Friday, December 31, 2021
Thursday, December 30, 2021
Mandatory Basketball Rant 2021-22 - Week 4
Thankfully, the holidays allow for a calm before the storm of games starting on 1/8/2022.
Rec League: Only the Middle School/High School Division, which plays at the local community college, has any games over the holiday break. Those are on Sundays, and it's all the President of the league's responsibility. Thank God. If he can get the t-shirts squared away for the whole league, that would make things easier when things go into full swing on January 3rd.
Millie: (a) Millie's Rec League team pulled through a shaky start to beat a team badly, 26-6. Millie either had the points or an assist the shots she didn't take. (b) The AAU League played against an entire team of girls from Wilkes-Barre, if not the future Jr High squad. It was a 32-2 drubbing where the last 12 points were focused on getting the new girls open shots. (c) The travel team felt some opposition from one of the local Catholic schools, but it was short lived. A six player squad, with one new addition, managed a 28-13 win, with only two points allowed in the 2nd half.
All her league's are now on hiatus, with the exception of the travel team, which figured out practices between Christmas and New Year's. The competition gets tougher in 2022, worst case, she's prepping the crew for AAU this Spring.
Maja: With no 7th/8th grade games, thanks to COVID, the entire focus of the week was on a Pre-Christmas Freshmen game against Nanticoke, but Santa had an extra gift for the team, a second game even closer to Christmas against Hanover Area.
The girls from Nanticoke come from a great local rec league there, and they came out swinging. At the half, Maja's team was down 7, but thanks to some solid gameplan changes by the coach, they came out roaring out of the gate in the second half. They got the other team in foul trouble early (like Bonus five minutes into the 3rd Quarter and won in commanding fashion 41-34 (a 14 point swing).
It was largely the 8th graders game, but Maja got plenty of playing time, and more time than some of the upperclassmen in that 2nd half. 2 points, 1 rebound, 1 assist, 2 steals.
The second game wasn't nearly as difficult. Underclassmen dominated their roster as well, but these girls did not stand a chance, even with a depleted roster.
26-0 at halftime, 47-1 at the buzzer. Maja 3 points, 2 rebounds, 0 assists, at least 3 steals. She's shooting 50%, doing everything she's supposed to do, without giving up points or turnovers. Since most of these girls are playing 7th grade, I pray for those teams in two weeks when Saturday Jr High games resume.
3rd/4th Grade Boys Team: I've officially turned them over to their true head coach. I may come back for a practice or two, but I wish them well.
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
The Return of Teddy Bear Wars
The holidays bring out some excellent blog posts, but one of the things that warms my shriveled heart is when Der Alte Fritz breaks out a game of Teddy Bear Wars with his daughter.
My Late Christmas Present Finally Arrives on Disney+
I was hoping for Season Three of the Mandalorian to fall within this Christmas season, but The Book of Boba Fett is a better option. New season, fewer expectations (which is odd, considering how awesome Boba was in Season Two.) If the crimelord drama works, I so want a spin-off with cantina aliens recreating a Goodfellas vibe, complete with voiceovers.
Tuesday, December 28, 2021
(Star Wars d6) #25 - Tournament
Our "Heroes"
After exchanging stories of Remember When, both Ne'vets and Abel went to bed.
The following afternoon, Ne'vets was an early arrival at their usual late brunch. He was hoping to catch Abel and his crew checking out of the resort, before they left for parts unknown.
Abel arrived alone, and appeared agitated. No, agitated was the wrong (and expected) word. He was... excited.
He ran up to Ne'vets, "Ne'vets.... Do you do other types of competition for money, other than gambling?"
Ne'vets was a bit perplexed, "Umm.... what are we talking about?"
"I know you killed a man... at least once. Have you ever sent men to their deaths, and earned credits for it."
"I'm going to need details as to what you're getting at..."
"I was looking for a bathroom in this forsaken wasteland, and fell upon some type of betting parlor. Except it wasn't your typical spaceball or gladiator combat wagers. They offer patrons of the resort a chance to command a company of men against another company. You're quite remote and safe in a bunker of some sort, but you're men could perish with the wrong command."
"Which planet?"
"This planet, the pleasure planet. Freakin' Zeltros, Ne'vets! What do you think the idle rich do?"
"The best part is, we don't have to fight. We just press buttons."
""I know we're all itching to get out of here. Your space-rolodex is screaming for clueless corporate executives wanting a new fuzzy-wuzzy or a terrifying reptile with wings, but for a 2,000 credit buy-in the winner gets 10,000. And we don't have to do anything."
"My moral compass is screaming, but I'm intrigued by the immense payoff."
Upon signing up, and convincing Frokazza to join him as well, the pair were led down to a sub-basement. Each were led to a different door that opened up to a personal bunker with numerous control panels and monitors.
The weight of sending men to their deaths was quickly lifted. The unit assigned to Ne'vets, Reog's Raiders was an established military company armed to the teeth, with an armored personnel carrier in their inventory. Except that their light armor and helmets were covered in sensors, and the strange devices were attached to to the barrels of their rifles.
"Kriff, it's blaster tag for the rich."
Apparently, there were different levels of this competition, and 2,000 credits only got you a small skirmish of Capture the Flag. Much larger quantities netted you armored division and proxy missiles and air support!
Reog's Raiders seemed to be a professional group and took Ne'vets limited orders to heart. They use the fewest men they needed and their APC and performed a daring raid on their opponents camp. To many in complete shock, the assault took seconds to surprise the other group, and only a few more seconds to capture the flag. Round One win.
Prepping for Round Two, there was a buzz at the door of the bunker. He opened it to find a disgruntled Frokazza.
For Frokazza, things were not as successful. His unit was a group of slow, plodding Gamoreans going after a group of retired Imperial snipers. Slow versus slow (and accurate) was not a wise match-up. There match hit the time limit, and when secondary points were counted, the result was a tie... and a double disqualification.
At least he could hang out in Ne'vets' bunker.
Rounds Two and Three went according to plan, Ne'vets making the minimum orders and letting his men do what's best for them. Unlike the civilian generals, who only looked for the big prize, each win earned the mercenaries some credits, and more wins could get them into the bigger stakes "games" with even greater rewards.
The final round was against a familiar face, Abel Norrum. Abel used a classic "Horns of the Batha" attack with his primitive tribesmen. It almost worked too, but for once, Ne'vets had his assault hold back. They punched a hole in the assault and sped to capture a largely unguarded flag.
The 10,000 credits were Ne'vets.
"That's the last time I invite you to something I should be guaranteed to win!" Abel moaned.
GM Notes: There's six month time jump for the campaign for the next episode, so it's a perfect opportunity to insert a side-campaign Actual Play, returning to the moon of Volturnus.
"Tournament" comes from Challenge #26 and offers a few ways to use the power and influence of the rich to develop play, both for the "gamification" of military tactics, and the development for characters who want to be mercs, or at least combat machines.
I need to find some wargames that allow for online play/display, and use this to fill the time for some of those 2-player attending sessions.
We also realized that Ne'vets winning, and being somewhat prudent with money, meant that some funds would be available for the quad-laser cannon turret they were adding to their ship, the Pretio. They just had not realized it yet.
Next: The New Adventures of Bo'Non'as and Oopsa.
Monday, December 27, 2021
Another Month of Gaming (December '21)
ViscountEric's Want List
ViscountEric's Money-Is-No-Object Want List
Mantic Entertainment
Sunday, December 26, 2021
The Mandatory Christmas Swag Haul for 2021
Or, as the internet bots call it, a chance to inflate my page views.... Seriously, no matter how else I format it "Christmas" and "Swag" generates some additional traffic, not all of it from live people.
There was no formal list, and a reduced budget between the spouses, so we kept it simple.
- Kids Against Maturity - an Apples to Apples/Cards Against Humanity variant where the humor is more kid/tween/teen giggling than CAH depravity. The cards start in alphabetical order and have a number of options involving butts and poop.
- Gnoming A Round - Probably my personal favorite from the wife for the past few Christmases. Gnomes, Miniature Golf, and basic math that sometimes hurts my head (negative numbers? Of course it's golf!)
- An LED lighted magnifying glass for the painting bench! I'm finally scheduled for an eye appointment for new glasses this week, but this will help with painting and possibly quick pics of projects
- Pulp Alley Starter Set - This is actually my Kickstarter reward that I received, but since I had no time to look at it, it made sense to have the kids wrap it up. It was worth the wait.
- Star Schlock Astroguard Minis - Another Kickstarter that arrived on the 23rd, we never got to wrap it up, but it was a happy arrival.
- Millie also got be some adorably derpy squishy dinosaur, with the intent of seeing in in play. Hopefully he'll make an appearance in a battle report in the near future.
My second favorite gift, beyond Gnoming A Round? TWO full packs of Gold Toe Socks. I am a dad after all.
Saturday, December 25, 2021
Friday, December 24, 2021
Thursday, December 23, 2021
(GURPS) Eric Jacobson, Gamified, Year Ten
It's a crazy year, where even the fondest of Christmas traditions seem to be bothersome to me. One tradition that almost passed me by entirely is my odd attempt at gamifying my on-again off-again dream journal, and translate them into character points for a GURPS (3rd Edition) version of myself. I've been doing things this way for over 30 years, and the dream version of myself isn't some glorified super-hero...
It's Tom Arnold character from True Lies (Albert Gibson).
ST: 10 DX: 11 IQ: 13 HT: 12
Advantages: Charisma +2 (I'm a heckuva guy), Common Sense, Luck, Voice, Light Hangover (50)
Disadvantages: Bloodlust, Near-Sightedness, Gluttony, Stubborness, Sense of Duty (Friends) (-35), Dependents (Family) Enemy: LDS Cabal
Skills: Skills in bold received points, but not increase. Bold with a (+) indicates and increase in skill. New skills to the list for this year are in bold with (New). Not exactly rocket sciences
Acrobatics 9
Accounting 11
Acting 13
Administration 20
Animal Handling 11
Anthropology 11
Archaeology 10
Area Knowledge: Baltimore 11
Area Knowledge: Iceland 13
Area Knowledge: Lehigh Valley 14
Area Knowledge: New York City 13
Area Knowledge: South Africa 13
Area Knowledge: Michigan Upper Peninsula 11
Bard 20 (let me...entertain you!)
Boating 9
Boxing 10
Brawling 13
Camouflage 14
Carousing 12
Climbing 10
Club 11
Computer Ops 14 +
Conspiracy Theory 11
Cryptography 10
Dancing 10
Demolitions 12
Diplomacy 13
Drive Tractor Trailer 11
Drive: motorcycle 9
Driving: Diesel Locomotive 11
Engineering 12
Economics 12
I've slept like garbage this past year, so it's no surprise that there's little excitement going on. I'm still some mid-level management in the intelligence field. Like a many procedural show, my character may have taken a step back "this season", letting the other characters grab the spotlight.
There are a few odd new skills, plus the electronics skills, some weapon training, and a half-point in Jetpack that makes me believe that one "episode" is one where there's a flashback to my military service, (Possibly Army, although I'd lean towards Navy, based on these skill point disbursement).
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Tuesday, December 21, 2021
(Star Wars d6) #24 - Flashback - LifeDay Special - Land of Misfit Droids.
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Polygemius Rex |
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BX-7 |
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P90-X |
"State your business"
Monday, December 20, 2021
Sunday, December 19, 2021
Saturday, December 18, 2021
Mandatory Basketball Rant 2021-2022 - Week 3
We're deep into the basketball season now, with travel games for school, and all the schedules out for all the other leagues.
The Rec League (as a board member): It's funny, the usual high strung age groups (re: parents) are pretty chill this year. With the exception of the "Where are the uniforms?" question, which I immediately tell them to contact the league president (who is the only one who knows what's going on). They're overall happy just to be playing on the court.
The Biddy parents/coaches (1st and 2nd grade) are holy terrors. Demanding equal playing time as the high schoolers, demanding equal practice time (with COVID quarantines and Thanksgiving holidays closing school 7 out of 10 Biddy teams demanded alternative practice time. Only 5 of the 20 3rd-6th grade teams even asked), and generally being the self-entitled parents from day one. It's a shame, the 2nd grader's parents seemed totally awesome when they were Kindergarten pre-COVID. The pandemic turned them in Karens and Kyles.
The schedule worked out, with only one or two minor issues (the Biddy divisions adding time to their games, which in turn made half of the afternoons game late. The school district just made masks optional last week, but I'd like to avoid extra crowds at the gyms, if at all possible.
A snapshot from the video of Maja's first basket |
- 9:00 - Maja's 9th grade practice
- 2:00 - Millie's Rec League
- 3:00 - My 3/4 Boys coaching swan song, I hope.
- 3:20 - Millie's AAU League (full game)
- 11:00 - Maja's 9th grade practice
- 6:30 - Millie's Travel Team game.
Friday, December 17, 2021
There's a Reason I Do My End-of-Year in September...
Even though I'll link my End of Year Gaming Review, I don't necessarily do it for views. After years of tracking stuff Oct-Sept, there's no reason to change now.
And if I did Jan-Dec, I sure as heck would at least prime my figures in the photos and not leave them on the sprue.
Thursday, December 16, 2021
Cold Wars 2022 is Cancelled!
I can't really call it a surprise, but HMGS decided to cancel Cold Wars for next year. Ocean City, Maryland for the first weekend of April was an interesting decision that I was willing to try when it was initially announced, but with Adepticon the week prior, and a potential loss of 50-60% of the regular vendors due to the back-to-back con schedules, on top of COVID considerations, the board made a wise choice to not only cancel the convention with a minimal financial penalty, but also cancel the agreements for 2023 and 2024.
News of a replacement site for 2023 was promised by end of the first quarter of 2022.
Also, in a true surprise that put a smile on my face, Fall-In! 2022 will return to the Wyndham (Formerly HOST) in Lancaster.
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
(Star Wars d6) #23 - Holiday on Zeltros
Our "Heroes"
Tarrie - Human pilot "under contract" for the upcoming mission, whatever that is. Brother of potential terrorist, rebel Latorna Savvn.
Frokazza - Wookie co-pilot, mechanic, and unarmed muscle. Very distrustful.
Coming out of hyperspace, they got their response from Lisani. Payment would be delivered in person, IF they were willing to make the four-day jump to Zeltros.
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Zeltros |
Next: A Very Special Life Day Flashback, "The Land of Misfit Droids"