist with the Cult of Light. d. 1072 (#72)
Thorrin Slatebelt - Dwarf Blacksmith from Nuxom Keep (#61-67, 69-71) Last Hurrah (#69-71) Duchal Smith of Mercadia (#73)
Timmy d'Echelon - NPC - b. 1062 - Baron of Eding. Young boy orphaned by the Goblin Invasion of 1062. Taken in as a temporary hireling by Echelon. (#3-5, 9-10, 13-14, 28-30, 32, 35, 39, 41,43, 51, 63, 68-69, 72) Adopted by Carthon and Jenny (#10), Became Baron of Eding 1071 (#41), Conversations with Mo (#51), Assault on Eding (#68-69, 72), Leading the counter-attack (#69), Coronation of Rurik (#72)
Titus Maless - NPC - Alchemist, Necromancer , Keeper of dark secrets. Father of Winston, Grandfather to Echelon and Talis b. 998 d. 1048 (#47). Resurrected by Mellandria. (#47)
Torm Touchberry - NPC - High Elf Thief - (#1-4, 29, 39, 42-43, 52, 55, 63, 68-69, 72) Sergeant-in-Arms of the Eding Militia. Deserter during the Nightwood Goblin Invasion of 1060. (#1-4) DeFacto leader of the Eding Shadow Government (#29), Captain of the Baronial Militia (#39), Assault on Eding (#68-69, 72)
Travis - NPC - human thief - Former adventurer with Prince William. Died in Eding Revolt (#28)
Velandro (d'Ispatlia) - Cleric of Akana,(#3-7, #9-13, 15, 30, 32, 39-42, 44-45, 47-51, 54, 56, 64-66, 73) with kobold followers. (#6, 12), Left with kobolds to study in Ispatlia (#15), Return to Chateau (#30). Mission to Ruuna (#39-42), Presumed Dead (#42), Maless Manor (#47), Rowand City (#48-49) Emron (#50-51) Escapes to Ispatlia (#54), Letter to Chateau Arrives (#56), At Lake Apotheosis (#64-66), Death (#66), Funeral (#73)
William, the Scarlet, of Arinka, Prince - NPC - Paladin of Akana, Crown Prince of Aragain, Knight of the Spiral Hawk (#10, 13, 28-30, 57-58, 64-67, 70) De Facto Baron of Eding (#13, 28) Run out of Eding by Villagers (#28-29), King of Aragain (#58), At Lake Apotheosis (#64-66) Wielding the Blood-Brand (#65), Slaying King Cervinal (#66) Last Hurrah, King of the World, Death (#70-71)
Winston Maless - NPC - Rakish dandy. Sheriff of Eding (#39) Assassinated near Lowdale (#42) Last Will and Testament. Father to Echelon and Talis (#42)
Wrath - self-proclaimed, holy warrior of Akana. Worked odd jobs at the Chateau d'Echelon before joining up to adventure (#10-13, 15) Went off to train at gladiator school (#15)
Xambi: NPC - Half-Elf captured by the Dread Lord for unknown reasons, he was released by the party in the Temple of Alasku. (#3)
Xanathon - NPC - High Priest of Galmar attempting to overthrow Ruuna (#40)
Yaki-Saban - NPC - Gnomekin Blackmarketeer in Talislanta (#19)
Yalina Makolin - NPC - Prositute of Omsjik, mother of Talis (#42)
Yuri - Sarista Gypsy - Agent of Abn Qua - SEE DARIUS (#20-22)
Yuri - b. 22 DuoDec 1071 - Son of Babette and Darius the Gypsy (#34, 37, 40-42, 48, 51, 53, 68, 73), manages Chateau d'Echelon after 1090 (#73)
Zabty of Halfwater, Count - NPC - Half-Orc fallen Paladin captured by spider-people over 250 years ago. Once friends with King Leif VII of the Ferean Empire. (#13, #28-30, 42, 48, 53, 61, 64-65) Rescued from spider-people in Lansluck Monastery Accepted shelter at Chateau and volunteered to help Prince William rebuild Eding. (#13) DeFacto leader of the Eding Shadow Government (#29), Leave Eding (#30), Background as former Count of Rowand (#48), Why are we looking for him? (#53) Rumors of his appearance (#61), Reveals Baraxus (#64), Disappears into Lake Apotheosis (#65)
Zaccharius, Brother - High Priest of Apotheosis during the Apocalypse (#64)
Zoe Loupe (Alberhold) - Peasant girl from Eding. (#5, #13, #45, 48, 51, 53-54, 68, 73), got pregnant from Maloran (#5), gave birth to Luke Alberhold 23 Quadec 1070 (#13), hired as housestaff for Chateau (#45), Remained as housekeeper at Chateau until her death (#73)
Akana - God of Law and Order - Official religion of Crosedes and Ras-Prythax. Archbishiop of Hydincall is theological leader of the church.
Baraxus - God of the Spider-People, General Chaos. Portal to dimension sealed in Brimming Stein in Lansluck. (#9) Lake Apotheosis (#64-66)
Chardastes - Saintly Cleric revered by Church of Akana. Known for magical bell artifact. (#5)
Galmar - God of Elemental Earth
Modee - God of Music and Art
Thendara - Protector of the Valley of Haven (#6)
Tshang Hai Shing (Shang Kai Ching) Eastern God of the Sea.
Yotia: God of Magic and Magic-Users
Alasku - ancient (Prythax-era) abandoned village south of Eding. Named for the Temple of Akana located nearby.
Anon-Maxis: Dystopian city-state at the end of the Alois Peninsula. Rule by the Cabal (#71)
Apotheosis, Lake: northwest of Eding, headquarters of the Cult of Light
Aragain: mountainous country south of Crosedes.
Chateau d'Echelon - large multi-use estate north of Eding. Bungalows being built (#13)
Eding Estaates: six manors lining the Halfling Rd 1st is Baronial Manor, 4th is Caldwell Manor
Fluchton - Duchal seat of the Duchy of Ruuna (#39-41) (Ras-Prythax)
Golgonoza, Port city in the Principality of Appresca.
Grimsong Clan - Orcs from Markovia (#63)
Guix Pass - narrow river valley outside of Pojunct.
Lansluck - former fort, logging town. Originally named Rurik's Fort
Masgoth, Gnomish Kingdoms located to the south of Crosedes. Controls a number of ports to the Mer Med.
Maless Manor - estate to the North East of Omsjik, owned by Winston Maless.
Nightwood Forest: Goblin-infested woods.
Nouvelle Avennio - One of the Principalities of Emron
Pergame: County in Crosedes
Poitou: Barony on the western coast of Crosedes, beneath the Gran Duchy of Alois.
Pojunct: location of Poipon's Estate (#31)
Rowand: City in Southwestern Crosedes, capital of Duchy of same name.
Ruuna, Duchy in Ras-Prythax ,conquered by Skyforge in 1071.
The Southern Moors: A swampland to the southwest of Eding. Populated by lizardmen.
Magic Items:
Bell of Chardastes (Misc Item): Artifact of Akana.
Blood-Brand: rune-covered Longsword +4 , ancient ancestral sword of the Kings of Feraso.
Dagger of Mymindosa - Created for Emporer Rurik III, attracts monsters. Currently in Crypts of Apotheosis, Lost (#72)
"Hummingbird" Dagger +1, +3 when thrown. Owned by Talis Makolin.
Overwhelm - Dwarven battleaxed from White plume mountain #59
Sangrogue - Ancestral Sword of the House Silvershield
Sun-Sword - Owned by Rolf
Wave - trident from White Plume Mountain
New Races/Creatures
Spider People - a race of humanoid arachnids that change shape change into other people/races. From the dimension currently labelled "Baraxus" Worhships Baraxus the Destroyer. (#9) Network exposed at wedding of Lord Athelstane and Lady Iris (#10) Complex destroyed in Monastery Hill in Lansluck (#12), Complex destroyed outside of Lowdale (#14)
Gruffan - pig like creature from Talislanta (#25)
Quall - stalk-eyed pet from Talislanta (#25)
Ravant - mythical beast of destruction.
Knights of Feraso (#72)
A. Warren Corkbarrel - former halfling sheriff of Corkbarrel (#13-14, 32, 44, 55, 72), kidnapped by spider-people in 1053, Rescued from spider-people in Lansluck Monastery (#13), Elected Mayor of Lowdale (#32), Last Hurrah (#72)
Abn Qua - NPC - Kasmirin Trapsmith and Merchant in Talislanta - contact of Kannex (#16-18, 20)
Adophus, Archbishop - NPC - Leader of the worldwide Church of Akana. (#5, 10, 30, 56, 65, 72), Spider person doppleganger of the body double killed at Athelstane/Iris wedding (#10)
Aetex: Ferasean Infantryman, kidnapped by spider-people 250 years ago. Rescued from spider-people in Lansluck Monastery (#13, #29) became farm hands at the Chateau. Left for Hydincall after Eding revolt (#29)
Aiko (surname unknown)- Female Thief. Disappeared prior to the expedition to Elwyn's Sanctuary in the Nightwood Forest (#3-5, 14)
Allegra Riverbend - NPC - Half-Ogre serving wench, mother of Sterling (#38)
Alexi - Sarista Gypsy - Agent of Abn Qua (#18-24), Psychotic episode in Durne (#19), Episode of Madness (#23) Death (#24)
Andre David Ambra - NPC - Prominent Emron wizard. Married Magdelina De Sephora m. 1072 (#50-51)
Angus Helenek - NPC - Former proprietor of Eding Trading Post, left prior to 1072.
Antian, Prince - NPC - Prince of Nouvelle Avennio Recently deceased as of 1071 (#49-51)
Argenta, Princess - NPC - Princess and Ruler of the Valley of Haven circa 443. Married to Sir Ellis. (#7)
Argus - NPC - Blacksmith of Eding (#29) Left after Echelon became Baron.
Ariel - Human Bard, wanderer (#31-32, 35-37, 39, 42-43,48, 54-55, 68-71) Moves out of Chateau (#42) Conversation with Mo (#42) Relationship with Fayette (#46), Last Hurrah (#68-71)
Ashe (Winnebago) - High Elf Ranger - Drifter within the pine barrens and swamps of Crosedes, elven cloak (#1-7, #9-13, 15-20, 22-26, 30-33, 35-37, 39, 42, 66-67, 72-73) Eaten by a dragon (#12), Transported to Talislanta (#15-26) Talislanta Pox (#19), Hair Turns White (#23) Episode of Madness (#23-25), Return to the Chateau (#30) Conversation with Mo (#39) Missing with Brother (#42), Arrives at Lake Apotheosis with Winnebago Tribe (#66), Last Hurrah (#72), Returns to Agenmoor (#73)
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Ashe |
Babette of Hydincall: Sreet thief from Hydincall (#15-26,30, 34, 36-37, 39-42, 48, 51, 53-54, 68, 73) caught picking Rolf Wolfsblood's pocket. Transported to Talislanta (#15-26) Talislanta Pox (#19), Pregant with Darius' child (#22) Episode of Madness (#23-25) Arrival at the Chateau (#30), Gives Birth (#34), Conversation with Mo (#40), Purchased Chateau d'Echelon in 1090 (#73)
Bantarn - NPC - Famed painter of the White Plume Mountain painting b. @820.
Barrak Tenslow- Commander of the Eding Militia, Owner of the Blue Wizard Inn (#3, 10, 28) Gives Inn to Daughters (#10) Assasinated (#28)
Basil LeCounture - NPC - Art expert at Hydincall Magic Lyceum (#36)
Benvorho - NPC - Mage- "Ambassador of the Little People" (#30-31)
Beourn - Ghost of Paladin of Akana that haunts Caldwell Manor (#2)
Beourn - PC - Ranger from Ras-Prythax (#63-67, 73) Death (#67) Funeral (#73)
Billo - Halfling, Former adventurer with Prince William Died in Eding Revolt (#28)
Binklen (Binkley) - NPC- Elf, brother of Ashe (#34, 37, 39, 42, #66, #71-73) Missing with brother (#42), Returns to Agenmoor (#73)
Boluke - NPC - Ass of Ozark (#55)
Boson - King of Masgoth (#75)
Bricot Avennio - NPC - high level cleric, Ovate of Yotia, part of de Sephora family. d. 1072 (#51)
Brutus - NPC - Ex-gladiator that befriended the party (#15, 28-29,32-33, 44, 53, 68-72) Left for Hydincall after Eding revolt (#29) Returns to Chateau (#32) Named Tax Collector (#39), Last Hurrah (#68-72)
Carthon (surname unknown) - NPC - Captured by the Dread Lord for unknown reasons, he was released by the party in the Temple of Alasku. (#3-5, 9-10, 13, 29-30, 32, 34, 37, 39, 41-43,45) Somehow convinced Echelon to watch his animals for a paltry sum (#3-5). Married to Jenny. (#9) Runs Chateau d'Echelon after the death and first resurection of Echelon. Adopts local orphan, Timmy. (#10), Killed by Dew's spider-person doppleganger (#43) Funeral (#45) d. 1071
Celeste Silvershield - NPC - (#3, 15, 36) mysterious twenty-year old female residing in the Temple of Alasku (#3), dated Talis Makolin (#15), mage and daughter of the Dread Lord! (#29), Hiring brigands to steal paintings (#36), Made Duchess of Hydincall (#75)
Cervinal Silvershield - NPC - Prince of Crosedes, brother of King Nevin of Crosedes (See DREAD LORD) #29, #41, #45, #48, #56, #61-66 Became King of Crosedes 1071 (#41) At Lake Apotheosis (#64-66) Death (#66)
Cesmir - NPC - Grand Wizard and Headmaster of the Hydincal Lyceum. (#31)
Cesmir Reptilius - NPC - 1st King of Crosedes (y.846). Slightly scalely skin. Painting reference (#35, 48)
Christiana Caldwell, Lady - NPC - normal human - daughter of the late Clifton Caldwell. Owner of a manor house off the South Farm Road (#1-2)
Cilito - NPC - armed attached of the Senzar Empire, kidnapped by spider-people in 827. Rescued from spider-people in Lansluck Monastery (#13,29) became farm hands at the Chateau. Left for Hydincall after Eding revolt (#29)
Cornelius Riverbend - NPC - Human Thief - Father of Sterling (#38)
Cullen DeFinch - NPC - Backstabbing thief (#11)
Dag di Velandro - NPC - Kobold, married, two kids. Sworn follower of Velandro. (#6-7, #9-10, 13-15, 30,32-33, 35-37, 39, 41, 45, 48, 50, 67, 71, 73) went off to study with Velandro (#15) Return to Chateau (#30), Conversations with Mo (#50) Last Hurrah (#71), Sets up Kobold Monastery in Ispatlia (#73)
Darius - Sarista Gypsy - Agent of Abn Qua - Father of Babette's children - SEE YURI (#20-22, 24)
Darius - b. 22 DuoDec 1071 - Son of Babette and Darius the Gypsy (#34, 37, 40-42, 48, 51, 53, 68, 73) Manages Chateau d'Echelon after 1090 (#73).
Daschelle di Velandro - NPC - Kobold - daughter of Dag. (#37, 39, 45)
Dew Xyclone - portly noblewoman of estate of Ipan, kidnapped by spider people in 827. Rescued from spider-people in Lansluck Monastery (#13) became housekeeper at the Chateau. Great cook (#13, 28-30, 32, 35,37, 39-44), becomes a spider-person (#43), killed (#43) Funeral (#45) d.1071
Dimitri Kobblecraft - Gnome Cleric met group in Rowand City (#49-51) Death d.1072 (#51)
Drakos, Lord - NPC - Duchal Advisor to Duke Stephen of Ruuna (#39, 44)
Dread Lord, The - NPC - Mysterious evil fellow spreading chaos throughout Eding. Outposts in the Southern Moors and the Temple of Alasku. Part of the Eding Revolt (#29)
Duane Alberhold - NPC - Cousin of Maloran, owner of brothel in Hydincall/Cyrmil (#15-26, 28)
Eccentricity - NPC - Talis' horse (#51, 58)
Echelon Riemann - Cleric of Tshang-Hai Sheng. Pigeon enthusiast. Collector of a menagerie of farm animals. Technically owns a Chateau on the northwest outskirts of Eding. (#3-14, 28-33, 35-51, 60-73) Backstory (#8) Baron of Eding (#30-41) Mission to Ruuna (#39-42, 44) Declared dead/Lost Barony (#41), Maless Manor (#47-49), Rowand City (#49) Emron (#50-51) Death d.1072 (#51) Brought back to life in White Plume Mountain... with Wave (#60), Triumphantly returns to Eding (#63) Lake Apotheosis (#64-67), Last Hurrah (#68-72), Moved to Maless Manor (#73), Transformation into the God of Sea... and Pigeons (#73)
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Echelon, pre-Baron days |
Elwyn - NPC - Rogue cleric of Akana. Known for stealing the Bell of Chardastes... twice. Controls a citadel of iron dead within the Nightwood Forest (no actual appearance)
Emeretta Tenslow- NPC - Daughter of Barrak of Eding, co-owner of Blue Wizard Inn with sister Fayette (#13, 42)
Emesinda - (#75) Queen of Aragain, married to Sanzo I.
Ernest II (#75) 1st Pretender King of Ras-Prythax after the death of Fiame II.
Esdath - NPC - Sister of Kannex, cousin of Loorina (#16)
Fayette Tenslow - NPC - Daughter of Barrak of Eding, co-owner of Blue Wizard Inn with sister Emeretta (#13, 42, 48) Relationship with Ariel the Bard (#48)
Evalayne - NPC - Queen of Aragain (#58) Affair with Talis.
Felix Homsburg, Baron - NPC - Baron of Homsburg. kidnapped by spider-people in 730, Rescued from spider-people in Lansluck Monastery (#13, 29-30, 32. 35, 37, 40-42.45, 48, 51, 53-56, 63, 68-73). Became farm foreman at Chateau. Took ownership of the Chateau (#46) Last Hurrah at Chateau (#68-72), Rebuilt Chateau (#73) d. 1090
Ferrex: Ferran Thief from Talislanta (#16) Associate of Abn Qua.
Fiame (Runyon) - NPC - Cleric of Akana, Former adventurer with Prince William (#28-29, 56, 66, 70-72, 75) Mopping up the PCs actions (#56) Named High Priest of Eding (#56), Last Hurrah (#70-72) Backstory (#71), Wedding to Rurik (#72), Coronation as Empress (#72), Became solo Empress (#75) d. 1115.
Genevive de Sephora, Lady - NPC - Mother of Prince Etienne of Nouvelle Avennion (#49-50)
Gorg Horsebreaker - NPC - Ogre Blacksmith, grandfather of Sterling. (#38)
Groeta - NPC - Kobold, wife of Dag (#37, 40, 45)
Heirylat: Father of Lady Iris. former crime enforcer kidnapped by spider-people in 1050, Rescued from spider-people in Lansluck Monastery (#13, 28-30, 32, 45, 53) became foreman at the Chateau. (#13), named Tax Collector (#39), back to foreman at th Chateau (#45) back to regular farmhand (#53)
Gunter Reikhoff, Sir - Duke Ostverk (Ras-Prythax), High Commander of the Knights of Feraso (#72)
Henri de Sephora - NPC - brother of Antian, son of Genevieve - Prince of Nouvelle Avennio
Henrik (the Follower), King of Ras-Prythax (#75)
Holverton the Brave: NPC - Halfling hero of Elmshire d TriDec 1072. (#55)
Horatio: (#53-54, #62) owl familiar of Mellandria. Death (#62)
Horotio the Half-blooded: Grandson of Babette of Hydincall.
Iris de Heirylat, Lady - NPC - Red Knight of Crosedes. (#4, #9, #13, #15, 30, 32, 34, 39, 42-45, 48, 68-69, 72). Resides in Eding. Agent of Lord Athelstane. Hero of the Goblin Invasion of 1062 Discovered to be a spider-person doppleganger during the Spider-People incursion of 1070. (#10) Rescued from Spider-People in Lansluck Monastary (#13) Assistant to the King (#15, 34) Royal Overseer (Seneschal and Regent) of the Appointment of Baron Echelon (#30-33), Baronial Magistrate of Eding (#39-40), Baronial Regent to Baron Timmy (#41-42), Attack on Eding (#68-69, 72)
Jakob - NPC - High Priest of Cult of Goodness and Light (#48)
Jenny (Bircann) - NPC - Eding militia sergeant, reports to Torm Touchberry. (#3-4, 9-10, 13, 29-30, 32-33, 39-43, 45, 48, 68-69, 72), Married to Carthon d'Echelon (#9), Adopts local orphan Timmy (#10), Lieutenant of Baronial Militia (#39-40) Mother of Baron-to-Be (#41), Assault on Eding (#68-69, 72)
Johannes Brant - NPC - Gentleman of Ruuna asking Echelon for help in Ruuna (#39)
Kane - Human Cleric - Monk of Eastern Mysticism - (#1-2, 4-7, 9-26, 35-36, 45, 53-67, 69-73) Transported to Talislanta (#15-26), Episode of Madness (#23-25), Arrival at Chateau (#30), Conversation with Rolf (#36), Conversation with Mo' (#54), Last Hurrah (#69-72)
Kannex of Cymril - NPC -Tanasian Wizard. (#9-13, 15-26, 66-67) Destroyed a large portion of Eding by fire (#10), Teleported Duane Alberhold's brothel to Talislanta (#15) Researching a way to transport brothel back to Hydincall (#16-26), Knocked out by Rolf (#25), Completes Ritual (#26), Returns to Georic to fight Baraxus (#66-67)
Kyrill Stonehammer - Dwarven Warrior (#14, 30)
Kizi - NPC - Danelek first mate to Captain Perris of the Ardan.
Laurencia, Baroness of Poitou - NPC - (#31)
Leonid - NPC - Brigand Commander (#35)
Loorina - NPC - Cousin to Esdath and Kannex
Luke Alberhold - NPC - Son of Maloran Alberhold and Zoe Loup-Alberhold 23 Quadec 1070. (#44, 53, 68, 73) Became courier in adulthood (#73)
MacKay - NPC - Aging myrmidon, Former adventurer with Prince William (#28-29, 56, 66, 73) Mopping up the PCs actions (#56), Death (#66) Funeral (#73)
Magdelina De Sephora - NPC - daughter of Genevive de Sephora. Married Andre David Ambra m. 1072 (#50-51)
Maloran Alberhold - Human Fighter. Eye for women and booze is about the same. (#1-7, #9-13,15-17) Shorsword +2 (#12) Expectant Father (#13) Transported to Talislanta (#15-17) Died in Talislanta by Land Kra, 8th of Phandir, 150 NA. (#17)
Markas Homeforger - NPC - Halfling mayor of Lowdale (#55)
Markuus Brighthelm - Wild Elf Cleric - (#63, 69, 71, 73) Returns to Eding for first time in ten years (#63), Assault on Eding (#69), Death (#71), Funeral (#73)
Mellandria - Human Mage - Graduate of the Magic Lyceum in Hydincall. Baronial Scribe of Eding (#30-32, 34, 36-37, 39-42, 44-51, 53-62, 73) Conversation with Mo (#37) Mission to Ruuna (#39-42) Declared Dead (#41), Maless Manor (#47-49), Rowand City (#49), Emron (#50-51), Returns to the Chateau (#53), Story of Horatio the Owl Familiar (#54) Death by Betrayal (#62), Funeral Service (#73)
Meudsopu - Half-Orc Cleric/Thief - Translator for the party in their expedition to Elwyn's Sanctuary. (#5) Died.
Merovec Puddinfoot - NPC - Halfling furniture maker in Elmshire (#55)
Mersene Riemann - NPC - Prositute from Omsjik - mother of Echelon (#42)
Michael - NPC - Mysterious friend of Mellandria's at Maless Manor (#47, 62) made foreman of the remodeling effort.
Mohammad - NPC - (#8-10, 12, 28-30, 32, 35-37, 39-43, 45, 50-51, 53-54, 56, 63, 68-69,71, 73) Echelon's mentor on the pirate slave ship. Was eaten by shark trying to escape (#8) Actually survived, but lost his legs and became proprietor of the Brimming Stein in Lansluck (#9-10, 12) Moved into Chateau (#28) Fires of Tshang Hai Shing (#29) Conversations with Mo (# 36, 37, 39-42, 50-51, 54) Fortelling the Apocalypse (#56), Last Hurrah (#68, 71), MIA (#69) d. 1080 (#73)
Montain - NPC - High Priest, Cult of Light (#55)
Nebuchadnezzar Tinpenny - NPC - Hydincall Moneychanger with lien on Chateau (#29) Loan paid in full, robbed on the road (#30) Conversations with Mo (#35-37)
Nevin - NPC - High Priest of the Cult of Apotheosis (#56)
Nevin Silvershield the Ogre Slayer, King - NPC - King of Crosedes. (#31-32, 37, 41) d.1071
Nobquin Silvershield II, NPC - Crosedes Minster of State (#31, #75), (Second Cousin Twice Remove of Nevin and Cervinal. Count of Ferrand (1070-1105), Made Council Regent (Nobquin I) (#75)
Nobquin Silvershield III, NPC - Count of Ferrant (1105-1132), Council Regent of Crosedes (Nobquin II) (1105-1108)
Norm Dingleberry - failed mushroom farmer who spoke only Dwarven (#14, 20-22, 24-26, 30-33,35, 39-43, 52-53, 56-61, 63-73), Mysteriously Arrived in Talislanta (#20-26), Learns to Speak Common (#22), Windship Pilot (#21,24) Arrival at Chateau (#30), Knight of the Pigeon (#39) Mission to Ruuna (#39-41), Red Knight of Crosedes (#41), General of the Southern Army (#41), Conversation with Mo (#41) Shaven by Dwarves (#41), Killed Dew's Spider-Person doppleganger (#43). Left to command the Southern Army at Lansluck (#43), Talis' letter to Norm (#52), Mad Norm invades Ruuna! (#53), Returns to Eding! (#56), Obtains Overwhelm Single-handedly! (#59), Leaves for Lansluck (#61), Returns to Eding with Army! (#63) Lake Apotheosis (#64-67), Last Hurrah (#68-72), King of the World (#70), Imperial Duke of Mercadia (#73)
Odrune - human magic-user - recent graduate of the Magic University in Hydincall. Appointed by Archbishop Adolphus to accompany the party to Elwyn's Sanctuary. (#5) Died in Elwyn's Sanctuary
Oko - NPC - Gnomekin Guide in Talislanta (#19)
Otto Baldung - NPC - Gentleman of Ruuna asking Echelon for help in Ruuna (#39)
Ottolucke - NPC - Wizard d. 1069
Ozark - 70 year old half-orc cleric from Elmshire, maxed out at 4th level. (#55-60, 73) Died in White Plume Mountain (#60), Funeral Service (#73)
Paludis - Ancient Black Dragon (#66)
Pathfinder - grey wolf, magically charmed by a permanent Charm Animal spell by Echelon (#3-7, 9-13, 29-30, 39, 44, 53, 63, 68-71, 73) gained psychic connection to Echelon (#6), Last Hurrah (#68-71) Painful last days (#73)
Perris - NPC - Captain of the Land Ark Ardan. (#17)
Petit-Singh - NPC - Agent of Lady Genevieve de Sephora (#49-50)
Poipon - NPC - Royal Noble Notary. Estate near Pojunct. Murdered (#31)
Quimak: NPC - Human Fighter, second in command in Elwyn the Ardent's cult. (#5), was killed by a second group of adventurers, led by Rurik Bloodblade (#13)
Rosabelle and Rosalina - NPC - Witches living on Monastery Hill across the river from Lansluck (#11)
Rogard - NPC - Captain of Prince Williams' "Baronial" Guard of Eding who attempted to overthrow him from power (#28-29)
Roland: Con man and charalatan impersonating a tax collector in the Halfling villages (#32) Execution ordered by Baron Echelon.
Rolf Wolfsblood - Human Fighter - Temperamental bald barbarian from the Plains of Galmar. (#1-2, 4-7, 9-13, 15-22, 25-26, 28, 30, 32,36, 39, 63, 67, 71-73) Transported to Talislanta (#15-26), Thrall Tattoos (#22, 24), Visit to Taz (#24) Return to the Chateau (#30), Rolf leaves Chateau (#39), Untrue rumors of his return (#63), Arrival at Lake Apotheosis with barbarian clanmates (#67), Last Hurrah (#71-72) Talis is Alive? (#73)
Rurik Bloodblade - NPC - Viking warrior of Wyrmnal. Former adventurer with Prince William (#28-29, #56, #66-67, 70-73, 75) Mopping up the PCs actions (#56) Last Hurrah (#70-72), Wielding the Blood-Brand (#71-72), Coronation as Emperor of Feraso (#72) d. 1105 (#75)
Sanzo I (#75) First cousin twice removed from King William I. Became King of Aragain, 1073.
Scrag di Velandro - NPC - kobold - Son of Dag (#37, 39, 45)
Sigard of Slate Gap - PC - Paladin of Akana (#63-67, 69-70, 72-73) - Wedding of Fiame and Rurik (#72), Coronation of Fiame and Rurik (#72), High Priest of Akana in Eding (#73)
Stanislav - NPC - Archbishop of Flucton. Removed 1071 (#39)
Stephen - NPC - Crazed Duke of Ruuna (#39, 44)
Sterling Riverbend - Quarter-Ogre Fighter - (#37-38, 45, 51, 53-62) Origin (#38), Betrays Mellandria (#62)
Talis Makolin - hard-partying, hard-lovin' bard. Hummingbird, +1 Dagger, +3 when thrown. (#3-7, #9-13, 15, 27-32, 35, 39-52, 57-59, 73) (Backstory #27) Knight of the Pigeon (#39), Mission to Ruuna (#39-41) Lost voice (#40), Presumed Dead (#42), No longer presumed dead at Carthon's Funeral (#45), Maless Manor (#47), Rowand City (#47), Emron (#50-52), Ditches the party (#51), Letter to Norm (#52), Rescued from Cloud Giant Castle (#57) Shamed Royal Minstrel (#58) Dies in White Plume Mountain (#59), Funeral Service (#73) Talis is Alive? (#73)
Tanqueman the Elder - NPC - 140 yr old Halfling cleric mayor of Elmshire (#55) Mentor to Ozark
Theodard the Historian - NPC - Archivist with the Cult of Light. d. 1072 (#72)
Thorrin Slatebelt - Dwarf Blacksmith from Nuxom Keep (#61-67, 69-71) Last Hurrah (#69-71) Duchal Smith of Mercadia (#73)
Timmy d'Echelon - NPC - b. 1062 - Baron of Eding. Young boy orphaned by the Goblin Invasion of 1062. Taken in as a temporary hireling by Echelon. (#3-5, 9-10, 13-14, 28-30, 32, 35, 39, 41,43, 51, 63, 68-69, 72) Adopted by Carthon and Jenny (#10), Became Baron of Eding 1071 (#41), Conversations with Mo (#51), Assault on Eding (#68-69, 72), Leading the counter-attack (#69), Coronation of Rurik (#72)
Titus Maless - NPC - Alchemist, Necromancer , Keeper of dark secrets. Father of Winston, Grandfather to Echelon and Talis b. 998 d. 1048 (#47). Resurrected by Mellandria. (#47)
Torm Touchberry - NPC - High Elf Thief - (#1-4, 29, 39, 42-43, 52, 55, 63, 68-69, 72) Sergeant-in-Arms of the Eding Militia. Deserter during the Nightwood Goblin Invasion of 1060. (#1-4) DeFacto leader of the Eding Shadow Government (#29), Captain of the Baronial Militia (#39), Assault on Eding (#68-69, 72)
Travis - NPC - human thief - Former adventurer with Prince William. Died in Eding Revolt (#28)
Velandro (d'Ispatlia) - Cleric of Akana,(#3-7, #9-13, 15, 30, 32, 39-42, 44-45, 47-51, 54, 56, 64-66, 73) with kobold followers. (#6, 12), Left with kobolds to study in Ispatlia (#15), Return to Chateau (#30). Mission to Ruuna (#39-42), Presumed Dead (#42), Maless Manor (#47), Rowand City (#48-49) Emron (#50-51) Escapes to Ispatlia (#54), Letter to Chateau Arrives (#56), At Lake Apotheosis (#64-66), Death (#66), Funeral (#73)
William, the Scarlet, of Arinka, Prince - NPC - Paladin of Akana, Crown Prince of Aragain, Knight of the Spiral Hawk (#10, 13, 28-30, 57-58, 64-67, 70) De Facto Baron of Eding (#13, 28) Run out of Eding by Villagers (#28-29), King of Aragain (#58), At Lake Apotheosis (#64-66) Wielding the Blood-Brand (#65), Slaying King Cervinal (#66) Last Hurrah, King of the World, Death (#70-71)
Winston Maless - NPC - Rakish dandy. Sheriff of Eding (#39) Assassinated near Lowdale (#42) Last Will and Testament. Father to Echelon and Talis (#42)
Wrath - self-proclaimed, holy warrior of Akana. Worked odd jobs at the Chateau d'Echelon before joining up to adventure (#10-13, 15) Went off to train at gladiator school (#15)
Xambi: NPC - Half-Elf captured by the Dread Lord for unknown reasons, he was released by the party in the Temple of Alasku. (#3)
Xanathon - NPC - High Priest of Galmar attempting to overthrow Ruuna (#40)
Yaki-Saban - NPC - Gnomekin Blackmarketeer in Talislanta (#19)
Yalina Makolin - NPC - Prositute of Omsjik, mother of Talis (#42)
Yuri - Sarista Gypsy - Agent of Abn Qua - SEE DARIUS (#20-22)
Yuri - b. 22 DuoDec 1071 - Son of Babette and Darius the Gypsy (#34, 37, 40-42, 48, 51, 53, 68, 73), manages Chateau d'Echelon after 1090 (#73)
Zabty of Halfwater, Count - NPC - Half-Orc fallen Paladin captured by spider-people over 250 years ago. Once friends with King Leif VII of the Ferean Empire. (#13, #28-30, 42, 48, 53, 61, 64-65) Rescued from spider-people in Lansluck Monastery Accepted shelter at Chateau and volunteered to help Prince William rebuild Eding. (#13) DeFacto leader of the Eding Shadow Government (#29), Leave Eding (#30), Background as former Count of Rowand (#48), Why are we looking for him? (#53) Rumors of his appearance (#61), Reveals Baraxus (#64), Disappears into Lake Apotheosis (#65)
Zaccharius, Brother - High Priest of Apotheosis during the Apocalypse (#64)
Zoe Loupe (Alberhold) - Peasant girl from Eding. (#5, #13, #45, 48, 51, 53-54, 68, 73), got pregnant from Maloran (#5), gave birth to Luke Alberhold 23 Quadec 1070 (#13), hired as housestaff for Chateau (#45), Remained as housekeeper at Chateau until her death (#73)
Akana - God of Law and Order - Official religion of Crosedes and Ras-Prythax. Archbishiop of Hydincall is theological leader of the church.
Baraxus - God of the Spider-People, General Chaos. Portal to dimension sealed in Brimming Stein in Lansluck. (#9) Lake Apotheosis (#64-66)
Chardastes - Saintly Cleric revered by Church of Akana. Known for magical bell artifact. (#5)
Galmar - God of Elemental Earth
Modee - God of Music and Art
Thendara - Protector of the Valley of Haven (#6)
Tshang Hai Shing (Shang Kai Ching) Eastern God of the Sea.
Yotia: God of Magic and Magic-Users
Alasku - ancient (Prythax-era) abandoned village south of Eding. Named for the Temple of Akana located nearby.
Anon-Maxis: Dystopian city-state at the end of the Alois Peninsula. Rule by the Cabal (#71)
Apotheosis, Lake: northwest of Eding, headquarters of the Cult of Light
Aragain: mountainous country south of Crosedes.
Chateau d'Echelon - large multi-use estate north of Eding. Bungalows being built (#13)
Eding Estaates: six manors lining the Halfling Rd 1st is Baronial Manor, 4th is Caldwell Manor
Fluchton - Duchal seat of the Duchy of Ruuna (#39-41) (Ras-Prythax)
Golgonoza, Port city in the Principality of Appresca.
Grimsong Clan - Orcs from Markovia (#63)
Guix Pass - narrow river valley outside of Pojunct.
Lansluck - former fort, logging town. Originally named Rurik's Fort
Masgoth, Gnomish Kingdoms located to the south of Crosedes. Controls a number of ports to the Mer Med.
Maless Manor - estate to the North East of Omsjik, owned by Winston Maless.
Nightwood Forest: Goblin-infested woods.
Nouvelle Avennio - One of the Principalities of Emron
Pergame: County in Crosedes
Poitou: Barony on the western coast of Crosedes, beneath the Gran Duchy of Alois.
Pojunct: location of Poipon's Estate (#31)
Rowand: City in Southwestern Crosedes, capital of Duchy of same name.
Ruuna, Duchy in Ras-Prythax ,conquered by Skyforge in 1071.
The Southern Moors: A swampland to the southwest of Eding. Populated by lizardmen.
Magic Items:
Bell of Chardastes (Misc Item): Artifact of Akana.
Blood-Brand: rune-covered Longsword +4 , ancient ancestral sword of the Kings of Feraso.
Dagger of Mymindosa - Created for Emporer Rurik III, attracts monsters. Currently in Crypts of Apotheosis, Lost (#72)
"Hummingbird" Dagger +1, +3 when thrown. Owned by Talis Makolin.
Overwhelm - Dwarven battleaxed from White plume mountain #59
Sangrogue - Ancestral Sword of the House Silvershield
Sun-Sword - Owned by Rolf
Wave - trident from White Plume Mountain
New Races/Creatures
Spider People - a race of humanoid arachnids that change shape change into other people/races. From the dimension currently labelled "Baraxus" Worhships Baraxus the Destroyer. (#9) Network exposed at wedding of Lord Athelstane and Lady Iris (#10) Complex destroyed in Monastery Hill in Lansluck (#12), Complex destroyed outside of Lowdale (#14)
Gruffan - pig like creature from Talislanta (#25)
Quall - stalk-eyed pet from Talislanta (#25)
Ravant - mythical beast of destruction.
Knights of Feraso (#72)
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