Sunday, July 31, 2011
Historicon Review from the Great White North
The Japanese Emporer with the bonsai tree is awesome, and the other pictures simply spectacular. They also managed to completely spell out the rules for the joust and found the trash-talking, bounty-placing, little-girl-smacking-around-old-fat-dudes appealing, despite their stereotypical Great White Northern sensibilities.
I certainly welcome the blogger and his friends to any of my events, although with the other cool games they play, I understand if they don't have the time.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Mepacon Fall 2011
The gnome games scheduled are still in the planning stages, and I'll be the first to formally announce them here, but let me give two hints which will help no one.
#1 They will both involve a ridiculous number of trees
#2 The game with my name under it will be a convention theme game (This year's theme is "US Cav"). The actual game is truly known by four people: Jim Stanton, Mike Lung, myself, and a Professor of History at Queens College. It will rock, I guarantee it.
With Fall-in! turning into an extravaganza for me, again Mepacon gets the short end of the stick again. This year's fall con runs November 11-13. I'm already taking two days off for Fall-in!, so another day off to attend Mepacon is out of the question. I'm disappointed. Since my move into Northeast PA five years ago, I may have missed only one or two cons. I'm the con grognard, an institution which should be institutionalized, and its the only time I can peruse new product without driving into the Lehigh Valley (and beyond). It would have been a great platform to playtest my Simpsons-Cthulhu Christmas game, or rerun the Longido portion of Tanga for Gnome Wars.
Perhaps I'll show up Saturday morning, or even Sunday just to support the dealers, see some old friends, and possibly snag some buyout prices at the auction. Or, perhaps I'll still be exhausted from Fall-in! and will simply relax and re-read the post I'm currently working on about the glories of Lehicon IV, back in 1990. Nostalgia is a cure for many an ailment.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
(Gnome Wars) The Michael Lung Gallery #2
Monday, July 25, 2011
(WW2) Panzer Draisine is (has been for a while) out!
Finally, more than a year later, I searched for the elusive item. Not only is it available, but it looks awesome in its 1/56th glory!

While it is a piece WW2 equipment, this goes on my long "rob a bank/hit the lottery" list, right behind the armored and civilian trains Brigade sells.
(edit) And here I now notice that it's part of Company B's lineup. Still available through Brigade Games.
The Apathy of New Releases (August 2011)
My personal must-have list: absolutely nothing. Oh, I've updated my want list to reflect the Gnome Wars American Gnomes and the Holy Gnoman Empire figs, but there's nothing here shouts, "Sell your kidneys!"
My wish list: Nothing. Really! Really-really!
My store list: Everything would be, of course, subject to the whims of my imaginary store, but I will highlight the interesting items.
*L5R CCG Second City Set, plus new WoW expansions.
*There are 25 separate items for Flames of War, TWENTY FIVE. And not much under $35.00. Now I watched a little of the FoW National Tourney at Historicon, and the guys seem nice and looked like they were having fun, but the armies they field on one table could cost as much as a couple of rows of tables at an ancients tourney. I admit, I don't get it.
*There are 11 new boxed sets for the continued roll-out for Heavy Gear. Would I as a store owner, in questionable economic times, be willing to invest even one of each into the game line? I would hope that their would be a discounted store starter dispaly with extra posters, promo material, and maybe an extra 5% off cost. Heck,I really hope FoW has that as well
*Talisman Dragon Expansion - The coolest, yet most overrated of the Talisman expansions is back! $ 40.00
*Pathfinder - 3 new Third party products, and a slew of stuff from Paizo
*ELDER SIGN: a new board game from the creators of Arkham Horror.
*Star Fluxx and a Mixed Assortment of Fluxx
*Age of Cthulhu 6 Dreams of Japan
*SETTLERS OF CATAN Official Game Pieces! Read the direct blurb.Expand the Settlers of Catan game with these official game pieces! Each set features four cities, five settlements, and 15 roads from different cultures in history, hand-crafted in fine pewter, complete with a special Robber token modeled after each cultural setting. Scheduled to ship in July 2011.
BAVARIAN GAME SETSFP 1203................................$29.95
CHINESE GAME SETSFP 1201..................................$29.95
EGYPTIAN GAME SETSFP 1202................................$29.95
VIKINGS GAME SETSFP 1200...................................$29.95
*Many new units for Dystopian Wars
*Steve Jackson Games:
Giant cthulhu foam dice. When did big foam dice become $16?
Munchkin Axe Cop from the webcomic.
Munchkin: Conan the Barbarian
*gasp* GURPS Tactical Shooting - Another actual GURPS book? Holy Schniekies!
Trophy Buck - a dice game that looks like farkel or cosmic wimpout.
Axis and Allies: Angel 20 CMG - The Air War begins. Are they the right size of Check Your 6?*D&D dragons collectors set - black,blue, green, red,and white dragon (boo hoo no gold?) $44.95 *Legend of Drizzt board game. 64.99
* MAGIC THE GATHERING: INNISTRAD - Another new set. I am soooooo out of the loop
There's potential there. Potential for profit or diaster.
Friday, July 22, 2011
(LOS) UNE Superfortress... even bigger!
This might be a better option for it.
There is a beautifully painted Superfortress, surrounded by 15mm sci-fi minis. It does give the unit the mecha-quality that it has always demanded. The weaponry on it's left wing isn't stock, but a little customization goes a long way.
I'll try to find the guys blog to give him proper credit.
(Edit: Found it! )
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Eureka Releases S.E.A.L. Team 6!
Six separate poses plus canine set will retail for $16.10. Feel free to paint your own beards on them to make them look more authentic.
Of course, as I discussed here playing 28mm with bin Laden's compounds would nearly take up a 4'x8' table, and there's no room to land the helicopters outside!
(Gnome Wars) The Michael Lung Gallery #1
I present to you, for the first time, Swiss Bunny Cav!
Swiss Bunny Cav is rare indeed. Most Swiss are more akin to mining and cheesemaking than riding, plus the terrain of the region isn't condusive to developing experienced riders.
I'm still hammering out some of the rules clarifications for 2nd Edition, so these may need to be revised again.
Swiss Cavalry - Same points as German Cav. Same rules apply with the following exceptions. If the unit wishes to charge, the Swiss horn player in the unit must roll a d8.
- 1 - Unit freezes. The unit may not move, or even adjust their formation. The gnomes or steeds turn yellow.
- 2 - Unit runs. The unit rolls for charge as normal, but will turn and run in the opposite direction. They will engage in hand-to-hand with any enemy units they encounter (per standard charge rules). If even one figure reaches/exceeds the table edge, remove the entire unit from play during the medic phase of the turn.
- 3+ Standard charge.
Any adjustments, recommendations, etc, are always appreciated in the Comments section!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Historicon 2011 Part Five: Swag and Not So Deep Thoughts
First off, the busts:
* No pints/quarts of bases, I guess Friday morning at Fall-in! I descend onto the dealer hall and buy them all up.
* I didn't get to talk to any mini painting services: Between fundage (20%), my one-day blur of a convention (60%), and the painters actually busy talking with customers (20%) I decided to skip this one. I have my pick and will be contacting them shortly, then singing their glories on this log, hopefully.
From the Dealer Hall
- Gnome Wars 2.0 - If I didn't buy this, I should have just deleted this blog.
- Eureka Teddy Bearoplanes - Smaller than I anticipated, but I'm dumb like that sometimes. The pictures definitely do them justice, and you get decals of your choice (British, American, or German).
- Harmony Hobbies - "the dice guys" Just filled in my con game dice sets, and a pink metallic soft tape measurer for my little girl. Daddy did promise her a gift for being gone all day. Two bucks is cheap versus the fully painted Zulu army she'll demand at age seven.
Otherwiswe, my shopping list for Fall-in! has expanded very little. GW Romans and Americans, an extra purchase at Pastimes on the Square for skipping them this con, and maybe a steampunk tank from Iron Winds. Of course I have a shopping list for my "real" Tanga game, and some MBA buildings to buy, but those aren't must-haves within the next 120 days.
Flea Market - I grabbed five books out of a dollar box to make my flea market pledge. Talislanta Worldbook (and I own it already), Robot Warriors from Hero Games, Heroes Unliminted Revised from Palladium, and Arena/Advanced Arena Gladiator Combat. I do follow a blog of a guy up in Canada who has a Gladiator campaign using Savage Worlds, so this intrigued me.
Free Swag - Most people start with this in their con overview, but I figure it belongs in my list of spoils. In my Historicon swag bad with convention guide and a coupon for a free S&T I never redeemed, were two sprues of Perry Miniatures plastic Mahdists. Two figures a sprue with multiple arms and four head a sprue to choose from. Very nice, but they will go on the pile of free plastic minis I've gotten before. On a snowy day were the children are comatose, I will break them out and play around with them.
I also spent my required 30 minutes at the Hobby University, painting up a free mini. I've loved the free classes they offered in the past, but I recommend it for two reasons (1) you're sitting down after a day on your feet and (2) mid-afternoon, these guys had the only trace of AC and air flow I could find. I painted up a nice pulp pilot
After all this, all the hullabaloo about casinos, Virginia, and horrible rest stop service, what have we learned? Well, for starters, wargaming is still fun. Heck, I talked to enough dads who came to the con with their kids, and by Saturday afternoon, contented themselves with watching them scalp a few Lego men or going through their spoils with glee. The kids are our future in the hobby, and the con is still cheaper than a weekend of amusement parks or other traffic. Plus, it's (almost) air conditioned.
Moving to Virginia? That's a tough one. It's easy for my friends to say they would follow GenCon if they moved to Oakland. They already spend a considerable sum to travel to Indianopolis, a flight to California and new hotels/facilities would impede their style, but it's still GenCon. Now ask the the guys within a two to three hour drive of Indy (Chicagoland) . I'm leaning towards not going and using a closer venue (NJCon) to run games. And I'm hoping all the supposed Virginia wargamers who won't make the trip up to PA man up take this opportunity, if it indeed happens. We shall see.
Historicon 2011 Part Four: Other Games
Given that criteria, here's the games that made me go "ooh!" before the battery on the camera went kaput.
WW2 (?) in 54mm is always a treat.
The MBA board under "correct" circumstances
Gunning Down Zombies on the MBA Board
Car Wars? Look at the Size of Those Turning Keys!
ACW Naval with an Appropriately Muddy River
An Indiana Jones Game. Freakin' Sweet.
Pirates of the Cari-bear-en
My intrigue with Colonial Africa did get my attention of the Herero War game being played. Using modified rules for The Sword and the Flame, it was a small, simple skirmish game using lichen and real branches as the most complicated terrain. I will need to check out again for updates. One day I can finally work on my 25mm German Colonials, one day!
Next up: Swag and some final notes.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Historicon 2011: Part Three - More Gnomes and Innuendo
The Joust: I had a pile of people tell me how awesome The Joust was Friday night, yet no one could tell me who won it! All I know is that bounties were at an all-time high! Can't wait to get a chance at Fall-in!
The Stanton Games: The "real" Gnome Wars games that captured the hearts, minds, and wallets of dozens of players took place on the other MBA board:
Minor rant time: Sometimes I wonder why I ever read the post-con chit-chat on TMP, because one post out of dozens ends up pissing me off. In the same conversation about why fantasy/sci-fi games are allowed at the con, someone condescendingly remarked that my gnome game had moved to the modern (re: historical) board. I laugh at this for two reason. The "fantasy" board pictured above ran a great non-weird WW2 game while I set up and ran my game. And the while the evening session looked like militants vs Marines, the session after mine focused on the main reason our troops haven't left Iraq.
So what consitutes "fantasy" or "historical"? I don't know, I don't care, so just shut your pie hole, grab some dice, and have some fun!
God, I'm grumpy recently, I need sleep!
Anyway, if this set up looks familiar, it should. It has been a standard display from MBA for the past few years. That doesn't mean Jim's been using a static battlefield.
Each year this is used, two separate battles are fought to ease play with the mass of humanity around the table. One is a tooth-and-nail fight in the village, the other a slugfest for the castle. This year's tweak was the location of the castle walls:
With the main walls at the bottom of the hill, the traditional bottleneck up the castle ramp was eliminated. It also allowed the defenders (IRISH!) a chance to maneuver.
I only caught a portion of the afternoon game, and was too busy helping out the evening game to snap some pictures (camera battery died anyway). The high point for me was watching a unit of bunny cav use a tank as a springboard to jump over the main wall. Of course, most didn't make the jump, and those who did were slaughtered the following round, but it oozed awesomeness.
Don't Try This at Home. Seriously.
In the afternoon game, there was a joint masscre in the village, and the Germans managed to bash down the defenses to try to rescue Lon the Lunkhead.
In the evening game, the village slaughter continued, and if rumors holds true, the Irish were actually going to try and breakout of the castle. I'd love to hear details from the participants.
Michael Lung: Some of you might remember the custom Swiss Cavalry officer from Cold Wars. The gentleman who created him is Michael Lung, and he and his son, Scott are now diehard gnome players. Michael has tremendous talent and imagination and has created unique models/figures for the game. My wife can't believe I have the patience and talent to paint regular figures and admits she could never do it. I have the same reaction towards Mike when I see his work:
I snapped up so many pictures of his projects that I turned it into a mini-photo shoot (hence the dead battery by 8pm). Once a week, I'll fill the Gnome Wars void between now and Fall-in! with Mike's work. And to be honest, yes I asked him if I could do this, and no, I don't know if he'll put these custom items up for sale... or commission pieces.
If I did, I'd get my dibs in first before letting the world know.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Historicon 2011 Part Two: Gnome Wars!
First off, much thanks again to the guys at Miniatures Building Authority for letting me use their display table. I walked into the main hall and immediately saw this:
Set-up: This is a Swiss Gnome colonial town. It has been subject to rioting and rampant looting over the last week. The Swiss government has been hesitant to use Federal troops to enforce the peace, but the riots are getting closer and closer to the local cheese refinery.
Even a trusty St. Bernard couldn't revive the Master of the Arcane.The green insurgents decided the best course of action would be taunt the drinking Highlanders. They even threw cheese into the bar, but that only scattered them. Of course, the very next round, the Highlanders met their cumulative target number for their objective and started mission #2...
The lone insurgent that De Fooze spared stole their boat! Probably the safest place to be with the players we had.
Historicon 2011 Part One: Overview
Registration: Took three times as long last year! Of course, that means it took thirty seconds to hit the GM Reg desk, grab my badge and swag bag, and have a quick conversation with a human being. A+
Dealers Hall: B. The Great Wall of Vendors notwithstanding, there was a weird vibe in that part of the building. Most of the old reliables were there (Brigade, Belle and Blade,Old Glory, Eureka, Harmony Hobbies) with only ATKM being the only no-show I really cared about. The first thing I noticed about my first walk-through was just noticeable gaps in products. The dealer I only refer to as "the quart of bases" guys were completely out of 25mm round bases. Being that I checked them out right around 2pm, I guess that's acceptable. A major bummer, but acceptable. I was also aghast that the War Store had NOTHING I wanted. Not a single Pegasus Models building? Really? Now, Nic and the other guys from Eureka were pleasant but swamped, and Lon at Brigade had a steady stream of customers (or people wanting to hold packs of lead and chew his ear off.) Perhaps it was the lighting, perhaps it was the insanely limited budget I had this year. I guess we'll never know.
Flea Market: B- For the first time ever in HMGS con history, I was actually in the line for the flea market while it was opening up. I spent my $5 I thought necessary, but that was it. There were tables of the same old 40k, tanks, mediocre terrain, and weird miscellany, but I did notice some things that might have piqued my interest if circumstances were different. Guys bringing in old 15/25mm sci fi minis in their original packaging, and offering reasonable prices to boot. One guy had a giant box of painted Eureka Teddy Bears for $200. Another guy had a painted German gnome unit, plus the rulebook for $130. The gnomes I would look over the paint scheme with a fine tooth comb and offer $20 less, but at least there was something for to go "oh snap, where's there an old lady with a purse full of cash I can mug?"
Food: C+ As I am crying poverty, I didn't partake in much site food. My wonderful wife packed up a nice sack lunch and I had two 2-liter bottles of Mountain Dew to provide liquid encouragement. Unfortunately I packed my half-eaten lunch in the trunk for over an hour when I forgot it was in my container of event paraphenalia, so I did consume a $3.00 hot dog. Prices for larger items seemed about a buck higher than the Host, and most lines for food at lunchtime moved pretty quickly. My only minor quibble was that after being given a plain hot dog, the indifferent staff didn't have the energy to say the condiments table was on the other side of the equipment blocking it's view. It's insigniciant, as I found it ten seconds later, but I guess that the woman's tirade on one of her babies' daddies (I kid you not) was much more.
Lodging: F--. As I drove down for the day, I didn't have a room. Nor will my wife ever allow me to stay at a Radisson or Scanticon hotel after last year's debacle. However, I am hunting down the phone number for whoever runs the Allentown Rest Stop. That, and the car fire between Allentown and Lehighton that shut down traffic for a hour FELT like staying in a bad motel. When I left on time constraints, I figured a ten minute detour at the rest stop to pick up some Roy Rogers would make the day complete. Now, before the Turnpike Commission went crazy with "modernizing" the rest stops, I could get in a giant line at Roy Rogers, grab things a la carte and get checked out, top my burger, and be back on the road in five minutes, ten with a bathroom break first. After watching the girl behind the counter tell the three groups in front of me that they were out of chicken finger/strips/whatever, after the group hemmed and hawed over the menu and finally decided on them was bad. Having to announce each food item over a sound system better fitting for a ballpark got really annoying. But then realizing that there were a total of seven families still waiting for food to come out of the magical opening, and nothing had come out while I had been in line. I just gave up and walked back to the car, to munch on stale Doritos and Mountain Dew for the remainder of the ride. Thank God Michelle got pizza that night!
HMGS Rumors and Inuendo: No Grade. The site for next year is not confirmed. I couldn't even confirm the FOUR sites for next year: Fredricksburg, Hampton, Valley Forge with a smaller footprint, and York. Yes, York. Home of barbells and York College. It seems they have a convention center good enough for model railroaders. York is an intriguing option, for selfish logistical reasons. Also Bob Giglio, the tireless Historicon Convention Director, has become tired and decided to retire. There were numerous fliers posted around the site looking for interested applicants to replace him. Oh if I didn't have two little ones... and seeked a divorce from my wife, I would go for that in an instant. edit: After giving this a quick proofread. I'm incredibly whiney about things, especially non-gaming people. First off, deal with it. Secondly, I'm one of the easiest customers someone will ever have. I want my stuff. I don't want any variation or substitution on my order, and I'll even say please and thank you. Just give me my damn food and easy access to the other stuff. And I've found most Flames of War guys to exceed my capacity to whine and the product to overpriced and vanilla, much akin to 40k or Magic. Outside of that, my time at the con was fantastic and I hope it shows though the next posts Coming soon: Part Two "A Very Gnomish Civil War" Battle Report and pics from Jim's game. Part Three: Other Games I haven't previously posted pics of in previous years, and minimal swag.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
I Have Returned... from Historicon 2011
It's 1:30 in the morning, and after a horrendous drive up the Northeast Extension of the PA Turnpike, I'll keep it short.
My one day foray into Historicon was an absolute blast.
If I somehow forget to mention them in my con recap posts, I'd like to thank:
- Miniatures Building Authority for letting me use their awesome Middle East board for my game.
- Jim Stanton for hooking me up with MBA, and a pile of ideas we bounce off each other. The gnome fanatics (gnomiacs?) are DOOMED for Fall In! Mwhahahaha!
- Mike Lung and his son, Scott, for allowing me to photograph all his awesome custom GW stuff, plus posting it on the blog. It might take awhile, but trust me, it's worth it!
- The guy from the Brigade Games booth, whose name escapes me. He magically showed up with bottles of Yuengling Black and Tan between sessions when the secret beer stash dried up. That alone got me through the first 90 minutes of the "village" side of the scenario.
- A very patient and loving wife.
Over the next week, I'll post the same convention write-up format that I did for last year's con.
Viscount Eric needs sleep badly.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Historicon is "almost" here!
The car is packed and ready to go.
I just need to gas up on the way home tomorrow and pack a few rations to avoid the on site food prices, but I'm completely ready to go. With the exception of one oversized item, my entire "A Very Gnomish Civil War" game fits in one tote.
Oh yeah, I forgot about the "big announcement" that was on the down-low this past weekend.
"A Very Gnomish Civil War" will not be played at whatever table it's listed in the book. It will be played on one of Miniatures Building Authority's display tables. Many thanks to the man, the myth, the Gnome Guy, Jim Stanton for pulling some influence to get me a quality table, and maintain what little sanity I have left.
Only one problem though. My garden-gnome-inspired game will now take place in Fallujah. I have the MBA's Middle East table. Luckily I have pictures of last year's table and managed to tweak some of the unit objectives. This has allowed me to leisurely paint up the Swiss Rangers, put the kibosh on the Engineers (won't need them), and feel slightly guilty that my refinery is pretty juvenile. Thank God I only need them for one corner of the table.
It feels strange to be ready so soon. I'm used to the last day crazed activity to get a basic RPG ready. Here's hoping MBA is suitably impressed by my professionalism and I could be invited back to fill in empty timeslots with fun games and a nice promotion of their product.
Ahhh... sleep. I've missed you.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
(Gnome Wars) Swiss Park Rangers Finished!
The Swiss Rangers of the Sacred Shrine of Chucaquatre
The SPR were imagined during the first game of our Wishing Well Campaign. It seemed to make more sense to have actual park rangers fight the German invasion, than engineers or a training company on work detail. Of course, this means the SPR would need to pack some serious firepower.
SPR are under the command of the Ministry of the Interior, charged with the care, maintenance, and protection of the numerous holy shrines. With thousands of gnomish pilgrims arriving every year, a simple ranger hat and four wheel drive would not cut it.
A typical SPR unit is prepared for three tasks: daily upkeep, crowd control, and first aid to injured visitors. Pickaxes/miners spend their days tending to campsites, building fences, and countering the wear and tear on inconsiderate pilgrims. Cheese Grenadiers are dispatched when campsite rentals are up, clearing them with Limburger goodness, if needed. Only during a significant brawl with the SPR arm themselves with rifles to dispatch the brouhaha.
In the event of massive crowds, the SPR Commander will authorize the use of a bicycle tank. The tank is still armed with a light machine gun, but budgetary constraints, and a desire to prevent civilians from using heavy weaponry limit its use. Each time the machine gun is used, a d6 is rolled. On a 1 the tank runs out of machine gun ammo for the remainder of the game.
Unlike the military models, the SPR Bicycle Tank is also equipped with a 360-degree turret with interchangeable weapons. The turret can fire either gas, buckshot, or solid shotgun ammo.
Gas Cannister: 13-24” 5+ to hit / 25-36" 6+ to hit /6+d6” deviation on a miss, ignores traditional cover modifiers.
When the canister explodes, it envelopes the area within a 6” radius. On turn two, it expands to 12” and one turn three 15”. Most gas dissipates at the end of six turns.
Shotgun (buckshot) 1-6” 4+ to hit / 7-12” 6+ to hit /
Those figure within are subject to an attack. Cover does effect this roll. Figures are subject to a blast area square six inches wide and twelve inches long.
Shotgun (solid) 1-12” 5+ to hit Targets one figue.
These weapons are not subject to the -1 movement penalty like the machine gun is.
Before the start of the game, the player must determine one type of round to fire from that gun. No other shots can be fired, unless precautions are made in the scenario to rearm at a safe location.
The Rangers depart to chase out those who missed the 10am checkout
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Frozen Gamer AK
Therefore I present: Frozen Gamer AK . I don't envy this guy. He's flying from Anchorage, Alaska to Houston to Philly just to go to Historicon. At least he's passed all of his trials thus far.
I do envy him that he's able to be at the con the full Thursday-Sunday schedule. One doesn't go to Mecca to snap a picture and turn around, might as well be there awhile.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
(Gnome Wars) Holy Gnomie Releases at Historicon

(Poll) And the game I'm running for Christmas is...
My thanks to the thirty or so people who voted. It's not much of a suprise:
With almost half the total votes cast, A Simpson/Cthulhu Christmas using TOON will be my project, post-Historicon. The great news is the characters are essentially done, and I can rob from pop culture and tradition at will to make the plot for the two or three episodes. I was going to go with four episdoes, but my buddy "Mighty River" (aka Phil) wants to run a TOON Kwanzaa Spectacular as well. Should be good times.
Second place wasn't much of a surpise, as Star Wars: The Land of Misfit Droids II made the only strong competition to Simpsons/Cthulhu. This I will eventually run, but I will make I save it so I can run it later in the future as well. I lost all notes and characters for Misfit Droid I, so I guess I can just add to the premise and go from there.
Thanks again to all who participated. I'll have a new poll up just after Historicon!
Friday, July 1, 2011
(Gnome Wars) Swiss Park Rangers
I patterned them after park rangers. The Evergreen shade from the Americana line came up a bit too dark for effective blacklining. I was forced to use a lighter shade (Raw Sienna) for the belt than I had wanted.
Hopefully, between tonight and tomorrow morning, the Rangers will be finished and packed up, and I can set my sights on repainting the Engineers and finishing up the refinery for the game.