Our "Heroes"
Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise. Teaming up with ally and friendly rival Abel Norrum for some exploration of the planet Alacazaar.
Evus - Twi'lek former mercenary, Ne'vets' armed muscle with a keen eye and a tendency to shoot first.Tarrie - Human pilot "under contract" for the upcoming mission, whatever that is. Brother of potential terrorist, rebel Latorna Savvn.
Frokazza - Wookie co-pilot, mechanic, and unarmed muscle. Very distrustful.
The destruction of the Strell Corporation's
Mining operations of the planet Alcazaar complete,
The teams of Ne'vets Aharo, Exotic Animal Broker
and Abel Norrum, Big Game Hunter
Are excited to get their rewards
and find some much needed rest and relaxation
Meanwhile, Ne'vets continues to pester Abel for
Transportation so Aharo's crew can no longer
Rely on the generosity of others...
Upon the transmission of the mission's success to the Lisani Corporation, Abel ordered a quick jump into hyperspace, to avoid any additional problems that may be showing up to the planet. Coming out of hyperspace, they got their response from Lisani. Payment would be delivered in person, IF they were willing to make the four-day jump to Zeltros.
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Zeltros |
Everyone in both Ne'vets and Abel's crews, were lounging poolside, sipping on some sweet, fruity drinks with a good alcohol content. Most, save Frokazza the Wookie, and Yast the Yazirian, were bedecked in the latest bathing suit fashion. If they stared over the pool, they could view a beach with yellow sands meeting the purple waters of the planet.
Zeltros was full-scale resort planet, for those with the credits to pay.
Lisani was happy to pay the crew(s) for a job well done. Everyone got their promised share, and most of that was secured in the hotel vault.
Besides lounging about, recovering from the last mission, Evus sat at a table, counting out credits over and over. He still had a measly 4,100 credits to pay off his debt with Ne'vets, and before dinner he presented him with the money. Ne'vets shrugged it off as pure business.
Some in the group were aghast to learn that they had a slave on their expanded team, but were embarrassed that no one recognized the signs.
Ne'vets countered with, "He wasn't a slave, he was an indentured servant." No one else really bought it.
The newly-freed Evus went to the complimentary computer terminals for research on the planets with alleged Imperial non-military activity.
For the next three days, he was glued to the screens, pulling large chucks of data, of varying importance for the planet Phindar.
Tarrie took it upon himself to investigate jobs and ship prospects, by working through some of the "companions" available, and possibly their bosses.
Frokazza was not interested in any of that stuff, alternating between sitting on the bench, sitting poolside, and eating at the buffet.
For Ne'vets , he would only catch up with the group during a late brunch. He dove into the on-site casino and by the end of three days, was 20,000 credits in the black.
Tarrie woke up on Day 3 alone, in a suite that he hadn't paid for. Various drugs were everywhere, which he quickly disposed of. With the party apparently over, Tarrie had managed to score a sale lead for Ne'vets. Pikorg, a boss in charge of the beautiful "companions" at the resort, was trying smuggle an animal off planet back to his home world Nimbam. Tarrie may have made a few promises without the conferring with his crewmates, but the money sounded to good to pass up.
Everyone spent the evening after dinning riding the Riding Rocket Skis together.
Numerous messages started to appear on Ne'vets coms in for various jobs, from basic brokering to searching for some rare dog breed. All appeared legit. A little more research confirmed some of the new leads had ties to Lisani.
At dinner, Abel broached the difficult subject.
"When the kriff are ya getting your own blasted ship? We're leaving here in a few days and my boys need their room."
Day 5 - First thing in the morning, The Big Game left Zeltros. Destination: Rasterous and it's numerous Used Starship merchants.
After hours of numerous dealers, and surprisingly poor haggling, Ne'vets settled on a used Ghtroc 720, the Pretio.
A drunk Abel was hugging/holding himself up with anyone who got near him. He wrapped an arm around Ne'vets' shoulder. "Alright Ne'vets, you and your crew are pretty sharp at what you do, despite some early misgivings. But how'd you hook up with Tarrie and the Wookie?"
"That's a great question," Ne'vets responded, "and an even better story...."
Next: A Very Special Life Day Flashback, "The Land of Misfit Droids"
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