Wednesday, October 2, 2024

ViscountEric's Hottest Flashback Posts for 2023-24

I'm the only one who cares about my pageviews, how deep my game queue is, etc, but it is exciting to see what people are reading afterwards.  

**Disclaimer:  All of this appears to reasonable web traffic, based on historical trends.  I'll mention anything that looks like a bot in Malaysia went wild with hits, but Blogger seems to have screened that type of traffic recently.  It doesn't mean I believe I developed new fans in Thailand, it's just that the bot hits generated there are hitting the Gaming with the Gnomies main page, and not specific blog posts**

Off course, the announcement of Cold Wars 2024's cancellation got some traffic, as well as Historicon 2023, and Fall-In! 2022.  Beyond that, I'm pleasantly pleased that my Planet 28 games got a lot of residual traffic, with all four being movers and shakers.    Two of my store reviews also hit the popular list.

It's not surprising the BOTH Historicons that happened in my year (one in November in King of Prussia, plus the normal one in Lancaster) keep getting attention. I'd like to know why the Tuktaar Connection, Episode 44 of my Star Wars d6 campaign keeps getting crazy hits.
And I noticed this... I'm a top hit for International Gnome Week.   And most of other Top 10 for the year? Planet 28 or sci-fi adjacent.  I detect a theme here.

This year, where I nearly died, I pumped out some great material

People love their sci-fi, Star Schlock and Space Weirdos Kickstarter mentions still get looks, plus the Gnomish Space Marines Vol 1. We have some normal Gnome Wars traffic like The Tree Demon of the Lower Sierras, but also the tail end of Season 3 of the Pulp Game.

People love the Quick Reference Conversion from Traveller to Star Wars d6

There's a bunch of old Kickstarters getting referenced... plus... more International Gnome Week.

My little treatise on Gnomes and Fungus exploded this year. As did my reviews for Contemptible Little Armies: Back of Beyond, and my Curse of Nevoz Cthulhu games.

Just reviews stood out, for  Pulp Alley: Lost World of Lemuria and My Little Pony: Tails of Equestria

Even some of my old concepts are trying to make a comeback.  Notes on an Octonauts RPG,  a review of Tales of the Caribbean, and the finale of season one of the Pulp game.

We only had two posts older than 10 years crack the largest post pageview counts for this year, 
ZombieSmith Quar Tanks (2012) and an ode to the Hackmaster GM Screen.

Beyond this past year, my top eight most popular blog posts years starting 2009-2022
#9 - Curse of Nevoz #3 - Fourteen Beers at Chili's (2018)
#7 - Hackmaster GM Screen (2014)
#3 - (Kickstarter) Star Schlock Astroguards (2020)
#2 - Gnomes and Fungus (2018)

Analysis: This blog is keeping me happy, although not everything I like is going to create views.  Reviewing 15 years of pageviews, This is what folks want...
  1. Conventions:  The HMGS Cons dominate most things
  2. Planet 28:  From GSM stats to AARs, all the Planet 28 posts were slow burns with a good deal of traffic.
  3. Store Reviews:  The numbers don't lie.  There are some new stores along the 209/309 corridors, I should check out, while I still have free weekends. 
  4. Reviews in General:  Another slow burner, but effective. 

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