I've begun prepping for the next Gnome Wars campaign. As I stated before, my two big book purchases were Skirmish Elite: Tanga 1914 and Colonial Campaigns: The Zulu Wars. Both I've read, digested, and ripped them apart to make them gnome friendly. Tanga actually covers two separate engagements: The battles on Longido Moutain, and the actual battle of Tanga in German Souteast Africa. Logistically speaking Longido could be prepared the fastest. I already have enough figures (Sikhs would represent German Askaris), and the investment would be in foam insulation board (it is a mountain campaign afterall) and additional machine guns and artillery. Oh yeah, throw in another tan battlemat and some lichen for the brush, but it's doable rather quickly.
Tanga would require lots of roads, a dozen buildings, and a few other pieces of scenary. Since it is a battle for a colonial port town, it's not suprising that civilians are listed in the rosters, so I'll need a few special figs for that.
The Zulu wars put me in a perdicament. For starters, if both German Souteast Africa campaigns are run, I've got more than a year and a have to plan. Second, a number of the scenarios are cavalry-heavy. It's less of a problem, since the British are being replaced by German gnome colonial troops, but the sheer number of cav units makes my bank account tremble in fear. Third, the zulus. There are currently no African gnomes available. Given the large numbers of Zulus necessary, even with a good troop to figure ration and recycling the units, the Zulus will not be of gnomish origin and must be cost effective. Any suggestions might help.
The fourth issue follows directly on the heels of the third. Eureka Minis make fantastic Teddy Bear soliders. Their line does include a British Colonial and Zulu Bear army. The line would be perfect for Rorke's Drift, but is not expansive enough for some of the other battles. At $2 a figure, it might be nice just to pick up a few at the next con.
Now it's time to put the hammer down and declare a game day. Just about everyone's pussy-footing around the issue, and I want to chuck some dice! Worst case, if the group does fall apart, I have an offer to play in nearby Swoyersville, as well as a miniature group that tends to play on alternating Saturdays just off of I-81 in Wilkes-Barre.
And the picture of the day I discovered:

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