Friday, April 30, 2021

(Painting) Gnomish Space Marine Snipers, Part 2

Painting took longer in April than it did in March, but I finally finish the final three of my Gnomish Space Marine Snipers.  

Three of the Commandos out of SCI-FI 116 Dwarf Commando Team
These three had similar quality in the detail of the first batch, especially in the faces and parts of the rifles.  While I have no plan for ordering more, I am happy to have the figures, and a chance to try new color schemes.

The first batch were painted in desert, urban, and winter camo.  I looked for less practical inspiration for the last two of this batch. 
Forest Sniper

Sniper inspired by Ultramarine scouts/snipers

Inspired by Ratling sniper paint jobs.

Next: One or two figures are almost finished and will go towards my 5 individual minis painted per month.  A pack of Gnomish Space Marine Lasguns are next on the agenda, as well as my big project for May, Blue Martians of the Holy Fern, quite acceptable for Planet 28 or Brutal Quest.  

Project 350: 498 (327/171) up from 496 (324/172). I had a lot of ambition for April, and I didn't do too poorly.  We got three wargames in, painted 15 miniatures, and ran four sessions of our Star Wars campaign.  However, with work ramping up harshly, a new hire taking up more time than I have available, and travel basketball, I'm behind on most everything else.  I haven't even gotten through the finale of Season 3 of my Pulp campaign, but I should have been prepping for Season 4.  Everything is still sitting on the dining room table, waiting for a good half-hour to making up the teams with a new characters (and a new ruleset).  

I'm also three full episodes behind on typing up the Actual Plays for the Star Wars campaign.  There's a lot of meat and little filler in our two hour episodes, and transcribing the recordings into a coherent episode has been fun, if a we bit tedious.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

(Painting) Russian Gnome Sentries from Gnome Wars

 After a pile of basketball, there's a break in the near future, which means a honeydew projects around the house.  Thank goodness I got a moment to put paint to mini and straighten up the painting bench. 

Clearing off the bench miscellany, two Russian Gnome Sentries for Gnome Wars.

Russian Gnome Sentry BG-GAWR001

I kept the basic color scheme that I've done for the handful of Russians I've painted up. I did end up using a dark turf rather than my basing mixture, static grass like before, and my first attempt at using Army Painter's Battlefield Snow.  

Next: Gnomish Space Marine Snipers (Part Two) and infamous aliens of various colors. 

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

(Kickstarter) Steve Jackson Games Button Packs

 There are some who complain when an established company uses their Kickstarter to fun a project that's almost guaranteed for success, subverting the usual distribution chain for brick and mortar store fronts.  

Of course, there are few companies in the financially strong position, such as a WotC, or maybe an Asmodee that qualify as "established company" that would release anything other than a sufficiently funded sure thing. 

Steve Jackson Games has taken a slightly different approach during the pandemic.  Almost all of their Kickstarters are either labors of love or lower volume products.  The Kickstarter allows for the costs to be covered for general distribution, and they have a knack to offer previous Kickstarters as add-ons, to keep those products relevant.  

Steve Jackson Games Button Packs offers two different sets of buttons, plus a plethora of previous products from their Kickstarters to sweeten the pot.  

At $9,000 the buttons expand from three to six per pack, so it's tempting to tack on those dice that looked so cool, or the Fantasy Trip books, or the 1976 OGRE Playtest Booklet, or even the puzzles!

(Kickstarter) Garden of the Giants RPG by Ethan Hudgens

After a month of #ZineQuest3 product, it's a bit of a surprise to find a slightly whimsical RPG concept that is a full-blown production book.

Garden of the Giants is a tabletop roleplaying game that takes place in a magical garden abandoned by its original inhabitants. Left on their own, the animals have gained sentience and culture in their stead and now lead what they think are ordinary lives within the isolated stone walls.

Standing tall and abandoned by the Garden’s creators is the Interior, a cursed cottage full of ancient secrets and a source of great power: the Crown.

But where there is power, there are those who would hold it. Those who hold the Crown corrupt the Garden with their ambitions and designs. It is up to the mice, our protagonists played by the players, to overthrow the Crown and return harmony to the Garden.

More from the Kickstarter:
Garden of the Giants tells tales similar to those you would find in children’s literature, stories of magical realms and self-discovery set against villainous plots or catastrophe. You play the game as the courageous mice, who seek an end to the tyranny of the Crown and its corrupting influence.

Garden of the Giants features 14 different scenarios (14 different Crowns) to play and 20 different Plots (each filled with interesting locations and compelling complications) to challenge your heroes to be. The game also includes rules and design philosophy for modifying Plots or creating your own.

The game is designed to help facilitate play and give both players (who take the role of the protagonists) and the Gardener (who takes the role of the Garden and its Denizens) the tools they need to build stories together, even if they have never played a roleplaying game before. Garden of the Giants is a perfect game for younger audiences, families, and anyone who enjoys whimsical tales!

(Kickstarter) Hellboy: The Board Game Expansions and Dice Game by Mantic Games

Mantic has unleashed another powerful project of moderate size with Hellboy: The Board Game Expansions and Dice Game

This campaign includes the brand new Hellboy dice game, plus FOUR different expansions!

From the Kickstarter:

Designed by original developers, Needy Cat Games, each of these expansions builds on the tension-packed, co-operative experience of Hellboy: The Board Game but turns the danger up to 11, thanks to the all-new optional Ragnarok mode.

That’s right, saving the world just got a whole lot tougher as enemies become stronger and more difficult to defeat. Ragnarok mode can be used to offer an additional challenge to not only these new expansions, but the core game as well. It's perfect if you've breezed through the previous Case Files and want an even tougher experience!

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

(Review) The Compleat Strategist, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania

We had yet another basketball tournament for the girls this weekend.  The games were stretched across the Philadelphia suburbs, sometimes an hour drive between sites!  There will be an AAU post/rant later, but I am grateful that my youngest daughter's series of games started and finished an hour early, which gave us a few minutes to take a detour and finally visit The Compleat Strategist in King of Prussia (KOP).

Directly off their Facebook page
Call it bad memory, call it a case of the Mandela Effect, but I swear I visited the Strategist in the King of Prussia Mall in the early 90s.  My high school friend Charles went to Ursinus College and we came down for the weekend.  We toured the campus, hung out, played some Talislanta with his friend Vince, and went to KOP with the specific task of visiting the Strategist in the mall.  

Now, bringing this story up with the person at The Compleat Strategist this past weekend, I got a very confused and kind of abrupt, "We've never been at the mall. You couldn't afford the rent."  While the modern day costs are beyond ludicrous, our trip was prior to the ritzy upgrade of the mall, adding Neiman Marcus and similar stores.  With a few days to think about it, I'm trying to rationalize this gigantic space chock full of RPGs, miniatures, and board games within a three-story mall and while my shady memories might be confused with a B. Dalton, the product lines were so diverse that I doubt many of the companies made it to mainstream distribution.  

My possible delusional nostalgic rantings aside, the only true problem I had with my visit was an utter lack of time .  It's a small storefront, but it is wall to wall games.  The old comicc and game store I used to work at in the 90's claimed "an immense and diverse selection," and they had most stores gaming sections beat, but even they would have to bow down to every nook and cranny filled with rows of RPGs, stacks of boardgame, bins of wargames, and racks of Reaper and D&D minis  The short time I had was barely enough for a quick perusal, so I barely glanced at the minis, avoided the enviable collection of wargames, and for my own sanity, stepped past the best retail collection of Ospreys that I've seen in 15 years or so.  

This is a destination for shopping, not gaming.  There was a single table out, but the staff member was using their laptop on it.  Which brings up the the important customer service moment I witnessed.  Two guys ahead of me inquired about Free League's Alien RPG.  Not only did a quick search of the laptop find it, but it also marked the aisle and shelf where it should have been located.  I don't see that often nowadays, and unfortunately it's because most places can put their RPG book inventory in a paper shopping bag.  

My quick 15 minute visit with my daughter netted us a copy of the Modiphus 2d20 John Carter of Mars RPG for me, and a family card game for Millie, put it also cemented a minimum of a 4 out of 5 gnomes on the Gaming with the Gnomies review system.  

More tournaments in Philly are on the schedule, hopefully, it will grant me enough time to visit again.

The Compleat Strategist is located on 580 Shoemaker Rd, King of Prussia PA 19406  Open Monday-Thursday 11-7, Friday and Saturday 11-8, and Sunday 12-5.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Millennium Falcon High

Old story, but it came up in our latest Star Wars d6 session, so it bears a post. It's mentioned by some Star Wars fanatic every year that Parkland High School, outside of Allentown, Pennsylvania, resembles the Millennium Falcon.

Amusing anecdote: I've never been closer to that high school than the football stadium on the far left.  Parkland was the only team to beat us in track for the three years I ran varsity, and ruined an otherwise perfect season of a league championship, league meet title, and proverbial district title (we seemed to be the only district that didn't keep team score).  

Nearly thirty years later, I still have enough vitriol for the school that I barely crack a smile from its similarity to the Falcon.

Friday, April 23, 2021

(Kickstarter) Cyberpunk Red: Combat Zone by Monster Fight Club

I knew official Cyberpunk minis were coming out from Monster Fight Club, thanks to some early solicitations, and here's the confirmation of the miniatures boardgame, Cyberpunk Red: Combat Zone.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

(Kickstarter) 1066 Miniatures by Bob Murch (Pulp Figures and Crucible Crush)

Bob Murch of Pulp Figures has turned his high quality/attention to detail sculpting to Medievals with his Kickstarter for 1066 Miniatures.  

This is an impressive new range of 28+mm Saxons and Normans. Packs start at $18 (Canadian). Units at $150 (that's less than $3 a figure... and it's $3 Canadian)!

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

(Kickstarter) Corsairs of Cthulhu by New Comet Games

I don't know what it is, but most of the 7th Edition Call of Cthulhu stuff, licensed or not, just isn't hitting by vibe.  Corsairs of Cthulhu by New Comet Games may correct that. 

From the Kickstarter:
Corsairs of Cthulhu is a rules and setting supplement to the Call of Cthulhu role-playing game and focuses on the period between 1650 and 1730 CE. Your keeper can set up your investigators as crew on a pirate or privateer ship, freelancers in one of the Caribbean ports who love the gold doubloon more than a foreign governments rule, or even provide your investigators with their own ship. Working together the investigators must face evil Mythos, real and imagined. Curses left by ancient civilizations and hidden nightmares around the world.

$25 for the pdf, $50 for the book, $60 for both.

Birthday Swag

 Thank God I strive for a low-key birthday, because there's always something else added for fun.  

First off, Millie stayed home from school on Monday with what appeared to be the tail end of a concussion.  Not sure where exactly that happened during the tournament, but she complained of a headache, and had a few other concussion symptoms.  A little Tylenol, a lot of sleep, and she was moving around by dinner.  

Yesterday, both kids got on the bus for school, but within an hour the school nurse was complaining that Millie had COVID, or a serious concussion.  By 10:30 I was picking her up from school and alternating between doctor calls and conference calls for work.  Millie needs a doctor's note to clear her for school, so I've got to swing her by the pediatrician's office this morning.  

The worst part?  On a day I needed to make it into the office, Millie kept me home, and she admitted to my wife that she pulled a fast one on the nurse for today.  Thankfully, Monday still seemed legit, but we still need a doctors visit to clear her for school and basketball.  Joy. 

My wife did a good job hooking me up with Family or Group games:

  • On a Scale of One to T-Rex by Exploding Kittens
  • Monster Expedition by Amigo
  • ... and a second copy of Llamas Unleashed.  Good thing I found the receipt.  My wife will never need to know.
I also got the great addition to the garage, a much needed wheelbarrow.  About as generic as it comes, but this should be great for laying mulch, picking up the yard, and laying some compost to fix some drainage issues.

Add some ice cream cake, the hot sauce/bacon chicken dish my wife always makes for my birthday, and the Boise Ice Drakes winning their third straight Calder Cup on my NHL19 franchise mode, and it was a reasonable birthday, even if I still say I'm a year older than I actually am.

(Edit:  Swung by Barnes and Noble to return Llamas Unleashed.  Got some stuff for the kids, the latest edition of the Dungeon! board game, and a Chaos Team for BlitzBowl from the clearance section.  I'll take a glance at anything Games Workshop for ten bucks.)

(Edit #2:  Millie's clearance to return to school is short-lived, as I just got a call from the nurse that her entire class is quarantined for two weeks.   I'm sure the kids have learned something this year, so there's no way in hell I'm declaring a do-over,  but I'm officially done with the school for this year.)

Monday, April 19, 2021

Mandatory AAU Basketball Rant: Weeks 1-2

So, the whole idea to play any games for my alleged Birthday Lockdown Throwdown was all a figment of my imagination.    The only games played this weekend were played by girls.. on the hardwood. 

First off, we planned on both girls playing in AAU, but thanks to certain events *COVID* everything was scrapped, and we pieced together Summer, Fall, and Winter seasons together.

This year we had planned on giving the same program a chance.  We loved the coaches, the program was quick to refund our checks from last year, and they had a few players Maja simply wanted to play with.  

Unfortunately, there was no team for Millie to play on, plus there were a few individuals going with the other local AAU program.  The girls had played in that program's inaugural season, and we left with a bad taste in our mouths.  However, two of Maja's good friends were trying out for that team and the rest of the team was composed of the studs for the other teams Maja played against over the winter.  Best yet, Millie had a team with her one friend  (Ironically, who played on the "evil team" from my 2019-20 basketball rants.  Time heals most wounds.)

Tournament Weekend #1  A local tournament - Pool play with formal playoffs on Sunday. Of  course they threw Maja and Millie's two pool games each at the 8am and 9am and at different sites, so divide and conquer for my wife and I.

Millie (4th) -
Only three teams, so limited play against two teams from another relatively local program.  Her teams demolished them in three games (2 pool + the championship) by a combined score of 106-10 to win the division.  
First hardware of the season

Maja (6th) -  Two big wins on Saturday, including a two-point upset over the alleged #2 team in Pennsylvania.  Not bad for a squad of only girls quickly cobbled together.   Sunday was a bit of a different story,  Sunday started with a trouncing of the same (non-ranked) team they played on Saturday, but a heartbreaking loss to a local team who eventually lost to that #2 team in the finals.    They had their work cut out for them, but things looked positive.

Move onto....

Tournament Weekend #2: Travelling down to the old Glen Mills School this weekend for an All-Girls Tournament.  (Glen Mills was a rough and tumble reform school for boys before their shutdown in 2019.  It's turning out to be a season on odd ironies.)

Before covering the girls, let's add in the odd complication, that my wife had travelled the week prior to visit a friend in Texas.  She was scheduled to return late Friday night at our local airport. and we were to fly on down the the Philly area together on Saturday morning for an 8am game.    I get a call around 5pm that she missed her flight, and couldn't come in until 12:45 the following afternoon.  The good news, the airport was Philly.  The bad news, Millie had a 12:20 game.  We could divide and conquer the girls' respective third games of the day at 2:30, because they played at the same facility, but we began to worry about logistics for Sunday, as we only had one car. 

Maja (6th) Saturday - Of course Maja's team gets an 8am game, and of course it's the one game not played at the Glen Mills rec center, rather their old gymnasium down the street, and not the easiest place to get in. 

Once inside, they set the tone with hot defense and a slow offense that finally built steam by the end of the game.  A great output for seven players, as they called up a fifth grader to expand the bench.  
Maja's team is the Junior Clutch.  Not a bad day.

Mille (4th) Saturday - With two key players missing from this tournament, they added a few girls who played fifth, but met the age restrictions (essentially, they couldn't turn 11 during the regular school year.  Technically, if Maja had been born a month later, she would qualify for 5th grade).

The missing players, and an over-reliance on one the fifth graders skewed their game play and created a some tougher competition.  Thank God I missed the second (12:20) game when I left to pick up my wife.  It was a 1-1 jump-ball infused snooze-fest at halftime. Thank goodness they woke up.  
Millie's Pool Play Results

Most of the teams stayed at the same hotel for Sunday's playoffs/championships, and any chance of friendly game of Fluxx inside the hotel room evaporated with the camaraderie of the girls.  One, they're a well-behaved bunch, left to their own devices in the hotel with nary a complaint of comment (as of the publishing of this post).  It's a good group of girls to hang out with, there's no obvious cliques, especially with 6th grade.  

Millie (4th) Championship Sunday:  If you notice Millie's schedule, there was one pool game to start Sunday morning.  The York Thunder were automatically going to seeded first, thanks to point differential, but it was when we realized that the 2nd/3rd playoff game was against the dread Lady Wolfpack.  The Wolfpack were a very good team from up in our neck of the woods.   They had already defeated Millie's winter team in tight game at the Back Mountain Tournament (I realized they wore their Clutch winter league shirts), so it was a perfect time to exact revenge, which they did 18-10, allowing them to move onto the Championship against the Thunder. 

This created a joyous, but troublesome logistical nightmare.  Maja's team had won Group A pool play, and was scheduled to play the winner of Group B pool play at 2:30, at an off-site location about 15 minutes away from the school.  Millie's championship game started at 3:35 back at Glen Mills.  After grabbing lunch, we gave Millie to her teammate's parents for safe keeping, as I handed to keys to my wife to try to get both games in without missing either part.  

Disaster struck almost immediately upon parking in the off-site location's lot.   All games at that site were at least 70 minutes behind.  After hoping and praying that game ahead of Maja's would complete faster than expected, we made the decision to divide and conquer.  I drove back to Glen Mills for Millie's game, while my wife stayed to watch Maja's.  Neither of us were disappointed. 

Millie's game with the Thunder played up to the billing.    Despite falling behind 8-4 at the half, the Clutch kept running their plays and playing solid defense.  It came down to a 3-point play in the finally seconds that couldn't materialize.  They played their hearts out, fell short 16-13, and is ready and raring to go for a rematch if they ever do meet.  

My wife got to witness the only championship to the organization played.   It would unfair to call the other team thuggish (there are certain additional connotations with that term), but dirty might be an understatement.   With Clutch getting Bonus early in each half (foul shots on every foul, shooting and floor/hand fouls), they pulled away with their lives 22-14
6th Grade Champs (Pink Division)
As further consolation, each team in Group A got to play their respective place holder in Group B.  (2nd vs 2nd, 3rd vs 3rd, 4th vs 4th)  Each team from our Group won their games, proving we had the tougher road to travel. 

Things don't get easier, as the girls trek back down to Philly for a tournament in King of Prussia.   Good news, my wife isn't flying anywhere this week, but Maja has here one and only dance competition at home, oddly enough at the Mountain Laurel Resort, home of Mepacon.   She might not miss any games, but my wife is taking point at the 90-drive each way to get her there.  It's the one time as a parent that I hope she isn't indispensable on the team and they can get wins without her, if need be. 

Sunday, April 18, 2021

ViscountEric's 47th Birthday Lockdown Throwdown

Yeah, a grand gaming weekend with non-family before or after my birthday is a no-go.  Even with Mepacon 40 Online this weekend, things are already chock-full of AAU basketball games in Philly and next weekend is even crazier with AAU games PLUS a dance recital.  

I am packing a few family games to fill in the time, so I hope those, my online Star Wars game, and maybe something small and fun on my actual birthday is what I'll get... and I'm satisfied with that.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

The Economics of Garden Gnomes

 According to the BBC, the relaxed restrictions of the pandemic, and the recent shipping disaster in the Suez has contributed to a shortage in true Garden Gnomes for Europe and the UK.  

Thank God I've stockpiled gnomes in my basement for years.  

Friday, April 16, 2021

(Painting) Gnome Sentries of the Great White North

We're still working on a varied and sundry list of minis on the painting bench, and today's are some Swiss Riflemen from Gnome Wars.  

Swiss Gnome w/ Blunderbuss, Standing, even though the rules state they're armed with Arquebus

These guys were actually painted by my daughter during one of the HMGS Hobby Universities. She managed to finish both, although the quality was less than stellar.  I figured I'd completely repaint them but retain Maja's color scheme.  These guys now beg the question, "Santa's Palace Guard" or simple Canadian Infantry?   

Regardless of whether these fellas are Canadian grunts or fighting for the big man, I'd use the standard rifle (arquebus) stat line from the Swiss, and replace the Swiss defender special rules with "Ignores all snow/ice terrain modifiers."  I'm tempted to cut off some Scottish Grenadier hands to make Canadian Maple Syrup Grenadiers, but that would be a waste of a national resource.

Next: The GSM Snipers, Wars of Ozz, and notorious Star Wars minis.

Project 350:  496 (324/172)  from 498 (325/173).  Still two Star Wars Actual Plays behind.  

Thursday, April 15, 2021

(Kickstarter) OSM Metal Robots by Old School Miniatures

 Old School Miniatures is trying to release some out-of-print resin minis as metal figures in their OSM Metal Robots Kickstarter

The robots stand 42mm tall, so they can make great robots for 25/30mm, but also terrorize the countryside as mechs in 6mm and smaller.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

(Planet 28) The Bounty Hunters of the GSMU

 It's as good a time as any to apply Planet 28 to some of the special sci-fi characters I've painted.  

Fighting:  6
Shooting: 6
Agility:  4
Speed: 10cm
Hit Points:  20
Traits/Abilities: Bulwark, Unbreakable 
Equipment: Heavy Rifle (1d12+6) Range: 40, Two handed, -2 to opp's armor.
Heavy Armor  (1d12+6), -1 Agility (already applied)

Donnie Riddlebottom - Retiree (213)
Fighting: 6
Shooting: 7
Agility: 4    Speed: 10cm
Hit Points: 20
Traits/Abilities: Brawler, Loot
Equipment: Explosive Laser Pistol (1d8, Range 20, Characters within 5cm of any character hit by weapons takes d6 damage), Light Armor (Royal Order of Space Winnebagos Vest)

Retired Galactic Welder, and Sergeant Major of the Royal Order of Space Winnebagos. He spends his retirement flying around with his wife, in a Space Winnebago, and is the honorary head of this fraternity of galactic motor homes. Doesn't stop him from knocking off a bank or two with his modified flare gun/laser pistol.

Garindan Bounty Hunter (233)
Fighting: 5
Shooting: 7
Agility:  6
Speed: 10cm 
Hit Points:  20 
Traits/Abilities: Sniper, Coward, "Shore Footed", Climber 
Equipment:  ScopedHeavy Rifle (1d12+6, Range 60, Knock Back, -2 to opp's armor value), Light Armor (1d8)

Jhorka - Pelegian Sapper (Retired) (330)
Fighting:  8
Shooting: 7
Agility:   5
Speed:  10cm
Hit Points:  20 
Traits/Abilities:    Fear, Gunslinger, Throw, Persuade, Sabotage
Equipment: Heavy Pistol (1d10+2, Range 25) Heavy Armor (1d12+6, -1 Agility already applied)

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

My Stomach Has Turned With Disgust

 We were due for something from the dark and seedy side of gaming retail.  I just didn't expect this.  

According to a local paper, John Dawe of Kingston was arrested on a slew of charges related to an internet sting where he had communications with who he thought was a 15-year old boy. 

John is one of the investors/partners of one of the local game shops, and he used the store to help lure the fictional 15-year old to meet up with him.  

Now, this is completely unacceptable in any situation, and we've seen enough of these scenarios that we know the only thing the accused will be sorry for will be  sorry for getting caught.  Within this world of gaming retail, I've heard too many stories from too many people about too many stores.  Outside of the thankfully distant story about Adventure Games in Dickson City, I've rarely heard of concrete evidence or law enforcement stepping in.  

And while all of this is horrible to the any real victims that may or may not exist, and ruinous to the store, the employees, and the community (Everything on social media has either been removed or scrubbed), the one thing that makes me furious is the final line of the article.   Those original charges alone should remove someone from consideration to run a store with any kids of any gender or age.

I'm not one to embrace the thoroughly majority disgusted with most proposition, but I'm just repulsed by it all.  Even if things can somehow be addressed with the LGS, allowing such a character with such a history to do conduct business under the company is much more than just a black mark on the company.  

Monday, April 12, 2021

(Savage Pulp) #3.11 The Sacrifice

It was supposed to be Cold Wars this weekend, down in Ocean City, Maryland.  I have my time off approved since it was originally announced, but COVID continues to overstay its welcome and the convention was wisely cancelled.  

I had planned a Cold Wars at Home weekend, but I'm double grateful for the cancellation.  My girls' AAU schedule was released late and we had a local tournament in Scranton for most of Saturday and Sunday.  I bristled the idea of friends skipping the cons for yet another kid's travel sport, but it appears that I'm in that trajectory for all least the next 6-7 years.  

As a consolation, my eldest daughter, Maja agreed to play the penultimate episode of our long-running Pulp campaign's third season. 

When we last left our heroes, famed archaeologist Maja Millie had been kidnapped, and her loyal friends were dedicated to finding, and rescuing her.  Swedish adventurer Nils Lingonberry led a team who found clues leading to a hidden grove behind a tourist trap.  There, Maja Millie had been strung up by the cultists in some strange ritual circle.  Speed and stealth would need to be in great commodity if the group wanted to save their friend.
Maja Millie and the Hight Priest of Rådjurens Herre
Nils had brought two friends, retired English explore, Lord Jon Cuppenbrush,  Ted Mosby, Aviator, and had enlisted the proprietor of the tourist trap, one Stinky Sven, to try to help rescue Maja Millie.  
Our heroes: (Front) Lord Jon Cuppenbrush, Nils Lingonberry
(Back) Ted Mosby, Aviator, Stinky Sven.

The secret grove
The rescue operation started without much complication.  Inside of splitting up, or flanking the ritual, the group all dashed off to the left of the monoliths.

Nils was the first one to reach the monoliths, and unfortunately must have snapped a branch on the group by accident, alerting the cultists nearby of his presence. 
Nils got the jump on the cultists and got into a better position, to unload his pistol onto the still-unsuspecting cultist, and negating the further element of surprise.
*BANG* One cultist down. 
Ted Mosby and Lord Cuppenbrush arrived shortly thereafter, and their combine firepower took out a second cultist.

The other startled cultists slowly finally moved towards the attacks, save the High Priest, who was still trying to complete the unknown ritual.

Stinky Sven had managed to sneak around undetected and reached the captured archeologist.  Even with his trusty shovel, he couldn't find an easy way to shred her ropes.
Two cultists, armed only with clubs and knives, jumped onto Ted.   Two other cultists with shotguns, got into position to protect the High Priest, and blow the interlopers away.  
Nils helped Sven out with the ropes, and turned his attention with the High Priest, at close range.
Nils unloaded his revolvers into the High Priest, but apparently his dark arts kept his alive from such grievous wounds.  

While the gunfire was ineffective on all sides, the two cultists on Ted finally overwhelmed the pilot, and he crumpled to the ground.  
RIP Ted Mosby, Aviator.
Many turns into the battle, the High Priest was already prepared to sacrifice his prize and summon something from the great beyond.  
Hey, where'd she go?
With Maja Millie vanished, the ritual continued unabated, but the summoning of a dark eldritch creatures from the unnamable corner of the universe needed a sacrifice to satiate its blood loss for a little while longer.  

The Unspeakable Horror decided the priest was a fine alternative.
The priest tried to subjugate the creature into his control, using an eldritch blast, but it missed, nailing Stinky Sven instead.  He flew off the circle and lay completely motionless, possibly dead.
RIP Sven, we barely knew ye.
Knowing his own cultists would quickly run in fear from the abomination, the High Priest chose the next best alternative:  He high-tailed it out of there before the survivors  realized what was happening.  The old bear tale rang true:  If a bear attacks, you don't have to be the fastest, just not the slowest.
Run away!  Run away!

At this point we had hit Turn Six and we played through two more turns before the game rolls dictated the end of the game.  The cultists clumsily tripped up each other to avoid being devoured by the fell beast, while our heroes, led by the speedy Maja Millie, took a circuitous but safer route to keep the cultists between them and the mythos creature.  

The High Priest tripped up his own man to ensure his own survival.  Evil is truly evil. 

GM Notes:  With this episode the stories of Maja Millie and company come to an end.  We may revisit them from time to time, but the season finale, (#3.12) will return to all the chaos in Sohai, and Season Four sets up a new ensemble cast.  

Inspiration for the scenario came from Mysterious Bill and Jozi's Tin Man.  

I'm just happy enough my kid gamed with me (and both kids did great at the tournament, that's for a non-gaming post.)  The idea of multiple games for the con weekend was a bust, and with multiple Kickstarters ready to close, I'm still pondering the virtual dealer hall options.  

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Tim Was Aware of Their Power En Masse

 I so wanted to throw this in as future Easter post, but I'm working on the second decade of Easter art, so a weekend post now will have to do.