Saturday, June 15, 2024

#RPGaDay2024 for August?

If it's the middle of June, that means #RPGaDay#RPGaDay is but a few weeks away!  

#RPGaDay is a celebration of role-playing games across the internet in August. Participants can answer a set a prompts/questions/themes, one for each day in August, and share it via blog, vlog, or social media in general. I've done all ten years all ten years of the activity, although I started year one a bit late.

It wouldn't be the first year without worry, but there are some rumblings about not formally doing it for Year Eleven.  Even in the unlikely event that the good folks who set this up decide to take a year off, I would simply recommend using the #RPGaDay2015 list.   It's a fresh list for new participants, and it's fun to look back an compare my answers from ten years ago.  

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely! I'm always excited for #RPGaDay, and it's fantastic to see someone who's been participating for so long. Even if there are uncertainties this year, revisiting the prompts from #RPGaDay2015 sounds like a great idea. It's a chance to reminisce and compare how our thoughts about RPGs have evolved over the years. Let's keep the spirit alive and celebrate our love for role-playing games in August, whether formally or informally!
