for essentially fantasy toy soldiers in plastic. Really, that's all we collect, paint, and play with. And I know Games Workshop makes that in a day before they wake up, but with $10 blisters with one figure and $30+ boxed sets for basic units, I can understand that better.
Over 17,700 people pledged, and over 16,000 of them pledged at "Vampire" ($100) or more. And that $100 got you a pile of stuff that expanded to crazy levels with the stretch goals. I don't believe I've seen so many stretch goals met since the morbidly obese convention set up next to the Chinese buffet!
In the end, here's what the $100 level got (shipping included in the US):
![]() |
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1513061270/reaper-miniatures-bones-an-evolution-of-gaming-min?ref=live for a better pic. |
Why didn't I?
a) Money is still tight, and if I didn't pledge to the OGRE Kickstarter, I couldn't scrounge up the funds for this fantastic deal
b) That is a lot to paint, and you know my track record with that.
c) Outside of cons, I haven't done fantasy in *gasp* three plus years..
d) I don't like the vast majority of the figs.
Okay, after that last one, I'll give you time to get up off the floor and recover...
Alright, let's continue. Most of these figs are so overdetailed that they make Games Workshop look like tin soldiers with enamel paint. In fact, I'm bidding on a few GW figs right now that are cleaner figs (and a buck or two apiece isn't bad nowadays). I have no hard evidence, but this style seems to correspond with the initial price increases years ago (China buying up all the tin probably influenced that too.)
Now for the breakdown
The 30+ new Bones? See above
Dungeon Attack: I do have to admit that I like this group.
Sophie: I was over the mascot 10 years ago
Class or Race sets: see original
Undead Horde: I got plenty of the skeletons in metal back in '99. Not a fan of the zombies.
Townsfolk: have these stowed away in metal, not interested in Townsfolk II
Fire and spectral sets: perfect for the new plastic.
Chronoscope/zombie hunters: These in plastic do intrigue me. I didn't want to drop $6 apiece on figs for a weird pulp/modern game.
Marines & NOVA: future LOS figs, if the price is right. The girl with the (sniper?) rifle is ridiculous.
We Be Goblins: love the adventure, gotta love the minis.
Just about everything below that falls under "What would I do with this?" or "I just don't like it). Storm Giants are awesome, but in twenty years of fantasy gaming, I may use one...
There are going to be a lot of painted Bones figs on eBay well before Christmas, I guarantee it.
For the avid painter, collector, or 3.0+ player this was the deal of the century. For me, I would have tried to pledge if it were... I don't know, I think my initial reasons are good enough and unless Brigade or Perry decide to have a historical Kickstarter, I don't imagine that I'd participate in any miniature Kickstarter.
Although that mini case looked kickass.
Dude, thank you for making me feel OK about 1) not buying this kickstarter for the same reasons and 2) having non-buyer's remorse. You speak the truth. And it'll all be on Ebay (come March actually when these ship -- the OTHER reason I didn't jump on board). It's safe to say anything featured in this kickstarter will be going for a song. Thanks again.
ReplyDeleteI'm in the same boat with you Eric. I wanted to do this but, no money and my painting track record is worse than yours. That said I am getting one of the figures as Charles did support the kickstarter and I kicked $15 bucks to him (my mini budget) for one clockwork dragon. It was the only thing I really wanted and can use.