14 TriDec 1071 - Chateau d'Echelon, Barony of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
Baronial scribe Mellandria was taking a few moments respite before leaving the Chateau to deliver the taxes to the King in Hydincall. The "bungalows" Carthon and Felix had constructed on the estate looked to be great for privacy in the Summer, but even with the early days of Spring just ahead, they were far too cold for anything but base shelter. In the winter, the Chateau was packed full of people, and no one had any concept of privacy. She could only sigh in resignation.
"Ain't no sunshine when she's gone..."
Mellandria was confused by the sad song, but was relieved when it coming out of the broom closet. The Baron's poor deranged spiritual mentor, Mohammad, spent most of hours inside the tight confines, afraid of holy retribution from the sky descending onto him... again. She had not yet arrived at the Chateau to serve Baron Echelon, but from the stories, funneling the divine spirit of your deity had its disadvantages.
"Who's there?"
"It's Mellandria, Mo. You need anything?"
"Oh Melly, Hello! I'm fine. Communing with Tshang Kai Shing just makes me sing. Is it cloudy outside? I think I may be safe for a few moments of fresh air. Dag's children need to empty my chamber pot, I fear."
"I'll tell Scrag and Daschelle to get right on that. It should be okay out there for all of us. I'm leaving with Ashe to deliver the rest of the taxes this afternoon."
"Oh, good, good. Just get back safe. Echelon needs your help. You take care of the things he's easily tired of, and he'll make better decisions when it counts. I've known him too long and he's not going to change."
"As for you, Melly, just keep your wits about you and your belly full and you'll be alright. An empty stomach is the first sign of strife... and get tell the kobold's children to wait a few minutes before coming up. The pot might have some room..."
14 TriDec 1071 - Chateau d'Echelon, Barony of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
Ariel could get used to this lifestyle.
The young bard was used to wandering the countryside, earning coppers for songs and finding shelter where she could.
This morning, she woke up late, to the sound of the lovely housekeeper Dew Xyclone, singing something akin to opera as she served the last wave of breakfast downstairs. Perfect time to wake up and do some minor chores before leaving for Hydincall with the Baronial taxes.
With full bellies and Babette's children in Dew's capable hands (or perhaps bosom? She was acting as wet nurse to little Yuri and Darius), they were ready to leave.
Mellandria: Baronial scribe and closest thing to official authority on this trip.
Ashe: Elven ranger with an Elven Cloak. Might be part of a giant prophecy to get a legendary sword.
Binklen: Ashe's long lost tree-hugging brother. Just happy to be with his brother.
Ariel: Bard who seemed to prefer the company of women and wine to actual adventuring. Ashe and Blinken were non-threatening elves, and Dag was more like a semi-cute talking dog than anything.
Babette: former street thief from Hydincall and recent dimensional traveller (and mother of twins). A few or two away for her boys didn't seem to be as hard as she thought it would be.
Dag di Velandro: Kobold whose family was rescued by the mercy of the party, specifically Velandro, priest of Akana. Now serving a blood oath to become an acolyte of Akana, even he saw the opportunity to leave his wife and kids for awhile to go on some short adventures.
A few hours into their trip, they turned the sledge around and went back for a cart. Spring was coming faster than even they had hoped.
22 TriDec 1071 - Hydincall, Kingdom of Crosedes
The group arrived in Hydincall, cleaned up, and requested an audience with King Nevin. It was granted immediately.
For a second time, King Nevin appreciated the efforts of his newest Baron, but advised his staff that taxes can just be delivered directly to the royal treasury. The King's advisors provided Melandria a letter for Baron Echelon, a notice of a 5% tax increase.
Since they were all back in civilization, everyone decided to go shopping!
Ashe and Binklen began to wander about the weaponsmiths and came across a tall, tallow-skinned, and greasy looking fellow. They started up a conversation with him and ladies returned from their shopping moved towards them. They introduced themselves and Sterling the quarter-ogre began making passes at Mellandria. Babette and Ariel pulled out their daggers to defend her honor and Sterling stepped back.
"I've invited Sterling back to the Chateau. We need the muscle, and he's no worse than Talis. He'll stay on my opposite for the trip back."
They ran into Dag and realized the little kobold has run into some pals: a centaur, a minotaur, and a rather uncommonly large kobold in heavy armor holding a Rottweiler on a leash are. They attempted to recruit Ashe and Dag to their group but both refused.
The minotaur was angered by their refusal, pulled out a small knife, and took a swipe at Dag before his companions got hold of him. Dag was cut, but the group's dog jumped up on him and and everything was healed!
Dag attitude seemed to change after the magical canine healing, and after a quick discussion in Kobold with the kobold warrior, he decided to travel back to Eding with them.
"Dag no like city. Go back home. Talk with Velandro. BYE!"
Dag left with the unusual party and the group was left in confusion.
23 TriDec 1071 - Hydincall, Kingdom of Crosedes
Mellandria told the others that an enchanted mansion is for sale in the city.
"Who knows what fun could be inside?"
They travelled to the clerk's office to inquire about and see if they would allow a look inside. The clerk was monotone, humorless and brushed them off.
Sometime in the process, Ashe got escorted out of the building for drawing his sword.
Later in the day, the girls (and Sterling, still not stabbed for being gross and creepy) found him dancing in the town theatre, apparently under some spell. Ariel got an excellent sketching of the event to display at the Chateau.
They collected an exhausted Ashe, who remembered nothing of the encounter, and trotted off to seek the neighbors of the enchanted house. The neighbors informed them that the house had been empty for a year, after the death the previous owner, the wizard Ottoluke.
After an afternoon of drinking, it was decided the best course of action was to distract the town guard patrolling the neighborhood and sneak inside. Ashe and Sterling began a fake fight, while the ladies climbed in. Ariel snuck the other ladies into a second story window and found little except a bloodstain on the rug near the staircase. They then went downstairs to let the boys in. An invisible force stabbed Babbette in the back and Mellandria through the shoulder. They make a run for the staircase and all climb back out the same window which, since it was left open, was noticed by the city guards, who made a point to get reinforcements to meet them at street level.
The guard turned them over to the Clerics of Yotia (Mellandria informed the rest that Yotia was the god of magic and wizards, not to be confused with Yoshi, a spiritual avatar of a dinosaur god).
They taken into the dungeon beneath the Magic Lyceum, separated, and thrown into some of the dankest, dingiest cells imaginable.
24 TriDec 1071 - Hydincall, Kingdom of Crosedes
After intense interrogations, everyone was release, and everyone but Ariel fined. They were escorted to the local livery where their cart and horses were, and escorted out of the city.
31 TriDec 1071 - Camp of the Cult of Light, Lake Apotheosis, Kingdom of Crosedes
Nearing the Cult of Light's camp, the party was prepared for another ambush, only to find some of the cultists come out, empty-handed and requested the help in exchange for a meal.
The were escorted to the High Priest Igor's tent, where two out of place travelers where sitting with the cult's leader.
"These gentlemen are part of an envoy from the Duchy of Ruuna, and they need your help."
DM Notes: With this episode we wrap up the long winter where Echelon learns about being a Baron, and many of the characters forgetting that they represent him. Still trying to figure out why they wanted to break into the wizard's mansion, but it fell apart quickly.
Couple of points:
You're going to see more "Conversations with Mo" in future episodes. Regardless of the chronology of the episode, these conversations will mostly occur between the 7th and 14th of Tridec. Some are important, some are not. I'll let you figure those out.
Upon further introspection, I realized Ariel the Bard was the first gay character in any of my games, and while I may not write the episodes to make it blatantly obvious, the few journal entries written by her player were quite... graphic, in a "I never thought it would happen to me in dungeon, but..." way. And for the record, Ariel's player was female.
I believe this is the first time in the journal that we've named Dag's son and daughter. His wife's name is Groeta.
We'll leave the Chateau for awhile as part of the group willingly leaves Crosedes for the first time. Don't worry, we will return... someday.
From the Baronial Journal of Baron Echelon of Eding
Karthon - Cook, Loyal Companion
Jenny - His Wife, Ex-Guard, Bitch When Pissed
Timmy - 5 years old Takes care of animals
Mohammad - Good friend, mentor, high level priest, mixes great drinks
Heirylat - Manual Labor, fairly Dextrous, Assassins Guild
Dew Xyclone - Goodwife, raising kids, cooking, household chores
Brutus - Lifting, Bashing
Live-In Friends:
Talis: - Bard, flamboyant, prone to exile
Norm - Dwarf, mushroom farmer, funny accent
NEXT: #38: The Less Than Sterling Life
Baronial scribe Mellandria was taking a few moments respite before leaving the Chateau to deliver the taxes to the King in Hydincall. The "bungalows" Carthon and Felix had constructed on the estate looked to be great for privacy in the Summer, but even with the early days of Spring just ahead, they were far too cold for anything but base shelter. In the winter, the Chateau was packed full of people, and no one had any concept of privacy. She could only sigh in resignation.
"Ain't no sunshine when she's gone..."
Mellandria was confused by the sad song, but was relieved when it coming out of the broom closet. The Baron's poor deranged spiritual mentor, Mohammad, spent most of hours inside the tight confines, afraid of holy retribution from the sky descending onto him... again. She had not yet arrived at the Chateau to serve Baron Echelon, but from the stories, funneling the divine spirit of your deity had its disadvantages.
"Who's there?"
"It's Mellandria, Mo. You need anything?"
"Oh Melly, Hello! I'm fine. Communing with Tshang Kai Shing just makes me sing. Is it cloudy outside? I think I may be safe for a few moments of fresh air. Dag's children need to empty my chamber pot, I fear."
"I'll tell Scrag and Daschelle to get right on that. It should be okay out there for all of us. I'm leaving with Ashe to deliver the rest of the taxes this afternoon."
"Oh, good, good. Just get back safe. Echelon needs your help. You take care of the things he's easily tired of, and he'll make better decisions when it counts. I've known him too long and he's not going to change."
"As for you, Melly, just keep your wits about you and your belly full and you'll be alright. An empty stomach is the first sign of strife... and get tell the kobold's children to wait a few minutes before coming up. The pot might have some room..."
14 TriDec 1071 - Chateau d'Echelon, Barony of Eding, Kingdom of Crosedes
Ariel could get used to this lifestyle.
The young bard was used to wandering the countryside, earning coppers for songs and finding shelter where she could.
This morning, she woke up late, to the sound of the lovely housekeeper Dew Xyclone, singing something akin to opera as she served the last wave of breakfast downstairs. Perfect time to wake up and do some minor chores before leaving for Hydincall with the Baronial taxes.
![]() |
Ariel the Bard |
Mellandria: Baronial scribe and closest thing to official authority on this trip.
Ashe: Elven ranger with an Elven Cloak. Might be part of a giant prophecy to get a legendary sword.
Binklen: Ashe's long lost tree-hugging brother. Just happy to be with his brother.
Ariel: Bard who seemed to prefer the company of women and wine to actual adventuring. Ashe and Blinken were non-threatening elves, and Dag was more like a semi-cute talking dog than anything.
Babette: former street thief from Hydincall and recent dimensional traveller (and mother of twins). A few or two away for her boys didn't seem to be as hard as she thought it would be.
Dag di Velandro: Kobold whose family was rescued by the mercy of the party, specifically Velandro, priest of Akana. Now serving a blood oath to become an acolyte of Akana, even he saw the opportunity to leave his wife and kids for awhile to go on some short adventures.
A few hours into their trip, they turned the sledge around and went back for a cart. Spring was coming faster than even they had hoped.
22 TriDec 1071 - Hydincall, Kingdom of Crosedes
The group arrived in Hydincall, cleaned up, and requested an audience with King Nevin. It was granted immediately.
For a second time, King Nevin appreciated the efforts of his newest Baron, but advised his staff that taxes can just be delivered directly to the royal treasury. The King's advisors provided Melandria a letter for Baron Echelon, a notice of a 5% tax increase.
Since they were all back in civilization, everyone decided to go shopping!
Ashe and Binklen began to wander about the weaponsmiths and came across a tall, tallow-skinned, and greasy looking fellow. They started up a conversation with him and ladies returned from their shopping moved towards them. They introduced themselves and Sterling the quarter-ogre began making passes at Mellandria. Babette and Ariel pulled out their daggers to defend her honor and Sterling stepped back.
"I've invited Sterling back to the Chateau. We need the muscle, and he's no worse than Talis. He'll stay on my opposite for the trip back."
They ran into Dag and realized the little kobold has run into some pals: a centaur, a minotaur, and a rather uncommonly large kobold in heavy armor holding a Rottweiler on a leash are. They attempted to recruit Ashe and Dag to their group but both refused.
The minotaur was angered by their refusal, pulled out a small knife, and took a swipe at Dag before his companions got hold of him. Dag was cut, but the group's dog jumped up on him and and everything was healed!
Dag attitude seemed to change after the magical canine healing, and after a quick discussion in Kobold with the kobold warrior, he decided to travel back to Eding with them.
"Dag no like city. Go back home. Talk with Velandro. BYE!"
Dag left with the unusual party and the group was left in confusion.
23 TriDec 1071 - Hydincall, Kingdom of Crosedes
Mellandria told the others that an enchanted mansion is for sale in the city.
"Who knows what fun could be inside?"
They travelled to the clerk's office to inquire about and see if they would allow a look inside. The clerk was monotone, humorless and brushed them off.
Sometime in the process, Ashe got escorted out of the building for drawing his sword.
Later in the day, the girls (and Sterling, still not stabbed for being gross and creepy) found him dancing in the town theatre, apparently under some spell. Ariel got an excellent sketching of the event to display at the Chateau.
They collected an exhausted Ashe, who remembered nothing of the encounter, and trotted off to seek the neighbors of the enchanted house. The neighbors informed them that the house had been empty for a year, after the death the previous owner, the wizard Ottoluke.
After an afternoon of drinking, it was decided the best course of action was to distract the town guard patrolling the neighborhood and sneak inside. Ashe and Sterling began a fake fight, while the ladies climbed in. Ariel snuck the other ladies into a second story window and found little except a bloodstain on the rug near the staircase. They then went downstairs to let the boys in. An invisible force stabbed Babbette in the back and Mellandria through the shoulder. They make a run for the staircase and all climb back out the same window which, since it was left open, was noticed by the city guards, who made a point to get reinforcements to meet them at street level.
The guard turned them over to the Clerics of Yotia (Mellandria informed the rest that Yotia was the god of magic and wizards, not to be confused with Yoshi, a spiritual avatar of a dinosaur god).
They taken into the dungeon beneath the Magic Lyceum, separated, and thrown into some of the dankest, dingiest cells imaginable.
24 TriDec 1071 - Hydincall, Kingdom of Crosedes
After intense interrogations, everyone was release, and everyone but Ariel fined. They were escorted to the local livery where their cart and horses were, and escorted out of the city.
31 TriDec 1071 - Camp of the Cult of Light, Lake Apotheosis, Kingdom of Crosedes
Nearing the Cult of Light's camp, the party was prepared for another ambush, only to find some of the cultists come out, empty-handed and requested the help in exchange for a meal.
The were escorted to the High Priest Igor's tent, where two out of place travelers where sitting with the cult's leader.
"These gentlemen are part of an envoy from the Duchy of Ruuna, and they need your help."
DM Notes: With this episode we wrap up the long winter where Echelon learns about being a Baron, and many of the characters forgetting that they represent him. Still trying to figure out why they wanted to break into the wizard's mansion, but it fell apart quickly.
Couple of points:
You're going to see more "Conversations with Mo" in future episodes. Regardless of the chronology of the episode, these conversations will mostly occur between the 7th and 14th of Tridec. Some are important, some are not. I'll let you figure those out.
Upon further introspection, I realized Ariel the Bard was the first gay character in any of my games, and while I may not write the episodes to make it blatantly obvious, the few journal entries written by her player were quite... graphic, in a "I never thought it would happen to me in dungeon, but..." way. And for the record, Ariel's player was female.
I believe this is the first time in the journal that we've named Dag's son and daughter. His wife's name is Groeta.
We'll leave the Chateau for awhile as part of the group willingly leaves Crosedes for the first time. Don't worry, we will return... someday.
From the Baronial Journal of Baron Echelon of Eding
Karthon - Cook, Loyal Companion
Jenny - His Wife, Ex-Guard, Bitch When Pissed
Timmy - 5 years old Takes care of animals
Mohammad - Good friend, mentor, high level priest, mixes great drinks
Heirylat - Manual Labor, fairly Dextrous, Assassins Guild
Dew Xyclone - Goodwife, raising kids, cooking, household chores
Brutus - Lifting, Bashing
Live-In Friends:
Talis: - Bard, flamboyant, prone to exile
Norm - Dwarf, mushroom farmer, funny accent
NEXT: #38: The Less Than Sterling Life
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