Mepacon Fall ’10 and Spring ’11 should be one-day definites. Less than an hour away and I get in for free by running a game or two. Cold Wars & Historicon may be Friday or Saturday day-trips.
Reaper Mouseling Boxed Set (it's too neat to say no to). The rest will be directly related to Longido Mountain campaign. Foamboard insulation, Teddy Bear fur makes great tall grass, a few barren trees/palm trees, and a few miscellaneous German figures to fill out the scenario requirements. Once our FMLA leave for the baby is up, I may look into picking up a few more Miniature Building Authority buildings to prepare for Tanga. The big splurge/birthday present would be “real” WWI Africa figures through Brigade so we could run the Longido/Tanga campaigns twice.

- Gnome Wars: Longido Mountain is my primary gaming for the year. The campaign is my only reason for painting (I’m quite happy with the 14th Swiss TC in the HMGS Gnome Wars games).
- Call of Cthulhu: The coal crackers have arrived in New York, but for how long? Perhaps they can investigate the disturbances in Red Hook? Will Professor O’Hara be tempted by the knowledge he possesses of inter-dimensional physics? Will Dr. Bowsfield be involved in nefarious activities? Will Nichols be allowed to read the damn books? Beyond the campaign, I think some of the Blood Brother-esque one shots for larger groups.
- Hackmaster/D&D: Always dependent on players, I can offer the “Home” Polynesian game, Cynicea (role-playing as members of a lost city), and Hukutaan Traldar (role-playing in the lost valley of B10).
- Risus-IOU: The two word theme of Day of Sloth game is “Radioactive Spittoon”
SECONDARY GAMES - Intro CoC: I do have three short scenarios to teach CoC to newbies. I’d love the chance to just run one of them this year.
- Mouse Guard
- Con games: Talislanta 3e, and perhaps more of Toon “Cthulhu Comes to Springfield”. Of course, I’ll also take requests
- Battletech: I don’t own any stuff anymore, but I’m always ready for game, or a trip to Wooly’s.
Of course, everything is subject to change (The ATKM offer for Cold Wars mentioned previously is seriously tempting).
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