Issue #286 of Game Trade Magazine can be found in your FLGS, or in pdf form here.
ViscountEric's Want ListNothing!
ViscountEric's Money-Is-No-Object Want List
The Imaginary Store Order (The Pegleg Gnome)
Issue #286 of Game Trade Magazine can be found in your FLGS, or in pdf form here.
ViscountEric's Want ListOur heroes, the De Facto Explorers travelling to the far-off city of Jainus, in search of... The Mutant Master:
Sonny Helianthus: a sentient sunflower artifact examiner with Restorationist ties.
Slitheran Wurmtail (aka Squiggles): a mutated earthworm scout, in impromptu power armor, looking for trouble, and finding it often.
Sneaky Pete: A mutated weasel scout. Pete's telepathy and night vision take a backseat when he whips out his electrical powers.
Lathar Bracken: A pure-strain human from River Bend. He's got the muscle, the face, and a mount for most encounters. Lathar's trusty beast of burden, No Name, travels wherever he does.
Ramsay Kallax: Mutated Ram from the far-off KIA Academy with a predilection for ancient treasures... and the occasional head-butt.
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Fair Town |
One of the nearest and dearest traditions my friends and I have had since college has been SATLOF. The Saturday After Thanksgiving Left Over Feast is an excuse to use up Thanksgiving leftover, drink copious amounts of alcohol, and play games Over the past 20+ years they have been raucous times with full houses and sometimes resulted in friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend showing up without warning.
As we all got older, go married, had kids, and moved further away, the soirees got smaller (both in general crowd and size of certain attendees). Since COVID, it's been more intimate affairs, with a mile-long invite list yet only a handful even making an appearance. I missed 2020 due to actively suffering from COVID, I think we were all under the weather for 2021, and last year, I made the triumphant return with my daughters... to announce my pending divorce.
SATLOF also is normally a full-day affair for me, as I take time to visit my Mom in Easton, before venturing out to past Allentown for Steve and Angi's house for the festivities. This year, things were complicated by Maja having a scrimmage forty minutes north of home in the morning, then Millie having your own practice 1-3, then wishing to stay home for the local semi-pro basketball team's game that night. In a world where co-parenting is a thing, I grabbed Maja off the the bus, got her home to change, then flew down to Easton, to visit my mom, and my sister and brother-in-law, take care of all the leaves in the yard in a yeoman two-hour effort, then dash out to SATLOF. Maja was intent on getting to play Chinese Checkers with people that day, so we corralled the rest of my family as I broke out the new leaf blower I bought my mother and got everything into a giant pile. Considering my mother hasn't played any games outside of pick-up traditional card games (re: playing cards), this might have been the first time she played something in a social setting since the early 90s... maybe earlier. Maja certainly created a SATLOF miracle.
Worried about missing out the fun, we race to Steve and Angi's only to find... one extra person, and that was one of the other parents from the Boy Scout troop Steve runs. The good news was she was awesome and we all ate food, told stories, and had to decide on games for four adults, one teenager and three kids under 8.
The final verdict: Formula D with just basic wear points. It was nice to see another adult actively guiding kids through games (and knowing Steve, I wasn't surprised). Considering most of the adults ended up in cataclysmic crashes into the grandstands, it was a fun time.
When the kids departed to do kid stuff, Steve cajoled us into playing Bristol 1350, a happy little game about the Black Death. It took a little time to grasp the mechanics, but in the end it was a mad dash to the gates of town with rat-filled apple carts. Maja and I ended up winning as another cart left the city at the same time, but their folks were already infected.Maybe the grumpy old man in me is evolving into some sensitive mess, but some random items just hit you in the feels.
So when the Vintage RPG Podcast starts listing Zork books on Instagram, I got warm and fuzzy feelings about school book fairs.
Zork was a series of text-based adventure games for the PC. We didn't have a computer in our house until the 2000's so I was at the mercy of friends for forays in the the Underground Empire.
Usually I got eaten by a gue, but I remember (most of) this series of "What-To-Do-Know" books (aka other publisher's "Choose your own adventure" series.This is '84-85, so a time of the D&D cartoon, and actions figures, of Beastmaster and Conan the Destoryer running non-stop on HBO, but I still hadn't picked up the D&D. It is a lasting impact on me as an RPG fan, and perhaps my group's TPKs are less Grue-some than others.
Last year's Saturday After Thanksgiving Left Over Feast (SATLOF) garnered five visitors to Steve and Angi, and that include myself and my girls. No one contracted anything and we all had fun playing games and heating up leftovers for the good of fridge space. Here's to another, better attended soiree!
Lobot made the cranberries from scratch using an old family recipe. Don't underestimate the powers of the cranberries!
Friends of the Gnomes, Steve and Kevin, broke out some beautifully painted gnomes, played, a game, and both posted pics to their respective blogs.
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From Spoils of Wargaming |
Steve's blog, Tiny Painted heroes, can be found here. All his pictures are in two handy-dandy slideshows.
Kevin's blog, Spoils of Wargaming, can be found here. Check them both out, and get your own gnomes on the table!
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From Spoils of Wargming |
Our heroes, the De Facto Explorers travelling to Level A, Inc to the Restorationists.
Sonny Helianthus: a sentient sunflower artifact examiner with Restorationist ties.
Slitheran Wurmtail (aka Squiggles): a mutated earthworm scout looking for trouble, and finding it often.
Sneaky Pete: a mutated weasel scout. Pete's telepathy and night vision take a backseat when he whips out his electrical powers.
Lathar Bracken: a pure-strain human from River Bend. He's got the muscle, the face, and a mount for most encounters. Lathar's trusty beast of burden, No Name, travels wherever he does.
Sonny was outside his abode, facing east to catch the first rays of the dawn. He was almost in a zen-like trance, feeling his leaves tingle with the sun's gift, when a cloaked individual walked up to him. The sunflower was a bit startled, but the person raised an open palm facing him.
"Justinian wants to meet with you... just you, as soon as possible. Go to Ascension Hall this morning."
And with that, the person turned around and walked away.
Before all the other party members woke up and went to breakfast, Sonny arrived at Ascension Hall, and was led to Justinian's office. The Restorationist leader smiled and motioned for him the relax.
"I'll cover the more dire news when I meet with all of you tomorrow. Nothing we can instantly solve in a day's work anyway. How are you?"
"Good," the sunflower replied. "We were tossed around a bit from the living metal, but we got the information you requested. It's a shame the facility imploded upon our departure."
"Exploded is more like it. We could hear it from here!"
Justinian continued, "Was everything was good? Was Lathar ok? "
The following day, the entire group was back in Ascension Hall, waiting to speak Justinian.
Justinian had shown shock and concern once they mentioned the blue man in their debriefing. Two days later, he was a bit calmer, but still worried.
That looked changed for a moment when he looked up and saw Squiggles. The mutant worm was still wearing his human lift belt like some warrior of the ancients. It's proper design for a lift belt that would make disasterous armor was the plunging neckline going down to his belt., exposing most of his worm chest. To make things more ridiculous, he was a wearing a large gold medallion, with "XII" emblazoned in jewels across the front.
"Yeah.... from your report, Daradell's ultimate fate is still unknown, but I'm chilled to the core that the Mutant Master himself is involved. You guys didn't figure out his power?"
Sonny surmised, "He managed to control Daradell, if that's what you mean."
Justinian continued, "He has the power to control the mind of anyone he touches, and to the best of our knowledge, the effect is permanent."
"The worst part is, by now, Daradell has told the Mutant Master all about the Yurkum Torkel"
"The what now?"
"The Yurkum Torkel. It's a weapon of the ancients used to conquer entire cities at once.... He's probably been taken to Ulmin.
"Should be easy to find their town," Lathar guessed.
Justinian corrected him "This Ulmin is not a town. It's the Mutant Master's base, somewhere north of the town of Jainus, but we don't know exactly where the base is."
He offered them a chance to rescue Daradell, destroy the Yurkum Torkel, but I can't tell you to kill the Mutant Master. Knowing our agents would be responsible would shatter our uneasy truce with the Iron Society.
Once they agreed to mulitiple options and terms, Justinian began to smile.
Justinian knocked on the wood panelling on the wall, and a door opened. A huge six-foot-tall mutant ram, wearing a vintage firefighter's turnout coat entered the room. He waved at the group.
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Ramsay Kallax |
"Hi, I'm Ramsay Kallax. I understand you guys need a little help. Happy to oblige."
Sonny seemed amused, "Okay, Ramsay, what exactly can you do? Just so we know. You look like..."
"I studied at the Academy of KIA. I'm quite attuned with the ancient technologies."
"Excellent! We should talk. We'll have something to talk about on the road. Justinian referenced you as muscle, can you fight?"
"I'll handle my own."
GM Notes: After two sessions of waiting, Jeff's debut finally arrived at the end of the third session. A mountain goat is nearly as powerful as a gorilla PC, so he's some essential meat shield points, if things hit the fan.
The big reveal was that he studied at "the Academy of KIA." It was a completely off-the-cuff remark that sent me realing for context that wasn't on his character sheet. Needless to say, I found something NOT related to Korean automobiles that fits the current campaign setting and will provide him with some unique specialized bonuses even he wont be aware of, at least for the first few sessions.
Next: #8 - On to Fair Town
A week of cleaning off the painting bench, yet again. Almost everything I purchased at Fall-In! has been trimmed, based, and primed, as well as a few other flea market finds from way back at Cold Wars. While some may consider these items to be junk to be thrown out, I simply see more scenery for the Gnomish Space Marines, Death Planet Iota, and the city of Carf.
Next Up: With a lot less clutter, the Zulus death stare have line of sight whenever I'm in the office. I've based up cultists, more figures for my Delta Green SV-8 concept, and an new Gnome Wars unit.
Project 350: No excitement here, literally maintaining at 477 (316/161) from last week.
On a weekend where I spent a lot of time at the movies (The Marvels: Thumbs Up, Five Nights at Freddy's: Thumbs Up with a matinee ticket), I ran a number of quick errands. With a five dollar voucher for Michael's on the app, I ventured in for something, even a paintbrush. I found said paintbrush, but I also discovered a whole endcap of Laser-cut pre-assembled buildings. At only $9.99 apiece, and discovering the each had switches and batteries for an LED, Santa's Workshop was mine!
These are far thinner and easier to handle than our classic bird house = Gnome Wars terrain. In fact, a 28mm figure reaches mid-window on the buildings, so their perfect height for angry gnomes.
The line offers Santa's Workshop, a Christmas Barn, a Bed & Breakfast, a Coffee Shop, a Church, a Ski Lodge and a steep-sloped roof home, plus a more urban two story home.
Below was a picture from one of the reviews on , so they seem to paint up nicely.
Our heroes, the De Facto Explorers travelling to Level A, Inc to the Restorationists.
Sonny Helianthus: a sentient sunflower artifact examiner with Restorationist ties.
Slitheran Wurmtail (aka Squiggles): a mutated earthworm scout looking for trouble
Sneaky Pete: a mutated weasel scout. Pete's telepathy and night vision take a backseat when he whips out his electrical powers.
Lathar Bracken: a pure-strain human from River Bend. He's got the muscle, the face, and a mount for most encounters. Lathar's trusty beast of burden, No Name, travels wherever he does.
Lathar, Pete, and "Doctor" Sonny Helianthus were still in the lower level room, with another large table and many chairs. Sonny continued to request more food, water, and medical supplies for his "test subjects" for the Level A facility.
One of the human-esque security bots returned, holding a square box with a handle.
Walking to the front of Pete, it opened the box, revealing medical supplies."
"If you stay still, it will hurt less."
The bot patched up Sneaky Pete almost as good as new, as if by magic. It moved over to Lathar and patched him up as well.
The bot returned to a position to near the main door. The other bot that had left the room also returned, pushing a wheeled cart. The top shelf of the cart held small bags, while cylinders that looked like bottles filled the bottom shelf.
"This is the water and the sustenance available for your test subjects. I hope it does not interfere with any tests or pre-existing conditions."
"What is it?"
Pete immediately grabbed a cylinder, filled with water, and two bags of non-descript snacks. Lathar followed followed suit.
Once healed and refreshed, Dr Sonny requested the security bots to leave so he could conduct basic experiments. Oddly enough, all three bots complied. Sonny then turned to he ceiling and spoke out,The next MEPACON (Mid-Eastern Pennsylvania Gaming Convention) is slated for April 19-21, 2024 at the SureStay Plus Hotel by Best Western at 300 Gateway Dr. Bethlehem, PA. Next spring's con will be Mepacon 46, and with some of the original convention staff still on board, the convention crew literally has hundreds of years of con experience under their belts and with the "new" established location, has made it a destination con for gamers in all directions from the Lehigh Valley.
The theme for Mepacon 46 is "Games Gone By" and my very first thought was, "Great, I can break out all the classic convention events I've over the years.
My second thought was, "Crap, I need to rewrite and rebuild every classic convention event from over the years if I want to run them."
In oldest to newest chronological order, here's the possible examples of games I might run for Mepacon. I'm also including whether the whole event would take a normal 4-hour time slot, or the trendier 2-hour variety.
Fall-In 2023 was almost a week ago, and I'm still recovering. Heck, I still have a suitcase of dirty laundry in the trunk of my car! I have gotten all my gaming out, though, and I realized I only missed a few things from the swag tally.
Next in the Painting Queue: Clean-Up, Basing, and Miscellany, then hopefully the Pulp Game Season 4 final project.
Project 350: Back to baseline with 477 (316/161) from 484 (320/164) prior to Fall-In! One Gamma World session to write up, and a glut of games to run for November, before the Basketball season takes over everything.
Somehow I missed the launch of the Uncle Ernie's Summer Catalog for the latest edition of Battlelords of the 23rd Century
Uncle Ernie's has been the the quintessential monster/creature collection for just about every previous iteration of Battlelords, and this one looks to be no different. This book contains more than 35 illustrated monsters with Battleords AND Savage Worlds stats.
Stretch goals at this time are only battle maps, and the add-ons include print OR PDF versions of the classic books, as well as Savage Worlds versions. Physical copies do NOT come with a pdf.
Every year, Bob Murch participates in the Movember campaign for better men's health, by offering a limited edition figure, available only through a donation.
This year's figure is Pukka Sahib Mucham
More information on how to pledge your support, potential shipping costs, and the availability of previous years' figures can be found here.
Our heroes, the De Facto Explorers exploring Level A, Inc for the Restorationists.
Sonny Helianthus: a sentient sunflower artifact examiner with Restorationist ties.
Slitheran Wurmtail (aka Squiggles): a mutated earthworm scout looking for trouble
Sneaky Pete: a mutated weasel scout. Pete's telepathy and night vision take a backseat when he whips out his electrical powers.
Lathar Bracken: a pure-strain human from River Bend. He's got the muscle, the face, and a mount for most encounters. Lathar's trusty beast of burden, No Name, travels wherever he does.
Sonny had signed his "contract" for a random position within Level-A Inc. The voice of the computer now address him as "Doctor." While his teammates had not agreed to contracts and were deemed security threats, Sonny announced to the computer that the other entities were essential test subjects.
In response, the computer ordered extra security bots to escort Dr Sonny's test subjects to quarantine.
While Sonny and the computer debated minutiae, Peter was still hiding in a fichus in the lobby, access panels or vents? nothing.
Snuck back into the main room and shielded himself with the rolling chair Sonny had used. He slowly pushed the chair around the table without the large, black security bot noticing him. The bot wavered between Dr Sonny and Lathar.
Then the hallway made a *ding* noise.
Three human styled bots walked through the door into the large room.
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The golden security assistants |
Sonny was delighted, "Oh excellent! You're here to carry myself and the gear of my test subjects."
"Bringing the new employee for processing."
Lathar took a step back. The lone bot was going to be tough, but four of them now? That was insurmountable.
Two of the bots attempted to grab Lathar and Pete under their armpits.
"Test subjects must come with us for quarantine. Quarantining is required for test subjects."
Lathar gave a sideways glance at Sonny. Sonny could only give a nod and a shrug, "Just go with it."
The bots escorted Sonny and his "test subjects" to the steel door in the lobby. Pressing a button, the button made a *ding* noise and the steel door slid to the left, revealing a small room. Everyone went inside the room, the floor seemed to lurch, and moments later, the steel door slid open to a different lobby.
The bots motioned them to the left, and after producing a small rectangular piece of plastic, placed it over a panel beside the door, and the door opened to another room. A different bot was in the room.
"Please place the test subjects by the door . Doctor, please assist the security bots with securing your animal test subjects. "
Across the room was a large desk, draped with the frame of decapitated 'bot. Pete witnessed a bloated corpse of a squirrel in the corner..
Sonny addressed one of the human sized bots, "One of my test subjects was injured, by the other robot's incompetence. All of them need food and water as well. "
"Once they are secured, we can address those needs." and with that, a lone grenade rolled into the corner where they had been herded to. It detonated, and a tangler net enveloped Lathar and Pete. Sonny was only apologetic to them, "It's the best we can do right now."
"Doctor Helianthus, let us get you your building access."
Sonny turned to speak to the security bot, only to me met with a blinding light and a *FWOOSH*
Thirty seconds later the bots handed Sonny, a rectangular piece of plastic with an orange stripe down the side and his picture emblazoned on the front.
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Dr Sonny Helianthus, Chief of Medicine, Level A, Inc. |
"I'm sure I'll get around to it. I've only been on the job for about the last five minutes. I'm not great at deadlines."
With further imploring, the security bots deactivated the tangler.
"Great, where is the quarantine supposed to be?"
"Processing..... Processing.... Also... Also... Also... Also..."
Sonny slapped the repeating security bot, "Thank you, System processing. Rerouting final destination. One moment.""Processing complete. Please proceed to room 26 for test subject quarantine."
The bots escorted them out of the room and across the hall.
Squiggles was still upstairs, hiding in the a separate room. He bid his time to ensure the coast was clear.
Back downstairs, the bots led the rest of the group to a different conference room.
Sonny again demanded medical and sustenance for his fellow "test subjects." One of the bots left the room.
"Doctor, you must submit paperwork to log in your test subjects. We can conduct that here."
The center of the conference table opened up, and a pile of paperwork emerged from within.
Sonny went right to work. The paperwork was properly thorough and essentially a documented inventory. He submitted the paperwork back through the portal in the desk.
"Where can I request limited facility access for my test subjects. They are human after all."
New paperwork emerged from the table, encapsulating security requests.
Once that paperwork was complete, the main computer finally contacted the group, "Test subjects are approved and documented within the facility."
Back upstairs, Squiggles peeked out the door. No robots were in the hall, the door to the conference room was open. He quietly moved over to the sheer metal door down the hall. Pressing buttons on the wall, the door slid open to the left, revealing a small room. The interior of the room had obviously fake windows all around showing an undulating pasture.
A voice could be heard from the hallway, "Please hold the Vater. Please hold the Vater."
Squiggles mashed all the buttons on the inside wall to no avail, including the big red button. Ringing bells filled the room, and the large, black security bot glided into the room. The worm continued to hit buttons, including the red one again.Back in the conference room, Sonny was getting agitated. "Where is the food, water, and medical treatment for my test subjects?"
One of the man-sized robots responded, "Welcome aboard Dr Heliothanus, would you like a smoothie?"
"Yes, I would, and for my test subjects as well.... and what's a smoothie?"
That bot immediately left, but within minutes, returned carrying a tray with three drink containers on it, each with a tube sticking out.
Sonny was still not pleased. "This will do for now, but what about the medical treatment for my test subjects?"
The main computer spoke up for the first time in many minutes, "But wait, Dr Helianthus, are you not a medical doctor?"
"I'm a research specialist, specifically..."
With those words, the center of the conference table opened up againg and large white screen emerged and expanded. The lights dimmed a bit and a holographic image of the paperwork Sonny signed was presented against the screen, certain sections becoming highlighted as he Sonny read them.:
I, Sonny Helianthus do hereby accept a lifetime post at the Level A, Inc as Chief Medical Officer. I immediately resign all other paid positions in favor of this one. In return, my every need and desire within these walls shall be granted. I swear to uphold the principles of preservation and management of the assets of the Level A, Inc.Squiggle's peculiar armor |
Next: #6 Levelled A Inc
With cold, dark specter of no Cold Wars in 2024, gamers flocked to the the Wyndham Lancaster Resort and Convention Center (formerly the HOST) to enjoy what they did have in Fall-In 2023.
It was going to be complicated weekend for me. My youngest daughter, Millie, had her AAU basketball tournament at Spooky Nook (aka, "The other side of town") during the weekend. To appease the event gods, I submitted two events to the PEL for Friday, but they were scheduled for Saturday (when my daughter would be playing, time TBD). In working with Cliff to correct this, my full events needed to be cancelled, and "my services would be requested" for a Friday morning event.
My apologies to the folks I didn't get a chance to talk to over the weekend who had registered for my Saturday "Intro to Gnome Wars" non-mega game events. They're still on our idea board for Historicon.
I also didn't get confirmation that my eldest daughter, Maja, had no important tests, projects, or other assignments due for Friday until Thursday, so I packed up the car, attended my friend Matt's memorial service (see my AAU rant from yesterday for details), grabbed Maja and her suitcase there, and drove Thursday night.
Mini-rant: Has GPS gone insane the last few months? For years I took I-81 to PA-72 to PA-283/US 30 to reach the Host in two hours. Trips to Spooky Nook followed the same path, save a turn on PA-283 West. During the spring basketball trips, the GPS started routed through Annville (Fort Indiantown Gap Exit) and even Hershey, before meandering country roads to shave off two minutes.
Thursday night, the GPS gave me fifteen minutes of interstate exit before dumping me onto back roads I remember driving in the daylight and dreaded. Ten miles into a horror-movie opening scene, I zigged when the GPS said zag, found civilization, and meandered around Reading to reach Lancaster, and shave six minutes off the estimated arrival. Maybe it was helping me avoid a jackknifed Amish buggy, but I may need to review the settings again to make sure I didn't select "Avoid civilization at all costs" for my directions. /rant
We were too late for registration, but we did manage to check into our room and witness the grandeur of the lobby games gaining form.
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At the 55 Days at Peking game, the Boxers were anything but brief |
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I swear we bought glasses like this for the girls when they were still in pre-school. Needless to say, they weren't pint glasses. |
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The allies move in on the Germans |
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Squig Hopping was available for the home-schoolers, and as a regular event. |
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A fantastic use of the Dollar Tree gnome houses, with a little paint to spruce them up. |
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Breaking out the big figs for the joust, and that trippy carpet. |
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US forces staring down onto a eerily quiet Peking. |
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Magic the Gathering and IHOP? Waiting for the Pancakes of Doom card. |
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An unaware picture snapped, although her Oreo Milkshake for breakfast (plus an omelet) pepped her right up. |
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A mini-version of the samurai game |
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The Japanese Legation |
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BRAZEN CHARIOTS The Battle of Damortis, Philippines — Theme Game |
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I didn't get to see what was being hidden by the foam, but the ducks lured me in... |
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The Boxers are all riled up |
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Does a miniature Taco Bell violate the Hotel No Outside Food policy? |
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Monster Fight Club is at it again. |
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Star Wars |
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Iceberg! |
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The boardgame library/open gaming area was always hopping. |