The Crew of the Pretio in This Week's Episode
Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise, majority owner in the Pretio.
"Sid" - A peculiar woman who has shown to be a better pilot than the previous one. Possible Imperial ties, but a far better shot.
R2-H8(r) - Astromech with a confusing history, and harsh attitude towards most of the crew.
Evus - Twi'lek male, former slave, then former associate of Ne'vets, who has found his way back to the Pretio but caught back up in the nonsense of the Pretio
Ne'vets and Duk'k quickly escorted Sid back to the starport. Destination: Anywhere but here.
Hearing them come up the ramp, the Twi'lek, Evus met them at the top.
Ne'vets brushed past the Twi'lek, "Evus, everything good order with the ship?"
"I think so. No new problems."
"Great, prep the ship for take-off. NOW"
As Evus, Sid, and R2-H8(r) paid off docking fees and prepped for departure, Ne'vets went into his cabin and sent a quick message to the Imperial Science Corps, declining the job offer.
Once Sid anounced the ship was ready, Ne'vets ordered to punch it.
Duk'k walked over to Latorna's cabin, which she had been sharing with Evus. Latorna had added little to the Twi'lek's vibe of weapons catalogs, centerfold posters, and blaster maintenance gear. She left a love letter half-stuck under a pillow and her stuffed bantha toy she slept with.
Evus peeked around the corner to see what Duk'k was looking for, "What happened to Latorna? Did she go off half-cocked again?"
Duk'k, "Yes"
Ne'vets: "I'm sorry Evus, but you have the worst taste in women."
Duk'k corrected him, "Second-worst. Evus, you never dated Rosalyn, right?"
Nev'ets interrupted Evus's answer, "I don't know, but Rosalyn never tried robbing the bank, while in our company, TWICE!"
Evus "Let's not talk about the forty-seven lives she took blowing up that Jawa Juice."
Duk'k "I don't think they all count as the same. I think Jawa souls count as a quarter of a human soul... Sipskud's are pretty close to human souls, maybe a little bit more."
With that, Duk'k walked out with the love letter, went to a trash port, and discharged the letter into space.
Once Sid got the ship to the closest jump point, a quick conference was held, and it was decided the best course of action was to travel to Bestine, where their correspondence office was located. The soon jumped to hyperspace with no delay.
The trip from Botajef to Bestine was wildly indirect, with multiple drops out of hyperspace, to adjust, recalculate, and jump again. Dropping out of hyperspace for one of those redirection near the planet Skako, they found themselves in a traffic jame, with fifty other ships hanging around and awaiting meneuvers from a trio of Imperial star destroyers.
Com chatter between the ships described full-out rebellion on world and the stormtroopers needed to be retro-fitted with advanced life support to tolerate the heavy methane atmosphere. This had delayed the troop transports from leaving the Star Destroyers, thus blocking an essential side trade route.
The side trek only added one more day to the journey, and the Pretio made it to Bestine IV with no other issues.
The Imperial News Network (and Ne'vets mesages) picked up the following chatter:
(1) The third month of the Skako Rebellion is extremely slow but progressing correctly. Grand Admiral Thrawn's fleet has arrived for technological support given the heavy methane atmosphere.
Sid: "We dodged a blaster bolt there."
Duk'k: "Nonsense, Thrawn would definitely be into exotic animals."
(2) The planet Efete continues to be used as a Rebellion base, with only limited transportation from spaceliners from the Oberlates Corporation. Full spaceliner destroyed by Imperials. All other transportation has been cut off.
(3) Latorna's bounty was officially removed, along with the news from Botajef of a Sal Castus, a long-time security guard at the bank, will be given the Imperial bounty of 15,000 credits
(4) Everything is typical broker work, licenses, fees, arranging middle-men for delivery.
(5) Two of Ne'vets' usual contacts for "routine" exotic animals had left the business. One was not responding and another announced their retirement just days before. It was funny, that contact had a lucrative hustle, and had at lest 50 more years before considering retirement.
The crew hung out on-planet for a few days. With no obligations and no upcoming prospects, the galaxy was their quesadilla.
Duk'k went to one of the local resorts and spend his time relaxing by a poolside bar.
Evus restocked his supply of physical copies of Blaster and Powerpacks and old military catalogs, some of if was even Old Republic.
Ne'vets stayed on board, paying bills, and answering messages in his quarters. Sid was sitting on a bench awaiting any random orders Ne'vets had for him.
While everyone was off-ship, R2-H8(r) continued to send communiques across the Imperial networks, looking for his owner, Tarrie Prolek.
While everyone else was enjoying their leave, Ne'vets was back in his cabin, paying bills, when his communicator went off. It was his long-term secretary at the answering service, Justine.
"Hello, Mr Aharo, Client #479A Omicron 6, It's Justine Thyme."
"Hey Justine, You know you don't have to do that every time."
"It's part of the contract, Mr Aharo. You know you'll miss my sparkling personality when I finally transfer."
Justine continued, "Mr Aharo, did you put a want ad in the local Credit-Saver? Some guy came in with a physical ad and a very very large gun. I thought it was a disintegrator. Maybe it was a spear... I didn't really like him"
"You don't like many people."
"Be happy I like you, Mr Aharo."
Ne'vets opened up the file on "Sqarl Prugguk, Quarren Hunter, with a history of hunting and killing big game creature.
Ne'vets was entirely impressed, but he did appreciate the one reference he required: Fruut Pri, Quarren exotic animal dealer and collector. His personal assistant, "The Hostess" was possibly even more terrifying. Ne'vets reached out to Pry to see if the reference was legit.
Another day or two, the references to Fruut Pry came back resounding favorable impression. Squarrl had personally assisted him by collecting the largest Whaladon anyone had captured. His message was quite long, as he couldn't stop blubbering about his exploits.
Ne'vets also was able to set up a tentative relationship with the Quarren, handling animal relocations he he could start restocking the oceans.
Ne'vets reached out to Squarl to schedule a formal interview the next day at 1300 hours.
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Sqarl Prugguk, Quarren |
GM Notes: Duk'k wanting to relax. Less Bounty Hunter, More Howard the Duck... with seven eyes.
Next: #88 - Interview with a Quarren
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