Friday, June 21, 2024

International Gnome Week

While random websites provide international gnome day as June 10th, I largely prefer a weeklong celebration that is international gnome June 21-28.  It was originally set up as a time for the WikiGnomes, the volunteers who write an edit Wikipedia, but we might as well embrace all things involving our pointy-hatted brethren. 
I make no promises to any added content.  but there is a Gnome Wars game in the pipeline, Gnomes on the painting table, and maybe, just maybe some Gnome Wars fluff pieces.  

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Mandatory AAU Basketball Spring 2024 Rant - Weekend #5

 Last weekend was the final weekend for Millie's 7th grade team, and after finally getting a solid look at the dynamics, I say good riddance.  

We were down in Lancaster for another tournament, and for once both Millie and Maja played at the same location.  Of course one played mid-morning and the other late Saturday night, so it's a loooong day.  

I've been house-sitting for my sister and brother-in-law in Philly, as they take a cross-country tour through the Midwest and back through Canada, so I was just over an hour away.  I got to the site, saw gross disorganization from the tournament staff, and some of the most eclectic teams they could assemble for 26 out of the 32 available courts.  I knew there was an issue when, with a backed-up registration line, parents who needed to pay told their kids to simply run through and find their team at their court (which was permitted).  Almost to the person, each one said they couldn't because they did not know the facility because it was their first time here.   Given some of the poorer teams in our programs won more games on Saturday than they had all season,  

Millie's group wasn't so lucky.  The Genesee Vipers always looked like a quality organization that put other Upstate New York programs to shame.  The refereeing was horrible, the scorekeeping atrocious, but with one of the girls missing to play in the World Games in Italy, the remainder of the team just didn't look like they wanted to play together.  Even if everything was corrected, it would still be around a six-point victory, but those girls wanted to avoid each other, and there was nothing the coaches could do.

Their second game was against Central NY Savage, a group of sizable girls, but nothing Millie's team hasn't overcome with tenacity.  

There was zero tenacity.  I really don't want to blame them, as nine straight possessions constituted the ball being inbounded to the one particular player, and that player dribbled up court and shooting at/driving to the basket, with no other passes to teammates.  That large pattern was endemic to the first half, where they were down 18-10.  The pattern continued, until every other single player simply stopped playing, because the particular player wasn't passing, wasn't using screens, and just focused on scoring, until the lead grew to 18 points and the coach finally sat them for the rest of the game.  The bleeding stopped, the team started scoring, but the best they could do was a 43-25 loss. 

By the end of Saturday, we were all essentially done with the season, even with Maja's three more tournaments for June and July.  Between the game play, and the absolutely atrocious uniforms (Millie's seam on the backside of her shorts split), I didn't anticipate her returning for the Fall, or possibly ever.  

Maja's situation isn't as dire, but the only reason she tried out at all this year were true rumors of her favorite coach returning "one more time"  With two injuries and one player returning from vacation, Maja got the rare start in the afternoon. (She had three starts last year, and only one the year before).  She performed well, even if the stat sheet was empty in spots, with 48-6 rout.  The second game was against the hated Bensalem Chargers, but this year's iteration was no match for Maja's team.  An opposite of Millie's team, they LED 18-10 at half, then blew the doors off of them in the second, 25-4, for a 43-14 win.  

Maja loves her coach, but is planning on AAU volleyball or track and field jumping camps with all the time basketball takes up.

Despite my bickering I was appreciative of their wins on Saturday because we didn't need to be on site for games until after noon!  

Maja's team showed no mercy for their play-in game, proper passing and their star player made better choices.  

Despite the spelling error on the schedule, I knew the team Maja's group was up against wasn't much of a challenge.  They were regulars in the C and D-Level tournaments around Philly, so a 45-23 win wasn't a surprise with our bench playing 3/4 of the game.  Maja graced me with actually taking and hitting two shots, so the Father's Day was improving.  

Maja's championship game was against a solid program, but when they brought six to the court, and their tallest girl was shorter than Maja, I knew it would be about executing early.  The team shot 50% overall, 50% from the 3, and 100% of their foul shots to win by almost 40.

We raced over the other side of the facility for Millie's championship, a rematch with CNY Savage.  Following the formula for the first Sunday game, these 7th graders bent, but did not break in the 1st half, only trailing 27-24.  Better shots fell in the 2nd, and the larger girls on Savage seemed to start making costly mistakes.  Once Millie's team took the lead with a minute left, the Savage coach was broken to discover his girls needed to commit seven fouls even to reach 1-and-1 foul shooting, which drained all but twenty seconds ... and then the girls hit enough shots to seal the deal.  

Millie's team has won 4 out of 6 tournaments this year, and two of them have involved them beating a team in the championship that they lost in pool play (Maja's team has one such instance).  Not bad for a team of guards.

Nothing like two championships (and two trophies) for Father's Day

School Ball: The Adventure Continues:  Actual school ball started up after the last update, and so far there's zero complaints for the girls, and a bunch from me for other kids.  

Maja's getting plenty of varsity time, and as much JV time as she wants.  Millie is playing alongside Maja on JV.  They've won their only game of the summer thus far 32-26, with a 16-1 run in the 2nd half, the only time where they played together. 

I'm being far more vocal for the 7th/8th grade division, even though Millie (8th grader) has been told to stick with JV.  They brought up other 8th graders to fill JV, while they let a lot of 9th graders languish in Jr High for the Summer.  Having finally made a game on Monday, I understand why.  

The 9th graders (and the one 8th grade "ringer") were simply miserable playing against an equally miserable team.  The team leaders were an 8th grader starting their second year of basketball ever.  She ended up with 2 points, 7 rebounds, and 3 steals.  The other star was one only new 7th grader invited to play who had 8 points and 4-for-7 shooting, 3 rebounds, and 7 steals, in twenty minutes.     They did lose in what I could only call Double Secret Probation Sudden Death Overtime 27-25, but the summer is young.


Free RPG Day is Saturday, June 22, 2024!!!

 I try to separate from it, and it pulls me back in....

Free RPG Day 2024 is this Saturday, June 22, 2024.  Hopefully there's a participating game store (check the website) that's going to offer RPG events and giving out free swag from multiple publishers, including Paizo, Free League, R Talsorain and many many others.  

From the Website:

Roleplaying Game fans get ready!

Free RPG Day works with top RPG publishers to create the can’t miss RPG event of the year at hobby game stores around the world.

Participating stores will have piles of exclusive new RPG adventures and other exciting new RPG related items!

Just a quick note, while some locations may have in-store gaming, every store will be handling events differently. Please check with your local retail about how they may be featuring or distributing the Free RPG Day items.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

(Gamma World) This is Not a Test #37 - Upstairs, Downstairs

 Our heroes, the De Facto Explorers, investigating Rho Facility, to aid the Hissers of Notex


Sneaky Pete: A mutated weasel scout.  Pete's telepathy and night vision take a backseat when he whips out his electrical powers.  

Sonny Helianthus: a sentient sunflower artifact examiner with trusted Restorationist ties. 

Slitheran Wurmtail (aka Squiggles): a mutated earthworm scout, in impromptu power armor, looking for trouble, and finding it often.  Previously "gave birth" to a litter of sentient earthworm babies, but recently has been subject to genetic testing and developed super-human strength, a more human body, and a thick coat of shaggy white hair.

Lathar Bracken: A pure-strain human from River Bend.  He's got the muscle, the face, and a mount for most encounters.  Lathar's trusty beast of burden, No Name, travels wherever he does. Looking for trouble in all the right places.  Recent jousting champion of Fair-Town and has been awarded... a peacock he has named Chambray.

RHA-9: A lab assistant piece of "Living Metal" that seems to have befriended the group... for now!


With a now-furry Squiggles saved a second time within the day from the research of RHA-9, it was determined that the earthworm needed to stay with RHA-9 in the lab and simply rest.   The rest of the group would travel back to level 4, and continue their search.  With the rest a safe distance back near the lift doors, Lathar searched the large lobby again before investigating the wreckage of the living metal that nearly killed everyone.  

Lathar reminded everyone that he was as dumb as his classic barbarian look inferred by disassembling the fuel cell from the wreckage and obtaining one fragmentation grenade.   Wedged within the bottom of the cell was a white keycard. 

With the elusive white keycard in hand, the explorers immediately travelled back down to level 3 and tried it against the windowless door in the medical wing.  The doors swung in opposite directions, one swinging out, one swinging in.    Ten beds, stripped of linens lined the outside wall, while dented steel cabinets lined the inside wall.  A strange-looking device was position in the corner.  

A whirring sound alerted everyone, as a bipedal living metal staggered towards them.  Something appeared to be wrong with its hip. 

It stopped three foot away from the explorers, "Are you in need of **bzzzbzz** care?" was spoken in a feminine voice.

Lathar immediately grabbed the white keycard from Sonny and displayed it to the living metal, "YES!"

RHA-1, with a sketchy voice modulator
The living metal immediately grabbed Lathar by the wrist and immediately injected something into his arm from the machines other hand.  The human felt slightly better.

"And who are you?"


The living metal's mouth lit up repeatedly, as it did when it originally spoke, but nothing comprehensible was coming out.  

Lathar tried to change the subject, grabbing Pete, "What can you do for my friend? He's injured."

The living metal moved towards Pete, scanning him up and down.  It grabbed the weasel by both arms, picked him and deposited him in the odd device in the corner.  Pete disappeared inside while the device came to life.  After two minutes, the device turned off and the doors opened on the side of it.  Pete was intact, feeling a bit tingly, but completely unaffected otherwise.

Sonny tried to wave down the living metal, but it did not seem to recognize the mutant sunflower.  He decided to investigate the strange device while the others searched the room.  Unfortunately both Pete and Lathar were wary of the sunflower tinkering with ancient technology, and couldn't find anything useful.  Once Sonny confirmed that he could not figure out how to turn it back on, or what it even did, the trio turned back to search the room a bit more thorough.  

Sonny picked up an old dirty towel, revealing an intact metal cabinet leaning up against the wall, covered in wreckage.  The door to the cabinet had a keycard pad.   The white keycard opened the door.  Inside were a variety of syringes on a shelf, and a cardboard box below.  

The asked the living metal for what the syringes were, but the machine continued to emit screeching gibberish.

The group agreed to fetch RHA-9 for help, but first they wanted to open the box.  

A quick movement with Lathar's sword opened the box.  Inside were nine packages made from shiny plastic.  Each 6"x9" package felt like there were multiple contents inside.   The only writing that survived on each package was:  



They collected the syringes and box, and with Lathar pointing the blaster rifle at the living metal, they slowly backed out of the room. 

Once the coast was cleared they moved over the laboratory and made inquires with RHA-9.   The furry earthworm was sleeping on the table. 

RHA-9 identified the eight syringes: 

  • 2 Accelera (the healing syringe they had been finding around the complex)
  • 1 Stim-Dose "This will make you like the Squiggles"
  • 2 Cur-in-Dose "To negate poisons and infections"
  • 1 3-Hour Energy "This will give you mental clarity"
  • 2 anesthesia 

RHA grabbed an Accelera, "This the Squiggles needs" and a Cur-in-Dose "...and one of these for the fungal infection."

The party concurred, while Lathar injected himself with the other Cur-in-Dose and the Stim-Dose.  The human felt stronger, but unsure by how much. 

Leaving Squiggles and RHA, the party moved back to Level 4 and continued searching the rooms.

The first door had a small window, with a pulsing red light from the inside, as they stared in, something quickly moved in front of the window, shocking them all.  

Wary of any more encounters, they avoided that room and the next door, coming upon a set of double steel doors.  A metallic dome  above the door emitted a slight hum.  The letters "SE" and "Y" were still painted across the doors

The group went into a tizzy trying to figure out what keycard to use, and if they needed to cobble together the remnants of a uniform.   Lathar simply walked up to the door and used the blue with gold keycard.


The lobby lights dimmed and small red flashing lights illuminated the area.  Two concentrated red lights shot out of the metallic dome, one striking Lathar square in the chest.  

Pete yelled "RUN!!!" 

Lathar fumbled for the white keycard and tried that. 


Two more lights came out of the dome and struck Lathar in the chest for more damage.

Sonny took a pot shot with his flintlock pistol, "This is Colonel Ratcliffe, identification code...."

"....It's not going to work," Pete screamed.  "Just shoot it!"

Pete didn't give the sunflower time to react, pulling out his blaster pistol and firing two crack shots at the dome, exploding it.  The lights and alarm ceased.

Reloading his pistol, Sonny nonchalantly said, "Maybe we should use the red card on the red level."

With the red card, the double doors slid open without issue.

This room was another familiar corner room, slightly smaller than the cafeteria.  The room was filled with several desks, cabinets, and terminals.  The far wall had four very familiar killer living metal that they experience in the lobby, lined up and plugged into some receptacle in the wall.  

Pete stepped forward to investigate, but Sonny pulled him back by the shoulder, pointing down to the floor.  Several nearly invisible red beams crisscrossed the first ten feet of the room.

Using the red keycard,  Lathar shut the door.  "We don't need that problem right now."

GM Notes:  Squiggles' player, Steve, was unable to attend, but the other players took his only advice to heart:  "When in doubt, run away."

"Deadeye" Pete rolled two 20's to destroy the security dome.  

Next: #38 - 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

#RPGaDay2024 for August?

If it's the middle of June, that means #RPGaDay#RPGaDay is but a few weeks away!  

#RPGaDay is a celebration of role-playing games across the internet in August. Participants can answer a set a prompts/questions/themes, one for each day in August, and share it via blog, vlog, or social media in general. I've done all ten years all ten years of the activity, although I started year one a bit late.

It wouldn't be the first year without worry, but there are some rumblings about not formally doing it for Year Eleven.  Even in the unlikely event that the good folks who set this up decide to take a year off, I would simply recommend using the #RPGaDay2015 list.   It's a fresh list for new participants, and it's fun to look back an compare my answers from ten years ago.  

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

UBCon 1994 - Buffalo, New York

Continuing the process of cleaning up the office and the gaming collection.  This little gem fell out of something, and since I can't find it referenced previously, it deserves a spot for nostalgia.  

 UBCon '94, April 1994, Buffalo New York.  My friend Wooly (left) and a much younger (30 years!) and much slimmer me, being attacked by the Godzilla figure we brought for some of our games of Burning Plastic.  

There was a streak of UBCons we attended in the mid-90s, thanks to Larry Sims and Optimus Design Systems (Battlelords of the 23rd Century) putting us on the con mailing list.   I can't remember if this is the con we transported underage people to Canada, other members of our group ended up in dog collars, or the one we accidently whipped our friend Scott in the junk with the buckle portion of a belt.  All of them involved Wooly and I running some iteration of Burning Plastic, the sci-fi rules set another friend wrote up, using Green Army Men as killer robots.  

Hell, the five-hour road trips up to Buffalo and back were epic in their own way, and that's with the large Elmo as our traveling companion. 

With Phil and Scott (and Elmo) for UBCon '96.  The Belt incident happened then.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

(Gamma World) This is Not a Test #36 - It Could Be Baked Beans

 Our heroes, the De Facto Explorers, investigating Rho Facility, to aid the Hissers of Notex


Sneaky Pete: A mutated weasel scout.  Pete's telepathy and night vision take a backseat when he whips out his electrical powers.  

Sonny Helianthus: a sentient sunflower artifact examiner with trusted Restorationist ties. 

Slitheran Wurmtail (aka Squiggles): a mutated earthworm scout, in impromptu power armor, looking for trouble, and finding it often.  Recently "gave birth" to a litter of sentient earthworm babies.

Lathar Bracken: A pure-strain human from River Bend.  He's got the muscle, the face, and a mount for most encounters.  Lathar's trusty beast of burden, No Name, travels wherever he does. Looking for trouble in all the right places.  Recent jousting champion of Fair-Town and has been awarded... a peacock he has named Chambray.

RHA-9: A lab assistant piece of "Living Metal" that seems to have befriended the group... for now!


Upon receiving their physical boosts from RHA-9's "laboratory research," the explorers gathered their wits and decided to take the lift further up.  Swiping the yellow keycard inside the lift, only 



...showed up on the display.  Sonny pressed four.

The door opened up in the center of a large room.  The room was littered with desks.  Some were flipped, some crushed, others with crushed bodies of soldiers beneath it. Some intact terminals were on the ground, most were smashed.  Numerous blast marks and bullet holes covered the walls.   The group cautiously stepped out, spread out and slowly worked their way through the carnage.  

Pete was first to detect the noticeable path through the debris. It looked relatively recent and had crushed weaker items under foot.  

The weasel whisper-shouted to the group, "There's something on the opposite side of the room."

The group hunkered down in position.  Pete skulked around desks, barely getting glimpses of a living metal moving slowly through the room. 

Sonny asked "RHA-9, are there other bots in this facility."


"Squiggles, the damn bot doesn't think I exist, can you ask him for me?"

The worm obliged.


As Pete continued to track the living metal, his eyes caught a red light that appeared to stare back. 


Pete scurried for cover back towards the group.   A *THUMP* could be heard from the living metal. An object bounced off of two walls and a can-shaped object landed in the middle of everyone.  

"Oooh," Squiggles exclaimed.  "I've seen those before. It could be a can of baked beans."

The can exploded, sending shrapnel everywhere. Most managed to dive behind some cover, but still were quite bloodied. 

RHA-9 began spinning around, "DANGER! DANGER! DANGER!"

Lathar managed to roll out of the way, scurrying past the lift doors and catch a glimpse of the living metal.  His aim was disrupted by a wild weasel in Sneaky Pete shooting with his blaster.  An explosion erupted on the living metal's body.  His follow-up flintlock shot went wild, and drew the attention of the machine.  

The actual security bot was much taller and had a grenade launcher.  

Others took better cover and fired flintlocks causing damage, albeit minimal. Sonny yelled at the living metal, "Stand down, Alpha-Red-34-Triple-90101- Alpha"

The living metal did not comply.  

Lathar finally got off his shot with his blaster rifle, firing high over the machine's head, exploding into the back wall.  

RHA-9 stopped spinning around and started heading towards the lift doors.  It returned to spinning around and emitting  "DANGER! DANGER! DANGER!"

The living metal turned towards Lathar and fired a different weapon than before,


A blaster shoot flew from the weapon.  The warrior swung back behind the corner as the shot hit where he had been, chunks of concrete flying everywhere, still injuring him.    

Pete had found some high ground within a stack of desks and fired again, but missed. 

Sonny reloaded and cursed their living metal companion, "RHA, if you could listen to me, I'd ask what to do, you stupid tin can."

Squiggles, still amazed RHA could talk to him again acted as the middle man.


Meanwhile Lathar turned the remains of the corner and fired a center-mass shot at the enemy living metal.  It exploded in sparks and it finally stopped firing.  

Combat ended, RHA-9 began beeping faster and faster.

"RHA-9, the threat is over, stop beeping!"

"OK!" and the beeping ceased.

RHA-9 explained that if he taken any damage, his protocol was to detonate his "Yorkum capacitators."

The group went eerily silent.  The last time they dealt with a Yorkum resulted in the destruction of Koto damn and the Caves of Ulmin below.  They immediately ordered RHA to head back to his lab and initiate any repair protocols he was capable of.

Squiggles expressed his injuries, "I'm a step away from self-destructing myself."  He and Pete were given the last of the healing syringes. 

Lathar was dead set on opening some of the doors bordering the large rooms.  Sonny convinced him to search the desks first before kicking open doors.  

The search of the desks revealed four items:

  1. A call center headset.
  2. A single glove (left-hand)
  3. A book of "mechanical engineering"
and a weasel hand, rising among the wreckage, holding a RED keycard.

Discord erupted among the group.  No one wanted to go further up, but Lathar was still obstinate to open doors on level 4, while the others wanted to go down to level 3 and see if the red keycard opened the medical wing.  Healing seemed paramount before the mission could continued.  

They finally cajoled Lathar to come with them, but upon entering the lift, using the red keycard showed.



Lathar was pumped  "Let's go to six..." 

"NOOOOOOO!" was the chorus of the others, all in unison.

The using the green keycard, they accessed the medical/research floor again.  The red keycard failed to open.

Dejected, they finally consented to Lathar's plan, although the rest of them huddled inside the lift. 

Lathar simply pushed over the door to the first room that was simply demolished.    The second door also was opened, but he was shocked to find it blocked by a pile of skeletons just inside the door.  Despite his tough-guy persona, it failed to budge.  The peanut gallery in the lift cajoled him to keep searching, hoping to find anything to help their injuries, but he called over to the new super-muscled Squiggles and guilted him to help.   One good shove by the worm and the skeletons were pushed aside, erupted a cloud of spores which engulfed the human and the worm.   Squiggles fell, and Lathar dragged him back to the lift.  Each one was covered in what looked like a thick layer of dark brown dust.  

Sonny tried to wash the dust with water off the non-breathing Squiggles.  Lathar decided a swig of ancient rum was enough for him, and he poured some of it over his head.  

Realizing his condition was worsening, Sonny had the group grab  the worm and take him back down to the lab.  Pete, acting as translator, simply ordered RHA-9 to "fix him."

The living metal scurried about, adding numerous tubes and vials together, forming a large concoction which it drew into a syringe.  With electrical prods inserted in to worm, RHA scurried them out of the room.  The lights then flickered for a few moments, but RHA soon allowed them back into the room.


They entered the room to find Squiggles standing up from the test chair, steam pouring off his body.  His physique had changed from a muscular worm to far more human-like.  

More disturbing was all his exposed body was covered by thick layer of white fur.

A picture of furry Squiggles in the style of Dr Seuss.

GM Notes:   Lessons learned (A) security bots know angles (B) Gamma World has death's door rules!

I also don't profess to be an artist, but AI art generators are not having a fun time with Gamma World characters and situations.  Not many references for human non-artists to draw a furry earthworm, either.

Next: #37 - Upstairs, Downstairs

Monday, June 10, 2024

(Chicka-Zulu Campaign) #2 - Roark's Drift Remembered

 As I look thorough my copy of the Colonial Campaigns: The Zulu Wars, I'm just not enthused to play Isandlwana.  Perhaps I've seen too many games, the movies too many times, or the terrain pieces intimidate me.  

I also realized I already Roark's Drift, many many moons ago. 

Twelves years ago, almost to the day, I ran Roark's Drift for my girls, technically, just Maja, although I'm sure Millie got a hold of some dice. Below is the exact recap from the original post:

Saturday had my wife working, so I had a full day with the kids. After coloring, puzzles, and Play-Doh, we proceeded to the next logical step for a three year old. 

We played Rorke's Drift.

Well, not quite. While I do have an interest in the Zulu Wars, it would require me to hit a couple of banks to get started, so I did the next best thing: I present to you the GNOMES of Rorke's Drift.

Amelia, Maja, and the Swiss defenders

No, it's not a proper historical representation, but I wanted to do something more fun than realistic.  Plastic Easter eggs over mealie bags.   Plus, the only British gnomes available are of a maritime variety.

In the Gnome Wars universe, the pointy hatted Swiss and the picklehaub-wearing Germans are the central powers, so colonial forays into the untamed wilderness which is Deepest Darkest Gnomish Africa would be expected.  My friend Michael Lung has already composed an excellent write-up for Bore Wars (spelling intentional).  It explained the use of Swiss, German, Australian, and even British gnome in a new environment.  It also allowed ins to use Eureka frogs, turtles, and teddy bear zulus.  Heck Mike even put in data to use Brigade "Gnomans", Eureka teddy bear Romans, and even the old Heritage frog Romans!

After this masterwork, I have to cobble together something for the Zulu Wars.   I embrace Mike's all-inclusive approach, but I have neither the collection, nor the funds and time to assemble one right now.o

I did, however, have a nearby Michael's, a pile of coupons that even work on clearance items, and some time to shop after Easter.

I present to all, the most dangerous enemy to gnomes settling Africa, the Chicka Zulu

For rules, I based them off of what I remember from Uncle Duke's Isandlwanda/Rorke's Drift game that I played at Historicon 2010.  It was simple and didn't require the purchase of thousands of Zulus.  The hashed  together recollections of rules worked well for my daughter as well.

Chicka Zulus
Move: 6 inches per turn
Once a stand of  9 chicks is reduced down to 3, it is removed off the board.  Once the army loses over 50% of its stands(in this case 6), the Zulus immediately retreat to form the next wave.  If three waves are stopped by the gnomes, the Zulus give up.
They also wield primitive firearms.  At the end of the 1st round, each unit with at least 5 chicks will make one roll to represent ineffective firepower.  A 6 on 1d6 per unit hits.  During the 2nd round this improves to 5-6.  It is assumed that by subsequent rounds, the chicks have engaged the enemy in hand-to-hand.

The Gnomes
The Gnomes follow their rules per nationality.  The Swiss have rifles, but also a large number of  pickaxes.  No use for firing, but definitely devastating in close combat.
Medics:  In Gnome Wars, the medics have a phase after each turn to run around and revive the fallen.  To recreate a more accurate situation, I didn't allow a medic phase until the Swiss dispatched one of the Zulu waves. If they still controlled the hospital (the large MBA Customs House) they had a 50% chance (4-6 on d6) of  healing each one.  If the Zulu occupied it, it dropped to 5-6, and if Zulus successfully torched it, it dropped to just 6.

The First Wave
I gave Maja no pointers on how to move the Chicka Zulu, simply that they had to kick the gnomes out of  their "farm" and capture the golden egg hidden inside.  Immediately she sent her flanks around to the undefended side walls, a perfect application of the "Feet of the Chicken" tactic.  She also put the pink (unmarried) chicks in the center of the battlefield in a column formation, but that's okay.  I'm not asking her to conquer Russia (yet.)

Of course, to preoccupy a three-year old, she also rolled all the dice for the Swiss.  Her rolls rang true and two units had been whittle down to five.  Her Zulu firing rolls were just as effective.  Five Swiss lay on the ground from Zulu rifles.  This did not bode well for the gnomes.

Technically, the "Feet of the Chicken"  should have a unit or two in reserve, but I'm not being picky today.

The Zulus continued their charge, but the Swiss spread out of absorb as much as possible.  Swiss rifles removed two units from the table, but the charging chicks hit the eggshell thin walls.

Melee combat was a work in progress from the first die roll.  I  wanted to ensure that the gnomes got maximum protection, but also allow the Zulus a chance to inflict painful casualties.  Modifiers were changed for defense, troop ratio, and leadership, sometimes between figures in a mass combat.  Even with this evolving status, the gnome center took significant hits.  

First Wave:  The green square represents where units were removed from play.  Amelia is in the background demanding blood... or more animal crackers

The pink Chicka Zulu on the flank did manage to work around the Swiss gnomes and came within millimeters of entering the hospital, but the main attack fizzled when the Swiss eliminated enough units from the center attack to force a withdrawal and the start of the second wave.

First Wave:  Oh, so close...

The Chicka Zulus set again and the Swiss rolled for casualties.  My daughter's dice rolling continue shine as only four out of twelve down Swiss were pronounced dead.

The Second Wave
The Chicka Zulu seemed to move faster this time, or perhaps it was the Swiss guns failing.  The Swiss consolidated their forces and was hit by the full speed of a three claw attack.

The flank begins to falter, Amelia sees a squirrel 

Both units of Swiss took tremendous casualties, but all Zulu unit were respectfully bloodied as well.  
Second Wave:  The dice behind the unit represented how many figures were left

The flanks collapsed.  One unit of yellow Chicka Zulus managed to avoid contact and seize the golden egg.  Some pinks had seized the hospital and set it ablaze. Another two pink units jumped the walls and slaughtered Swiss with a chriping glee.
Second Wave:  Things look bleak

If not for the courage of Captain Boris (named by my daughter), the Swiss would have been killed to the man during this wave.  He single-handedly held off two units of weakened Chicka Zulu, forcing them to withdrawal.  Not bad for a figure who started the battle on the second floor of the hospital ("He's still tired, Daddy!")
Captain Boris staves off utter annihilation, as the hospital burns

With the hospital in flames, and few men left to put it out, the medic phase was a complete failure.The last seven Swiss: (two officers, the alphorn player, three rifles, and two pick axes) fortified the ruined building as a redoubt and waited for the final onslaught.

Third  Wave
The few Swiss rifles shot true, and two entire units fell before the Chicka Zulu reached the redoubt.  I had some difficulty finding a proper defensive modifier for the redoubt, particularly since the majority of the remaining Swiss had developed good, balanced bonuses from the earlier fighting.  The Chicka Zulu took out the majority of the enlisted, and with afternoon naps pending, I declared the Chicka Zulu escorted the two Swiss officers, the Alphorn (essentially a flag bearer), and one rifleman to the Zulu border, with honors.

The Survivors of Rorke's Drift, honored by the Chicks, vilified by the Swiss press

It took some number crunching, and a TV break between the first and second waves, but the battle was completed successfully.  There will be subsequent playtests with more "mature" players, different nationalities of gnomes, and a more accurate set-up for the mission station, but for a first go it worked spectacularly.  

Best of all, my daughter Maja wants to play another game with the chicks.  No worries, I have until Junior High to make sure she knows that these battles were fought with humans and not armies of angry chickens.

As an added bonus, we caught that last hour of the third Chronicles of Narnia movie, so she's completely enthralled by the "Pirates and the Dragon".   My geek-dad street cred is rising.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Magic Cards Worth More Than Tibanna Gas

 So, I'm getting a new job.  It's in a different industry, but I will be doing a lot of the same day to day operations.  

The biggest concern is that I have exactly a month before I start, and money's going to be uncomfortably tight, so I made the decision to sell off some of my remaining vintage Magic cards.  

A lot of local stores my way won't even talk cash unless its ridiculously expensive, so I took some time out of my afternoon to venture down to Cloud City Games' newest location outside of Stroudsburg in the Stroud Mall.

Everyone was extremely nice, extremely professional, and I have a significant wad of cash on hand now.  Funny thing, not only did they pay me more than I had expected, they didn't even take the two most expensive cards I had brought in.  

My excess Treefolk collection was much appreciated by the store.
The old treefolk deck that hasn't seen the light of day is a little less Alpha/Beta, my Ifh-Biff is gone, and the Singing Tree never sang a note in a game, but I'm in a better place.  I've also discovered that most of what I have picked up on this most recent foray back into the game is sufficient for fun play, but otherwise utterly worthless.  We're talking pennies (or at least dimes) for rares. 

I think I'll take some of the leftover big stuff and see if one of the local shops is interested in consignment. 

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Another Month of New Gaming (June 2024)

 Issue #292 of Game Trade Monthly can be found at your FLGS or in digital pdf form here.

ViscountEric's Gaming Want List

ViscountEric's Money-Is-No-Object Want List
Exalted Funeral
Old School Essential Zine #1 - Kalunga Plateau ............. $15.00

ViscountEric's Imaginary Store List (The Pegleg Gnome)
25th Century Games
Circus Flohcati .................................................................. $14.99
Jekyll & Hyde vs Scotland Yard ....................................... $24.99
Witchcraft! ........................................................................ $24.99

Arc Dream Publishing
Delta Green: God's Eye .................................................... $19.99
Delta Green: God's Light .................................................. $24.99
Delta Green: God's Law .................................................... $24.99
Delta Green: God's Teeth .................................................. $49.99
Delta Green: The Good Life ............................................. $19.99

Archona Games
Light in the Dark ............................................................... $16.99

Bezier Games
Rebel Princess ............................................ $14.95
Seers Catalog .............................................. $14.95
Xylotar ........................................................ $14.95

Black Armada Games
Lovecraftesque RPG 2nd Edition ....................................... $49.99
Lovecraftesque RPG Citadels of Shadow Expansion ........ $14.99
Lovecraftesque RPG Echoes of the Past Expansion .......... $14.99
Lovecraftesque RPG Waves of Darkness Expansion ......... $14.99

Brexwerx Games
Holotype: Mesozoic North America .................................. $49.95

Canthon Games
(DCC)  The Elixir of Kosomodes ....................................... $14.99

Capstone Games
Butterfly Garden ................................................................. $39.95
Pagan: Fate of Roanoke ...................................................... $44.95

Chessex Manufacturing
WW2 Dice 16mm D6 Dice Block ....................................... $11.98 each
German, Japanese, Soviet, UK, and US designs
Opaque 12mm D6 Dice Block (36) ..................................... $ 6.98 each
Pastel Blue, Green, Yellow, Pink
Opaque 16mm D6 Dice Block (12) ..................................... $ 4.18each
Pastel Blue, Green, Yellow, Pink
Opaque Set of D10s (10) .................................................... $ 5.98 each
You guessed it, Pastel Blue, Green, Yellow, Pink
Opaque Polyhedral 7 - Die Sets  ........................................ $ 4.18 each
Pastel Blue, Green, Yellow, Pink
Scarab Jade/Red Ankh D10 (10) ........................................ $15.98 
Finally, something not in pastel.

Crossed Paths 
Brambletrek: A GM-less RPG Adventure Gamebook ......... $30.00

Cubicle 7
Broken Weave RPG: Core Rulebook (5e) ........................... $59.99
Broken Weave RPG:  GM Screen (5e) ................................ $29.99
Broken Weave RPG: Deck of Broken Things ..................... $21.99

Czech Game Editions
Little Alchemists ................................................ $49.95

Devir Americas
Sand .................................................................... $44.99

DMDave Publishing
Dungeons & Lairs: Kobold Caves (5e) .............. $19.99
Horror RPG:  Xanthophobia ............................... $60.00
Horror RPG: The Arcade Scenario ..................... $30.00
Just Passing Through: Inns and Taverns ............. $15.00

Draco Studios
Sea Dragons ........................................................ $38.00

Exalted Funeral
The Dead Are Coming RPG ............................... $21.00
Lost in the Deep RPG: Solo ............................... $12.00
Mystic Punks RPG: Collected Solo Edition ....... $25.00
Nightcrawlers RPG: A Splatterpunk RPG .......... $15.00
Portents of a Dying God: Mork Borg Omen Deck ............ $35.00
Riverbend RPG ................................................... $17.00
Tephrotic Nightmares: Mork Borg Adventure .... $40.00

Fireside Games
Zoomies .............................................................. $24.95

Free League Publishing
Lord of the Rings RPG: Moria - Shadow of Khazad-Dum (5e) ............ $44.95
The One Ring RPG: Through the Doors of Durin ................................. $44.99

Gate Keeper Games
Inclusion Polyhedral Dice: Steampunk (7) .......................................... $19.99
Sui Generis Dice: Astral Dragon (7) .................................................... $16.99
Radiant Glow in the Dark Polyhedral Dice: Firefly (7) ....................... $78.99
Sui Generis Dice: Electric Bumble Bee ............................................... $58.99

Goodman Games
Bakto's Terrifying Cuisine ................................................................... $32.00
The Black Manse ................................................................................. $30.00
Creed's Codex: Arcane Secrets of the Summoners (5e) ...................... $69.99
Creed's Codex: Legends of the Psions ................................................. $69.99
DCC #67 - Sailors on the Starless Sea ................................................. $19.99
DCC - Pilgrims on the Goblin Road .................................................... $11.99
The Isle .............................................. $25.00
XCrawl Classics RPG: Rulebook: DJ Skull Edition ............................ $69.99
XCrawl Classics RPG: Mojo Tokens .................................................... $35.00
XCrawl Classics RPG: Dice Set ........................................................... $39.99

Greater Than Games
Sentinel Comics RPG: Starter Kit (2nd Edition) .................................. $19.99

Konami Digital Entertainment
Yu-Gi-Oh! 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes ............................... $21.99

Left Justified Studios
Frozen Shinies ................................................. $15.99
Jewels for the Emperor Penguin ..................... $39.99

Legendary Games
The Dragon's Hoard #40 (5e) .......................... $12.99

Loke Battle Mats 
Calendar of Many Adventures 2025 .................. $16.99

Looney Labs
Winnie-the-Pooh Fluxx .................................... $20.00

Fallout: Miniatures (Hollywood/Amazon Heroes) ............ $35.00
One More Quest: Core Rules ............................................. $19.99
One More Quest: SDM Screen .......................................... $14.99
One More Quest: Target Board .......................................... $16.99
One More Quest: Adventure Mixtape ................................ $ 9.99
One More Quest: Deluxe Eyecon Dice Set ........................ $49.99

Mongoose Publishing
Paranoia RPG: 404 Compendium ...................................... $49.99
Shield Maidens RPG: Dataforge ........................................ $44.99
Shield Maidens RPG: Tales of Yggdrasil ........................... $49.99

Murders Incorporated
Murder at the Speakeasy ..................................................... $64.99

Pokemon USA
Pokemon TCG: Scarlet & Violet - Twilight Masquerade Boosters 
Pokemon TCG: Scarlet & Violet - Twilight Masquerade Build and Battle
Pokemon TCG: Scarlet & Violet - Twilight Masquerade Elite Trainer Box

Prolific Games
Lumberjacks with Rocket Launchers ................................ $12.99
Squatch & Seek ......................................... $11.99

Oh My Pigeons! .......................................... $19.99
Chronicles of Light: Darkness Falls (Disney Edition) ............ $29.99
Disney Lorcana TCG: Gateway ................................... $24.99
The new player starter set
Disney Lorcana TCG: Ursula's Return Boosters
Disney Lorcana TCG: Ursula's Return Starters
Disney Lorcana TCG: Ursula's Return - Illumineer's Quest ................. $59.99
Disney Lorcana TCG: Ursula's Return - Illumineer's Trove ................. $49.99
Disney Lorcana TCG: Card Sleeves - Genie ................ $ 9.99
Disney Lorcana TCG: Card Sleeves - Snow White ..... $ 9.99
Disney Lorcana TCG: Deck Box - Genie .................... $ 5.99
Disney Lorcana TCG: Deck Box - Snow White .........  $5.99
Disney Lorcana TCG: Playmat - Tinkerbell ................ $19.99
Disney Lorcana TCG: Playmat - Rapunzel ................. $19.99

Steve Jackson Games
Car Wars: 6th Edition - Aggressive Arsenal Expansion ...................... $10.95
Car Wars: 6th Edition - Sonic Strike Expansion .................................. $10.95
Car Wars: 6th Edition - Tailgate Trouble Expansion ............................ $12.95
Hack & Slash Deluxe ................................................ $29.95

Warlord Games
Hail Caesar Epic Battles:  Hannibal Battle Set ........................... $384.00
Hail Caesar Epic Battles:  Punic Wars Rulebook ........................ $ 65.00
Hail Caesar Epic Battles:  Hannibal Barca's Carthaginian Army .......... $152.00
Hail Caesar Epic Battles: Scipio Africanus' Roman Legions ................ $152.00
Hail Caesar Epic Battles:  Carthaginian Division ....................... $ 50.00
Hail Caesar Epic Battles:  Carthaginian War Elephant ............... $ 33.50

Wicked Clever
Our Woodland Gods RPG ........................................ $44.99

Wizards of the Coast
D&D - Quests from the Infinite Staircase ................................ $59.95

D&D Icons of the Realms - Red Ghost Dragon ....................... $99.99
Unpainted $89.99
D&D Icons of the Realms - Undead Armies - Ghouls and Ghasts ....... $29.99
D&D Nolzur's Marvelous Unpainted Minis - Gargantuan Bahumat ..... $199.99

Friday, June 7, 2024

(Painting) More Low-Income Sci-Fi Urban Renewal

Progress!  The literal "junk" is finally off the painting bench!  While they could be ultra-detailed, a few extra food containers now can be used as filler for the sci-fi games. 

I seriously could/should add some ladders, but like last week's bunker, I'm satisfied with the result, they'll find some use, and I can move onto other projects.  

Project 350: 509 (330/179) already down from 512 (334/178)  I have 10 posts scheduled to go in June, but realistically, only two more drafts turning into posts.   International Gnome Week is later this month, so anything is possible.

Next:  Gnomes, Gnome Terrain Zulus, Pulp, and more Gnomes are staring me down. 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

🧙🏻‍♂️(Georic Gazetteer) Jarldoms of Zieland

The Jarldoms of Zieland

Pantheon: Norse
Ruled: King Harald IV
Capital: Bringen  (55,000)
Other Cities: Bergen (20,00), Tonsburg (15,000), Trollheim (10,000)
Language: Zieder
Flag/Emblem:  White sea serpent on indigo field
Coinage: Wyrmanlian Standards are considered acceptable for trade (mark (s) and skilling (c) ), barter.
Important Personas: Numerous jarls, chiefs, priests, etc.
Alliances:  Trade agreement with Nifflen
Hostilities: Wyrmnal
Open Warfare/Skirmishing:  Coastal raiding only.  
Intrigues:  Uncertain
Demi-Humans:  Sea elves, dwarves in the mountains.
Magickal Devices:  The Grey Cape of Niffleheim

Thumbnail Sketch:  Perched on the western edge of the territory we call Skandia, Zieland still maintains the stereotypes that most folk assume with Wyrmnal.  Viking raiders, marauding the countryside, eradicating non-Norse temples.  

What the casual doesn't understand is that the coastline of Zieland is vast, stretching well into the Mer Arcto.  Low estimates mark the coastline as over 15,000 leagues.  Much of this can be given to the vast fjords, long inlets with steep elevations.   Many villages live along the water, and herding/mining operations are in the higher elevations. 

One of the Retreating Fjords of Zieland

Zieland raiders and explorers were the ones who establish Nifflen and Grossnifflen, as well as other settlements further west.  These explorers have also sold their services as mercenaries, with notable groups influencing politics in Albion, Barthey, and Markovia.
Limited information on the extent of Zielanders western travels.

Slavery is legal, although extremely rare.  

The further north one travels the interior, one passes the massive herds of mountain goats, then reindeer and finally the Ice Giants and Ice Witches.  Little has been detailed of these creatures.  

Religion:   Zielanders are strict Norse adherents, focusing on Odin, Thor, and Freya.  Any other proselyting is met harshly, and repeat offenders can be executed.   

Points of Interest:

The fjords of Zieland run the almost the entirety of the western coast and can be quite spectacular.

The Port of Bergen, with it's mixture of modern shipbuilding, viking longships, and classic Zieland architecture and town design, might be the only communities outside of Bringen that should be visited.
The Jotanheim Mountains:  The highest mountains in Zieland are home to tremendous glaciers, year round snowfall in some parts, and a host of ice creatures, giants, wurms, and even a collection of so-called witches. 
The Tomb of King Olaf - One of the few pilgrimage sites for non-gods in the Norse mythos. Located in Bringen, next to the largest temple dedicated to Thor.

Mentions in the Blogs:
Lost Dispatches of Feraso #52 -  Commander HouseKarl of the Legion of Merit retires, preferring to patrol the northern reaches of Zieland on Ice Lizards.  
Lost Dispatches of Feraso #63 - Comparing and constrasting the fjords of Zieland versus the cliffs of Markovia.
Commander Rolf HouseKarl (d. 1043)

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

(Gamma World) This is Not a Test #35 - RHA-9 is Mighty Fine

Our heroes, the De Facto Explorers, investigating Rho Facility, to aid the Hissers of Notex


Sneaky Pete: A mutated weasel scout.  Pete's telepathy and night vision take a backseat when he whips out his electrical powers.  

Sonny Helianthus: a sentient sunflower artifact examiner with trusted Restorationist ties. 

Slitheran Wurmtail (aka Squiggles): a mutated earthworm scout, in impromptu power armor, looking for trouble, and finding it often.  Recently "gave birth" to a litter of sentient earthworm babies.

Lathar Bracken: A pure-strain human from River Bend.  He's got the muscle, the face, and a mount for most encounters.  Lathar's trusty beast of burden, No Name, travels wherever he does. Looking for trouble in all the right places.  Recent jousting champion of Fair-Town and has been awarded... a peacock he has named Chambray.


The taste of the burning gas was still in the air as the lift doors opened, but not enough to irritate the explorers.  Nothing appeared to have changed, skeletons still littered the floor around the corner.   They attempted the doors situated around the lobby,  but none of their keycards worked.  They then moved down the hallway marked with "MEDICAL" and a large arrow in that direction.  The doors at the end of the hallway were free-swinging and did not require a card, leading a T-intersection with doors at each end.  The one end had double-doors with small, human height windows.  Peering into the windows, they could see a number of skeletons, many on steel gurneys.  Ancient dried pools of bloods covered the floor.  

None of the key cards worked on this door, nor the single door in the opposite direction.  The explorers decided to work over to the opposite hallways.  

The far side had the same push doors, but that T-intersection led to two doors without windows.  

The green keycard to the first door worked!

The room on the other side had two medical beds, with restraints attached to them.  There were three standing chambers on the far wall, and several utility carts with beakers, test tubes, and empty syringes lay scattered across the floor.  

The group kicked around the premises.  Lathar cracked open a cabinet and found three filled syringes.  The syringes were different than the healing ones, and he seemed quite enthused to be strapped down and tested upon.  

Squiggles managed to open up the middle chamber along the wall, a voice spoke from the opposite side of the room.


Everyone turned to find a 3-foot tall piece living metal, with four arms, staring at the earthworm.



"Are you able to open doors?"


Lathar interrupted, "Wait have him fix us up!  We're in a medical facility."

Squiggles questioned the living metal, "Can you heal."


They followed the living metal out the door, through T-intersection, and flashed his own green keycard to gain access into the other room.  

That room was full of even more glass beakers, dishes, and unlit burners.  There was a skeleton of a human wearing the remnants of a long, white coat, on the floor.  The faint sound of bubbling water could be heard. 

The living metal scooted towards a small refrigerator, where it pulled out two syringes, one blue, one yellow. 

Lathar investigated the skeleton, discovering it was two skeletons intertwined together.  Moving the bones to reach for a keycard, an amorphous blog of gelatin could be seen moving within one of the rib cages.  The gelatinous entity launched itself onto Lathar's face.

Pete unloaded with both pistols into the blob still emerging from the skeletons.  Lathar, panicking with the creature on his face, trying to enter him through his nose, his ears, even , reached into his pants to pull out the big black gun tucked within his pants. 



For a second, it appeared that lightning erupted within the room.  The next moment, any trace of the the slimy creature vanished.  Outside of a wincing pain on his face, everything seemed back to normal.

Getting Lathar back to his feet, they wandered over the living metal, holding the syringes and talking to Squiggles.

Sonny asked, "What are in these needles."

The living metal did not respond to his question.

"Squiggles, I think it thinks I'm decoration. Do your magic?"

"What are in these needles?"


Squiggles sat on a chair and selected blue.

The living metal responded, "YOU SHOULD BITE DOWN ON THIS" and shoved a piece of wood into Squiggles orifice. 

The blue liquid, Squiggles felt immense pain.  Squiggles screamed, falling onto the floor in the fetal position. 


After two minutes, Squiggles stood up, steam rising off his hulking body.  He stood a full foot taller than he was before, covered in huge muscles.  He was not amused.

"That... was not healing!"

"You're huge!" was all Sonny could exclaim.

"TEST #1024.... SUCCESS"

Pete had Squiggles ask the living metal about the what happened to the bodies on the floor.


Lathar jumped in the chair, "I'm next!"

The living metal injected him with the yellow syringe.  A wave of calm swept over the barbarian.  A few caught his grievous leg wound instantly scabbing over, his body re-energized.  

Further discussions were made between the living metal "RHA-9" and the group determined that no other test syringes seemed viable, and that "RA" only had access to certain areas.  White access was needed for the medical bay.

"RHA-9" is just fine.

What RA did have access to were the doors on level 3's lobby.  Each door was to a utility closet for the facility.  Many pipes and wires were intentionally damage and one of the closets emitted a constant barrage of sparks  No further access was discovered, save a lone YELLOW keycard

GM Note:  The blue syringe caused immense pain, some damage, and permanently boosted Physical Strength (PS), boosting Squiggles the Earthworm from 12 to 18!!!!  The gold syringe completely healed Lathar and would have removed a deficient mutation, if he wasn't a Pure-Strain Human.

Squiggles was a wiry worm.  With expanded strength, we can fully break out the Earthworm Jim pics.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Mandatory AAU Basketball Spring 2024 Rant - Weekend #4

Somewhere in the various communication with their mother, I swore Millie's AAU season ended in May, but with the end of the school year, she has not one, but two tournaments in June, and of course they're separate locations from Maja. 

Maja's 15U team got to head to beautiful scenic East Stroudsburg University for a Hoop Group event. It's my old stomping grounds (Class of 2000) so it was amusing to see all the changes for a school I DON'T send an annual donation to.  

The biggest controversy 24 years ago was the construction of a rec center on campus.  At the time, it was a legacy project for certain individuals, and a lot of the upperclassmen voted "YES" for the project.  Funny thing was, the initiative narrowly passed, and the upperclassmen were strapped with hundreds of dollars in new fees to help pay for the construction, yet almost none of them ever set foot in the facility.  

Over two decades later, I finally set foot in the facility, and if it's close to the way it opened, it's held up very nicely (I supposed there's a multi-million dollar renovation in its history, but I'm not researching it). 
Maja's team had a Friday dinner game, and they played like they just walked out of the Chinese buffet.  Sluggish, lethargic, and unable to get a round ball in a hoop.  What was only a four-point deficit ended up being a 21-point blowout loss.  

Saturday was a cakewalk, as the teams on the schedule were programs that honestly should not have left their area.  54-32 and 67-24 wins were closer than they actually were. 

Sunday was a playoff bracket, starting with the very first team they played to start the spring season.  They got out to a 14-2 lead to start, but the other team came back within one with a minute left.  However, the team got their act together in the final seconds to win 37-34.  

A trip to my beloved Wawa across the street from campus and some team bonding and they were back to the championship game, against the team they lost to on Friday.  

The biggest lead either team had all game was six, most of the time they traded off lead changes.  However there was a different result, a 53-48 win.

Maja got limited time in the big games (and a lot in the blowouts), but she continued to be a high percentage shooter on limited shots.  

Meanwhile, Millie's team in Lancaster is imploding, a result of egos and poor recruitment.  A team full of short guards, they ran into some decent 7th grade height and went 1-2 on the weekend.    There's a lot of rumblings within the team, and I have a sneaking suspicion that the team will implode before fall ball.  
I did get to see some of their one game, and Millie looked good. This might be a situation where Millie is more interested in school ball opportunities than AAU.  God knows we can save the money.