Our heroes, the De Facto Explorers exploring Level A, Inc for the Restorationists.
Sonny Helianthus: a sentient sunflower artifact examiner with Restorationist ties.
Slitheran Wurmtail (aka Squiggles): a mutated earthworm scout looking for trouble
Sneaky Pete: a mutated weasel scout. Pete's telepathy and night vision take a backseat when he whips out his electrical powers.
Lathar Bracken: a pure-strain human from River Bend. He's got the muscle, the face, and a mount for most encounters. Lathar's trusty beast of burden, No Name, travels wherever he does.
Sonny had signed his "contract" for a random position within Level-A Inc. The voice of the computer now address him as "Doctor." While his teammates had not agreed to contracts and were deemed security threats, Sonny announced to the computer that the other entities were essential test subjects.
In response, the computer ordered extra security bots to escort Dr Sonny's test subjects to quarantine.
While Sonny and the computer debated minutiae, Peter was still hiding in a fichus in the lobby, access panels or vents? nothing.
Snuck back into the main room and shielded himself with the rolling chair Sonny had used. He slowly pushed the chair around the table without the large, black security bot noticing him. The bot wavered between Dr Sonny and Lathar.
Then the hallway made a *ding* noise.
Three human styled bots walked through the door into the large room.
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The golden security assistants |
Sonny was delighted, "Oh excellent! You're here to carry myself and the gear of my test subjects."
"Bringing the new employee for processing."
Lathar took a step back. The lone bot was going to be tough, but four of them now? That was insurmountable.
Two of the bots attempted to grab Lathar and Pete under their armpits.
"Test subjects must come with us for quarantine. Quarantining is required for test subjects."
Lathar gave a sideways glance at Sonny. Sonny could only give a nod and a shrug, "Just go with it."
The bots escorted Sonny and his "test subjects" to the steel door in the lobby. Pressing a button, the button made a *ding* noise and the steel door slid to the left, revealing a small room. Everyone went inside the room, the floor seemed to lurch, and moments later, the steel door slid open to a different lobby.
The bots motioned them to the left, and after producing a small rectangular piece of plastic, placed it over a panel beside the door, and the door opened to another room. A different bot was in the room.
"Please place the test subjects by the door . Doctor, please assist the security bots with securing your animal test subjects. "
Across the room was a large desk, draped with the frame of decapitated 'bot. Pete witnessed a bloated corpse of a squirrel in the corner..
Sonny addressed one of the human sized bots, "One of my test subjects was injured, by the other robot's incompetence. All of them need food and water as well. "
"Once they are secured, we can address those needs." and with that, a lone grenade rolled into the corner where they had been herded to. It detonated, and a tangler net enveloped Lathar and Pete. Sonny was only apologetic to them, "It's the best we can do right now."
"Doctor Helianthus, let us get you your building access."
Sonny turned to speak to the security bot, only to me met with a blinding light and a *FWOOSH*
Thirty seconds later the bots handed Sonny, a rectangular piece of plastic with an orange stripe down the side and his picture emblazoned on the front.
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Dr Sonny Helianthus, Chief of Medicine, Level A, Inc. |
"Use this to access all your travels, doctor.""Thank you, what about the comfort of my test subjects?"
"I'm sure I'll get around to it. I've only been on the job for about the last five minutes. I'm not great at deadlines."
With further imploring, the security bots deactivated the tangler.
"Great, where is the quarantine supposed to be?"
"Processing..... Processing.... Also... Also... Also... Also..."
Sonny slapped the repeating security bot, "Thank you, System processing. Rerouting final destination. One moment.""Processing complete. Please proceed to room 26 for test subject quarantine."
The bots escorted them out of the room and across the hall.
Squiggles was still upstairs, hiding in the a separate room. He bid his time to ensure the coast was clear.
Back downstairs, the bots led the rest of the group to a different conference room.
Sonny again demanded medical and sustenance for his fellow "test subjects." One of the bots left the room.
"Doctor, you must submit paperwork to log in your test subjects. We can conduct that here."
The center of the conference table opened up, and a pile of paperwork emerged from within.
Sonny went right to work. The paperwork was properly thorough and essentially a documented inventory. He submitted the paperwork back through the portal in the desk.
"Where can I request limited facility access for my test subjects. They are human after all."
New paperwork emerged from the table, encapsulating security requests.
Once that paperwork was complete, the main computer finally contacted the group, "Test subjects are approved and documented within the facility."
Back upstairs, Squiggles peeked out the door. No robots were in the hall, the door to the conference room was open. He quietly moved over to the sheer metal door down the hall. Pressing buttons on the wall, the door slid open to the left, revealing a small room. The interior of the room had obviously fake windows all around showing an undulating pasture.
A voice could be heard from the hallway, "Please hold the Vater. Please hold the Vater."
Squiggles mashed all the buttons on the inside wall to no avail, including the big red button. Ringing bells filled the room, and the large, black security bot glided into the room. The worm continued to hit buttons, including the red one again.Back in the conference room, Sonny was getting agitated. "Where is the food, water, and medical treatment for my test subjects?"
One of the man-sized robots responded, "Welcome aboard Dr Heliothanus, would you like a smoothie?"
"Yes, I would, and for my test subjects as well.... and what's a smoothie?"
That bot immediately left, but within minutes, returned carrying a tray with three drink containers on it, each with a tube sticking out.
Sonny was still not pleased. "This will do for now, but what about the medical treatment for my test subjects?"
The main computer spoke up for the first time in many minutes, "But wait, Dr Helianthus, are you not a medical doctor?"
"I'm a research specialist, specifically..."
With those words, the center of the conference table opened up againg and large white screen emerged and expanded. The lights dimmed a bit and a holographic image of the paperwork Sonny signed was presented against the screen, certain sections becoming highlighted as he Sonny read them.:
I, Sonny Helianthus do hereby accept a lifetime post at the Level A, Inc as Chief Medical Officer. I immediately resign all other paid positions in favor of this one. In return, my every need and desire within these walls shall be granted. I swear to uphold the principles of preservation and management of the assets of the Level A, Inc."Oh, of course. Then bring me medical supplies and medicine to help them."
Squiggle's peculiar armor |
Next: #6 Levelled A Inc
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