Friday, September 27, 2024

(Painting) Auxiliary Horseman of the Apocalypse

One last figure to get off the painting workbench before my October-September gaming year wraps up and I change my some of my focus.  

This is a random figure I got with a pile of lead long ago.  He came with another skeletal rider that was finished, so it felt proper to finish him up enough to find a spot of both of them in the fantasy case.  

I'm assuming its one of the skeletal cavalry for Warhammer, back when UNDEAD was just a thing, or better yet, just Warhammer was a thing.  

(Edit:  After pictures, the figure was the victim of an unstable light on the painting table.  It didn't survive a two-foot fall.  There are few items I've painted over the years as freakin' fragile as Games Workshop).  

Next in the Queue:  A whole new year, and a whole reorganization of projects. I'll present them officially on October 1st, like I do every year.  Gnomes, Gnomish Space Marines, Transnitrians, and Pulp Figures.

Project 350:  Holding steady with 516 (323 draft/193 scheduled) compared to 516 (319  /197).  There's maybe.  I've got half of October already written up, and a quarter of November and December filled.

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