Monday, October 31, 2022
Sunday, October 30, 2022
Another Month of Gaming Solicitations (November 2022)
ViscountEric's Want List
Nothing that tickles my fancy, and even if something did, it's a bad month for buying new stuff.
ViscountEric's Money-Is-No-Object Want List
Evil Hat Productions
The Imaginary Store List (The Pegleg Gnome)
Friday, October 28, 2022
(Kickstarter) Hobgoblins by Macrocosm
I'm still waiting for the Chaos Space Dwarves Wave 2 rewards to arrive in the mail, and the company is in the midst of a move, but it's no better time for Macrocosm Miniatures to launch a Kickstarter for their fantasy lines, this time, Hobgoblins.
As tradition dictates from Macrocosm, nice sculpts, fair prices, and only mildly painful UK-shipping rates for us in the States.If I wasn't already in the midst of my own move (and packing up still unpainted lead from them), I am strongly interested in the Swordsmen, Stabbygits and Cavalry Archers for a brigand-style Blue Martian group. Of course, like the Macrocosm lead, I've got a whole shoebox of random goblin-folk pending Blue Martian conversion.
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The wolves are adorable |
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
(Star Wars d6) #61 - A Team in High Demand
Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise, majority owner in the Pretio.
Tarrie Prolek - Human pilot "under contract" to fly the Pretio, and drive the Piscopo. Brother of potential terrorist, rebel Latorna Savvn. His climbing skills are suspect, but his dance moves are above par. Edging a dangerous lifestyle of drugs, booze, and loose women. He has brought along two Quelloran Beaked Monkeys, Kozar and Beegle.
Duk'k - Sipsk'ud Bounty Hunter, recently rescued by the crew. Offering his services in order to get off this barely existing hunk of mud. His warning shots are dead center mass kill shots.
"Sid" - A peculiar woman with some knowledge of their then-missing ally, Evus, Sid is now just a peculiar women with a exemplary set of skills, that still tags along with the group.
Frokazza - Wookie co-pilot and friend of Tarrie, with a rare Wookie skin condition, but the strength of ten banthas.
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Ne'vets setting up a pivot table to better track the insane number of bounties on his head |
Finally, Frokazza offered to go to the other garage, with Crom-Crom, the Gungan Tailor, and Kozar and Beegle, the Quelloran Beaked Monkeys in need of tuxedo pants, to ensure everyone's safety, and check on the repairs to the Piscopo. Once he left, Ne'vets got everyone else a three star hotel with plenty of room service before they headed out for more leads.
Friday, October 21, 2022
(Kickstarter) Giant Crabs by Whitehorn-Krakon Games
In a world of customized jungle wilderness paladins and Tiefling Shadow cutpurse perfect for that one Youtube actual play series, sometimes, you just need a giant crabs. With Whitehorn-Krakon's Giant Crabs Kickstarter, you get not only one option, but two!
Crabs are mounted on 65mm bases.
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
(Kickstarter) Monty Python's Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme
Even though it's certainly "NOT" a role-playing game, and I need to decided whether or not to pledge in the first 48 hours to pledge and qualify for the Head of Light Entertainment Sash included.
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Which was promptly removed from the campaign after 48 hours.... |
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
(Star Wars d6) #60 - Krom-Krom
Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise, majority owner in the Pretio.
Tarrie Prolek - Human pilot "under contract" to fly the Pretio, and drive the Piscopo. Brother of potential terrorist, rebel Latorna Savvn. His climbing skills are suspect, but his dance moves are above par. Edging a dangerous lifestyle of drugs, booze, and loose women. He has brought along two Quelloran Beaked Monkeys, Kozar and Beegle.
Duk'k - Sipsk'ud Bounty Hunter, recently rescued by the crew. Offering his services in order to get off this barely existing hunk of mud. His warning shots are dead center mass kill shots.
"Sid" - A peculiar woman with some knowledge of their then-missing ally, Evus, Sid is now just a peculiar women with a exemplary set of skills, that still tags along with the group.
Frokazza - Wookie co-pilot and friend of Tarrie, with a rare Wookie skin condition, but the strength of ten banthas.
Jovel Nial - Newly met Bothan female with a penchant for stealing rides on the bumpers of speeders, running gun battles, and stealing things from bad people.
"I didn't expect to be here, but I usually don't do rideshare. Where are you guys heading?"
Krom-Krom the Tailor |
Chopper |
Monday, October 17, 2022
(Review) Alchemist's Cove Games and Comics, Schuylkill Haven, PA
It was another crazy weekend of local volleyball followed by a drive down to Lancaster for Millie's AAU tournament. One guaranteed game led to another, and finally an unsatisfying championship, but at least we got that much basketball in before 2pm.
A still-early departure from Spooky Nook left Maja and myself leaving early. First stop, finding a Rita's Italian Ice that was still open post September 30th for Maja. (There aren't many, but there are a few to venture to). For me, it was a much needed meandering trip to Alchemist's Cove Games and Comics before they closed.
Miniatures: Classic GW assortment (with fully stock paint rack and overpriced spray paint/primer. Much impressed!), Bolt Action, Mantic (Kings of War/Armada), and a more impressive selection of Warlord than some game stores with a "historical" interest. Throw in a boatload of the licensed D&D minis in blisters and sets, and again, the inventory is staggering for a regular shop, much less a shop in a small town.
Amenities: Two area for gaming: a large area that appeared to accommodate 32 folks for CCG tourneys and the like, and a separate area for RPGs. Snacks and drinks seemed to appear from somewhere (and disposed of properly) but I didn't pay attention to specifics. A Magic store that sold traditional trading card supplies (boxes, top loaders, and 9-count card sheets) in addition to the pricier Ultra-Pro products was even more refreshing.
Price tags on each jar of paint might seem excessive, but it makes up for lack of pricing over the last year at any other retailer. |
Events: Most CCGs pre-releases, regular tourney and league, plus not only D&D Adventurer's Guild material, but a program dedicated to the under-16 crowd.
Staff: The owner seemed personable, knowledgeable, with just the right amount of pride that he had constructed a gaming paradise for all ages in this town. I know I couldn't prove him wrong , looking at every corner of the store.
I picked up a few packs of Magic, some top loaders, and a copy Paper Girls for a sleepy Maja who wanted to stay in the car.
I was going into the visit with high hopes that a store that opened in a small town, located a small strip mall off the main highway, and survived the entirety of COVID would be a solid FLGS, and Alchemist's Cove Games and Comics exceed every expectation. On the Gaming with the Gnomies 5-Gnome rating system, I happy to score them with five out of five gnomes!
Alchemist's Cove is located at 25 W Main St, Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972. If you're coming into town from PA 61 (most will), once you make the turn off onto PA 443 East, the strip mall entrance is just over the railroad tracks (If you see the The White Pear Formal Boutique on your left, you already passed the parking lot on your right, turn around!)
Sunday, October 16, 2022
(Kickstarter) Through the Icy Wastes: A Halfling Expedition by Midlam Miniatures
The next Kickstarter from Midlam Miniatures is up, Through the Icy Wastes: A Halfling Expedition.
The concept of of halfling winter explorers (NOT ESKIMOS) is intriguing, the halfling yetis adorable yet terrifying on a small scale, and the holiday-appropriate figures make this one a slam dunk.
Saturday, October 15, 2022
(Kickstarter) Kids on Bikes, 2nd Edition by Hunters Entertainment
Kickstarter's been a bit quiet of stuff I would mention, so I'm happy that the campaign for Kids on Bikes, 2nd Edition filled a need.
The new addition is backward compatible, with mostly minor additions and revisions to rules and effects, with expanded gamemaster sections and extra help with collaborative storytelling. It's also moved past the small press of the original edition, expanding enough to make the softcover and pdf pledge level $35, pre-shipping.Friday, October 14, 2022
An Anniversaire Announcement
For the past 7 years, I've celebrated my wedding anniversary on the blog with happy pictures associated the big day, or some of the happy gnome art with couples. Heck I even had the next few years of posts set-up, awaiting a few words about the joyous day.
It's an appropriate day to announce that those future posts are removed, and today's picture is replaced by a sad gnome.
After 16 years of marriage, almost to the day, my wife and I are separating. No details, but the kids are still okay, and I'll be the one moving out, as soon as possible. I've been apartment hunting for the past three weeks, and yes, it's still wildly overpriced and completely manic.And if anyone can find a place in the Wilkes-Barre area under a grand a month that doesn't have bullet holes, let me know. Three years ago, some of these places were under $500/month and no one wanted them. Now they're twice as much, and in even worse condition.
Thursday, October 13, 2022
(Georic Gazetteer) The Almond Coast Circa 1150
Almond Trees With Ruins of the Would-Be Conquerors in the Background |
Sherriff: Teuta Stumbletoe
Capital: New Silvertop
Other Towns: Pannoia, Grainshire
Rambleton (Northern Shire)
Sherriff: Caera Agron
Capital: Rambleton
Capital: Blackstone Castle
Other Towns: Bigheart
Captial: Greenmarket
Other Towns: Purelarder
- Kol's Crater - While the blast area is still recognizable, much of the land is covered in new vegetation. The actual impact site seems to continue to evolve into something more twisted and tragic.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022
AI Art for Fun and Inspiration
Dozens of RPG books, hundreds of unpainted minis, a whole blog of ideas and scenarios to play...
And I listen to one blog religiously and because of it, I may have a new addiction.
Episode #517 of Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff (KARTAS). Three of the segments were a double dose of the Cinema hut, a Ken's Time Machine that kept me interested about Poland's January Uprising.
The Business of Gaming segment, usually interesting, but pretty innocuous, had me dead to rights.
The specific topic? The use of AI generators with RPG art. I won't go into the pro and cons within the industry, but I am simply amazed at the text and art AI generators that are available for little or no cost.
I've recently come upon some neat names that scream character creation. I had planned on maybe building up the #CharacterCreationChallenge for January, or perhaps some 5e pre-gens for a concept I'm working.
I also (thanks to KARTAS) have the bare-bones concept of Favomancer (a diviner who uses beans).
With a simple text of "Cyprion Broodbank, a Favomancer, walks into an inn, with a fireplace," these were the four images DeepAI generated:
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Cyprion Broodbrank, a Favomancer |
He let his goatee fill out, but that's how I've pictured "Old Man" Zorin for the past twenty years. |
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
(Star Wars d6) #59 - Monkey Pants for Fun and Profit
Tarrie Prolek - Human pilot "under contract" to fly the Pretio, and drive the Piscopo. Brother of potential terrorist, rebel Latorna Savvn. His climbing skills are suspect, but his dance moves are above par. Edging a dangerous lifestyle of drugs, booze, and loose women.
Frokazza - Wookie co-pilot and friend of Tarrie, with a rare Wookie skin condition, but the strength of ten banthas.
Duk'k - Sipsk'ud Bounty Hunter, recently rescued by the crew. Offering his services in order to get off this barely existing hunk of mud. His warning shots are dead center mass kill shots.
"Sid" - A peculiar woman with some knowledge of their missing ally, Evus, Sid has been allowed to tag along for now...
Back at the home ranch on Takodana, training on the six Quelloran Beaked Monkeys was going smoothly. The primates were small, but very dexterous and intelligent.
The Pretio cargo hold was cleared of the Tree Kraken habitat to turn it into a training center for the monkeys. Tarrie took considerable interest in training the Beaked Monkeys. His intent was quite blatant: to turn these creatures into tiny servants, specifically monkey butlers. Sid spent hours sitting on crates in the cargo hold, watching their intrepid pilot patiently train the critters. Tarrie would go through the motions of a house servant and the beaked monkeys were able to ape his mannerisms. There were few distractions from this surprisingly intense training, save Sid choking on one of the tree nuts give to the monkey as a reward. Dr P3PP3R needed to be activated to dislodge the nuts. For there on out, the medical droid was there, half for veterinary care, half for Sid's swallowing issues.
For Ne'vets, the training of alien life forms would take up considerable time that could be used for acquisitions and sales. For once, Tarrie was more savant than idiot when it came to training these beasts, but he was the only one who had earned the monkeys' respect. He would walk out of the hanger to use the refresher and return to the monkeys flinging copious amounts of poop at Dr P3P-P3R. (Sid had found a safer location, far enough away from tree nuts, to observe training and turn to the ship's rations as a snack.
With training going well, the most difficult step in the project was obtaining appropriate clothing. Duk'k oddly knew of suppliers of clothing for Kowakian Monkey Lizards, but the only people known for hemming those clothes for other critters were a small group of Gungan tailors on Naboo.
Over the last 15 years, the Gungans had assimilated into Naboo culture, providing niche services, including pants for primates, cravats for Wookies, and fabulous headgear specifically for Hutts.
Tarrie and Duk'k spent too many nights pouring over designs for both male and female Quelloran Beaked Monkey.
"Should the females be in evening gowns?" Tarrie inquired.
"Are we sure if put them in costumes, they'll just assume the roles?"
"It beats just using them for breeding more monkeys."
"But we're still going to Naboo?"
Frokazza had been relaxing in the corner of the room, "Can we afford not to?"
With that, the Pretio was reloaded and everyone left for Naboo.
The crew only took two beaked monkeys, the best trained male "display model", that Tarrie named Kozar, and one of the females, Beegle.
While Tarrie was preoccupied with ship duties en route to Naboo, Duk'k would take Beegle and teach her how to reload blasters. The creature could not handle the larger power cells, but could be quite quick with a holdout blaster.
They arrived on Naboo without incident. With a little bit of work, but before they left the starport, they got names of two of the best Gungan tailors: Krom-Krom Salise and Yasmon Kadoo. Both were in the economically depressed Gungan neighborhood in a now-seedier part of the capital.
Beautiful, scenic, violence-riddled Naboo |
The "Piscopo" |