- (Savage Pulp) #3.9 Swedish Museum of Antiquities
- (Painting) Legion of Steel G1 Nightmares
- (Gnome Wars) The Tree Demon of the Lower Sierras
- (Painting) Figures within the Past Fortnite
- (Painting) Gnomish Space Marine Light Mortar
- (Painting) G-Series Nightmare Variants
- New Year's Projects for 2020-21
- Lost Dispatches of Feraso #99 - A Conversation with Mo
- Twenty Questions About My Campaign - Gulluvia Edition
- Lost Dispatches of Feraso #97 - Proposals and Adoptions
Thursday, December 31, 2020
New Year's Eve. Party Time. Excellent.
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Clurichaun Painted Up at Spoils of Wargames
Spoils of Wargames has gotten some Gnome Wars figures painted during Pandemic. Even better, they're Clurichaun!
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
(Risus) Disco Hell '78
Hans Gruber - never young, never grows old |
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A young David Hasselhoff, actor |
Monday, December 28, 2020
Another Month of Gaming (Jan '21)
We've reach a month of new gaming releases for 2021, and of course, all the stuff that arrived since the last issue of Game Trade Magazine. The PDF of issue #251 can be found here.
The Imaginary Store List (The Pegleg Gnome)
25th Century Games
Christmas Lights Card Game 2nd Edition .......................................... $9.99
Perhaps we can blame COVID and problems shipping from China, but the January release date for a new edition of a Christmas game is perhaps the worst possible time.
Battlestar Galactica: Additional Counter Set Expansion Pack .......................... $12.90
Battlestar Galactica: Faster than Light Expansion Pack ..................................... $19.90
Has anyone gotten any buzz on Battlestar Galatica? I've also heard zero buzz through my usual channels. Luckily, these things are relatively inexpensive, so if the imaginary store is pushing the game, these are a no-brainer to get.
Sunday, December 27, 2020
ViscountEric's 2020 Holiday Riches Report
(Edit: This is the third time in nine months that I'm reposting this entry. For all my research, the words "holiday" and "swag" in the title has triggered some sort of bot traffic, which has guaranteed this to be the most viewed post of my 2020-21 gaming year. Here's hoping a change in title keeps this off my Weekly Top 10 Blog Posts list, ten months later. I mean, it wasn't a spectacular gaming haul like in years past. I'd delete the post outright, but the non-gift stuff I mention makes me all nostalgic and should be kept for my posterity... until Google kills Blogger one day.)
Another Christmas is in the books, and I for one will complain. With the pandemic, my own personal medical issues (more on that later), and the overall divided nature of the country, the concept of Christmas with just my wife and the girls wasn't the original Christmas we wanted, however, in hindsight, it was the Christmas we needed.
We snagged a LOT of deals on the kid's stuff, and both my wife and I were pretty blasé when it came to a wish list. She gave me a short list (of which I was largely successful, and thanks to impeccable timing of my bout with COVID, I never assembled an Amazon wishlist, or a special order list for the FLGS that won't arrive until Christmas Eve, so my wife did the best she could.
The Swag:
- Smart Ass by University Games: Can't argue with a trivia game with raucous interjection, even if it's not your turn. It might also be a game my wife will actually try and play.
- "I'll be GNOME for Christmas" Kitchen Towel
- Assorted A-Treat Diet 20 oz bottles: My passion for gaming was fueled by Mountain Dew, Doritos, and M&Ms on my family's dining room table, but my heart goes to A-Treat. Located in Allentown, PA, A-Treat is the local soda and certain flavors (Big Blue) fueled some zany antics in the 90's. Despite their delivery range to supermarkets being over 30 miles from our house, my house went to the closest supermarket and purchased sixteen 20 oz bottles... of various diet products. The Diet Orange Cream Soda is the closest in comparison to the full sugar version.
- Bicycle "Aurora" playing cards. Self-bought with the big boss's Christmas gift card. I like the card backs, but everything blends in on the faces, which would make them poor to use in a Savage Worlds game.
- Llamas Unleashed. Also from the boss' gift card. From the same folks that brought you Unstable Unicorns. I figured a few llamas can't be that bad, right?
- Oh yeah, my biggest gift was the office chair the rest of the swag is piled on. A fat guy working from from home 8+ hours every day since March has not been kind to the furniture in our home office, and this chair is super solid, on wheels, and is super comfy.
Saturday, December 26, 2020
(Painting) A Few More Navuoo Legion, Refurbs, and a Chest
Recovery from the great Corovid has extremely slow and steady. Physical activity isn't causing potential damage, rather it's completely taxing. Christmas shopping has been laughable, my normal sprints into stores to finish in a few hours has turned into multiple days... and multiple naps.
I've been able to do two tasks without collapsing: wrapping Christmas presents and painting miniatures.
After much whining and gnashing of teeth, I have five more of my mythical Nauvoo Legion of the Theocracy of Deseret for Gnome Wars completed!
Southern Americans NCO (Center) and four riflemen. |
Friday, December 25, 2020
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Monday, December 21, 2020
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Digger Corps Returns to Macrocosm
Right at the onset of my hospitalization, I missed the announcement that the Digger Corps had return to Macrocosm Miniatures.
The Diggers (aka Space Dwarves) were part of a Macrocosm Kickstarter from five years ago. The line was subsequently sold off to Sandstorm Minis (and another Kickstarter) until this month, when things returned to the Macrocosm website.Saturday, December 19, 2020
(Gnome Wars) Unofficial Gingerbread Men Rules
Gingerbread Men
Maximum allowance for Gingy infantry is 12” per turn.
Maximum allowance for Gingy Animal Cracker cavalry is 18” per turn. If charging, the receive
1d10 movement bonus.
Hand-to-Hand Figure Die for Melee
Unarmed Gingy Infantry 6 sided
Candycane Club infantry 8 sided
Gumdrop Throwers 6 sided
Mounted Licorice Lassomen 8 sided. Special. See below.
Mounted Gingy with Hard Candy Stick Lances 10 sided
The player who initiates the H-to-H combat determines which figures engage which.
Figures must match 1-1 before matching them 2-1; you cannot have greater than 2-1.
Hand-to-Hand combat will occur when opposing Gnomes move within 2” of each other. All Gnomes
within 3” of the melee are ‘sucked in’ and will join the fight.
Gumdrop Hit Table
Distance Hit
Within 12” 4,5,6
Over obstacle 5,6
Into door/window 6
Gumdrop Thrower notes: Gumdrop Throwers can target one figure. The effect is immediate.
Mounted Licorice Lassomen
Some Gingies have mastered the use of licorice lassos which they use in melee while mounted. Instead
of charging into melee, the Lassomen fight in the following manner.
If the Lassomen begin their turn within 6” of their opponent, they may throw their lassos at
their opponent in an attempt to snare their opponent. Roll 1d6. On a 4,5,6 the opponent is
tangle up. The Lassomen may then move their full move of 18” and drag their victims to death.
Alternatively, the lassomen may move first and then attempt to lasso their opponent. Roll 1d6.
On a 4,5,6 the opponent is tangle up. During the Melee, other Gingy figures may engage the
capture opponent. If they do, their opponent fights with a -2 melee modifier.
Gumball Cannon
Some free Gingy communities have been known to arm themselves with Gumball Cannon. These huge
machines are dragged onto the battlefield by scores of gingies pulling licorice cables or pushing from
behind. The Gumball Cannon is activated by inserting a large disk that frees a huge spring like
contraption that is turned to add torque and power. The gumball is then released from its holding
chamber and shot out of a tube with great force bowling over enemies.
The Gumball Cannon has a range of 36”. All shots must travel 36” in a straight-line unless they hit a
large hard object. If they hit a large hard object without traveling the full 36”, the gumball ricochets off
the object and continues to travel until its full 36” move is complete.
The gumball Cannon cannot move and fire in the same turn. However, it may be rotated up to 30
degrees and still fire.
To fire, lay out a 36” straight edge from the barrel of the cannon to its intended target. Then roll, 2d10
of different colors. Designate on as left and the other as right before rolling. Subtract the lower die
value from the value of the higher die. The difference is the number of inches the stick is moved in the
higher dice’s direction.
If the gumball ricochets, repeat the above only measuring the remaining untraveled distance.
Any figure along the 1” wide path of the gumball is killed. Figures in the path may make a 1d6 saving
throw to jump out of the way. 4,5,6 the figure successful avoids the gumball and is moved out of the
Buildings or vehicles hit by the gumball are treated as they were hit by a Cannon.
Gumball Cannon Hit Table for Vehicles
Die Roll (1d20) Tank Armored Car Bike Tank
1-5 Destroyed Destroyed Destroyed
6-10 Damaged Destroyed Destroyed
11-15 Damaged Destroyed No effect
16-20 No effect No effect No effect
Special Rules
Liquid Death
No Gingy unit may cross open water, milk or other liquid unprotected. They tend to dissolve
when wet. They may cross at bridges, stepping stones, or use boats as normal.
When confronted by an enemy spraying liquid (i.e., infamous Gnomish Milk Sprayers used for
crowd control), Gingies must make an immediate morale check rolling 2d6. On a roll of 7 or
better, the unit passes and may carry on as normal. On a roll of 6 or less, the Gingies run away in terror.
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From Historicon 2013 - The Mike Lung Gallery #20, way back in the day... |
Friday, December 18, 2020
Hinterland Minis Shuttering Its Door
A bit of sad news coming out of the COVID world. Hinterlands Miniatures is stopping production of their eccentric female-Colonial lines and closing up for good. The vast majority of options are either no longer available, or may have been sold off to other interested parties.
Thursday, December 17, 2020
(Kickstarter) Yippers and Squealers by RBJ Game Company
There are still a ton of Kickstarters happening during this grand holiday season. Not many are catching my eye, but when intrepid correspondent, friend of the blog, and AWARD WINNING Mike Lung tells me to a take another look at a campaign, I'm more than happy to do so.
I know the RBJ Game Company best their Pig-Faced Orc Kickstarter, and their expanding that line with their new Yippers and Squealers - Dog-Face Kobolds and Pig-Faced Goblins.
Every part of my logic agrees that in a world of Pig-Faced Orcs, the goblins are miniature versions (but are they just pot-belly orcs?).The Mike Lung Gallery #78 - The Pre-Doom That Came to Red Linden
This Halloween, I started playing some Range Hares of Shadow Deep games starting with the first introductory scenario and then going forward. Of course, I changed the story plot and setting to fit the Range Hares. The first scenario was called the Abandoned Village…but it is now the Doom that Came to Red Linden! I’ve just finished setting it up. For fun, attached are some pre-game pics.
The Range Hares of Shadows Deep |
Pumpkin Zombies |
Pumpkin Crawlers |
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Two Quick Beers of the Fall, With ViscountEric
Over the Summer, I took a turn for the worse, and things like beer were put up on the shelf for an indeterminate period of time.
Medium-length story: Doctors, specialists, and other medical professionals refuse to believe that I was a relatively healthy fat dude who succumbed to gallstone-related pancreatitis, not damning myself to a lifetime of Type II Diabetes. I completely weaned myself off of insulin at two months, and am losing weight at a slow, controlled rate so I can remove myself from medications probably sometime next year.
The one thing I have been able to return to with my improving health is the occasional beer, and not a second too late, as my wife overwhelmed me with six packs to celebrate our 14th wedding anniversary.
My beer scale is a five-point system, and it's pretty peculiar. The minimum acceptable beer that I'll purchase is a Yuengling Lager. That rates a 2 out to 5. Ones are relegated to passable mass-produced full brews. Mass-produced light beers are in the negatives.
My Top Five are almost guaranteed not to be on anyone else's list.
- Stegmaier Bock circa 2010
- Stegmaier Holiday circa 2010 (aged in the dark cold fridge for 3 years)
- Rogue Morimoto Ale circa 2013
- Troeg's Mad Elf circa 2014
- Troeg's Mad Elf circa 2018
Maple Mistress is an Imperial Ale with just a dash of Maple Syrup. It has the initial heavy taste, but the maple completely cuts off the aftertaste. I initially thought this would be sickeningly sweet, but I ended up being left wanting more. (2.5/5.0)
Leinenkugel Harvest Patch Shandy is the Fall variety of Shandy, but despite the lone pumpkin and orange color on the label, it's simply a tasty Weiss cut with some honey. It goes down smooth and is a nice, serviceable beer compared to my normal heavy fare. (3.5/5.0)
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
(BECMI) Adventures in Gulluvia #4 - Gygar's Castle... for the Mountain Lord!
Another day in the bar, another crazy scheme by local magic-user and general know-it-all, Hugo Swam'Pas. They had obtained a fairly recent, but partially ruined map in the Mines of Mentzer, and it appeared to lead to the old Gygar's Castle, or at least that's what this map called it.
As kids in the village, everyone just called it, "the old castle." It was a couple of hours outside of town and the most dangerous thing anyone ever faced was a twisted ankle or broken arm, losing your footing in the ruins. But this was much more recent than those forays. Hugo argued it was worth the trip up there to check it out.
His three companions, Slothina Hoppler, and the halflings Beula Cragmuffin and Bodo Billabong agreed.
16 Mai 534, Gygar's Castle
The hike up to the castle was uneventful, but Hugo noticed something amiss. The regular overgrown forest appeared to have been cleared out at some point. The older trees they played on to climb the walls had be cut down years ago, and at least 25 yards around the castle walls had been kept barren. The giant double-doors for the gate, which were free swinging... with enough force, were shut and appeared to be locked.
Spying through a crumbling portion of the wall, they were shocked to see the courtyard cleared, save some of the larger boulders, and a lazy contingent of small dog-men relaxing by the main doors to the castle.
"Kobolds..." Hugo muttered, "I hate 'em. We need a plan."
One of the outer doors for the gate lay off to the side of the path towards the castle. Everyone agreed that using that door as cover, and using Bodo's bow, they could work their way across the courtyard.
Of course, when Slothina lifted the gate single-handedly, a giant, segmented, multi-legged beast of an insect with what looked like a thousand tentacles coming out of its mouth, launched itself from it's hole and attacked Bodo.
It took a while to put the beast down, but Bodo lay on the ground unmoving, his eyes filled with fear. Paralyzation is a terrifying thing, but Hugo surmised only time could cure his predicament. Rightly so, the group hid amongst the tree line a bit and within time, Bodo regained with mobility.
The party reorganized and attempted their plan. It would have worked well, too, if Hugo had not gotten cold feet halfway through the courtyard and ran back to the opening in the collapsed wall. Without any help from the halflings, Slothina tossed the door atop the charging kobolds, pinning them to the ground, if not outright killing them. The few remaining were quickly mopped up and Hugo rejoined the group with a reddened face and a surprisingly quiet mouth.
Unlike the normal "plundering dods," the group did a good job avoiding traps, only running into the remnants of the kobold garrison, plus an aerie of harpies that feasted upon Beulah... almost causing her demise.
They found some gold, a few jewels, and the stairs to the lower dungeons of the castle completely collapsed.
Hugo sent the others out the courtyard to check for any kobold reinforcements or patrols. With a moment alone, he went back to a spot where he thought he had noticed a secret door, and as luck would have it, he was right. On the other side of door was a small room full of wooden crates. His measly strength was unable to to open any of them, but he was startled when a voice came from one of the boxes.
"Are you the Mountain Lord?" It asked.
Hugo paused for a moment, then stuttered... "Y-y-yes!"
"Great! Your request "FOR THE MOUNTAIN LORD," is in the corner. "
Hugo pushed a few boxes aside and found a out-of-place straw broom propped up in the corner. He took it, explaining to his fellow travelers that he need something...anything with a reach.
"I need something to keep monsters away. Daggers don't always work, and I'm probably delicious."
The halflings shook their heads and everyone departed.
17 Mai 534, Village of Mere, Barony of Gulluvia
Upon returning to Mere, the loot was split up, and while the others checked in with their families, Hugo returned to his hovel and used his arcane knowledge to uncover the secrets of this simple broom.
A simple broom it was not, rather a Broom of Flying, with the activation words "For the Mountain Lord."
"We need to look into this Mountain Lord," Hugo thought out loud, "but I need to try to sucker out first!"
Next: #5 - Two week off, then Hugo Flies.... and a Fire Sale Occurs!
Monday, December 14, 2020
The Return from COVID
Usually, this time of year, I'm swamped with work culminating on December 7th, followed by a deluge of other projects leading up to Christmas. Thanks to the never-ending battle of work-from-home, there's never been an opportunity for a steady pause.
Even before this last push, everyone was already exhausted, lingering coughs, congestion, and sneezing plaguing everything. There was no surprise that my wife ultimately came down with a positive test for COVID-19. It was a bit surprising to find me with a positive test as well.
For the first week of December, I handled things pretty well: multiple journeys to Employee Health, and lots of Day-Quill to self-medicate all the minor conditions. Push finally came to shove, and the numerous symptoms could be treated, however, last Sunday morning found myself with difficulty breathing just for a 20-foot walk to the bathroom.
Still, I left my house, walked to the ambulance, and got myself situated under my own power, which was my goal in the whole process. With a guy my size, my age, my comorbidities, I had a window to go in under my own terms... or else end up dead.
Another advantage I had was that I work on the non-clinical side of an integrated hospital system. The first thought of calling out the "employee" card screams preferential treatment, but I can assure you, every employee got triple the thank you's and three statements/questions
(a) What can I do to make things better for myself? The doctor told me to lay on my stomach, side, head, and I was using all my power to move. Seconds and individual breaths count.
(b) What can I do to help the staff? "Get better," was the usual answer, but trying to coordinate a wired-filled trip to the bathroom and avoiding a demanding call-bell at the wrong time meant extra check-ins during off-peak time.
(c) Was anybody else getting better? Definitely going into HIPAA territory for this one, but I spent six days in the ICU. The hospital has 25 ICU dedicated beds (with more expanding into other parts of the hospital. Of those 25 beds, all COVID, only one patient was communicative of any sort (me). The rest were heavily sedated, on vents or very close to it. No one ever seemed to get better. New patients were replacing the old (never confirmed. You could tell from the tone and phrasing of the staff.)
I strongly felt that I was the department mascot. Somebody who did belong, but provided a little hope that people could get better. It hurt, but I waved and smiled anytime someone passed by the windows of my super-reverse pressured glass room. The positivity works both ways.
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Super-early on. |
After days in the ICU, wave after wave of IV steroids and anti-virals, I could actually start to breathe again, with only half the oxygen, then even less. Late Friday night I was moved out of the ICU, and into a regular room, with regular oxygen and tubing. By 2pm Saturday, I was in the car and heading home.
Thankfully, oxygen levels are staying between 94-98%, I'm eating regularly, and only have a few days of steroids left to mess around with my body.Saturday, December 12, 2020
ATMA Spring Thraw 2021 Train Meet Already Cancelled.
In preparation for a long winter, the Allentown Train Meet Associates (ATMA) has already announced the cancellation of the 2021 Spring Thaw Train Meet, February 27 & 28, 2021 at the Allentown Fairgrounds.
Any previous financial transactions are being rolled into the the "First Frost" 2021 Meet in October/November/whenever possible.
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Winter Gnome, COVID Gnome
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
(BECMI) Adventures in Gulluvia #3 - The Short Tale of Rusty
Hugo required another rest to recover, and lost the confidence of the fighter Conan. However, the two halfling recruits, Beula Berrybottom and Bodo Billabong, were bored enough with Mere that they were willing to wait for some excitement. It was decided to return to the Mentzer Mine one last time to attempt of rescue Marleen Furribottom, but is was unanimous to avoid any other little green men in the underground hallways.
Giant rats pouring out of a cistern were a different story, and a similar result.
Hugo, not feeling at all confident, turned around and ran into a giant armadillo-like creature. The creature disintegrated Slothina's chain mail by merely touching it. After a futile combat, in which only Beulah could strike a solid blow to it's underside, Bodo was able to tangle the creature with some rope.
Slothina named it Rusty and drug it through the dungeon, tossing the creature at some armed skeletons. The skeletons were largely unphased by Rusty, struck a grievous blow to Slothina, and Beulah was forced to pull her out of harm's way. It was time to regroup again, perhaps find even more hapless souls to help them. The silver from the goblins would keep them for a few more days until Hugo planned to reveal the scroll he had uncovered in Rusty's lair to the rest of them.
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RIP: Rusty |
Monday, December 7, 2020
Saturday, December 5, 2020
Friday, December 4, 2020
(Painting) Garindan Bounty Hunter, My Other Brother Darryl, and Some Ominous Results
After the holiday weekend, my time on the painting bench was going great. I was anticipating getting one, possibly two big projects off the table, but alas, the second half of the week brought a major distraction.
This sci-fi plague doctor/Star Wars Garindan is actually a Bounty Hunter from Battle Valor Games. (If the website is down, check out Battle Valor's eBay Store.) It was a free add-on during their Sci-Fi Dwarf Miner Warrior Kickstarter
And the zombie apocalypse range expands with a crossbow wielding dude.
Bo from the Brigade Games Post-Apocalyptic line
Project 350: Maintaining 519 (753/166) from 519 (355/164). All the material that was pending or the holiday finally posted, but unfortunately, there's a whole new buttload of material... and it's scheduled to post next Thanksgiving. With that act of two steps forwards, two steps back, the entire month of December had 16 pre-written posts as of the 1st. With the regular posts that come along, plus just moderate success in my projects, and not only will things fill out nicely, but I may exceed to 444 posts I did back in 2017. I guess COVID did keep my eye on the blog.
Speaking of COVID, that was the distracting news this week. My wife and I had positive test results on Wednesday, and further developing symptoms through today. Nothing to be worried for as of yet, and I'm cleared to continue to work from home. It sucks, even for those who consider it "just a flu."
Thursday, December 3, 2020
(Kickstarter) The Gnomes of Agaldurs Keep by Northumbrian Tin Soldier
Northumbrian Tin Soldier is at it again, this time with a Kickstarter campaign for The Gnomes of Agaldurs Keep
This Kickstarter expands upon the already existing gnome line and and adds a number of ornery toads with them.Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Another Month of Gaming (December '20)
ViscountEric's Want List
ViscountEric's Money-Is-No-Object Want List
Call of Cthulhu: The Chilren of Fear - a 1920's Campaign Across Asia .............. $52.99
The Imaginary Store List (The Pegleg Gnome)