Kingdom of Hyrkania
Ruled By: Arlzactes VIII
Capital: Zandracastra
Capital: Zandracastra
Other Cities: Kyzyk, Maluke, Oxum, Ucom
Language: Parthian dialect
Flag/Emblem: Three wolves passent, the center silver on a black field, the others black on white field
Coinage: Kazirian Standard
Important Personas: Royalty, nobles, officials, priests
Alliances: Parthia, Khazria (trade)
Hostilities: Onto-Galmar, various bandit kings
Open Warfare/Skirmishing: A futile attempts against pirates and slavers in the area.
Intrigues: A delicate balance at playing for aid of Parthia, Yarbay, and the various bandit and warlords in the area.
Demi-Humans: Few
Magickal Devices: The most significant magic item with its borders is the Biocoporeal Prism.
Thumbnail Sketch: Hyrkania hold the last few vestiges of civilization along the northern shore of the Mer Kasp, before the barbaric wilderlands of Azir take over. Saying Hyrkania is civilized is like calling a kobold a good card player. It's all open to interpretation. River valleys support all the agriculture, and exports back to civilization include leather goods, saddles and supplies. The deserts of Hyrkania can be quite dangerous, and if one does not have a
Religion: Parthian, with a focus on Utu. Other faiths are tolerated.
Geography of Note:
The Barren Hills: Large swaths of the country have little water, and even less greenery, this is where the warlords and bandit kingdom reside, repurposing ancient castles for their own nefarious plans.
The Sacred Temple of Utu in Kyzyk: The largest Parthian temple to any god outside of Parthia.![]() |
The Sacred Temple of Utu in Kyzyk |
Mentions of the Country in the Blog:
Burning Trogs Rule! #37: Upon escaping the Slavers of Roarke, Cecelia Darkspruce travelled east int Hyrkania, found the company of caravan guards, and traveled a good portion of Galmar.
GM Notes: Hyrkania is a desolate place, full of people who wish to be left alone, perfect for the Greater Slaver ring. The Slaver town of Roarke is deftly hidden along the coastline, and other facilities are deep within the country,
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