Friday, July 20, 2012

(Historicon) This Thursday, Live Gnome Gamers!

Since I'm not attending Historicon this year, how did I spend my Thursday night at home with a tired wife and two cranky kids?

By observing the next generation of Gnome Wars players kill each other at Historicon.

Jim "The Gnome Guy" Stanton has been collaborating with 40k players/bloggers extraordinaire Jawaballs and Fritz40k on their online wargaming station, They've broadcast 40k games using the new 6th edition rules and done a few modeling/painting sessions.

Jim brought the trusty old laptop to Fredericksburg and had the camera aimed at the village end of the board. Limited audio, no close ups of valiant charges, but it was nice to say hi to the guys in real time.

I also discovered the dress code for Thursday night was Hawaii-Five-O.
Way too many Hawaiian shirts. C'mon guys, it's day one of the convention, you have to have done laundry before you left!

With the quick 360-degree glance Jim gave the viewers, the main hall is big, as in a large area Justin Hammer designed bad battle armor in Iron Man 2 big. No complications yet, so fingers crossed for Saturday.

I also noticed the Middle Eastern MBA board was vacant, and THAT should be an international war crime.

WarTV is also available through

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