Monday, September 16, 2024

No one makes all the critters convene like Sonny!

 Our Gamma World campaign is honestly is honestly eight months behind on the Tuesday Actual Play posts, so there's minor spoilers and a lack of context, but this was worth posting now.  

Sonny, our mutant talking sunflower, with the the worst Sense stat of all time, actually heard gunfire off in the distance, from around the outskirts of Riverbend, so he gathered all the half-drunk militiamen he could find at the inn, and they stormed out of the building en masse.

Now, the resolution of the scene isn't too important for today's post.  It was the few minutes post-session where the players commented that Sonny uncharacteristically took over like a boss.

"Yeah, like Gaston!"  

A few laughs and a few bad attempts at creating a parody of the "Gaston" song from Beauty and the Beast... and we immediately went to ChatGPT.


"Sonny" (To the tune of "Gaston")

[Verse 1]
(Crowd of villagers gathers around the garden, staring up in awe at the giant sunflower named Sonny.)

Who blooms in the garden and brightens the day?
Who stands tall and proud, shining bright like a ray?
Who’s always the talk of the whole floral crew?
It’s Sonny! Oh, Sonny! You know it’s true!

(A gardener steps forward, a twinkle in their eye.)

No one sprouts like Sonny, no one shouts like Sonny,
No one’s got quite the colorful clout like Sonny!
In the garden, he towers above,
All the bees buzz around him in love!

No one grows like Sonny, so aglow like Sonny,
In the flower world, he’s a pro, that Sonny!

(Another villager chimes in, arms wide open.)

Villager 1:
You can search near and far, from the hills to the bay,
But you won’t find a sunflower who sways quite that way!

(The villagers cheer in agreement, some even start to dance.)

Ohhh… there’s just nobody like Sonny!
The greatest bloom we adore!
The sunniest, funniest, brightest, and heightest,
Oh, he’s who the garden is for!

[Verse 2]
(Sonny, the giant sunflower, sways in the wind, nodding his head with a big, sunny smile.)

Who needs fertilizer to stand ten feet tall?
Who catches the light and outshines them all?
Who makes all the tulips and daisies feel small?
It’s Sonny, oh, Sonny, the grandest of all!

(A ladybug, sitting on a nearby leaf, chimes in with enthusiasm.)

No one leans like Sonny, full of greens like Sonny,
No one makes all the critters convene like Sonny!
He’s got petals that dazzle, he’s stronger than weeds,
And he’s got all the height that a garden needs!

No one’s neat like Sonny, can’t be beat like Sonny,
Who’s the one flower that insects all greet? Sonny!

(A honeybee buzzes by, swooning as it circles around Sonny’s head.)

For nectar, I’m happy, I’m here every day,
And when I see Sonny, I just want to stay!

Ohhh… there’s just nobody like Sonny!
He’s the king of the blooms, we all cheer!
He’s cheery, so dear-y, the sun's cavalier-y,
We’re thankful that Sonny is here!

(Sonny flexes his leaves and sways back and forth like a big, leafy rock star.)

No one shines like Sonny, makes the vines like Sonny,
Who can wave to the sky and grow fine like Sonny?
There’s no flower around with such stature and grace!
Just look at that wonderful sunflower face!

No one chills like Sonny, so fulfills like Sonny,
Who’s the bloom that could give all a thrill? Sonny!

(Sonny bows his head graciously, soaking in the admiration of the villagers and insects alike.)

Final Chorus:
Ohhh… there’s just nobody like Sonny!
Our favorite flower, you see!
With his great golden grin,
He’s our pride, he’s our win,
Sonny’s the best in the lea!

(The crowd cheers and dances around Sonny, who stands tall and waves gently in the breeze, basking in the applause.)

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