Friday, May 31, 2024

(Painting) Discount Bunker

 A lot of craziness is going down, but to amplify it all, the painting bench was cleared off  and a few minutes of solace were found.  

I've accumulated some cool containers, and they're halfway through.  However, if you purchase two beverages and ask for a drink carrier, you two get a free sci-fi bunker!  

Just some cardstock for the blast doors, so I'm not looking at long term here.  Plus, I'd like to put some black cardstock in the windows, 

Apparently there are steps directly inside the doors.....
Project 350:  Despite promises to clean some stuff up, we're soaring up to 512 (334/178), up from 505  (330 draft /175 scheduled).  As you may have noticed certain parts of a project I was mentioned two weeks ago have made some progress, right in time for two different 3-day AAU tournaments at opposite borders of the state.  

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Hinterland Miniatures Finds a New Home

 Three and a half years ago, Hinterland Miniatures female-based Colonial/Great War miniatures ceased production.  

Now in 2024, Dragon Bait Miniatures has acquired the entire range.  They plan on setting it up as its own section on its web page, with a full relaunch by the end of the year.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

(Gamma World) This is Not a Test #34 - Tell His Wife, "Boom!"

Our heroes, the De Facto Explorers, assisting the Hissers of Notex with the sky falling....


Sneaky Pete: A mutated weasel scout.  Pete's telepathy and night vision take a backseat when he whips out his electrical powers.  

Sonny Helianthus: a sentient sunflower artifact examiner with trusted Restorationist ties. 

Slitheran Wurmtail (aka Squiggles): a mutated earthworm scout, in impromptu power armor, looking for trouble, and finding it often.  Recently "gave birth" to a litter of sentient earthworm babies.

Lathar Bracken: A pure-strain human from River Bend.  He's got the muscle, the face, and a mount for most encounters.  Lathar's trusty beast of burden, No Name, travels wherever he does. Looking for trouble in all the right places.  Recent jousting champion of Fair-Town and has been awarded... a peacock he has named Chambray.


Sonny pressed the "sacred triangle" on the small plastic box, and as expected, it started to speak.

“This is the last recording of Colonel Ratcliffe, stationed at facility Rho. A full evacuation has been ordered. All able-bodied men and women are to exit the plateau and rendezvous with  enlisted at ground level, departing via land vehicles toward an undisclosed location.

We have set “Protocol Alpha-Red” to begin in three months if we haven’t returned. God help us all if we don’t, I don’t trust  those damn robots. We are leaving doctors and scientists behind with the injured and ill, to be airlifted out in two days time. Ratcliffe, signing out.”

"I think it's been longer than three months," the sunflower said, sarcasm dripping.  Sonny 

"Damn robots, I knew it, robots are bad, whatever they are."  Pete said, shaking his head.

Sonny, concurred, "I assume that this Protocol Alpha-Red is why ancient weapons are attacking this joint.  Lathar check the other box, just press the button on the side with the sacred triangle."

Pete interrupted, "Wait, wait, I don't think this Colonel Ratcliffe managed to escaped."

Lathar added, "Was Colonel Ratcliffe's body the one we found..."

"in the Bathroom?" 

"with the mutant plant in the toilet?"

Sonny nodded, "I wouldn't be so sure, but the other recording might be a big clue. Lathar, press the button..."

“Colonel Ratcliffe, identification number 34 999 0101 Alpha. I’m trapped in facility Rho and there’s no way out. My men have turned on me and each other, killing for a can of beans or a cup of water. I’m hiding on Barracks level, waiting for rescue. Most of the fighting is on the next level in Medical. I going to get in to my room soon to get my rifle but until then I’ll wait awhile right here. Once I’m properly armed, I’m going to… shit!  They’re coming… Tell my wife I...  ***BOOM***"

Lathar stared at the device, "Alright guys, if we find Mrs Ratcliffe, tell her 'Boom', I guess."

The group decided to continue exploring, Pete beating down the door with the blasted keypad.  Despite attempting the tactics the Ancients referred to as "SWAT," the single person barracks room was ransacked but empty.  

They finally made it down the final hall, getting to the door of the room with an odd alarm or bell going, that was not Pete's doing.  

Opening the doors, it opened to a four-man barracks with beds, closets, and lockers, but also computer terminals on each desk. 

The group searched as Sonny found the terminal emitting the alarm.  The screen provided two options: 

"I don't snooze, alarm stop...."

Lathar had limited access, but it appeared that the facility was currently in Alpha-Red.  The upper-levels were locked down by security.  He also could calculate using the dates on the system that Alpha-Red was initiated around a month prior, right around when the Hissers began getting their attacks from the sky.

The sunflower attempted to use Colonel Ratcliffe's ID and other data for further access/information, but it appeared it might work on security terminals in the upper levels.

Lathar and Sonny stayed in the room to further examine the weapons they found, Pete and Squiggles completed the sweep of the floor.   With basic weapon function determined without death and destruction, and a few empty rooms producing energy cells and slugthrower ammo, everyone agreed to go back upstairs to the medical/science level.  

Saturday, May 25, 2024

The Historicon 2024 Preliminary Event List is Now Up!

The only thing I can equate waiting for the Preliminary Event List (PEL) for Historicon to is waiting to get a JC Penney or Sears catalog in the mail, way back in the day.    It's monstrous, it's so full of stuff, but in reality, there's only so many pages I'd enjoy going through.    

After a historically long event submission period, followed by a two-week time frame to assemble the PEL (which in reality is more like a week, done on entirely volunteer time to boot), the PEL is standing at a solid 69 pages of pdf goodness.  

As I've done for years now, I simply go through the PDF and list the games that I might want to play in, if I didn't have a full slate of games to run/assist as well.  If an event is run multiple times during the convention, I'm only listing the earliest time from the PEL.

Since Jim "Gnome King" Stanton will not be at Historicon this year, I'm responsible for the traditional  Gnome Wars events, the Joust, and we're in the development stages for a rotating "wargames on demand" table.  

Stay Classy, Wargamers!

W18:307 Dreadnaughts at War 
Wednesday 6:00:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Heritage: HR-12 GM: Kim Young Sponsor: NONE, Prize: Copy of game rules Period: World War I, Scale: 1:6000th, Rules: Fighting Battleships Description: German Admiral Scheer shows his High Seas Fleet off the coast of Norway in hopes of catching a portion of the British Grand Fleet and defeating it. This is a multi-squadron level game involving over 30 battleships and battle cruisers. Players will each command a squadron of 3 to 5 Dreadnoughts. Ships will move and fight in squadron formation in this game with focus on guns, armor and speed and not minutia and endless detail. If you where a fan of the old Avalon Hill game Jutland and large fleet actions, then you will enjoy this.

W19:184 Hail, Emperor, those who are about to die salute you —  Theme Game 
Wednesday 7:00:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Heritage: HR-24 GM: Jim McWee Sponsor: Miniature Building Authority, Prize: Gift Certificates Period: Ancients, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Sons of Mars (modified)
Description: Start the convention hearing the roar of the crowd as gladiators entertain the masses while seeking glory, fame and riches! Pick your gladiator from the stable and join a double elimination tournament. Ave, Imperator: Morituri te salutant! Rules will be taught. Must be 16 or older to play.

W19:674 The Battle of Edington, May 878 AD — Theme Game 
Wednesday 7:00:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Commonwealth Foyer: CF-2 GM: John Spiess & HMGS Next Gen Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: Dark Ages, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Halberd Mace and Great Sword - Dark Age Version Description: The Last Kingdom, Alfred the Great Strikes back! Viking invaders have overrun most of England. Only Wessex, the "Last Kingdom", stands in the way of complete disaster. In May 878 AD, Alfred the Great rallied the peasants of his shires and faced down the Vikings at the Battle of Edington. The fate of England would be decided on this field.

T09:447 The Russo Japanese War: A LWTV Campaign Game 1 — Theme Game 
Thursday, 9:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Location: : HR-37 GM: Miles Reidy & Little Wars TV Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: Russo-Japanese War, Scale: 10mm, Rules: Altar of Empires Description: Often described as World War Zero, the Russo Japanese War was a titanic struggle between a declining European power and an emerging Asian one which featured a terrifying glimpse of what WW1 had instore. Players will be resolve battles that occur over the course of a campaign being played out over the convention. The outcome of the table top fighting directly influences the progress of the campaign.
T09:118 Jungle River Racing Thursday, 9:00 AM, 3 hrs, Players: 12, Location: Commonwealth: CW-74 GM: Jon Lundberg Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: Pulp, Scale: 28mm, Rules: VSF Races Description: Quick starter game to open the convention. Weird racers head up and across the river, avoiding the local hazards. This is a young gamer friendly game. Children under 12 are welcome to play with an adult

T10:571 November 7-11, 1918 All Quiet on the Western Front — Theme Game 
Thursday, 10:00 AM, 2 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Commonwealth Foyer: CF-3 GM: Mike Fatovic & HMGS Next Gen Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: World War I, Scale: 54mm, Rules: Trench Wars - modified Description: As the Great War drags on into its fourth year, there are ongoing talks with the Allied Great Powers. However, your regiment has been given orders for one final attack to take place on November 11, 1918 at 10:45am. Your regiment has been given the task to take the front line of enemy trenches in your sector. Will you be able to carry out your orders or will your regiment be found in the fields where the poppies grow... you decide ! Children ages 13 and up are welcome !

T11:647 Battletech - Grinder 1 
Thursday, 11:00 AM, 2 hrs, Players: 10, Location: Heritage Foyer: HF-9 GM: Mark Yingling & Battletech Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: SciFi, Scale: 6mm, Rules: Battletech - Total Warfare  Description: The Grinder is a free for all Battletech Demo game where new (or returning) players will be taught using the Introductory Rules. You start out with a Light Mech and as you die, you advance up to the next weight class. All materials, miniatures and dice will be provided. Beginner Friendly & Rules Taught.

T11:693 Test of Honour - Shogun and the Last Samurai — Theme Game 
Thursday, 11:00 AM, 3 hrs, Players: 24, Location: Freedom Foyer: CW-39 GM: David Hill Sponsor: Things from the Basement, Your Hobby Place Ltd. and the Metropolitan Wargamers., Prize: Vendor Discounts Period: Samurai/Satsuma Rebellion, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Test of Honour - Quick Play Description: For fans of the recent Shogun series and the less recent Last Samurai movie, this is the game for you. Test of Honour is a fun, fast-paced 28mm samurai skirmish game that I have further streamlined after dozens of convention games and hundreds of players. Don't be scared by the high player count, this is really six separate four-player scenarios played at the same time, with alternating activations (i.e. your turn is every other minute, not hour). With new scenarios, terrain and figures from the series and film, honor and glory await! Quick play rules (one piece of paper!) will be taught. Kids welcome with accompanying adult. All miniatures and materials provided, just bring a fun attitude.

T14:345 Trailer Park Warlords of the Apocalypse – Running of the Flamingos 
Thursday, 2:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 4, Location: Heritage Foyer: HF-1 GM: Michael Stoneburner Sponsor: Bad Goblin Games, Prize: Drink Koozie Period: Future, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Trailer Park Warlords of the Apocalypse Description: There aren't too many sporting events within the Mega Trailer Parks, though one regular occurrence is the Running of the Flamingos. No one knows how this bizarre spectacle originated, though its popularity is unmatched. During this event, participants run through a street race in which vicious killer flamingos are let loose on the racers.

T18:549 Car Wars - Death Race 2074 
Thursday, 6:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 4, Location: Heritage Foyer: HF-6 GM: Frank Osborn & LXG Gaming Club, THE MECHANICON and Gaming Garage Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: Future, Scale: 12mm, Rules: Car Wars 6th Edition and House rules. Description: Hit and run driving is no longer a felony, it's the national sport! Score points for reaching checkpoints. Score even more points for "soft" targets. Who will win this year's race? Who cares as long as blood is spilled on the highway! Rules will be taught.

T18:255 Sons of the Desert - French Foreign Legion 
Thursday, 6:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Commonwealth: CW-14 GM: Bill Seaman Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: Colonial, Scale: 28mm, Rules: The Men Who Would Be Kings Description: French legionnaires defend a desert fort and nearby oasis along the Algerian-Morracan border! Can they hold out until a relief column arrives?

T19:403 Viking Blood Feud 
Thursday, 7:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Commonwealth: CW-84 GM: Edward Watts & HAWKs Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: Dark Ages, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Fistful of Lead - Might and Melee Description: A mother leads her family against her sons' murderers condemned but unpunished at the last Fylkis-Thing. Some cousins might join in for less honorable motives. Rules taught at table.

T19:579 Big Truffle in a Little Village 
Thursday, 7:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Commonwealth Foyer: CF-2 GM: Eric Jacobson & HMGS Next Gen Sponsor: Brigade Games, Prize: NONE Period: Fantasy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Gnome Wars Description: In the early days of the Wishing Well War, the only thing between the German Gnome war machine and the subjugation of all Gnome-Kind were small town militias... and a few friends. Any player bringing a painted 320 point unit from Brigade Games Gnomes at War line do not need to pre-register. No one under 12 without a playing adult.

T19:210 Otjihinamaparero: The Threatened Flank (German South West Africa, 1904) 
Thursday, 7:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Commonwealth: CW-12 GM: Roy Jones Sponsor: Recreational Conflict, Prize: NONE Period: Colonial, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Sword and the Flame (Modified) Description: Herero riflemen occupy the formidable natural fortress of Otjihinamaparero, with its high rock walls. Schutztruppen and Marines launch a flank assault, but the Hereros hold their ground and shower the attackers with lead. The Hereros must now counterattack quickly, before the Germans can break the morale of the Herero army. From the scenario book "The Herero War". More at This game is paired with the HMGS War College lecture: Sea Soldiers, Sailors, and Schutztruppen: German Troop Types and Tactics in the Herero War

T20:504 CHEYENNE DOWN! — Theme Game Thursday, 8:00 PM, 2 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Heritage: HR-14 GM: Bob Edoo & Night Ravens Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: SciFi, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Alien vs Predator Description: From Alien Xenomorphs skulking in the shadows, waiting for the moment of weakness to pounce on and capture new hosts for the brood, to the well-trained Colonial Marines who are geared up with state-of-the-art equipment and finally to a mysterious race of brutal extra-terrestrial Hunters that the humans call Predators, each Force offers a unique set of skills to provide their own diversity to the gameplay. There's no shortage of terror and excitement in Alien vs Predator!

T20:323 Trench Wars: The Forgotten Fronts: Attu 1943--An HMGS War College Game
 Thursday, 8:00 PM, 2 hrs, Players: 10, Location: Heritage: HR-12 GM: Frank Luberti, Jr. Sponsor: New York Wargamers Association, Prize: NONE Period: World War II, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Trench Wars (modified) Description: May 1943. Units of the U.S. 7th Infantry Division landed on Attu island. Waiting for them: elements of the IJA's North Seas Garrison. 25mm skirmish game. Novices, children with adults, rules lawyers and GMs looking for revenge welcome. Kid friendly game. Parent/Child teams welcome. Rules will be taught. Game sponsored by the HMGS War College.

F09:120 Up the Jungle River — Theme Game 
Friday, 9:00:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 10, Location: Commonwealth: CW-74 GM: Jon Lundberg Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: Pulp, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Fistful of Lead Description: The trading post has sent curious reports of a tribe that trains giant beasts. A peculiar cult has found an artifact that appears to have otherworldly powers. The group that returns to civilization with proof of these mysteries will be richly rewarded

F09:172 Battletech: A Little Larceny with a side of Rescue 
Friday, 9:00:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Hickory B: HK-3 GM: Harold Carfrey Sponsor: Catalyst Demo Team, Prize: Battletech Swag Period: SciFi, Scale: 1/275 scale, Rules: Battletech Description: Hesperus II 3075 Operation Lockjaw Troops from the Allied Mercenary Command are raiding a Word of Blake Industrial Facility. The mercenaries are here to not only acquire war material, but also to liberate the prisoners being used as slave labor... An up to eight player game with each player controlling 2 combat units.

F10:217 Ogre Miniatures - Ceasefire Collapse 
Friday, 10:00:00 AM, 3 hrs, Players: 4, Location: : GF-2 GM: Joseph Bloch Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: SciFi, Scale: 1:285 micro, Rules: Ogre Miniatures Description: A brief ceasefire between Combine and PanEuropean units has fallen apart, and you're in the soup. Using the award-winning Ogre Miniatures rules by Steve Jackson Games, two teams of two players each, forces will be determined by point buy.

F10:361 Space Apes Must Die! 
Friday, 10:00:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Grand Foyer: GF-5 GM: John Sears Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: SciFi, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Star Schlock Description: The Galactic War rages! Striking back against the Space Ape invasion, a heroic force of Astroguards have made planetfall on the desolate moon Macaca-12. Orbital bombardment has already knocked out an ape artillery battery, but can the Astroguards secure the breach before Ape reinforcements arrive? A historically accurate simulation of Z-grade sci-fi using the new Star Schlock rules system. Ages 12+. Rules taught at the table.

F13:575 Return to the Forbidden City
Friday, 1:00:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Commonwealth Foyer: CF-1 GM: Mike Lung & HMGS Next Gen Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: SciFi, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Fistful of Lead Wasteland Warriors Description: For generations, the City of Ancients has been feared and taboo. No one would go near the place because those who did quickly sickened and died horrible deaths. But recently, a few foolhardy souls have gone there and survived. They have brought back tales of ancient wonders and incredible treasures waiting there for the taking. Are you willing to lead your brave band into this devastated post-apocalyptic city to gain fabulous riches and fame?

F14:411 A Bad Day in Ozz — Theme Game Friday, 2:00:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Commonwealth: CW-72 GM: Mark Morin & HAWKs Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: Black Powder Fantasy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Wars of Ozz Description: Outside of the lands of the Quadlings and the Munchkins, invading forces, led by Arella and her Gillikins have come together to threaten the peace. Several opposing allied brigades find themselves facing off on the plains of Ozz! Rules will be taught. All miniatures/brigades will be provided for play. Players under 13 only w/a playing adult. Gillikins & allies have come to threaten the peace of the Munchkins & Quadlings. Opposing allied brigades face off in Ozz! Rules will be taught. Players under 13 only w/a playing adult.

F14:502 Casablanca meets the Mummy — Theme Game
 Friday, 2:00:00 PM, 2 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Heritage: HR-14 GM: John Mitchell & TGS Productions Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: 19th Century, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Fistful of Lead, Tales of Horror Description: Eva and Rick, after unwittingly awakening the Mummy Imhotep, have fled Egypt to Morocco. But Imhotep has followed them. Now with the help of Rick Blaine, they have to get to the train station across town. Vichy police Captain Louie has letters of transit for them to take a train from Casablanca to Lisbon Portugal. With the help of some friends, they set out. Will the Mummy and his minions capture Eva? Will they make it to the train in time? Will any of them realize that you can't take a train from Casablanca to Lisbon. Find out, in what I call a Mixed up Movie Madness game.

F15:500 Zulu Dawn at Isandlwana — Theme 
Game Friday, 3:00:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Heritage: HR-11 GM: Walt Siko & WAMP Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: Colonial, Scale: 15mm, Rules: Zulu Dawn - Home Rules Description: South Africa, 22 January 1879. Lord Chelmsford is determined to strike a decisive blow against the force of Zulu King, Cetshwayo. Chelmsford has chosen to split his force as he sets out to engage the Zulu. After Chelmsfords departure Colonel Henry Pulleine and Colonel Anthony Dunford have been left in command of the base camp. Colonel Pulleine has received word that a large body of Zulu warriors have been sighted and are moving in force towards his position. He is confident that the men of the 24th Foot and their allies can easily deter any attack from poorly armed native tribesmen.

F15:668 Zombie Pirates 
Friday, 3:00:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Heritage: HR-31 GM: Don Carter & ODGW Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: Age of Piracy, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Mein Zombie Description: You are on a small Caribbean isle, when word reaches you that the leader of the island needs your help. His daughter was on a tour of the island, when a strange illness broke out. He has received that she is trapped in the village. Can you go and save her? After a long talk , you find out that the illness is an outbreak of Zombies

F16:670 Mein Zombie - The Sewers
 Friday, 4:00:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Heritage: HR-41 GM: Michael Moran & ODGW Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: Modern, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Mein Zombie Description: The last couple months living in a walled off community has brought about a feeling of normalcy. But suddenly... A huge group of zombies keep invading the community. Everyone is on edge and tempers are hot. Where are they coming from? What did we miss. There are currently no zombies outside the wall! Can you find and destroy the zombie and where they are coming from? Mein Zombie is a fast play, easy to learn zombie killing game. Come have fun an

F16:364 SKYNET IS FALLING — Theme Game 
Friday, 4:00:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Heritage Foyer: HF-1 GM: Kyle Schulze Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: SciFi, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Xenos Rampant Description: The year is 2049, the machines have risen up against mankind lead by the AI known as Skynet. After the nuclear apocalypse of what was called Judgement Day, one man arrived and taught the human race how to fight back against the machines, that man is John Connor. Recently the Resistance has shot down a Hunter-Killer drone, and sent a team to recover vital information from its data core. There have been no communications from the recon team since, and command fears the worst. A rescue mission for the Resistance is led by John Connor himself, while Skynet sends its Terminators to recover the drone who will get there first?

F18:426 Ozzaganza 
Friday, 6:00:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 12, Location: Commonwealth: CW-71 & CW-81 GM: Buck Surdu & HAWKs Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: Fantasy, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Wars of Ozz Description: Munchkinland is under attack! The Ozzaganza is a large game you can only play at a convention. All the various factions of Ozz will be represented, including Munchkins, Quadlings, Gillikins, and Winkies. Bring a 25-point brigade, or one will be provided. Wars of Ozz provides an old-school feel with modern mechanics. The unique activation mechanism provides friction while allowing players to influence the battle. The reaction test mechanic provides the right level of unpredictability. Rules will be taught. Younger players welcome with a participating adult. No booze, please

F19:405 Asterix versus the Gladiators — Theme Game 
Friday, 7:00:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Commonwealth: CW-86 GM: Edward Watts & HAWKs Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: Ancients, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Fistful of Lead - Might and Melee Description: Caesar hopes gladiators can tame the Gauls that his legions can not, Asterix, Obelix and their Gallic village think not. Rules taught at table

F19:482 MOBY-DICK or THE WHALE Game — Theme Game 
Friday, 7:00:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Location: : HR-56 GM: Tom Ballou & Marks Game room Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: 1840 Whaling, Scale: 15mm, Rules: John Rigley's Moby Dick Description: “Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering whale; to the last I grapple with thee; from hells heart I stab at thee; for hates sake I spit my last breath at thee.” Cried Ahab, fouled in a running line vanishes beneath the waves. You my brave Nantucket whalers must avenge him! Fun and fast paced game to hunt down and harpoon Moby Dick! A unique game. dont miss it!

F20:577 The Joust ! 
Friday, 8:00:00 PM, 2 hrs, Players: 24, Location: Commonwealth Foyer: CF-2 GM: Eric Jacobson & HMGS Next Gen Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: Medieval, Scale: 28mm, Rules: To Cry a Joust Description: Hear ye, hear ye! All are invited to participate in the grand return of the Joust at Fall-In! Rules taught. Quick, east, fun, and prizes. No one under 10 without a playing adult.

S09:340 Surviving the Northwest Frontier- British vs Pathans 1878 
Saturday, 9:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Commonwealth Foyer: CF-4 GM: Jared fishman Sponsor: 20Sided Gamified LLC, Prize: yes Period: Colonial, Scale: 28mm, Rules: The Sword and the Flame Description: The year is 1878. The setting is a small village located in a valley somewhere within the Northwest Frontier. Imagine yourself part of an escort protecting a member of Parliament during his travels through the region. All is quiet- that is, until the first jezzail shots ring out and the uprising starts! Play as a Pathan trying to eliminate all of the imperialist intruders from the region, or as the scattered, disjointed British troops trying to protect key figures and restore the village to order. Rules will be the classic "The Sword and the Flame" by Larry Brom. This game will be tongue in cheek, beer and pretzels, and fun! If you're Prizes awarded and guest slots for the game recap will be available should you want to star on the 20 Sided Gamified Podcast!

S09:414 Wars of Ozz: Learn to Play & Bring and Battle 
Saturday, 9:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Commonwealth: CW-72 GM: Christopher Palmer & HAWKs Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: Horse & Musket Fantasy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Wars of Ozz Description: Come take part in this battle set in the Horse & Musket fantasy world of Ozz. Various factions, including Munchkins, Winkies, and the new Ratavian Pie-Rats, fight for victory in this fast paced an fun game. Also, players are invited to bring their own painted 25-point brigades of Old Glory's official Wars of Ozz figures to command, any faction; or you can use one of our brigades. Beginners welcome. Rules taught. Players under 13 only with a playing adult.

S09:441 Sherlock Holmes Crime of the Century 
Saturday, 9:00 AM, 3 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Commonwealth: CW-83 GM: Sam Fuson & HAWKs Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: 19th Century, Scale: 28mm, Rules: G.A.S.L.I.G.H.T. Description: Holmes tries to figure out and stop a crime spree happening in Southeast London. Holmes invites some interesting guests to join his investigation (example: Wild Bill Hickok and his newly formed & trained The Apache Police). Clues come from people or places and include scrabble tiles that spell key phrases, slips of paper, pictures, puzzles and more. If you like mystery and figuring things out, this contest is for you! Children are welcome, but will have a problem figuring out the advanced puzzles/clues without an adult. The approach to Clues is very similar to those used in Escape Rooms plus others.

S10:140 Hot Fuzz — Theme Game 
Saturday, 10:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Commonwealth: CW-76 GM: RICHARD CLAYDON Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: Modern, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Bolt Action Description: Nicholas Angel, a high-achieving Metropolitan Police officer is promoted to Sergeant, but his resentful colleagues arrange for him to be reassigned to the small rural town of Sandford, Gloucestershire, a regular "Village of the Year" winner. But he is soon frustrated by the mundanity of the village, his colleagues, the Sandford Police Service and Neighbourhood Watch Alliance (NWA) commitment to low crime statistics rather than law enforcement. Have you ever wondered why, why the crime rate in Sandford is so low, yet the accident rate is so high? Big city cop in a guns-blazing shoot out with the locals over control of the village

S10:671 Mein Twinkie 
Saturday, 10:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Heritage: HR-31 GM: Tu Tran & ODGW Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: SciFi, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Mein Zombie Description: The situation is dire! It's catastrophic! Someone has eaten the last Twinkie!!! Images of the golden sponge cake with its cream filling are swirling in your mind. Is it worth it to venture out and fight through the zombie hordes just for those spongy, yellow tastes of heaven? Absolutely!! It’s time to gear up for a Twinkie supply run. Come join us for some lighthearted, cooperative fun as we venture out to search for these delicious treats. Rules Taught Beginners Welcome Children under 12 with an adult only.

S11:249 The Alamo 1836 — Theme Game 
Saturday, 11:00 AM, 5 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Commonwealth: CW-62 GM: David Good Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: 19th Century, Scale: 15mm, Rules: The Alamo Ruleser Description: Join us for impressive final assault on the famous missionon in 1:1 true 15mm scale. Join the Texians in their heroic defence or the Soldados in their equally heroic assault on the walls of the mission complex. Over 800 figures including David Crockett of course. This spectacular game is featured on Little Wars 

S13:225 The Cursed Diamond of the Romanovs, Treasure-Hunting in the Russo-Polish War - Pripet Marshes, 1920 
Saturday, 1:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 12, Location: Commonwealth: CW-74 GM: Jeffrey Wasileski Sponsor: NONE, Prize: Discount Coupon Period: Pulp, Scale: 28mm, Rules: When Nightmares Come, modified Description: As Polish and Ukrainian armies advance on Kyiv, the Bolsheviks desperately evacuate the city, including a special train carrying a trove of the late Czarina's gems. Among the jewels was the famed Black Diamond of Astrakhan, looted from an ancient temple and said to have driven Ivan the Terrible Mad. It was hoped that the occult power of this jewel could be harnessed for Revolution. In the confused evacuation, the train was accidentally diverted to a minor line that skirted the dismal Pripet Marshes, where it disappeared. Various groups now search the area of its last sighting. But what forces have snatched it and what secrets does it hold?

S13:435 Armies for Kids - American Civil War 
Saturday, 1:00 PM, 2 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Commonwealth: CW-73 GM: Eric Schlegel & HAWKs Sponsor: NONE, Prize: Two armies and materials to run a game Period: American Civil War, Scale: 15mm, Rules: Milk & Cookies Description: Yanks and Rebs battle for control of a vital crossroads somewhere in Virginia. At the conclusion of the game, all players get to take home 2 armies and various items to run their own games at home. Adult helpers welcome with a playing child.

S13:576 Return to the Forbidden City 
Saturday, 1:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Commonwealth Foyer: CF-2 GM: Mike Lung & HMGS Next Gen Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: SciFi, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Fistful of Lead Wasteland Warriors Description: For generations, the City of Ancients has been feared and taboo. No one would go near the place because those who did quickly sickened and died horrible deaths. But recently, a few foolhardy souls have gone there and survived. They have brought back tales of ancient wonders and incredible treasures waiting there for the taking. Are you willing to lead your brave band into this devastated post-apocalyptic city to gain fabulous riches and fame?

S14:412 We Have to Stop Bloody Meeting Like This... — Theme Game 
Saturday, 2:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Commonwealth: CW-72 GM: Mark Morin & HAWKs Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: Black Powder Fantasy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Wars of Ozz Description: The Quadlings and the Munchkins are still at war with the Winkies and Gillikins. This time, Zoraster the Wizard and Glenda the Witch face off against them - and like before - run into them on the field of battle. Several opposing allied brigades will maneuver and find themselves facing off again on the plains of Ozz! Beginners are very welcome. Rules will be taught. All miniatures/brigades will be provided for play. Players under 13 only with a playing adult. Quadlings & Munchkins fight the Winkies & Gillikins. Zoraster the Wizard & Glenda the Witch lead on the battlefield! Rules will be taught. Players under 13 only w/ a playing adult.

S15:442 Plastic Pirates are not Alone! 
Saturday, 3:00 PM, 2 hrs, Players: 9, Location: Commonwealth: CW-83 GM: Geoffrey Graff & HAWKs Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: Age of Piracy, Scale: LEGOs, Rules: Plastic Pirates Description: The Little Lego Looters are trying to sneak through the jungle to surprise the town. But who will be surprised? A game for the young, but reading would be helpful.

S16:461 Viking Raid on Iona Abbey, 825 CE 
Saturday, 4:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Heritage: HR-47 GM: Erik Johnson & Little Wars TV Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: Dark Ages, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Ravenfest Description: Ships on the horizon- to the walls! The peaceful Scots-Irish abbey of St. Columba is under attack; the monks must protect their divine treasures and make the pagans pay for this! The Vikings are doing what they do best- raiding and pillaging the British Isles! Players will control the Viking raiders or Scots-Irish defenders in this skirmish-level game. The Viking players will seek to extract as much livestock and loot as possible, and the Monks will seek to preserve their abbey and escape with their treasures. Can you survive Dark Age Britain? Uses Ravenfeast by Little Wars: fast-play rules are taught and all are welcome. Dice, miniatures, and all materials provided.

S19:212 Assault At Liewenberg: Hitting The Main Line! (German South West Africa, 1904) 
Saturday, 7:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Commonwealth: CW-12 GM: Roy Jones Sponsor: Recreational Conflict, Prize: NONE Period: Colonial, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Sword and the Flame (Modified) Description: German sailors took a beating in their first assault at Liewenberg. But now the sailors have more men, high morales and a Revolver cannon! Herero riflemen, however, still hold the high ground. And they fight concealed behind nearly impregnable rock. Somebody “ German or Herero“ is definitely going to get hurt at Liewenberg. From the scenario book The Herero War. More at: This game is paired with the HMGS War College lecture: Sea Soldiers, Sailors, and Schutztruppen: German Troop Types and Tactics in the Herero War.

S19:342 The Battle of Sitka, Alaska, Russian-American Company vs Tlingit Tribe 
Saturday, 7:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 4, Location: Commonwealth Foyer: CF-4 GM: Adam Sharp Sponsor: Thomas Hill Wargamers Club & 20Sided Gamified LLC, Prize: yes Period: 19th Century, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Blood & Steel, Firelock Games with House Rule Modifications Description: When Russian fur traders entered Alaska in the 1700's, the fate of a continent was in question. Yet it wasn't Spain, France, Britain nor the fledgling United States who slowed Russian expansion, but the fierce and proud Tlingit tribes of coastal Alaska. The Battle of Sitka, 1804, is a little known, perhaps never before gamed conflict between unique wooden-armored Native Americans and Russian-American Company (RAC) fur traders, sailors and native allies. Join us to lead the Tlingits, "more frightful than the most hellish devils" as they were described by the Russians or take command of the RAC under Chief Manager Baronov. 

S19:503 Casablanca meets the Mummy — Theme Game 
Saturday, 7:00 PM, 2 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Heritage: HR-14 GM: John Mitchell & TGS Productions Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: Early 20th Century, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Fistful of Lead, Tales of Horror Description: Eva and Rick, after unwittingly awakening the Mummy Imhotep, have fled Egypt to Morocco. But Imhotep has followed them. Now with the help of Rick Blaine, they have to get to the train station across town. Vichy police Captain Louie, has letters of transit for them to take a train from Casablanca to Lisbon Portugal. With the help of some friends, they set out. Will the Mummy and his minions capture Eva? Will they make it to the train in time? Will any of them realize that you can't take a train from Casablanca to Lisbon Find out, in what I call a Mixed up Movie Madness game

 S19:578 Big Truffle in a Little Village 
Saturday, 7:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Commonwealth Foyer: CF-2 GM: Eric Jacobson & HMGS Next Gen Sponsor: Brigade Games, Prize: NONE Period: Fantasy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Gnome Wars Description: In the early days of the Wishing Well War, the only thing between the German Gnome war machine and the subjugation of all Gnome-Kind were small town militias... and a few friends. Any player bringing a painted 320 point unit from Brigade Games Gnomes at War line do not need to pre-register. No one under 12 without a playing adult.

S20:691 The BITE of the SILVER BAYONET 
Saturday, 8:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 6, Location: Freedom A: FA-1 GM: Peter Panzeri Sponsor: MINIATURE BUILDING AUTHORITY (MBA), Prize: Prize for "Most-Feared-Enemy" & other prizes from our sponsors Period: Gothic Napoleonic Horror, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Silver Bayonet Description: Enter the "Gothic-Napoleonic" realm of SuperNatural/Historical exploits. An "Exploring Officer" is tasked to recruit a specialist unit plus regular Napoleonic forces to capture and hold a strategically important town. "Veteran-Hunters" of evil must fight alongside Napoleonic infantrymen, cavalrymen, Gunners, Sappers and Leaders. This is a dangerous mission to find and destroy supernatural foes (From vampires to ghouls-goblins-monsters or ghosts. -- But hopefully not "ALL AT ONCE!") WHO will survive? WHO will die a ghastly death? WHO can kill the undead? and HOW? And mostly, WHO will earn the Silver Bayonet as a badge of honor? *GAME MASTER CHRIS BEIL* Introducing an amazing NEW GAME GENRE!* *(Guaranteed 51% more "HISTORICAL" than Ridley Scott's NAPOLEON movie!) ONE-TIME-ONLY EVENT at HISTORICON'24 *DON'T MISS IT!

Z10:436 The Lair of the Ice Troll 
Sunday, 10:00:00 AM, 2 hrs, Players: 8, Location: Commonwealth: CW86 GM: Eric Schlegel & HAWKs Sponsor: NONE, Prize: NONE Period: Fantasy, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Blood & Swash (Fantasy Modification) Description: Players take control of a band of adventurers and battle across difficult terrain to be the first to reach the Lair of the Ice Troll, loot the treasure within and make it out alive. Blood & Swash of an easy, fun system and a good way to wrap of a convention. Players under 13 welcome with a playing adult.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

🧙‍♂️(Georic Gazetteer) The Three Kingdoms of Khemmet

(Author's Notes: Despite my desire to complete this guidebook as a Gazetteer for all things related to the continent of Talaishia, I have receive an inordinate amount of correspondence asking me to make a short dissertation on many of the major countries outside those geographical boundaries.  I feel that placing such a limited amount of information to fit the format of my original work would be akin to dipping your thumbnail in pitch and saying you blend in with the night.  However, some of these fine folks, have felt the need to provide me with a certain amount of coin, I am unable to return it, and would feel tugs at my moral compass if I did not add something as an appendix, possibly a hint of things to come for future books.)

The Three Kingdoms of Khemmet

Pantheon: Strictly Khemmet Ra
Ruled:  Thumotis IX, Pharoah 
Capital:  Waset 
Other Cities: Inebuhed (Religious City, 1,000,000), Yebu (Capital of the Upper Kingdom, 150,000), Napetea (Capital of the Nubian Kingdom), Bolbintine (Port City), Tanis
Language: Khemmet
Flag/Emblem: (FLAG) Golden Winged Schier Disc, on a blue field. (EMBLEM) Khemmet - Ankh, Lower Kingdom - Uraeus, Upper Kingdom - Vultyre, Nubian Kingdom - Scorpion.
Coinage: Khemmet, other coinages are permitted in coast cities, but in the interior, use of foreign coin without conversion is punishable by death.
Important Personages: Prince Kheraptis of Nubia (Nubian Oversight),  Viziers running the day to day of the “Three Kingdoms” Archpriest of Ra, Mashalls of Khemmet, bureau ministers Chiefs of the Pharoah (recognized tribal leaders).
Alliances: Aethope, hasur (trade), Xellnic League (trade), Keshu, Emron (magic and technology)
Hostilities: Lybbos, Yarbay, Meroe
Open Warfare/Skirmishing: Border incidents on all sides,, raiders on the western desert.
Intrigues:  Too many to mention, mostly in palace, amongst nobles, governors.  The political dealings and affairs to finally marry off Princess Nefurera.
Demi-Humans: Nubian Agogwe (thinner warrior halflings) 2%.   
Magickal Devices:
A host of defensive, offensive, and divination devices from thousands of years of existence. The convergence of the pyramids and ley lines generate enough Heka for maximum effectiveness. Nine Nehru Axxes, Ur_Hakau of Imhotep, Aten Anhk, Mace of Narmer, Grimoire of Pharoah Nectanebus,, Golen Crock, Ebon Faili, The Sphinx Legions Talisman.

Capital City of Waset

Thumbnail Sketch:  Most adventurous children have heard stories of the majestic four Great Pyramids, the ominous Twin Sphinxes, the Teru River, whose waters circle the world, or tall tales of ancient Khemmet mummies coming back to life to lead undead legions to regain their rightful throne.   Even though it's across the Mer Med in Kufrik, one does not have an Empire for 5,000 years and not influence the greater world.  

Yes, dear reader, the Khemmet Empire, the Three Kingdoms, is at LEAST 5,000 years old.   Even the Senzar Empire, which refuses to concede superiority in anything, acknowledges two lands in their history which are older than their empire:  Hyperborea and Khemmet.  
Inebuhed, City of Rah

As other greater empires, in numbers, in power, and in territories have grown and vanished countless times.  Thanks to their religious traditions... and being surrounded by desert from three directions, Khemmet has retained their borders, and  allowed them to keep their culture largely intact from outside intervention.  Citizens of the Three Kingdoms will remind of that, and remind you that you a guest of Khemmet Ra, the sun god, and principal god of their pantheon.  Good manners and good coin will keep one from being subject to the rampant street crime or the overzealous religious authority.  

Khemmet is divided into three kingdoms.  The Lower Kingdom encompasses the Teru Delta and most of the population resides there.  The Upper Kingdom is known for its mining and river-adjacent agriculture.  The Nubian Kingdom was a recent addition (600 years ago) of the empire that simply was assimilated, but still retains their own governor and religious officials.  It is the most diverse of the kingdoms, a more welcoming entrance to the empire for the other Kufrik lands.

A Khemmet emissary travels to visit the southern kingdoms of Kufrik.  The writer is unsure why the artist created them all paler than a Wyrmnalian winter.

The one and only true boundary, of course, is the great Teru.  It is the massive river that bisects all the Kingdoms, and gives it life. It's floodwaters are responsible for the fertile land that is able to feed it's people, and it's breadth and depth remain the finest transportation system for its citizens.

While quite restrictive, the schools and universities of the land are of great repute. Although many deal with religious subjects almost exclusively, there are a considerable number of courses in all manner of subjects, ranging from architecture to zoology, and considerable topics such as the divine and the arcane.   Khemmets's two schools of illusion and enchantment bring in thousands of prospective students every year, from Senzar to Azir. 

The population is 65 % True Khemmet, 20 % Nubian, and 13% from various Mare Med stocks.

Other languages spoken may include Xellnic and Phobic

Slavery is legal and is 5% of the population, largely criminals are enslaved.  Many are native Khemmet. 

Khemmet controls a large standing army to fight off the threat and a navy for the Mare Med and Mare Ruge.  Their Nubian forces are renowned bowmen

Khemmet has maintain their culture and influence by growning insular and isolationist, knowing many of its traditions are backward but yet thriving. They actively engage with some countries for magicks and technology they are lacking:  Argivian artifacts, Emron arcane magicks, and windship tech.

Order of the Black Star: Mystic Secrets of Khemmet, loosely based collection of magi, clerics, and prophets supporting the Pharaoh, weakening by their unswerving loyalty

Order of the Forbidden Star: Society to hunt down those who use magic against the Pharaoh.  

Let the reader beware and traveler beware.  Learning the word heresy while in Khemmet is much advised.  Despite the true power and effectives of the Pharaohs being blessed by the gods, the priest control the influence. Power has accumulated in the church, mostly under the Priests of Rah. The Theocracy is absolute, but has learned through the millennia to treat its citizenry well.
Open, active worshipping of any god, deity, or entity within Khemmet is considered heresy and is punishable by death.  Only the worship of active gods within the Khemmet mythos is permitted. 

Geography of Note: 
The Great Teru River - This massive river, both in length and girth, is the true lifeblood for all the kingdoms.  If something is beyond it's life-giving influence, it is either a attempt to fleece you or your coin... or your life, or it's far too dangerous for a casual visitor to experience.  Rent a boat, pay your stff well, and your are almost guaranteed safe passage until such time as you're finally ready to leave.
The Great Pyramids of Inebuhed - While only four qualify as "Great" there are dozens of pyramids in and surrounding the holy city.  Visitors should denote the the number of guards around a pyramid to its importance.  Well organized security is usally a tourist trap, but a safe area.  Sparse or no security means the traps are usually in place. 

Cleopatra's Twin Sphinxes -  While the Great Sphinx is best known, the largest tourist destination is the site of Cleopatra VII's non-pyramid tomb, specifically the large twin sphinxes guarding them.  This  Cleopatra fought off outside incursions from Danaan, Feraso, and Senzar and created not only the foundation for the modern Khemmet, but also 500 years of female primogeniture succession.

Recent Intrigue: 
It is but a footnote in the long history of Khemmet, and it could resolve itself well before publication of the gazetteer is completed, but few tales have amused, if not excited, the world but the situation with Princess Nefurera.  

Princess Nefurera

Princess Nefurera (b.1122) is the eldest child of Thumotis IX.  As Khemmet uses male primogeniture for the line of succession, she would normally be married to a rich noble or an inept uncle to avoid a threat to the throne.  On her twentieth birthday, Thumotis IX sent messengers from every known kingdom, announcing that the Princess was looking for suitors of royal birth, worthy of the hand of a Khemmet princess in marriage.  Dozens of potential suitors have traveled to Khemmet to woo or earn her hand, eight years later, none have succeeded.  

When she was 22, assassins for the temple of set tried to kill her.  Not only did she thwart the attempt, but she brazenly escorted the eunuchs carrying the bodies of the would-be killers, and personally dumped them on the step of the temple.  No further attacks have ever been reported.

The Princess is now 28, and still without a husband, but not for a lack of the royal community trying.  Most countries have sent at least one of their royal sons to try to become betrothed to her. There are many stories as to how to with the princesses heart, including breaking a curse, special dances, and slaying a sphinx.  The author might be out of line and is much too old to partake in such shenanigans, but if the men learned the language and a proper level of respect to a woman who can dispatch her own assassins, they might not leave the country with a bride, but a potential ally with influence in the court.  

Princess Nefurera, allegedly with a very prominent and single king of the north...

Mentions of Khemmet in the Blog: 
Mutumbo Detki-Muletuki: The focus of the Journey of Mutumbo and further adventures, the Nubian from Meroe travelled through the Three Kingdoms in his journey to deliver the great hourglass.  In his journey through the Old Ways, he picked up a smattering of Khemmet by "Prince Clarence" to survive.  
In the Journey of Mutumbo #2 - In their very first adventure, the party encounters a Priest of Thoth, Kamen-Non, who was searching Crosedes for the Sceptre of Amun-Ra.
Lost Dispatches of Feraso #39 - Elsderth Greyhawk mentions the contemporaries of the early days of the First Ferasean Empire as "the Argivians Artificers, the Pharaohs of Khemmet, and the Ancient Parthian tribes" 
Lost Dispatches of Feraso #74 - In the notes section, I mention the Akana Crusaders "liberating" the Myridius City-States from Parthian and Yarbay inflence.  The Akana pillaging may have touched neighboring tribes of Yarbay, but there is no documented case of the Crusaders entering Khemmet.  At least none that lived to tell the tale.
Lost Dispatches of Feraso #84Elsderth Greyhawk "interviews" Ned Overland.  Ned mentions spending a number of years.  He mentions an affinity to the "Old Ways", the ancient Magicks, the warm temperatures, the malady reducing sea air, and of course, the topless women.

GM Notes:  I realized in writing this, that I'm doing some revisionist history for my old games.   If I were run anything based in an Africa-centric setting, I would start with the d20 Nyambe setting.  The sourcebook was a good start, but I still like the impression the halfling Agogwe gave me.  Given that they would be from Meroe and parts south, it explains why Mutumbo always had a good disposition to the smaller demi-races, from Prince Clarence the gnome  to the numerous gnome titans he fought alongside.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Some Notes on Gnomish Day to Day Living

One of the underlying themes of Gnome Wars is the rather sudden industrialization of the German gnomes.  In a basic outline of my history of the German gnomes, industrialized tinkering emerged from the ashes of the Nomepoleonic Wars, which has forced all the nations of the world to reconsider their cottage industry  and craftsman-dominated commerce. 

While the gnome leaders and scholars are trying new things to mount a cannon or machine gun, the average gnome peasant in rural and small village communities are still rather conservative and basic in their lives.    

Homes and Construction

It's not uncommon to find poorer gnome/gnomes on the frontier still living in underground dwellings, hand dug, and expanded over the years.  They are usually climate controlled, although clay and moss-insulated walls do not prevent moisture in certain regions.  

The construction of traditional gnome mushroom homes, and similar building materials, is usually the the sign a gnome or community has risen above abject subsistence poverty.  Mushroom houses are a result of noted Mycologist scholars, in direct competition with certain schools of surviving magic (the myconomancers), providing safe, sustainable, and sturdy construction materials.  

In regards to all gnome homes, even as gnomes construct larger buildings out of wood and stone, the furniture remains predominantly handmade from local wood.  Many pieces featuring intricate carvings and a high level of craftsmanship, although even the fanciest of the German oligarchs homes feature some primitive pieces.  Tables, chairs, and beds are sturdy and built to last for generations.

Agriculture and Gardening

While gnome tinkerers are making advance in war technology, gnome races still practice small-scale, sustainable agriculture. They use hand tools like hoes, spades, and sickles made of wood and metal. Crop rotation and natural fertilizers (compost and manure) are essential to maintaining soil fertility.

From the poorest dirt farmers, or peasants living on a well-run estate of a gnome lord, communal farming is an accepted (and necessary practice).  Farmers work on each others lands, sharing time, equipment, and many times, splitting profits to ensure the base of a successful harvest the following season. 

Almost every gnome household, even most in towns and cities, maintains an herb garden, growing medicinal and culinary herbs such as thyme, sage, and chamomile. These gardens are meticulously tended, often featuring stone pathways and decorative elements.  


Most gnome clothing is still made from natural/local fibers, such as wool and flax.  In most smaller communities, some peasants have enough equipment to spin and weave their fabrics by hand.   While technology has improved in cities and for the war effort, it is still only providing increased production in basic output.  Dying the fabric and all the intricate craftsmanship are still the purview of skilled individuals producing small batches.  Gnomes are skilled weavers and knitters (the French do crochet), creating practical yet beautifully patterned garments that provide warmth and durability.

A note on traditional dress:  While German peasantry is known from their alpine hats and lederhosen, and leprechauns for their full coats and derbies. the traditional frock coat and conical hats are still culturally appropriate dress, although, as gnomes move up the economic ladder, this garb is pushed further and further back in their closets and armoires. (Yes, the Japanese kasa are simply traditional gnome conical hats that have simply evolved to be shorter with wider brims.)

Crafts and Tools

Blacksmithing and woodworking:  Local blacksmiths and woodworkers craft essential tools, from farming implements to kitchen utensils. Blacksmiths forge nails, horseshoes, and tools, while woodworkers carve everything from spoons to intricate window shutters.  While not tinkers by trade and training, they are known to show off tremendous ingenuity to make items customized to the gnome's/community's needs.

Even with the war effort, the modern assembly line still eludes most gnome production.  When thinking of mass production, refer to Eli Whitney more than Henry Ford.  


The casual observers sees the steamshps, steam tanks, and trains, and forgets that most gnomes, transportation means using  small, animal-pulled carts. These are often drawn by rabbits, foxes, and smaller domesticated animals, and are used to transport goods to and from the market or fields.

As travel is largely by foot or by cart, most gnome communities maintain a network of extremely narrow footpaths through the forests and fields.  Stone or wooden bridges span creeks and rivers, often featuring carvings and gnome motifs.  No not be surprised by waist high stone walls lining the paths, providing trouble for two carts coming at opposite directions, much less modern troops movements.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

(Gamma World) This is Not a Test #33 - He's Not a Heavy Co-Lo-Nel

 Our heroes, the De Facto Explorers, assisting the Hissers of Notex with the sky falling....


Sneaky Pete: A mutated weasel scout.  Pete's telepathy and night vision take a backseat when he whips out his electrical powers.  

Sonny Helianthus: a sentient sunflower artifact examiner with trusted Restorationist ties. 

Slitheran Wurmtail (aka Squiggles): a mutated earthworm scout, in impromptu power armor, looking for trouble, and finding it often.  Recently "gave birth" to a litter of sentient earthworm babies.

Lathar Bracken: A pure-strain human from River Bend.  He's got the muscle, the face, and a mount for most encounters.  Lathar's trusty beast of burden, No Name, travels wherever he does. Looking for trouble in all the right places.  Recent jousting champion of Fair-Town and has been awarded... a peacock he has named Chambray.


After another break, the Explorers decided they had enough time for more exploration before hunkering down in the facility for the group.

When they had down their initial sweep of the level, they had only noticed three doors the stood out.  They had already begun to realize that either their sweep was way to fast, or their had been a lot of activity occurring in the past few hours.  

The very first door of their current search was initially one of the "non-descript" doors, yet its keypad was scarred with burn marks coming behind it, and a vary faded "LT CO  LONEL ADAM SON"

"He was light.  He was not a heavy co-lo-nel.  He was a slender man." Sonny commented on this Adam Son.

Pete glanced over to Lathar, his leg gash from the fish attack was seeping through the makeshift bandages.  "Hey, maybe you should try one of those syringes we picked up before doors start getting kicked open again?"  

Lathar pulled out his syringe, and after some fumbling, injected the contents of the entire device into his leg.  A warm feeling filled his leg and across his body.   His seeping wound seemed to scab over. 

"Great, and while we're at it, Sonny, can you show us how to work the gun we found."

"If anybody's shooting that gun, I'm leaving the floor," Lathar protested.  

Sonny relented from his position, and gave some basic instructions.  Compared to Lathar working the syringe, it was far more complicated.  

Returning to the door, the orange keycard did not work on the damaged keypad.  Peter whipped out the crowbar and could not make the door budge.  Lathar grabbed the crowbar and tried on his own.  The door refused to budge, and a subsequent beating reveled the door was not invincible.  It was decided to return to the door.  

The doors across the hall were classrooms with the same computer terminals that similar rooms had.  Another room was almost a total collapse from an upper level filling it.  A lone skeletal foot jutted out from the rubble. 

Moving down the hall, the orange key card work, and the door opened to a wave of moist fungal air.  This was a smaller, personal bathroom, with one sink, one toilet, and one shower stall.  There was a skeleton in disintegrated clothing, still clutching a weird, shiny, black pistol in their hand.   

"Way to much fungus in there, maybe we can construct a hook to haul the body." Pete pondered.

Lathar seemed unfazed.  "I'll make up another cloth mask to stop to the obvious stuff.  I'm healthier than some weasel, I'm going in..."

The barbarian carefully tip-toed into the bathroom the wrestle the gun out of the skeletal hand, tucked it into the waist of his pant, and also grabbed a leather satchel that was half wedged under the body.

Out in the hallway, everyone took a step back, expecting fungal spores to erupt as Lathar opened the satchel.   The bag contained ancient currency (domars!), actual gold coins, a blue plastic keycard with a gold stripe going across it, and a small plastic box.

"I'm just leaving everything the bag for now, unless you guys want to start pressing buttons?"

"Wanna take a try at that gun?" and anxious Sneaky Pete asked?

No, I think the right spot for it is pointing at Lathar's nuts," Squiggles gestured to the barbarian's crotch.

Continuing down the hallway, they found another intact classroom.  Unlike the non-collapsed rooms, none of these terminals were turned on.   Pete continued his anxious streak.  After a few failed group attempts, Pete pressed on, tossing equipment and eventually getting a terminal screen to turn on.  Further banging on the equipment, specifically the part with many letters, the terminal began producing a high-pitched and continuous beep.  

Lathar was not amused, "There's nothing here, Pete.  I thought we were leaving?  Is there any way you can make that stop?"

Squiggles concurred, "It's very annoying..."

Pete started banging on things even more. When small parts starting coming off, the weasel tossed it against the wall.  

The beeping continued.

Lathar slowly backed out into the hallway, and the other three could see him quickly disappear.   Running outside, they could see the barbarian's boots sliding across the floor into the bathroom, and the door to the room quickly shut.  

Sonny hit the keypad with the orange keycard, and the door opened to Lathar on the toilet, along the back wall, entwined his thick, slimy vines wrapped around him.. and his mouth.  

The Explorers paused, guns drawn.  Lathar let out a muffled scream that may have sounded like "Just shoot."

Squiggles obliged.  The flintlock ball ripped through the vine, causing the creature to flinch.  Lathar tried to go limp to wriggle out of its clutches.

Once the creature recovered, it let out a piercing sonic attack at the weasel and the earthworm.  The attack sent both reeling with significant damage.

Pete charged forward with a machete.  Squiggles stepped back and injected himself with a syringe.

The plant parried the machete, got off a glancing blow which seemed to disorient the weasel.  A second swing with the struck true and he tried to transfer his shock attack through it.  The plant flinched again, allowing Lathar to finally escape, but not before Sonny's seed attack peppered him and the creature.  The barbarian rolled away...  Squiggles leapt over him and attacked the monstrosity with his mace.

Pete ran out into the hallway for his own syringe dose. Then reloaded both pistols.  

Squiggles' constant bashing kept the creature at bay, until the weasel advised him to "Dodge!"  unloading both pistols into the being and finally making it stop moving.  The angry weasel than marched off back the beeping terminal and proceeded to put multiple shots into it.  

The terminal kept beeping. 

Lather, wiping off whatever slime was on the plant, thought prophetically, "Perhaps we should just close the door."

The remnants from the thing in the wall.
The next door had another bit of faded writing on it, 


"This is obviously the much heavier Co-Lo-Nel.  You might call him the 'Big Guy'."

Using the blue and gold keycard, the door opened to a large, personal quarters for one man.  The clothes had disintegrated off the hangers in the closet.  The Explorers searched the room. Lathar pushed a panel in the back of the closet and pulled out a huge rifle, very similar in the style to the weapons they found in the cafeteria.  Squiggles uncovering another plastic box with buttons.  

"Hey Sonny, see what you can do with this."

The sunflower pondered over the device and smiled.

"This thing has a sacred triangle on it.  Pressing that button should make it work...."

Monday, May 20, 2024

Mutants Gone Wild!

I'm not going to shy away from the fact that I use AI for a decent portion of the my Gamma World campaign.  While we've gotten plenty of written adventures thus far, I'm happy to use ChatGPT to flesh out some of the non-cannon towns and a few NPCs, while I try NightCafe to create some artwork, for a game that only had a few classic pieces.  

In Episode #31 "Lathar Gets His Green Card",  NightCafe generated Lathar, as if he was played by Sebastian Bach, or another hair metal band.  That week in session, I simply requested ChatGPT to create a parody song of "Youth Gone Wild" based in Gamma World.

Mutants Gone Wild (Parody of "Youth Gone Wild" by Skid Row)

Verse 1

Since I was born, they couldn't hold me down
Another misfit with a mutant crown
I grew up tough, I fought my way through the waste
Now I'm a fighter with a scarred-up face


They said I’d never make it, they said I’d fall
But I keep standing tall, through it all
In this world of chaos, we stand as one
United by the night, we rise with the sun


They call us mutants gone wild
We’ll fight until the end, defying the vile
In the wastelands, we make our stand
We’re the mutants gone wild

Verse 2

Rising from the ashes of a shattered world
With our powers strong, our banners unfurled
Through the darkness, we ignite the spark
Lighting up the night, leaving our mark


They tried to break us, but we won’t be tamed
Our spirits unchained, forever untamed
In the shadows, we forge our own path
United by our pain, fueled by our wrath


They call us mutants gone wild
We’ll fight until the end, defying the vile
In the wastelands, we make our stand
We’re the mutants gone wild


In the ruins we roam, in the storms we fight
With the world on our shoulders, we embrace the night
Through the trials and the tears, we’ll never fall
We’re the mutants gone wild, standing tall


They said I’d never make it, they said I’d fall
But I keep standing tall, through it all
In this world of chaos, we stand as one
United by the night, we rise with the sun


They call us mutants gone wild
We’ll fight until the end, defying the vile
In the wastelands, we make our stand
We’re the mutants gone wild


Mutants gone wild, forever free
Defying the dark, our destiny
In the wastelands, our spirits high
We’re the mutants gone wild, till the day we die