The latest Game Trade Monthly is out and I'm back to not impressed. The month's preorders are scheduled for May or June 2011, so we are in the pre-con season lulls.
My personal want list - absolutely nothing. Twenty pages of games and nothing comes close to tickle my fancy.
My wish list - I said earlier that I'd be interested Warlord Games' Swedish Infantry, so it would be foolish if I didn't want the Swedish Cav. The one big announcement that isn't listed this month is the Super Uber Mother of all Ogre Boxed Set. $100 worth of counters. Oh, if I only had the time and enthusiastic friend to play this every day!
The Store List: *Flames of War - Lots of artillery and entrenchments/emplacements. I'm still very confused as to the pricing. This month they release a Polish Armoured Train for $150. $150? $150 for a 15mm large piece of artillery that needs rail lines available to be used... and it's POLISH. Now compare that to the 28-30mm Armored Train from Brigade Games thats train, tender, three flats cars and a couple packs of figures for $125.

*NOBILIS: THE ESSENTIALS VOLUME 1 - FIELD GUIDE TO THE POWERS - A reprint of a game that people either love or find annoyingly pretentious. Now it goes from a coffee table book to multiple volumes. I just don't know.
*EXPEDITIOUS RETREAT PRESS releases The Secret of the Callair Hills for OSRIC(!)(?)
*Arkham Horror- Miskatonic Horror Expansion!
*Mark of the Xenos book for the Deathwatch (40k) RPG.
*Gale Force Nine is releasing the D&D Ultimate DM Screen:
It's nice, it's a behemoth, and yet the only thing behind that screen are little boxes for dice and small shelves for figures. Again, not impressed for $150 (another $150 waste!). At least the fictional SteamHack GM screen had charts in it! I'll stick to my 50-cent Gamma World screen I picked up at Kay-Bee Toys twenty years ago.
*Paranoia Flashbacks Revisted Redux Redux: a collection of classic Paranoia adventures fit for the current edition.
*SIX more Pathfinder items from Paizo!
*Digest version of numerous Castle & Crusades books
*Three new items from WoTC: DN2 - THE WITCHLIGHT FENS DUNGEON TILE, MONSTER VAULT EXPANSION -THREATS TO THE NENTIR VALE, and the CONQUEST OF NERATH BOARD GAME, a steal at $79.99, considering the description has bad flavor text, yet no mention of playing pieces, accessories, etc!
*Finally, a Captain America expansion for Heroclix, just in time for the movie!
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