Saturday, March 22, 2025

The Social Media #TTRPG List

 Hey, gentle readers, did you know I'm on Bluesky! 

As social media traffic goes, Bluesky is still a distant third in traffic than the Facebook and Twitter, but I 
am satisfied with the engagement. That brings up on those classic lists that sprung up on usenet, then aol, then message boards, and so on, and so forth.

My limited research credits Capricorn Iscariot‬ ‪‬ for this particular barrage, but I'll flesh out my answers here.

1.  First TTRPG you ever played? 
It's a frequent conversation during #RPGaDay, and comes with two answers.   My introduction to RPGs was a sit-down session of Car Warriors with my friend Charles, but my first sit-down session was actually a game of Paranoia.

2.  First TTRPG I ever ran?  
AD&D 2nd Edition, I started off easy, with T1-4 Temple of Elemental Evil

3. TTRPG I've played the most?
Since the questions differentiate between playing and running, I threw out a curveball.  I've been a full-time GM for all my groups since almost the beginning, and even though I lost (and recreated) by gaming data from 1989-2008, the winner is much more recent.  

D&D Fifth Edition, where I play Falgor the Mighty for nearly 70 sessions online, before the campaign fell apart, and I assumed my roll as full-time GM with our long-running Star Wars game. 
4. TTRPG I ran the most? 
Again,  AD&D 2nd Edition, the game of choice for the 90's, covering high school, the army, and college.  

5.  Favorite TTRPG? 
Hackmaster 4th Edition.  I had planned on transitioning my World of Georic fantasy campaign into something more cinematic, but Hackmaster appeared, and the cryptic nostalgic crunch won me over.  Personally, my current tastes in fantasy RPGs is either BECMI D&D for simplicity, but Hackmaster is still sitting on my shelf next to me, waiting for the bucket list relaunch of the Burning Trogs Rule! campaign. 

6.  Most Recently Played TTRPG?
This one completely surprised me, and upon further research, I realized I was wrong!  
At first glance I really thought it was a Call of Cthulhu con game, but it was the D&D 5th Edition campaign I played in.  

Then, in writing up this version, I had completely forgotten a con game of Dungeon Crawl Classics run by Cyrus Duane, author of The Mines of Misery.  It was great fun, I played with a number of friends I never get to play with, and my 1st level (?) cleric was cursed and banished by his god for having a player with inept die rolls. Good time.  

7.  Most Recently Run TTRPG?
My ongoing Gamma World 4th Edition campaign, nearing its 100th session!  (And almost 70 sessions posted on the blog!)  Session #97 involved an alchemically generated gravity well, which just happened to pull the pin out of... and the unexpected dropping on the floor of... this particular Treasure of the Ancients. 

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