The mortar comes in three pieces, Scottish golfer, golf bag, and armor-piercing mortar tee.
All three pieces had inconsequential pieces of flashing on them, and only the golfer had a very minor mold line. A couple quick flicks with a pocket knife, and the figure is ready for primer, if I can find nice enough weather to break it out.
There are no current rules for the mortar in print, although I'm waiting for Jim to send me some updated sheets. I'm just hoping for fewer surprises with the Highlanders. With everything the Highlanders could do, the always breathed a sigh of relief because they didn't have (a) artillery or (b) medics. This eliminates "a" and now I only have to be petty when I see a lovely wench in a unit.
The mortar is only available at Brigade Games and retails for $8.50.
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