I admit that I don't use Facebook to its full gaming potential. I have only a select group of companies that I follow for updates. I argue that if companies would actually update their Facebook walls, I might be more inclined to "Like" more companies.
The only company that does a spectacular job of this is "All the King's Men Toy Soldiers LLC." Ken Cliffe has done a phenomenal job posting painting updates, figure development, and most recently posted in regards to new scenarios on the website for the Battle 1812. Check them out, drool at his stuff, and give me a bag of money and tons of time to purchase and paint more troops.
That being said, I was absolutely flabbergasted Saturday when Chaosium made not one, but THREE posts on its page.
First was Mythic Iceland for BRP (Basic Role-Playing). I haven't decided to delve into BRP, outside the fact that it's CoC's system, with a number of refinements/bells and whistles. They do use "gigantic" in its description, and most things Icelandic are pretty freaking cool. Check it out.
Second was Cthulhu by Gaslight (3rd Edition?). Role-playing in Victorian (1890's) England. There are enough fictional characters associated with mystery and horror in that era, throw in some Cthulhu Mythos for even more fun. Scheduled for late summer release. $28.95 Finally, the Call of Cthulhu 30th Anniversary Edition will be available late summer as well.
This will be a red leatherette edition of the current 6th edition rules. It will look great on my bookshelf next to the 20th Anniversary Edition, and other quality books like Aces & Eights. Only $64.95, which means after five years, you can trade it for a small car payment if you needed the money.
Oh well, that's $100+ (when you calculate shipping from CA) of Chaosium product I didn't expect to spend this year. Wouldn't be great if there was a local game store that I could order this from so they could get paid too?
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