Sunday, October 30, 2022

Another Month of Gaming Solicitations (November 2022)

Issue #273 of Game Trade Magazine can be found in your FLGS, or in a pdf here.

ViscountEric's Want List
Nothing that tickles my fancy, and even if something did, it's a bad month for buying new stuff.

ViscountEric's Money-Is-No-Object Want List
Evil Hat Productions
Improv for Gamers 2nd Edition HC ........................... $25.00

Game Night Accesories
The Game Night Book ................................. $12.95

The Imaginary Store List (The Pegleg Gnome)
25th Century Games
RA ........................................................... $49.99

9th Level Games
Horseshoe Academy RPG ....................... $14.99

Amigo Games
Dice Hunters of Therion ........................... $25.00

Arcane Tinmen
Dragon Shield Roleplaying: Spell Codex ................. $29.99 each
It's limited information, but it appears the Chessex Dragonskins are back in a far fancier form.  Available in Arcane Purple, Forest Green, Ashen White, and Iron Grey.

Playmat - Christmas Dragon 2022 ........................... $22.99

The Army Painter
Gamemaster: Character Starter Paint Set ................. $22.99

Digimon TCG: Advanced Deck Set 
Digimon TCG: Dimensional Phase Boosters
Digimon TCG: Official Sleeves
Dragon Ball Super TCG: Zenkai Boosters

Capstone Games
Beer and Bread ................................ $34.95

Catalyst Game Labs
Battletech: Alpha Strike Box Set ....... $79.99

Regency Cthulhu: Dark Designs in Jane Austen's England ..................... $44.99

Cryptozic Entertainment
Rotten Tomatoes: The Card Game ............ $24.99

Cubicle 7
Warhammer Fantasy RPG: The Imperial Zoo ............ $39.99

Diamond Comic Distributors
Dungeons & Dragon: Animated Series - Lunchbox w/ Thermos ......... PI

Dolphin Hat Games
Taco Cat Goat cheese Pizza: Halloween Edition .................. $ 9.99

Free League Publishing
Blade Runner RPG: Starter Set ................................ $49.99
Blade Runner RPG: Core Rulebook ......................... $57.99
Blade Runner RPG: Dice Set .................................... $19.99
Blade Runner RPG:Game Runner Screen ................. $24.99
Cy Borg RPG: Core Rulebook ................................... $49.99
Cy Borg RPG:  Asset Pack ......................................... $39.99

Gamelyn Games
Tiny Epic Vikings ............................. $30.00
Tiny Epic Vikings Clan Mats 4 Pack .................. $25.00
Tiny Epic Vikings  Game Mat ............................ $25.00
Tiny Epic Vikings Ragnarok Expansion ............. $15.00

Gate Keeper Games
Might Tiny Dice 7 Polyhedral Dice Sets .................. $14.95
Apparently inflation has increased the price of tiny dice (the width of a penny, so really medium tiny) to fifteen bucks a set.  

Goodman Games
DCC Dice Sets .......................... $34.99 each
I open my mouth too early, for while the DCC sets have an assortment of wild and crazy dice types, multiple styles for a $35 set seems a little extreme, yet people will buy them.

DCC Holiday Module #11 - Came the Monsters of Midwinter ................... $14.99
DCC Lankhmar #14 - Thieves of Cold Corner .................... $ 9.99
DCC Horror #8 - Night of the Bog Beast ............................. $ 9.99
Fifth Edition Fantasy #22: Caverns of the Sea Strangers ........................... $ 9.99
Mutant Crawl Classics #13 - Into the Glowing Depths .............................. $ 9.99
Mutant Crawl Classics #14 - Mayhem on the Magtrain ............................. $ 9.99

King of Monster Island .................................. $69.99

Konami Digital Entertainment
Yu-Gi-Oh! Amazing Defenders Boosters
Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark Magician Game Mat .............. $16.99
Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark Magician 9-Pocket Duelist Portfolio ........... $ 9.99
Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark Magician  Card Case ............... $ 4.99
Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark Magician  Card Sleeves (50) ....................... $ 4.99

Magpie Games
Avatar Legends RPG: Core Book .................... $49.99
Avatar Legends RPG: Combat Action Deck .... $19.99
Avatar Legends RPG: Dice Pack ..................... $24.99
Avatar Legends RPG: Wan Shi Tongs Adventure Guiide ............ $39.99
Root RPG: Clearing Booklet ........................... $19.99
Root RPG: Deluxe Book ................................. $99.99

Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20: Mission Dossier 1 - Behind Enemy Lines ...... $35.00
Dune RPG: Adventures in the Imperium: Masters of Dune ................... $52.00
Collector's Edition available for $81.00

Monte Cook Games
Planar Bestiary (5e) ............................................. $44.99
Pathfinder RPG: Adventure - Fists of the Ruby Phoenix ................. $54.99
Special Edition HC .... $74.99
Pathfinder RPG: AP - Gatewalkers Part 1 - The Seventh Arch ........ $26.99
Pathfinder RPG: Fists of the Ruby Phoenix Battle Cards ................ $42.99
Pathfinder RPG: Flip-Mat Alien Ruins ............................................ $16.99
Pathfinder RPG: Lost Omens - Ancestry Guide HC Special Edition ..... $59.99
Starfinder RPG: Flip Mat - Multi-Pack - Basic Terrain .................... $26.99

Pokemon USA
Pokemon Silver Tempest Boosters
Pokemon Silver Tempest Booster Bundle (6)
Pokemon Silver Tempest Build and Battle Box
Pokemon Silver Tempest Build and Battle Stadium
Pokemon Silver Tempest Elite Trainer Box
Pokemon Silver Tempest Sleeved Boosters

Christmas Dice Set .................................. $14.00

Steve Jackson Games
Car Wars: 2 Player Starter  Set Blue/Green ................... $79.95
Car Wars: 2 Player Starter  Set Red/Yellow ................... $79.95
The Elder Futhark Die ................................................... $13.95
Killer Whale D6 Dice Set ............................ $8.95

Fantasy Color - Aztec Dragons ............................ $23.14
Fantasy Color - Fire Dragons ............................... $23.14
Fantasy Color - Purple Dragons ........................... $23.14
Figure Color - German Fallschrimjager Mediterranean Theatre WWII .... $23.14

Wizards of the Coast
D&D - Dragonlance - Warrior of Krynn Board Game ............ $79.99
D&D - Dragonlance - Shadow of the Dragon Queen ............. $49.95
(Alternate Cover available... same price)
D&D - Dragonlance - Shadow of the Dragon Queen - Deluxe Ed HC .... $144.95
Magic: The Gathering - Starter Commander Deck Carton

Wiz Kids 
Critical Role: Monsters of Exandria Set 3 ................. $69.99
Critical Role: Vox Machina Boxed Set ...................... $69.99
D&D - Classic Colection Monsters D-F .................... $69.99
D&D - Icons of the Realms - Adventure in  Box - Wererat Den ......... $99.99
D&D - Icons of the Realms - Voice of the Realms - Band of Heroes ..... $49.99
D&D - Icons of the Realms - Dragonlance - Draconian Warband .......... $44.99
D&D - Icons of the Realms - Dragonlance - Dragon Army Warband .... $44.99
D&D - Icons of the Realms - Dragonlance - Kalaman Military Warband .... $44.99
D&D - Icons of the Realms - Set 25 - Dragonlance Boosters
D&D - Icons of the Realms - Set 25 - Kensaldi of Red Dragon .................. $89.99
Marvel Heroclix: Spider-Man - Beyond Amazing Boosters
Marvel Heroclix: Spider-Man - Beyond Amazing Dice and Token Pack .... $14.99
Marvel Heroclix: Spider-Man - Beyond Amazing Miniatures Game .......... $69.99
Marvel Heroclix: Spider-Man - Beyond Amazing Play at Home Miles Morales ... $14.99
Marvel Heroclix: Spider-Man - Beyond Amazing Play at Home Peter Parker ....... $14.99

Friday, October 28, 2022

(Kickstarter) Hobgoblins by Macrocosm

 I'm still waiting for the Chaos Space Dwarves Wave 2 rewards to arrive in the mail, and the company is in the midst of a move, but it's no better time for Macrocosm Miniatures to launch a Kickstarter for their fantasy lines, this time, Hobgoblins.

As tradition dictates from Macrocosm, nice sculpts, fair prices, and only mildly painful UK-shipping rates for us in the States.  
If I wasn't already in the midst of my own move (and packing up still unpainted lead from them), I am strongly interested in the Swordsmen, Stabbygits and Cavalry Archers for a brigand-style Blue Martian group.  Of course, like the Macrocosm lead, I've got a whole shoebox of random goblin-folk pending Blue Martian conversion.  
The wolves are adorable

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

(Star Wars d6) #61 - A Team in High Demand

The Crew of the Pretio in This Week's Episode 
Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise, majority owner in the Pretio.
Tarrie Prolek - Human pilot "under contract" to fly the Pretio, and drive the Piscopo. Brother of potential terrorist, rebel Latorna Savvn. His climbing skills are suspect, but his dance moves are above par. Edging a dangerous lifestyle of drugs, booze, and loose women.  He has brought along two Quelloran Beaked Monkeys, Kozar and Beegle.
Duk'k - Sipsk'ud Bounty Hunter, recently rescued by the crew. Offering his services in order to get off this barely existing hunk of mud. His warning shots are dead center mass kill shots.
"Sid" - A peculiar woman with some knowledge of their then-missing ally, Evus, Sid is now just a peculiar women with a exemplary set of skills, that still tags along with the group.
Frokazza - Wookie co-pilot and friend of Tarrie, with a rare Wookie skin condition, but the strength of ten banthas.

Errands on Naboo
The crew of the Pretio
Having successfully obtained the fancy pants 
For their Quelloran Beaked Monkey, 
But run afoul of the criminal organization,
The Black Sun,

Having made new acquaintances, a 
Bothan operative named Jovel, 
And her associate, a Besalisk 
Named Chopper, there are two missions at hand.
First, send a crew to go out and tow the
Badly damaged Speeder Van, the Piscopo
And secondly, be close enough to Chopper 
To see what particular data Jovel stole 
From the Black Sun....

Tarrie and Evus sat in a speeder tow-truck around the corner from where they parked the Piscopo.  There had already been two gun battles this morning, they were trying to avoid a third.   The pair had picked up a tail near the neighborhood, and they were double-checking options.  

Finding no time better than the present, they moved in.  Evus secured the Piscopo to the lift, then went into the Piscopo to activate scanners, power up the turret, and check for any sort of bugs or tracers someone maybe have installed after they previously escaped.  

Moving away from the scene, and picking up the tail again, Evus returned fire from the turret.  A qucik gun battle happened, forcing the tail to drop back a bit, but a lucky shot seized up the turret.  

Tarrie was unable to shake the interested party, so he took desperate measures.  He increased his speed, he headed towards a Gungan transportation hub, with large beasts of burden shouldering the transport, 

Meanwhile, Ne'vets sat in the office the Besalisk named Chopper, waiting for him to crack the encryption on the files Jovel had stolen from the Black Sun.  

A holo-projection shot out of an armored Nikto in an over-the-top action pose.  

Chopper was pleased, "This bounty hunter cost the my bosses a fortune by stealing a shipment of their spice and bringing it to Black Sun instead. Unsurprisingly, the Pykes aren’t happy about it, and they’ll pay well if any of us can take care of this problem for them.   Which makes matters more fun because this Kaa-to Leeacheos stole from the Pykes and tried to double-cross the Black Sun while trying to sell it to them.  It appears he's on planet to look for a different bounty."

The hologram disappeared and was replaced with the official Imperial ID for one Ne'vets Aharo.

Chopper looked at Ne'vets, "Evil twin?  Doppleganger?"

"Alright, where's the bounty hunter bureau or whatever where I can go to clear my name?  There's gotta be some mistakes somewhere."
Ne'vets setting up a pivot table to better track the insane number of bounties on his head

Chopper shook his head, "This is not a galactic credit check for an outstanding MedDroid bill, Mister Aharo.  The 30k one is vague "Massive Destruction of Imperial Property" and its a few weeks old, but there are an assortment of minor corporate bounties.... hey,  did you trash a hot tub on Zeltros, and kill two hookers?"

"There is a corporate bounty for 10k against you placed by the Strell Corporation."

"They were the ones squatting on a corporate claim.  That's not fair!"

"Persons for the Ethical Treatment of Alien Lifeforms set a 4,572 credit bounty on 'Aiding in the destruction and extermination of the Bioxin Azure Rabbit.'"

Frokazza finally chimed in, "Maybe they felt bad you were still mourning your emotional support animals death."

Tarrie had some minor bounties, and a bounty-less request of capture for being a known associate of rebel and terrorist, Latorna Savvn... and possibly child support for a number women.    Frokazza had some Wookie-related claims.  There was absolutely nothing on Sid.

Back on the streets of Naboo, Tarrie took a sharp right turn, clipping the front of the creature unloading a bunch of school-age Gungans.  Evus finally was able to line up a shot with the speeders following them, dispersing a speeder bike, cracking a windshield, and making the beast even more irate.  

The tails tried to continue to follow, but ended up crashing into police speeders in a sting operation to catch traffic violations around bus zones, trying to pull out to pursue the speeding tow-truck. 

Within a minute or so, there was no one following them.  Mission success!  A more minutes after that and they had gained access to Chopper's other shop.  

Back at Chopper's, the Besalisk laid it to them straight.

"This guy's bad news, but we'll give you first shot at them, so he don't find you first.  Plus you could negotiate a deal with the Black Sun, and earn goodwill with the Pykes before you get out of here with those monkey pants.    Regardless, we'll do the touch-up work on your speeder."  

An hour later, Evus and Tarrie were clandestinely dropped off at Chopper's main shop.   Duk'k got them updated.   

Duk'k was relieved to not find himself  on the bounty list, and offered to find Kaa'to Leeachos, offer to split the bounty on Ne'vets with him, then lead him to an ambush site to liquidate them.

"Don't know if these are all legit, most of these bounties were  placed before the rash of Imperial Inspections we suffered,"  Duk'k added. "All of you should be in jail if they cared."

The others agreed, so Duk'k went solo, taking one of Chopper's old speeders.  Working the streets, Duk'k uncovered that Kaa'to might still have a significant portion of the spice, and a reference to Zelcomm tower in downtown Theed.  Zelcomm was a shipping company, focusing on illegal transport and smuggling.  It was a pretty secure building with well-known human Corrum Sadia in charge of the tower. 

Kaa'to was noted to spend time at the Umbra Club, Naboo's only licensed Death Stick dispensary.  Speng, the manager would be a good contact to reach.  

Kaa'to also frequented a Sabbaac parlor called The Spyder.  The clientele was a lota of folks in the know about a lot of things, but it was also a Black Sun gambling den. Would the bounty hunter be so brazen as to actually show up?  

Finally, Frokazza offered to go to the other garage, with Crom-Crom, the Gungan Tailor, and Kozar and Beegle, the Quelloran Beaked Monkeys in need of tuxedo pants, to ensure everyone's safety, and check on the repairs to the Piscopo. Once he left, Ne'vets got everyone else a three star hotel with plenty of room service before they headed out for more leads.

GM Notes:  There was a far worse situation with the Gungan school bus transporting children, and closed-circuit video going viral on the Naboo Evening News.  The campaign can get pretty zany, but what transpired was waaaay too much.

Friday, October 21, 2022

(Kickstarter) Giant Crabs by Whitehorn-Krakon Games

In a world of customized jungle wilderness paladins and Tiefling Shadow cutpurse perfect for that one Youtube actual play series, sometimes, you just need a giant crabs.  With Whitehorn-Krakon's Giant Crabs Kickstarter, you get not only one option, but two!

Crabs are mounted on 65mm bases.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

(Kickstarter) Monty Python's Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme

Monty Python’s Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme is a rigorous course of study intended only for serious students of English History. It is by no means a complete and comprehensive manual for running imaginative, highly unpredictable, Mediaeval-themed role-playing games based upon the complete comedic output of Monty Python with one’s friends.

Even though it's certainly "NOT" a role-playing game, and I need to decided whether or not to pledge in the first 48 hours  to pledge and qualify for the Head of Light Entertainment Sash included. 

Which was promptly removed from the campaign after 48 hours....

... and Spam.

Like a proper Frenchman, they are taunting me to jump into the campaign.   As a reward for all physical pledges, each one will be a coconut dice roller!

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

(Star Wars d6) #60 - Krom-Krom

The Crew of the Pretio in This Week's Episode 
Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise, majority owner in the Pretio.
Tarrie Prolek - Human pilot "under contract" to fly the Pretio, and drive the Piscopo. Brother of potential terrorist, rebel Latorna Savvn. His climbing skills are suspect, but his dance moves are above par. Edging a dangerous lifestyle of drugs, booze, and loose women.  He has brought along two Quelloran Beaked Monkeys, Kozar and Beegle.
Duk'k - Sipsk'ud Bounty Hunter, recently rescued by the crew. Offering his services in order to get off this barely existing hunk of mud. His warning shots are dead center mass kill shots.
"Sid" - A peculiar woman with some knowledge of their then-missing ally, Evus, Sid is now just a peculiar women with a exemplary set of skills, that still tags along with the group.
Frokazza - Wookie co-pilot and friend of Tarrie, with a rare Wookie skin condition, but the strength of ten banthas.
Jovel Nial - Newly met Bothan female with a penchant for stealing rides on the bumpers of speeders, running gun battles, and stealing things from bad people.

Traffic Law Adherence
Deciding that a a fun side adventure was necessary, 
The crew of the Pretio speed off to the planet Naboo, 
For one of the rarest items one could find.

Tiny Monkey Tuxedo Pants 

Only minutes into their visit, pilot and driver 
Tarrie Prolek obeyed the planetary vehiclar laws, 
And dropped his crew in the middle of a 
Full-blown firefight.  

Safely away from the chaos, they have discovered a stowaway 
On the bumper of their vehicle, the Piscopo, 
With uncomfortable news of what
Exactly transpired on the streets of Naboo....

With Duk'k on one side of the Piscopo, and Sid on the other, it was certain that the Bothan female than tagged a ride on the bumper of the vehicle to escape the shootout in downtown Theed.  Despite a windswept look, she appeared relaxed, with a satchel and a blaster on bumper, but both within reach.

"Thanks for the lift guys"

Duk'k was not amused, "I believe you have us mistaken with the local space taxi" 

"I didn't expect to be here, but I usually don't do rideshare.  Where are you guys heading?" 

Duk'k still did not appreciate the attempt at humor, "Would you mind explaining who those guys were that were trying to kill us."

"Nobody too important.  They're just disappointed that I took something that didn't belong to them."

"Right, I assumed as such, but I asked who they were, not why they were after you.."

The Bothan finally stumbled her words for a bit.  Sid spied a small pouch next to her .  "Most people don't like it when you steal there data, but I'll be honest, it didn't belong to the Black Sun to begin with. 

Duk'k lost his composure for a moment, letting out an audible gasp. 

"I was trying to get away, but the first speeder I wanted to jump on blew up.  Then you guys opened up fire.  That was phenomenal.  I've never seen anyone kick so much ass against the Black Sun and live to tell about it...  I'm Jovel.  And you are?"

"We're not there yet." Duk'k stated matter-of-factly.  

Jovel admitted she was keen on robbing the Black Sun institutions on Naboo many times, acquiring data and credits, sometimes keeping their business interests in check.
Jovel Nial

Ne'vets finally emerged from the Piscopo,  no weapons drawn.

Introductions were made and Jovel made another attempt at explaining what occurred.  Duk'k believed she was omitting some minor details:

"You're not telling him that we're all being chased by the Black Sun."

A series of shots rang out around the vehicle.  Everyone took cover, then quickly ascertained that the shots came from a number of rooftops.  

"I think those people caught up to us, Mister Duk'k," Sid observantly noticed.

"Again, kid, it's just Duk'k, and start shooting back!"

Even before the other occupants in the Piscopo, Duk'k already popped one of the shooters, sending him plummeting to the ground. 

Ne'vets crouched over to Tarrie's door.  The driver was confused, "What do we do?"

"We're in the right neighborhood, let's find an alleyway to hide and finish this on foot."

Frokazza finally got the twin blasters on the Piscopo online, and laid down suppressing fire onto the buildings to allow Ne'vets and Tarrie to leave the vehicle and make it to the Gungan shops across the street. Tarrie ran turned around halfway across the street to return to the Piscopo and fetch Kozar.

Most of the Gungans peering out their doors and windows quickly retreated as the duo, monkey in hand, raced under the store awnings.  

The twin blasters had at least three targets to focus on, so the shooters turned to quick bursts of inaccurate blaster fire.   Duk'k's blaster rifle jammed, leaving only Jovel and Sid targeting the rooftop shooters.  

A bit more firing, and the return fire finally stopped.  Sid went to over to the fallen body (no ID, but a nice rifle), then the crew worked over to the awnings covered shop entrances.  

Ne'vets and Tarrie were staring into one of the windows.  It looked like any traditional galactic tailor, except most of the outfits wouldn't fit an Ewok, and many of the pants had an oddly placed hole near the buttocks.  

Jovel walked up behind the two, startling them.  She was holding Beegle in her hand.  

"Looks like you forgot your monkey."

The crew walked inside, the monkey scurried off Tarrie and Jovel and wandered over to a miniature table set up for tea.  

An older Gungan emerged from a curtain covering a hallway.  "Oh my, Krom-Krom cannotta maka you  big fellas any clothing.  Krom-Krom only make teeny-tiny clothing"  then pointed at the Quelloran Beaked Monkeys, "Like those fellas!"
Krom-Krom the Tailor
Duk'k added, "Can you do it quick?" 

"Why?  Theysa so well behave little ones."

Ne'vets had other concerns, "Where's the other exits in this building, just in case?"

Krom-Krom pulled back the curtain, revealing a long hallway 

Sid was more direct, "I've checked out the area, we're safe to shop for a while."

"Oh Sweet Titans of Delcar-5, we're not sho..."

"Well, if we have time, let's get a traditional suit, and a powder blue one for special occasions."

"Tarrie, FOCUS!!!"

"Krom-Krom sees you need privacy, let us lock the door and go in the back."

Ne'vets was more specific, "Krom-Krom, I'm going to need you to produce a contract that states that this woman," pointing at Jovel, "is responsible for all damages to your store in the next hour."

"Oh, no.  Krom-Krom can ensure your safety."


Krom-Krom flew into action, measuring Kozar and calling for help to bring out powder blue and black fabric, along an "accessory pack."  A figure emerge out of the far back of the store with the cutest and smallest powder blue suit anyone had every scene for a living creature, along with black fabric, and two shopping bags full of miniaturized equipment hanging off of a an armed heavy blaster rifle. 

It was Evus, the Twi'lek former slave of Ne'vets, recently freed and missing for weeks. 

Ne'vets was more amused than shocked, "Evus ol' pal, how's things?"

Evus looked around, "Good, I see things with you are par for the course."

A nine-inch tall beaked monkey drinking tea stared up at the Twi'lek, and continued drinking tea.

"Evus, is there another way out of here?"

"Yes, right out the backdoor."

"Great, let's get these wrapped up to go."

"No-No.  Krom-Krom needs to tailor these from Kowakian Lizard Monkey pants to tiny beaky monkey pants."

The sound of speeder bikes screamed down the street.   Ne'vets offered a counter-proposal.

"Krom-Krom, let's tailor on the run, for all our safety."

The whole group worked their way out the back door and into a picnic for a large Gungan family.  As the Twi'lek made a path, the Gungans erupted, "EVUS!!!!!!!!!" 

Evus responded with high fives and quick hugs.  

Krom-Krom followed Evus, and Tarrie right behind, Kozar on his shoulder.

The Gungan children went wild, "MOOOOOOONKEEEEEEEEYYY!!!"

Evus shouted to the family, "If others are following us, tell them we went that away," pointing in the opposite direction they were going. 

The Gungans obliged, even if they pointed in a completely different, but equally wrong direction.

Emerging out of the neighborhood, they came upon a station for public transportation.  

Following Jovel's lead, they took a train to the further outskirts of the city.   They disembarked in an industrial area and headed inside one of the all-metal vehicles.  There were various parts, pieces of equipment, and half-finished projects strewn from floor to ceiling.  

A giant booming voice echoed through the building,  "JOVEL!  You brought a lot of friends.  It's good to see you, but in all sincerity, who are all these karking people."

The voice was attached to a grungy Besalisk named Chopper.  

His look became even more incredulous when he took attendance of the whole group, "And why in the name of the Whills do you have Krom-Krom with you?"

Ne'vets agreed with the ornery alien, "Yes, Jovel, answer the man's question!  Why do you have a gaggle of people with you." 

Jovel lifted her satchel, " I got what you wanted!"  

"With our assistance!"

"I jumped on the back of their speeder."

Chopper embraced the Bothan in a giant bear hug, adding Sid to the hug by mistake.

"Everyone in my office, I've got plenty of chairs."

Tarrie looked around, "Hey, can we get the Piscopo fixed here?"

Ne'vets paused, "Let's hear the man out first and see what we're getting for our troubles.   We might be looking at a brand new Piscopo, a Piscopo Junior."

Jovel pulled out a bright yellow datatape and put it into his Chopper's databank.  

Ne'vets and Chopper negotiated a deal to repair the Piscopo, if the crew could get it to an alternate shop.  

It was agreed that Evus and Tarrie would don garage uniforms and take a tow speeder to the Piscopo and tow it to the other garage.  

Ne'vets smiled and stared back at Chopper, "And while they're out on an adventure, we can see what's on that databank that's given all of us oh so much trouble."

Chopper could only nod in agreement. 

GM Notes:  I described Krom-Krom's shop as the equivilant of a Kowakian Monkey Lizard version of the American Girl Store at Times Square.

Next: #61 - A Team in High Demand

Monday, October 17, 2022

(Review) Alchemist's Cove Games and Comics, Schuylkill Haven, PA

It was another crazy weekend of local volleyball followed by a drive down to Lancaster for Millie's AAU tournament.  One guaranteed game led to another, and finally an unsatisfying championship, but at least we got that much basketball in before 2pm.  

A still-early departure from Spooky Nook left Maja and myself leaving early.  First stop, finding a Rita's Italian Ice that was still open post September 30th for Maja. (There aren't many, but there are a few to venture to).   For me, it was a much needed meandering trip to Alchemist's Cove Games and Comics before they closed. 

I followed the shop early on when they first opened, but there have been only rare occasions on the weekends to make the hour trip down to Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania.  Once I got there, I'm disappointed I didn't go earlier... and make multiple return trips.  

There was a time when every game store was hybrid, selling both comics/graphic novels, a full assortment of games, plus miniatures and wargaming products.  Technically, all three game stores I worked at during the 90s tried to fit that mold.  It was incredibly pleasant to not only see comics in their own dedicated space (more than some of the local comics-only shop), but a library of graphic novels and related books that surpassed Barnes & Noble, and might rival the "immense and diverse selection" that Dreamscape Comics of old..

But outside of some well-done Disney+ product, I've been done reading traditional comics for over 15 years... and mostly gamers that read the blog are interested in the gaming selection.  Still, I have a massive amount of respect for the comics selection 

I would have been quite satisfied with a "selection of magic cards, essential boardgames and a few personal favorites, and a sparse selection of miniatures/supplies that traditionally sell well.   Heck, that might automatically qualify a store for a 3 out of 5, but I figured this was going to be a bit more special.

Cleanliness:  Let's be honest, I had some bias visiting small town FLGS and their cleanliness going in.  Upon review, Alchemist's Cove might rival Games and Stuff and Pop's Culture Shoppe for cleanliness and organization.  Shelves were organized and dust-free, gaming tables were clean, heck, even the kid in the Pathfinder game from the garbage can for drink on the first attempt.  It is definitely a place to bring your friends, family, and non-gamers with zero hesitation.

CCGS:  It's a big part of the store walking in.  Separate display cases for Vintage, Modern, and Commander/Pioneer WITH PRICES!!!!   The back wall was dominated with most of the recent sets in the past few years, still reasonably price, with Pokemon/Yu-Gi-Oh! locked in the display case.    If I played Magic to any extent, I would have plenty of options for cards, packs, and accessories.    

Board Games: Yes, the best-selling board games have their own set of shelves, in case you want a Catan, or Ticket to Ride, but their selection and variety of games might exceed Pop's with the same small footprint in the store.  Better yet, I found custom made shelves that fit a number of small card games and the like, so they're not mixed in and lost amongst the larger boxes.  

RPGs:  Despite a Pathinder game going through some epic flavor text while I was there, I only found a rock-solid selection of 5e D&D books, accessories, and the various licensed D&D minis.    The owner did say he was more than happy to place custom orders for anything (using Southern Hobby Distribution... a new distributor to review monthly solicitations. )

Miniatures:  Classic GW assortment (with fully stock paint rack and overpriced spray paint/primer.  Much impressed!), Bolt Action, Mantic (Kings of War/Armada), and a more impressive selection of Warlord than some game stores with a "historical" interest.  Throw in a boatload of the licensed D&D minis in blisters and sets, and again, the inventory is staggering for a regular shop, much less a shop in a small town. 

Amenities:  Two area for gaming:  a large area that appeared to accommodate 32 folks for CCG tourneys and the like, and a separate area for RPGs.  Snacks and drinks seemed to appear from somewhere (and disposed of properly) but I didn't pay attention to specifics.  A Magic store that sold traditional trading card supplies (boxes, top loaders, and 9-count card sheets) in addition to the pricier Ultra-Pro products was even more refreshing.

Price tags on each jar of paint might seem excessive, but it makes up for lack of pricing over the last year at any other retailer.

Events:  Most CCGs pre-releases, regular tourney and league, plus not only D&D Adventurer's Guild material, but a program dedicated to the under-16 crowd.  

Staff:  The owner seemed personable, knowledgeable, with just the right amount of pride that he had constructed a gaming paradise for all ages in this town.  I know I couldn't prove him wrong , looking at every corner of the store.  

I picked up a few packs of Magic, some top loaders, and a copy Paper Girls for a sleepy Maja who wanted to stay in the car.  

I was going into the visit with high hopes that a store that opened in a small town, located a small strip mall off the main highway, and survived the entirety of COVID would be a solid FLGS, and Alchemist's Cove Games and Comics exceed every expectation.  On the Gaming with the Gnomies 5-Gnome rating system, I happy to score them with five out of five gnomes!

Alchemist's Cove is located at 25 W Main St, Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972.  If you're coming into town from PA 61 (most will), once you make the turn off onto PA 443 East, the strip mall entrance is just over the railroad tracks (If you see the The White Pear Formal Boutique on your left, you already passed the parking lot on your right, turn around!)

 I originally found them on Facebook here.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

(Kickstarter) Through the Icy Wastes: A Halfling Expedition by Midlam Miniatures

 The next Kickstarter from Midlam Miniatures is up, Through the Icy Wastes: A Halfling Expedition.

The concept of of halfling winter explorers (NOT ESKIMOS) is intriguing, the halfling yetis adorable yet terrifying on a small scale, and the holiday-appropriate figures make this one a slam dunk.

Saturday, October 15, 2022

(Kickstarter) Kids on Bikes, 2nd Edition by Hunters Entertainment

Kickstarter's been a bit quiet of stuff I would mention, so I'm happy that the campaign for Kids on Bikes, 2nd Edition filled a need.  

The new addition is backward compatible, with mostly minor additions and revisions to rules and effects, with expanded gamemaster sections and extra help with collaborative storytelling. It's also moved past the small press of the original edition, expanding enough to make the softcover and pdf pledge level $35, pre-shipping.

Friday, October 14, 2022

An Anniversaire Announcement

 For the past 7 years, I've celebrated my wedding anniversary on the blog with happy pictures associated the big day, or some of the happy gnome art with couples.  Heck I even had the next few years of posts set-up, awaiting a few words about the joyous day. 

It's an appropriate day to announce that those future posts are removed, and today's picture is replaced by a sad gnome.  

After 16 years of marriage, almost to the day, my wife and I are separating.  No details, but the kids are still okay, and I'll be the one moving out, as soon as possible.  I've been apartment hunting for the past three weeks, and yes, it's still wildly overpriced and completely manic.  

And let's not get into the logistics of "the stuff."  Between the desire for a separate office (heck I'll take an alcove) and a strong nudge towards a guy in his late 40's not moving everything into a 2nd floor apartments, all other requirements are vanishing quickly, I might have to bite the bullet and get a secure storage unit to stash some stuff for some time.  

Everything, including the Halloween game I was planning, are currently on hiatus.  The Star Wars game just finished a messy horror-based arc, and while I still have Mondays set aside, we'll soon be subject to extra drive time, wi-fi installation, and whatever host of other problems happens in these situations.  

Still planning on coming down for Fall-In! and complete my obligations with a relaxed smile.  Barring school basketball tryouts, Maja is still planning on joining me.  

Of course, we've got three weekends of fall basketball to figure out just how awkward things can be for the adults, without letting too much of it affect the kids.  They're smart cookies, they knew what was going on.  One of them even thought about game days versus them getting to have a sleepover in this mystical new place.  

And if anyone can find a place in the Wilkes-Barre area under a grand a month that doesn't have bullet holes, let me know.   Three years ago, some of these places were under $500/month and no one wanted them.  Now they're twice as much, and in even worse condition.  

Thursday, October 13, 2022

(Georic Gazetteer) The Almond Coast Circa 1150

The Almond Coast (aka, the Shires of Illyria)
Pantheon: Xellnic, with obvious Halfling deities.
Ruler:  Sherriff Orson of Illyria
Capital: Boldharvest
Other Cities: New Silvertop (Fullboots), Eastplace, Wolfhome.
Language: Halfling, Xellnic, Prythax
Flag/Emblem: Bushel of Wheat in a field of Red, Yellow, and Blue.
Coinage:  Readily accepts, Prythax, Xellnic, and Ispatlian standards.
Important Personas:  Theo Squinteye (mapmaker, scholar), Sabrina (human Minister of Magic in Illyria), Sabrinianus (military hero), Marcus Wheatfont (evangelizing cleric of Apollo), Kratus Berrycalm (athlete/warrior/trainer), Irina of Pannoia (Almond Coast representative to the Xellnic Council on Religion), Father Jerome of Pannoia
Alliances:  Preferred trading status with Koland and Danaan
Hostilities:  Emron and Ras-Prythax
Open Warfare/Skirmishing: Steady raids by Milosic
Intrigues: Prythax diplomats and agents attempting influence after years of Emron dominance, religious revivalism affecting local decision making.
Demi-Humans: Predominantly Halfling, Gnomes, Gnome Titans, few dwarves and orcish blood.  Recent influx of elvish blood.  Kobolds in Koland.
Magical Devices:  The Fourfold Diadem and the Ancient Stonestaff in Boldharvest.  Kol's Scepter and Ring of the Chameleon in Koland.  The Hin Tablets in Vengum
Thumnail Sketch:  The Almond Coast is not the name of a true region, it's not a kingdom, it's not a colony.  If you ask most nobility and any affluent adventurer, they will call it a "Holiday Destination."

The Almond Coast's northern border is shared by the ancient boundaries of Emron, follows a long, peaceful border with Ras-Prythas, turns south running along the wildlands of Milosic, and ultimately back west with Argivia.  It's true western border is its most famous one:  it's numerous beaches touch the Mer Adri, and lure thousands every year for it's landscape and leisure.  

It's the true interior of the region that feeds those visitors, and brings them back repeatedly.  There are ancient text dating back to early Khemmet and Parthian times detailing the excellent beaches and  hearty halfling cuisine.  Almonds dominate the menus, as the trees dominated the wilderness in the early days, and the halflings have done well nurturing and domesticating them into proper groves doting every village and shire.

Governmentally, the Almond Coast has been largely a confederation of the halfling shires, with a heavy weight of influence given to the Shire of Illyria, the largest shire.   As Illyria goes in trade and politics, so goes most of the other shires, and this theme has proved beneficial to the halflings for many years.  

Perhaps it's that the bucolic valleys are bordered by hills most goats would not dare tread.  Perhaps it's geographic location just far enough away from the capitals of most powers. Perhaps it's the close proximity to the Orc Leagues of Milosic,  Regardless, The Almond Coast has remained largely independent of human control.   That is not to say that human empires have not tried to sway influence for gold and protection.   The Shires held a lucrative trade agreement with the Ferasean Empire numerous times over its existence.  

Almond Trees With Ruins of the Would-Be Conquerors in the Background

For most commoner who have even heard of it, the Almond Coast is first a hideaway for the rich and powerful.  The second thing they confirm is the traumatic meteor striking the Halfling Lands, followed by stories of the orc and goblin tribes pouring in from Milosic.  The territory, however, has demonstrated some weakness to magical falling stars crashing from the heavens. 

Emron-Senzar War of the Wizards in the 1130s was catastrophic for both sides, with the burning of Remus, and the sinking of a number of prominent Senzar islands, but the Almond Coast shares a similar scar.  While never confirmed, it is assumed that the Senzar enclave sent a massive flaming ball from the heavens.  While most assume it was headed to Emron City proper, something, or someones sent it veering off-course, and it crashed into the Emron-Almond Coast border.  Tens of thousands perished by the impact, and if it were not wintertime, the layer of dust and earth thrown into the sky might have killed all the crops for hundreds of miles, causing famine and starvation. 

The humanoids from Milosic stormed in to seize the true center of the crater before the disaster had subsided, but were quickly met by an odd defender:  an army of Kobolds led by a Kobold Wizard, known simply as Kol.

Kol's occupation of the land only delayed Emron's seizure of large swaths of territory from the coast.  Principalities had lost considerable territory from the blast, with the entirety of Blackhill, save it's Prince, Volospin Nittledorn and a small contingent, who were away in battle.

The Wizard Occupation of the Almond Coast set up five new Principalites under allegiance to Emron. 

Blackhill was re-established just south of the crater, Prince Volospin marching into the halfling town of Fullboots and re-naming it New Silvertop.  

Prince Morteos Woszlany of Vlachia had ruled the Principality of Boldovia, before it was conquered by Mercadian Dwarves.  He still held considerable sway in court, and was granted the land of the Rambleton Shire.  Despite building Igorov Keep outside of Rambleton the town, all the Vlachian naming conventions he attempted to institute were never used outside the castle.

The area north of Boldharvest in Illyria was bequeathed with the wizardress Princess Carlotina Erewan of Agenmoor.  Unlike the other power-hungry wizards of Emron, Princess Caroltina was looking for a place to establish a new homestead for the elves of Agenmoor.  Leaving Boldharvest the true halfling capital, and allowing administration of the southern, less forested areas.  She was able to gain the trust of the halflings, and the elves were welcomed. 

In 1135 "King Kol XIV" was recognized as a peer by Emron and granted a formal Principality.  The heavy Kobold population angered many a halfling's old racial prejudices, but of all the new conquerors, the humanoids were willing to trade vital goods for much more gold. 

Finally Lady Dolores Hillsbury of Albion was granted lands boarding ancient Emron, the crater, and Ras-Prythax, naming it Fensglade.  She had been a tremendous asset during the Wizard's War, and assumed higher rolls than her age and station would normally allowed. 

So for ten years, the Princes (and Princesses) of Emron ruled most of the Almond Coast, until a series of Illyrian Halfling spies infiltrated Fensglade and discovered Princess Dolores as a Black Dragon, allied with the Drow, the Galmar Barbarians, and even the Master of Yarbay himself!  With a combined force of Kobold and Halfling commandos, the dragon was slain, and the influence of the Emron Princes nearly vaporized.   

Northern Fensglade was absorbed into the Principality of Morlay, while the southern half was given to the jurisdiction of the shires .  Prince Volospin and Prince Morteos have technically relinquished all control over their territories.  Both acting more like the stereotypical wizards in towers, and apparently enjoying it much more.  The folks in Fullboots have continued to used New Silvertop in Volospin's honor.  The halflings in Ramblewood still call Ramblewood... Ramblewood.   Morteos does not protest. 

Current Regional Government
Fenshire (High Northern Shire) 
Sherriff: Bart Bramblebuckle
Capital: Brambleholt
Other Towns:  Blackbriar, Duskwatch, Hearthglen

Grainshire (Southern Shire)
Sherriff: Teuta Stumbletoe
Capital: New Silvertop
Other Towns: Pannoia, Grainshire

Rambleton (Northern Shire)
Sherriff: Caera Agron
Capital: Rambleton 
OtherTowns:  Patliatown

Illyria (Central Shire)
Sherriff: Orson of Illyria
Capital: Boldharvest
Other Towns: Eastplace

County of Erewan (Elvish Protectorate, north of Illyria)
Ruler: Princess Carlotina Erewan of Agenmoor
Capital: Erenyl  (3,500 elves)

Principality of Koland
Ruler: Prince Kol XIV
Capital: Blackstone Castle
Other Towns: Bigheart

Tereste (Northern Shire)
Sherriff: Euta Swiftfoot
Captial: Greenmarket
Other Towns:  Purelarder

Vengum (Southern Shire)
Sherriff: Valens Hogpen
Capital: Novi Sad
Other Towns: Wolfhome 

Places of Note: 
  • The Famed Beaches
  •  Kol's Crater - While the blast area is still recognizable, much of the land is covered in new vegetation.  The actual impact site seems to continue to evolve into something more twisted and tragic.
Religion: Halfling Mythos, although recent statues have a definitive Ispatlian flair of the Xellnic pantheon.

Mentions to the  Almond Coast in the Blog:

GM Notes:  I formed the Almond Coast as an excuse to put a halfling land that wasn't a duplication of the Five Shires in Georic (that would be Stronghome).  It was an area of a fruitful breakfast and subject to the predilections of the colonizing powers surrounding it.

While the original Hackmaster campaign was still in switch I entered the proper Glantri machinations from all the Poor Wizard's Almanacs, but never got to see them play out in campaign time.  With such a powerful neighbor to the north, there's no surprise that even an invasion after a meteor strike wouldn't force the Halflings to succumb to much.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

AI Art for Fun and Inspiration

 Dozens of RPG books, hundreds of unpainted minis, a whole blog of ideas and scenarios to play...

And I listen to one blog religiously and because of it, I may have a new addiction.

Episode #517 of Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff (KARTAS).  Three of the segments were a double dose of the Cinema hut, a Ken's Time Machine that kept me interested about Poland's January Uprising.  

The Business of Gaming segment, usually interesting, but pretty innocuous, had me dead to rights.  

The specific topic?  The use of AI generators with RPG art.   I won't go into the pro and cons within the industry, but I am simply amazed at the text and art AI generators that are available for little or no cost.  

I've recently come upon some neat names that scream character creation.  I had planned on maybe building up the #CharacterCreationChallenge for January, or perhaps some 5e pre-gens for a concept I'm working.

I also (thanks to KARTAS) have the bare-bones concept of Favomancer (a diviner who uses beans).  

With a simple text of "Cyprion Broodbank, a Favomancer, walks into an inn, with a fireplace," these were the four images DeepAI generated:

Cyprion Broodbrank, a Favomancer
Let me tell you,  the lower left and upper right get the feeling I was hoping for, and the lower right ain't bad either.  

What was even more amusing was using that exact same text and putting it in the text generator, and I have a backstory I would so use in a game.  Sure it randomly involves a donkey, purple and silver facepaint, and a vague encounter with the innkeeper's wife that's either an exorcism, intimate relations, or some odd tribal massage technique.  It's not a million monkeys on a million typewriters writing Shakespeare, but there's an awesome backstory.  Now just to stat him up with 5e or Hackmaster.

I also tried two attempts at NightCafe:  one for "halfling woman Norma Gimblespringer"

and one for "Zorin Redrock, gnome titan (spartan) warrior, plated armor, weathered face from years on the sea, looking to avenge his friends against the slavers of Roark."
He let his goatee fill out, but that's how I've pictured "Old Man" Zorin for the past twenty years. 
I last discussed this background for my Burning Trogs Redux game during #RPGaDay 2022.  It would involve some work, online or at the table, but this would Zorin's character art for when the band officially got back together.  

Of course, the biggest problem with AI is that an identical description will not generate the same product, and neither will any modification (Cyprion dancing, Zorin chopping down a tree, Norma making pies).

With the nominal fees for large quantiles of art and text, I understand why it could become a problem in the RPG industry,  but this is the true clipart I've been looking for when a scenario/article/scene had no interior art in the book.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

(Star Wars d6) #59 - Monkey Pants for Fun and Profit

The Crew of the Pretio in This Week's Episode
Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise, majority owner in the Pretio.
Tarrie Prolek - Human pilot "under contract" to fly the Pretio, and drive the Piscopo. Brother of potential terrorist, rebel Latorna Savvn. His climbing skills are suspect, but his dance moves are above par. Edging a dangerous lifestyle of drugs, booze, and loose women.
Frokazza - Wookie co-pilot and friend of Tarrie, with a rare Wookie skin condition, but the strength of ten banthas.
Duk'k - Sipsk'ud Bounty Hunter, recently rescued by the crew. Offering his services in order to get off this barely existing hunk of mud. His warning shots are dead center mass kill shots.
"Sid" - A peculiar woman with some knowledge of their missing ally, Evus, Sid has been allowed to tag along for now... 
Monkey Business
After failing to read the fine-print on the 
Terms of an creature acquisition, 
Ne'vets Aharo and the crew of the Pretio
Were forced to leave the planet Sulo and 
head back to their home base on 
But fates were kind, and a quick pit stop on 
Quellor, gained a contact with a zoologist, 
as well as the acquisition of  six 
Quelloran Beaked Monkeys.

Will the crew make shrewd capitalistic decisions,
or will the staff simply add six new members to the crew?...

Back at the home ranch on Takodana, training on the six Quelloran Beaked Monkeys was going smoothly.  The primates were small, but very dexterous and intelligent.   

The Pretio cargo hold was cleared of the Tree Kraken habitat to turn it into a training center for the monkeys.  Tarrie took considerable interest in training the Beaked Monkeys.  His intent was quite blatant: to turn these creatures into tiny servants, specifically monkey butlers.  Sid spent hours sitting on crates in the cargo hold, watching their intrepid pilot patiently train the critters.  Tarrie would go through the motions of a house servant and the beaked monkeys were able to ape his mannerisms.  There were few distractions from this surprisingly intense training, save Sid choking on one of the tree nuts give to the monkey as a reward.  Dr P3PP3R needed to be activated to dislodge the nuts.  For there on out, the medical droid was there, half for veterinary care, half for Sid's swallowing issues.  

For Ne'vets, the training of alien life forms would take up considerable time that could be used for acquisitions and sales.  For once, Tarrie was more savant than idiot when it came to training these beasts, but he was the only one who had earned the monkeys' respect.  He would walk out of the hanger to use the refresher and return to the monkeys flinging copious amounts of poop at Dr P3P-P3R.  (Sid had found a safer location, far enough away from tree nuts, to observe training and turn to the ship's rations as a snack.

With training going well, the most difficult step in the project was obtaining appropriate clothing.  Duk'k oddly knew of suppliers of clothing for Kowakian Monkey Lizards, but the only people known for hemming those clothes for other critters were a small group of Gungan tailors on Naboo. 

Over the last 15 years, the Gungans had assimilated into Naboo culture, providing niche services, including pants for primates, cravats for Wookies, and fabulous headgear specifically for Hutts.

Tarrie and Duk'k spent too many nights pouring over designs for both male and female Quelloran Beaked Monkey.  

"Should the females be in evening gowns?" Tarrie inquired.

"Are we sure if put them in costumes, they'll just assume the roles?"

"It beats just using them for breeding more monkeys."

"But we're still going to Naboo?"

Frokazza had been relaxing in the corner of the room,  "Can we afford not to?"

With that, the Pretio was reloaded and everyone left for Naboo.

The crew only took two beaked monkeys, the best trained male "display model", that Tarrie named Kozar, and one of the females, Beegle.

While Tarrie was preoccupied with ship duties en route to Naboo, Duk'k would take Beegle and teach her how to reload blasters.  The creature could not handle the larger power cells, but could be quite quick with a holdout blaster.  

They arrived on Naboo without incident.  With a little bit of work, but before they left the starport, they got names of two of the best Gungan tailors:  Krom-Krom Salise and Yasmon Kadoo.   Both were in the economically depressed Gungan neighborhood in a now-seedier part of the capital. 

Beautiful, scenic, violence-riddled Naboo

Unloading the Piscopo from the other cargo hold, the crew disembarked for a journey down the mean streets.  
The "Piscopo"
The planet was no longer the glittering beacon known across the galaxy.  Years of imperial occupation and divestment of assets from the human population had destabilized portions of the planet.  It was still a beautiful planet, with picaresque views and impressive towers for finance and other business.  

Thanks to a stoplight, Tarrie stopped the Piscopo right in front of one of these building a large, black multi-story facility that looked like a bank on any other planet.  

At least that was what it looked like before an explosion ripped out of the front of the building.
Numerous blaster bolts could be seen coming in and out of the smoking building.  The crew prepped their weapons. 

Duk'k scanned the scene with the turret.  There were security guards emerging from the building, shooting indiscriminately.  

"Ne'vets what do you want to do?"  Tarrie asked, still waiting for the light to change.  

"Be careful, but get us out of here!"

The speeder sitting behind the Piscopo exploded.

"Why aren't we going!"

"The light's still red!"  

Duk'k turned the turret towards the building and began firing.  Tarrie pressed a button and opened all the windows and sliding doors on the right side of the vehicle, allowing the others to fire.  

The Piscopo still sat at the light.  

The dual blaster cannons laid waste to the a wave of the security guards, then moved up and blew out a number of second floor offices.   People scrambled for cover even faster.  

"Hey, Frokazza, you're repairs to the turret were great!"

"Why aren't we moving!!!!!!!!"

While the combat was going on, Beegle tried to help provide spare power packs to the crew, while Kozar scrambled to Tarrie's shoulder in the front of the vehicle.

"The light's still red!!!"

The blaster cannons raked the security guards coming back to the left.  The return fire appeared to be much heavier, as a huge laser blast hit the slid open side door of the Piscopo, blowing it off the vehicle. 

Ne'vets began slapping the back of Tarrie's head, "Wake up you moron and go!!!!"

Finally, the light turned green, and the Piscopo left the scene, maintaining the speed limit on the local avenue.  

Ne'vets was incredulous, "We need to have a serious talk about what to do when we're being fired upon!"

Duk'k maintained the view through the view-finder for the turret.  A large six-wheeled vehicle a meter taller than the Piscopo, came roaring out of the the building's garage.  "Uh, Ne'vets?  I think we're being followed."

This new vehicle opened fire with three large, but poorly aimed blaster cannons.  

"Do your thing Duk'k.  Tarrie, make this thing go faster. "

Duk'k concurred, opening fire, but yelling at Tarrie, "Get us somewhere less populated NOW!"

Tarrie nodded, turned on his left blinker, then made a sharp right down an alley.  A random missle flew towards their previous location, hitting a local bodega.  

The alley Tarrie turned down went under the monorail supports, into a tunnel under a small pond.  The wheeled vehicle finally made a safe turn, rolled over some barricades, and was catching up to the Piscopo.   Some figures had climbed out atop of the vehicles, using long-ranged small arms fires to find a weak spot on the Piscopo.   Duk'k informed the crew of three important things.  

"Tarrie, stay in the alleys, and take a lot of turns, this thing following us is having trouble with the narrow streets."

"I don't think that was a legitimate bank, especially if they have that in the parking garage."

"Somebody's on the back of the Piscopo.  They just shot three guys off the top of their vehicle." 

With a few minutes of maneuvers, Tarrie managed to not only lose their pursuers, but end up in the poorer Gungan neighborhood.  

Tarrie parked the vehicle on a side street, a narrow pole doing a poor job of obscuring the missing sliding door on the right side of the Piscopo.  

Sid stepped out onto a sidewalk, blaster drawn.  She too thought someone was somehow still sitting on the back bumper of the vehicle.  Duk'k exited his door and approached on the opposite side. 

As they both turn to view the back, they discovered a Bothan female sitting on the bumper, a blaster pistol resting beside her. 

"Thanks for the lift guys!"

Next: #60  - Krom-Krom the Tailor