Friday, May 3, 2024

Project 350 Update

 I have a lot of reoccurring themes and projects on this blog.  One of the ones I haven't done in awhile is my Project: 350.  

Project: 350 had a simple goal in the beginning:  Put a leash on the overwhelming amount of blog material I have behind the scenes, pictures, scenarios, paint schemes, holiday placeholder posts, and a host of other things.  Most importantly, it was supposed to be a little motivation to run games/get things done.  

The 350 is simply my goal to have that many draft blog posts and scheduled blog posts  It seems like a lot, but one day I had 150 of these, and the next, it was over 500, with a month long daily project scheduled and forcing me to add more.  

I usually tack this onto the back end of a Friday morning painting post, but I've been overwhelmed with everything in life, so painting has fallen by the wayside.  There's a wide variety of stuff sitting on the painting table, old figures, new projects, and a lot of cheap plastic for some modelling projects.  Here's hoping I have time in the near future.  

So, without further ado, As of today, my current Project: 350 number is 486 (315 drafts, 171 scheduled).  That's down a decent bit from mid-February (494) 321/173. 

Most of us our internet packrats in some way, so the 300+ drafts can be understandable, but many might be asking, "ViscountEric, why do you have 171 posts scheduled?  And when specifically are they scheduled?"

Almost 100 of those are "holiday placeholder" posts scheduled into 2026 or beyond!  There's plenty of funny or gnome stuff on this worldwide web, and if I can throw it on for Christmas, Easter, or Star Wars Day, it's good enough for the part of my brain that likes to have something new everyday, and who wants to blog on Arbor Day?  All kidding aside, I have Star Wars Day posts set up through 2041, Easter Sunday till 2040, and my Swedish Tomte-related God Jul posts till 2039, usually with no duplicates from previous years!  

What about in the next 18 months?  There's plenty of holiday goodness keeping the numbers high, but I have 30 episodes of my Gamma World campaign in the can and ready to post every Tuesday morning.  I also may have the first 10 of the 31-day #CharacterCreationChallenge ready to go.  

With a photo purge of over 200 pictures from my phone, I discovered another 50-60 pics that need a home, either as filler pics for other posts, or setting up new posts in the horizon.  I hope to start that project this week, so it seemed appropriate tally a benchmark before the blog exploded again for a while.  

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