Monday, May 24, 2021

(Review) Dragon Knight Games, Pittston, Pennsylvania - Revisited

Looking back, it's almost two years since I review Dragon Knight Games, in Pittston, PA.  A LOT has happened in that time, but went I'm tasked to bring food home from an establishment two blocks away, I simply had to take look inside to see how they held up.  

Wow.... and I do mean wow in a good way.  

The back area for open gaming is walled off with a doorframe to enter.  The leaves the front, as complimentary as I can, in a near boutique status.  The front is nice, it's inviting, and in a complete 180 of the last 15 years of game store economics, it is chock full of inventory.  

Let's just review some of the same items I covered two years ago:

Location:  A proper storefront on Main St in Downtown Pittston is certainly not a bad location.  There's a large population mere minutes away.  Of course, it's embarrassing that work is only two or three miles away from the shop, but their peculiar "gamer hours" and my schedule limit the time I can swing in.  

Cleanliness:  Now this is a store I could easily recommend to a "Warhammer Mom!"  It's  impeccably clean, well-stocked, and the open gaming area looked spacious and safe for Junior to play in. 

: I had limited for a full overview, but they had numerous Magic boosters available for sale, and the display cases were chock full of cards.

Miniatures:  The GW crowd was their bread and butter, and they have embraced them whole-heartedly!  I can safely say it's been years since I've seen this many miniatures in a store.  Plus there's a small selection of  D&D/Reaper minis, and a corner where they're selling 3-D printed minis.  

Other Stuff:  I have followed the progress of the store on Facebook, so I was pleased to see some of there promotions and expansions have held up.   Yes, there's the Citadel paint rack, as well as Army Painter  & Primer rack, but they offered other options for primer and sealer as well.  There's a huge display of non-GW/AP brushes as well as a display of actual model railroad scenery at reasonable prices.  A store that offers alternative options to some of the overprice stuff builds loyalty as they attempt to drive costs down.  

I left the store with a few items: 

  • Krylon Primer and  Matte Sealer I probably could pick up cheaper at Michael's but I , but it was a pleasure to do so knowing that options were available there. 
  • Army Painter Leather paint (the one color paint I don't have and is certainly necessary with what I play).
  • ... and a couple packs of the latest Strixhaven School of Mages Magic set.  Cool set, cards remind me of the Wizard School theme deck I built for fun post-Homelands.
The transaction was seamless and the woman behind the counter was pleasant, while still letting me do my shopping.

Even in a COVID world, Dragon Knight Games has made vast improvements on the solid foundation they started with.  I'm happy to upgrade their rating four out of five gnomes in the Gaming with the Gnomies Five-Gnome Rating System.

Dragon Knight Games is at 61 S Main St in Pittston, Pennsylvania.


  1. Hi. That was a nice review of a store that I am familiar and fond of. I would like to inform you that DragonKnight Games relocated back in 2022. Completed different layout from before if you'd like to stop by there for a new review.

  2. Thanks! I did do an update when they moved to Kingston.
