August is here, and that means this month's issue of Game Trade Magazine is probably a giveaway for GenCon, therefore is 30 pages bigger, and chock full of new releases from July through October!
Issue #294 of Game Trade Magazine is available at your FLGS, and is available in PDF form here.
ViscountEric's Want List
Still nothing.....
ViscountEric's Money-Is-No-Object Want List
Exalted Funeral Press
Monty Python RPG: Cocurricular Mediaeval Reeanactment Programme ....... $50.00
Monty Python RPG: Fetchez La Vache! 3-in1-Game Set ................ $120.00
Monty Python RPG: Black Beast Dice Set ....................................... $25.00
Monty Python RPG: Coconut Dice Rollers ..................................... $10.00
Monty Python RPG: Dice Catapult .................................................. $10.00
Monty Python RPG: Meeple Set ...................................................... $25.00
Monty Python RPG: Merit and Demerit Tokens .............................. $20.00
The Coconuts from the Kickstarter |
D&D - Dice of Adventure Advent Calendar ............................. $49.99
Fanroll Advent Dice Calendar .................................................. $49.99
Pegasus Spielle
Junta ...................................... $39.95
The Imaginary Store List (The Pegleg Gnome)
25th Century Games
Jalepe-no! ........................................................ $14.99
Penguin Party .................................................. $14.99
Run Run Run ................................................... $34.99
Arcane Wonders
Acquatica: Coral Reef Expansion .................... $39.99
Foundations of Metropolis ............................... $49.99
Mezen ............................................................... $39.99
Mezen Playmat Set .......................................... $17.99
Super Kawaii Pets ............................................. $14.99
Vegetable Stock ................................................ $14.99
Bandai Inc
Apparently Alliance got a contract for the the full Bandai licensing catalog. A LOT of models, accessories, plushies, etc. Too much to list here. So much cursory inventory for a primary game store.
Battlefront Miniatures
Hextech: Dropbase Delta (x34) ............................... $120.00
Hextech: Dropbase Delta Command Center (x8) .... $35.00
Hextech: Dropbase Delta Fortress Walls (x26) ....... $40.00
Hextech: Dropbase Delta Energy Walls (x26) ......... $40.00
Hextech: Dropbase Delta Maintenance Bays (x8) ... $35.00
Hextech: Dropbase Delta Personnel Buildings (x10) ..... $35.00
Hextech: Dropbase Delta Power Station (x8) ................. $35.00
I saw a nice display of this product at Historicon last weekend. Looking for Battletch stuff like this for thirty years.
Beizer Games
Rebel Princess: Deluxe Edition ................................ $24.95
Catalyst Game Labs
Battletech: Beginner Box 40th Anniversary ........................ $24.99
Battletech: Game of Armored Combat 40th Anniversary .... $59.99
Call of Cthulhu - Cthulhu by Gaslight - Investigator's Guide ............. $49.99
Cubicle 7
Warhammer Fantasy RPG: Tribes and Tribulations ........................... $34.99
Warhammer 40K Wrath & Glory: Aeldari Inheritance of Embers .... $39.99
Warhammer 40K Wrath & Glory: Vow of Absoluation ...................... $39.99
Czech Games Editions
SETI: Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence ................................... $69.95
Dire Wolf Digital
Clank! Catacombs - Lairs and Lost Chambers Expansion ................ $30.00
Exalted Funeral Press
Ballads of O Read RPG ................................................. $45.00
His Majesty the Worm RPG .......................................... $60.00
Outcast Silver Raiders RPG ...........................................$75.00
Pukeapocalypse RPG .................................................... $35.00
D&D Orb of Possibility Dice Roller with Silicone d20 .................. $29.99
Folded Space
Dice Tower ................................. $9.00
The board game organizers would be a case-by-case basis, based on what games regularly sell, but a dice tower under ten bucks! Sounds like an impulse buy at the register.
Free League Publishing
The Electric State RPG .......................................... $49.99
The Electric State RPG: GM Screen ..................... $24.99
The Electric State RPG: Dice Set .......................... $19.99
Another RPG based off of a strange artists visions, this time a strange 1997 America where battle drones litter the countryside, heaped togehter with the discarded trash of a high tech consumerist society.
Goodman Games
DCC Dice ................................ $34.99
Bloody Kith Horde, Rusted Death Hulk, Greenstone Shards and Wyrdling Sunbleached Bone
DCC: Purple Planet Adventure: 101 Hex Encounters ...................... $12.99
DCC: Purple Planet Adventure: Die, Robot! .................................... $ 9.99
DCC: Purple Planet Adventure:Random Acts of Violet ................... $18.99
DCC: Purple Planet Adventure: O Happy Dagger! .......................... $10.99
DCC: Purple Planet Adventure: River of Lies .................................. $16.00
DCC: Purple Planet Adventure: Judge's Screen ............................... $19.99
DCC: Slipcased Tomes of Adventure .............................................. $219.99
DCC: Tome of Adventure Vol 2 ....................................................... $49.99
DCC: Tome of Adventure Vol 3 Lankhmar ...................................... $49.99
DCC: Tome of Adventure Vol 4 Purple Planet ................................. $49.99
Goodman Games Yearbook #11 ........................................................ $29.99
Historica Arcansum: Era of the Crusades ................................... $59.99
Historica Arcansum: The Sigil of Jersusalem ............................ $59.99
Valka .............................. $39.99
Grand Gamers Guild
Tir Na Nog .................................. $34.99
Heidelbar Games
Fish & Katz ................................. $19.95
Snatch It! ..................................... $17.95
Kobold Press
Map Tiles: Dungeons .................. $24.99
Tales of the Valiant RPG: Monster Vault Pawns ..................... $34.99
Tales of the Valiant RPG: Game Masters Guide Map Folio ... $59.99
Tales of the Valiant RPG: Game Masters Guide ..................... $59.99
Konami Digital Entertainment
Yu-Gi-Oh! Rage of the Abyss Boosters
The Terrain Set ............................ $49.99
Many Moons Publishing
13 Moons: A Celestial Adventure! ......................................... $29.99
Off the Page Games
Harrow Country: Fair Folk Expansion ................................... $20.00
Osprey Games
Freakz! ..................................... $30.00
Silver Bayonet: Egypt - Shadow of the Sphinx .................... $25.00
Stargrave: Dead or Alive .......... $30.00
The Terror Beneath RPG .......... $35.00
War Story: Occupied France .... $55.00
Paizo Publishing
Pathfinder RPG: AP Curtain Call Part 2 - Singer, Stalker, Skinsaw Man ..... $29.99
Pathfinder RPG: AP Curtain Call Part 3 - Bring the House Down ............... $29.99
Pathfinder RPG: AP Triumph of the Tusk Part 1 - The Resurrection Flood .... $29.99
Pathfinder RPG: Arcane Spell Cards Remastered .. $32.99
Pathfinder RPG: Flip-Mat - Marsh .........................$19.99
Pathfinder RPG: Flip-Mat - Night Ambush ........... $19.99
Pathfinder RPG: Player Core 2 Pocket Edition....... $29.99
Pathfinder RPG: Primal Spell Cards Remastered ... $27.99
Pathfinder RPG: Howl of the Wild Pocket Edition. $29.99
Pathfinder RPG: Flip-Mat Haunted Battlefields .... $19.99
Pathfinder RPG: War of Immortals ........................ $67.49
Starfinder RPG: 2nd Edition Playtest Adventure - Empires Devoured .......... $24.99
Starfinder RPG: Basic Terrain ................................ $19.99
Pegasus Spielle North America
Birdie ............................... $19.95
Pokemon USA
Pokemon TCG Holiday Calendar
Apollo Space Dice (7) ................................... $19.00
Voyager Space Dice (7) ................................. $19.00
Random House
D&D Heroes' Feast - The Deck of Many Morsels - D&D Recipe Deck ..... $25.00
D&D Worlds and Realms - From Greyhawk to Planescape ........................ $50.00
Warhammer 40,000 - The Ultimate Guide ................................................... $45.00
Disney Lorcana TCG: Shimmering Skies
Boosters, Deck Boxes, Sleeves, Portfolios, Playmats, and the Illumineer's Trove
Renegade Games
Heroscape: Battle for the Wellspring Battle Box ................. $45.00
Heroscape: Age of Annihilation Master Set ......................... $125.00
Heroscape: The Grove at Laur's Edge: Terrain Expansion ... $50.00
Heroscape: Revna's Rebuke .................................................. $45.00 each
Iron Lich Viscerot and Kyrie Warriors
Heroscape: Wasters of Valhalla Terrain Expansion ............... $30.00
Heroscape: Lands of Valhalla Terrain Expansion ................. $70.00
Steve Jackson Games
Car Wars: Albert's Advances - Single Player Expansion ......... $10.95
Car Wars: Offensive Ordinance - Single Player Expansion ..... $10.95
Car Wars: Gonzo Gear - Single-Player Expansion .................. $10.95
Munchkin: Taken for Granite ................................................... $11.95
Stronghold Games
Terraforming Mars: Amazonis and Vastitas Expansion ........... $24.99
Terraforming Mars: Automa Expansion ................................... $34.99
Terraforming Mars: Milestones & Awards Expansion ............. $14.99
Terraforming Mars: Prelude 2 Expansion ................................ $24.99
Warlord Games
Bolt Action 3rd Edition Rules .................................................. $50.00
Wizards of the Coast
Dungeons & Dragons : Players Handbook ............................. $49.99
Two covers! Joy! /sarcasm.
Dungeons & Dragons : Dungeon Masters Guide .................... $49.99
Dungeons & Dragons: Dungeon Masters Screen ................... $19.99
Dungeons & Dragons : Character Sheets ................................ $14.99
D&D Heroclix - Cave of the Owlbear ....................... $29.99
D&D Heroclix - Den of the Displacer Beast ............. $29.99
Warner Bros Heroclix: Beetlejuice It's Showtime ..... $19.99
DC Heroclix - Trigon & Raven ................................ . $49.99
DC Heroclix - Mr Freeze Snowglobe ........................ $24.99
Pathfinder - Adult Adamantine Dragon ..................... $79.99
Pathfinder - Unpainted Adult Adamantine Dragon ... $69.99