Wednesday, March 19, 2025

(Painting) General Balfas

It was an off weekend for once, I eschewed the demands of my painting queue, focusing on some easy to paint figures.  

I can't tell you what random line this figure is from, but I remember picking him up, missing arm and all, at one of the Historicons.  

I picture him as General Balfas, a ancient warrior that was originally part of my first D&D campaign, recollected in my Lost Dispatches of Feraso series.   

In the follow-up, they never completely destroyed the corpse, instead transporting the bones back to the village for a proper burial.  Even in the write-up of a this narrative adventuring party, I forgot some of the special ability of the General, particularly his regenerative powers.  

The blessing by Celeste was insufficient to break any such undead curse, so the good General has regenerated.  Eventually crawling out of his grave.   His sword, "The Betrayer" is long gone, as well as most of his fancy armor.  He acquired a weapon and a redirected vengeance on humanity.  After slaying the villagers, or forcing a few to flee, it's unsure exactly where he is....

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