After breaking out my LOS boxed set with my daughter a half dozen times, I decided that stowing it away temporarily might let it survive to see April.
I then went on a nostalgia trip, thanks the the Legions of Steel yahoo! group. The group is just chock full of scans of old magazines, although I was surprised by the rather pithy selection of photos posted. C'mon people, represent!
Back when Wooly and I were hot and heavy into LOS, we ate up any material we could find, and with none of this doggone intraweb thingy back then, gaming magazines were the bee's knees. Dragon and Shadis had positive reviews on the minis, and I even discovered an old issue of White Wolf with not only an LOS article/scenario, but it got the front cover!

The Holy Grail of LOS info though, was
The Tech Factory. The Tech Factory started as a very, very good BattleTech 'zine. If you find Wooly and ask him about it, he will sing the magazine's praises for teaching him to love such concepts as SRTs (Short-Range Torpedoes), much to the maligned wails of his players at his B'Tech galas at Bogglecon and the other cons. As time went on, they expanded into Star Fleet Battles and LOS.
Tech Factory was chock full of variants, but more importantly new scenarios to play! If I do remember correctly, we ran "Unite!" as one of the sessions at Origins in Philly, but I'm getting old and it's past my bed time.
I'm seriously going to have to go out to Johnstown to see Wooly and force him to break stuff out of storage.....
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